Chaos fairy way

Chapter 323 1 hammer

"The fellow daoist in Box No. 1000 bid [-] million low-grade spirit stones, is there any fellow daoist who can increase the price?"

"Nine Yuan Golden Pill, which can help monks have 1000% hope to rush to the late Yuan Dynasty. It is really a rare panacea. If you want it, open your mouth and increase the price! In this case, the [-] million low-grade spirit stones are the first Second time!"

"It's the second time. If no one bids again, this panacea will belong to the fellow daoist in Box No. 1000! Is there anyone else to bid? Alas! The time is up, and the [-] million low-grade spirit stones are the third! Times! Deal."

On the auction stage, although Yu Liangyuan knew that the price of 1000 million yuan made his words of inducing others to bid nonsense, he still shouted three times with a smile on his face, and finally finalized the ownership of the Nine Yuan Golden Pill.

After a while, the waiter sent the nine-yuan golden pill to Long Fei's box on a round jade plate.After Long Fei motioned Chen Pi to put away the nine-yuan golden pill, he immediately handed the VIP gold medal to the maid.Jiuding Building has a special tool that can deduct 1000 million low-grade spirit stones from the VIP gold medal, that is, remove a silver thread.

The next item to be auctioned was a thousand-year-old spiritual madder that had recovered from its injuries. Long Feichu had plenty of such spiritual grass in his bag, so he did not bid for the auction.In the end, the millennium spirit madder was taken away by a monk on the stepped seat.

Then, at the backstage of the auction house, four strong men in tight black clothes carried a piece of crocodile skin with a silver rod and walked to the front desk of the auction house in groups of two.This crocodile skin is more than ten feet wide and long. It is black all over and has a rough and ancient leather. This is the skin of the deep water blood crocodile that Long Fei vowed to obtain.

Yu Liangyuan pointed at the skin of the deep-water blood crocodile with his right hand, and introduced: "Dear friends! This skin of the deep-water blood crocodile has been around for thousands of years, and it is the skin of a monster crocodile who was at the peak of his mastery in the Yuan Dynasty. What is the purpose of this skin?" After all, many fellow Taoists know that it is the top material for refining high-level treasures that avoid water and poison. Well, the starting price is 200 million low-level spirit stones, and the price will increase by [-] each time, and the auction will begin."

"210 million!"

"220 million!"


There were lots of auctions in the auction house, and the price rose rapidly. Obviously, high-end treasures that avoid water and poison in sea areas are very popular, and the materials for refining such treasures are naturally scarce.

"400 million!"

"450 million!"

"500 million!"

When the bidding price reached 400 million, the bidding for the skin of the Deepwater Blood Crocodile has become a competition among luxury boxes.The monks in the luxury box are all very wealthy masters, either a tycoon, or the younger generation who can get on the stage, and of course there are also famous casual cultivators who are very rich.

"1000 million!"

Box No. [-] has not made a sound, but if it makes a sound, it will be shocking, and it is still Jiang Wen.

"Yes! That's right. Chen Pi, did you see that? That's the way it is. Let them make a fuss first, and then set the tone for a while. This is cool and can cause a sensation in the audience. I will learn more from Jiang Wenxue in the future." Inside the eight-box box , Long Fei was leaning on the thousand-year-old wisteria chair, with his legs resting on the coffee table, and was drinking spirit tea leisurely. He praised Jiang Wen's aggressive participation in the auction just now without his signal, and he admonished Chen Pilai on the spot.

"Third Master taught you right! But this dead fat pig is obviously trying to create momentum for picking up girls." Chen Pi respected Long Fei, but he was quite dissatisfied with Jiang Wen.

"You dead monkey, if you can't do it, you can't do it, don't make such silly excuses." Jiang Wen glanced at Chen Pi disdainfully, and Erlang's crossed legs were still shaking.

"Hehe!" Looking at the pair of live treasures, Long Fei chuckled speechlessly, not participating in it.

"Ten thousand and one million!" At this moment, there was a clapping sound in the No. 100 box that surprised Long Fei and others.

"500 million!" Jiang Wen still overwhelmed people with great momentum, directly adding 400 million.

"600 million!" The cultivator in Box No. [-] was not to be outdone.

"5000 million!" A deafening shout suddenly roared from the No. [-] box, the speaker was not Jiang Wen, but Chen Pi.

"Wow!" Jiang Wen was so startled that he slid off the rattan chair. After being dumbfounded for a moment, he opened his mouth and cursed: "You dead monkey, do you really think that the boss's spirit stone has nowhere to put it?"

"Isn't it a final sound? Listen, there is no sound outside." Chen Pi seemed to have some regrets in his heart, but he still refuted with dissatisfaction.

Although Long Fei didn't care about the tens of millions of low-grade spirit stones at this time, he was also taken aback by Chen Pi's uncharacteristic shout at this moment. \

"You're fucking sick! Who are the people in Box No. [-]?" There was an angry curse from Box No. [-].

"The people in Box No. 1000 must have a brain problem. Before that, they bought items worth 350 million for 5000 million, and now they are buying items worth more than 1000 million for [-] million. There is no reason other than brain problems. Explain this extravagant behavior."

"That's right! But it's also possible that the cultivator in Box No. [-] is a powerful dude."

"Could it be the Sand Baby of the Golden Shark Clan?"

"It's possible! Only sand babies would do such absurd things."

After a moment of silence, the entire auction house became a sensation again, and the sensational effect this time was far better than the last time.

At this moment, Long Fei, who was the instigator, was deep in the turmoil, not only did not criticize Chen Pi, but was quite satisfied with the sensational effect this time, and repeatedly praised Chen Pi for his rapid progress, he is a genius-level figure.

Afterwards, Long Fei naturally got his wish and took the skin of the deep sea blood crocodile into his pocket.

Long Fei was not interested in the next dozen or so auction items.However, among them was a high-level treasure, the Thousand Illusion Folding Fan, which Jiang Wen liked quite a lot, and as a result, something happened that made Yu Liangyuan very depressed for the first time.

At that time, Jiang Wen had to pay out of his own pocket, so after Yu Liangyuan set the starting price, he was the first to bid. This price was within the range of Yu Liangyuan's increase by adding [-] low-level spirit stones. Wen actually shot.The reason everyone muttered was that they didn't want to play with the lunatics in Box No. [-].

"Dear friends, the following auction is a bottle of Lingzhen that increases the chance of success in crossing a catastrophe. It is called Tongtian Qiongye. This Tongtian Qiongjiu comes from the bottom of the deep sea in the Demon Eye Sea Area, and it was absorbed by Wannian Haiyu from the essence of the ocean. If it is condensed, it will increase the chance of success by [-]% if you take it after a catastrophe." Yu Liangyuan clapped his hands while speaking.

Afterwards, a glamorous woman with a sexy figure and hot clothes walked out of the pearl-draped door in the background of the auction house holding a jade disc, and walked slowly to Yu Liangyuan's side.There was a thumb-sized white jade bottle on the emerald jade disc, and the Tongtian Qiongye was obviously inside the white jade bottle.

In the No. [-] box, Long Fei looked at the white jade bottle, and immediately smiled, because this heavenly nectar was entrusted by Long Fei to the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce for auction.

At this moment, Yu Liangyuan picked up the white jade bottle and carefully uncorked the bottle. A lotus-like scent burst out of the bottle and spread in all directions, permeating the entire auction house in a short while.Then Yu Liangyuan held the jade bottle in his right palm and held it flat to show the three monks one by one. He said in a fiery and seductive voice: "Everyone! Tongtian Qiongye has always been known only by its name, and its effect has long been known. It is spread all over the world of comprehension, so everyone knows more or less, so I won’t say much. This bottle of Tongtian Qiongjiu was taken from the magic eye sea area by the seller at the risk of his life. There are only two bottles, and he keeps one bottle for himself. For your own use, the other bottle, which is this bottle, will be entrusted to the Chamber of Commerce for auction. Fellow Daoists! 5000% hope! The opportunity is not to be missed, and it will never come again. The fate is in your hands. Tongtian Qiongjiang, the starting price is 100 million low-end For Lingshi, the price will increase by [-] million each time, and the auction will begin."

"5000 million! Although the things are good, the price is too high."

"That's right! I'm only in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, so I don't need it now. Alas! I can't afford to shoot it"

The monks in the seats on the steps of the auction house were discussing in low voices. Obviously, most of the monks were self-aware, so no one participated in the auction for a while.

"Fifty three million!"

After a while, a monk in the left corner of the stepped seat yelled with a little confidence.

Long Fei was bored for a while, and curiously wrapped a strand of divine thought with a magnetized elemental force and shot it into the monk's head, and then smiled with a strange face, because the monk was actually Long Fei and Jiang Wen. When the two first came to Jiuding Building, one of the two burly men guarding the gate of Jiuding Building.

It seems that the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce has spent a lot of effort on my bag of spiritual treasures!Long Fei sighed secretly, closed his eyes and regained his composure, because the three major auction items in this auction will be auctioned at the end, and the other material he wants to bid for repairing the anti-drug armor is one of them. .Therefore, Long Fei naturally waited quietly for the arrival of the last moment.

"Fifty three million!"

"Fifty three million!"

"6000 million!"

Once someone bids, the competition for the auction will naturally become fierce. Naturally, ordinary monks cannot obtain this rare, miraculously effective and popular Lingzhen.As expected, the auction of Tongtian Qiongjiang took place among the owners of each luxury box.

"Two hundred million!"

Another fierce person appeared, and it was not Long Fei and the other three who were photographed, but Sha Libang and his group in Box No. [-].

Long Fei opened his eyes in surprise. According to his estimation, Tongtian Qiongjiang was only a low-grade spirit stone worth over [-] million at best. He did not expect that Xia Libang's spirit was not inferior to the three of Long Fei.

In this way, the catastrophe of Xia Libang is imminent, otherwise it would not be like this.hehe!It seems that the auction of the ancient puppet must be an alternative battle between dragons and tigers!I'm looking forward to it.The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, a bad arc appeared immediately, and he was quite excited in his heart, not because he made a fortune, but because he had a competitor.For someone as rich as he is, finding a ostentatious opponent is naturally a joy to look forward to, not to mention that at this moment he has formed a complete set of plans for getting Haiyin snails from the shrimp clan. plan of.

The sky-high nectar was unstoppably won by Xia Libang with [-] million low-grade spirit stones.

"Dear fellows! Tongtian Qiongye has miraculous medicinal effects. It is an extremely rare elixir. After thinking about it, many fellow Taoists will feel very sorry for missing it. Our Jiuding Building has always been anxious about what our customers are anxious about, and thinking about what our customers want. In order to unravel this knot of fellow Taoists, our third shopkeeper, Miss Ning Bo, of Jiuding Building is now trying her best to persuade the seller to donate another bottle of Tongtian Qiongjiu. The result will be known. After thinking about it, we Ning Bo Miss's means, the chance of success in this matter should be quite high. Alright, let’s proceed to the auction of the next auction item." In the auction hall, Yu Liangyuan not only did not feel parched from presiding over the auction for a long time, but became more and more interested It was soaring, which greatly mobilized the atmosphere on the auction floor.

"Shut up! Jianshang is Jianshang." After Jiang Wen muttered, he immediately looked at Long Fei, because this time the photos were of Long Fei's.

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