Chaos fairy way

Chapter 324 Long Ling 9 Days

Several pieces of Long Fei's consignment were auctioned in succession, which greatly aroused the nerves of all bidders and pushed the atmosphere of the scene to climaxes one after another. Finally, the grand launch of the second bottle of Tongtian Qiongjiu was even more exciting for Long Fei. The auction of the consignment came to a perfect conclusion, and nearly one billion low-grade spirit stones also entered Long Fei's pocket.Long Fei entrusted the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce to auction nearly a thousand items, and this auction is only one of a hundred; for other consigned items, the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce will put them in batches for future auctions, and Various publicity methods will also be used to create momentum for these consignments and maximize their value.As for the auction method and auction reserve price of these consigned items, Long Fei had found out from the soul jade of the VIP gold medal when he got the VIP gold medal.But what made him look weird at the time was not this information, but because of a special service in the Soul Jade about the privileges enjoyed by VIP gold medal holders.

This special service is specifically: Wanhai Chamber of Commerce provides VIP gold medal holders with different grades of beauties sleeping in bed according to their trade volume (total amount of goods bought and sold) in Wanhai Chamber of Commerce.When the trade volume reaches 1000 million low-grade spirit stones, you can enjoy the sleep of a beautiful monk in the concentration period; when it reaches [-] billion low-grade spirit stones, you can enjoy the sleep of a beautiful monk in the fusion stage; when it reaches more than [-] billion Low-grade spirit stones can enjoy the sleep of a beautiful monk from the Yuan Dynasty; those with a value of more than [-] billion are called supreme VIPs, who can enjoy the sleep of the number one beauty of any branch of the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce anytime, anywhere, and the number one of each branch The beauties are all the third shopkeepers of the branch Jiudinglou.According to the current auction market estimates for the rare treasures that Long Fei consigned to the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce, the proceeds from the auction will definitely exceed [-] billion. Then Long Fei will naturally become the supreme VIP at that time. Is Ning Bo, the third innkeeper of Jiuding Building on Zhudao, going to bed?

The auction in the auction house was still going on, but under the impact of Long Fei's previous consignment auction, the whole auction process was naturally very dull.An hour later, the auction of the auction ushered in another climax, which was the auction of the three major items in this auction.

"Fellow daoists! Now is the most exciting moment of this auction. The three major items in this auction are about to debut. Everyone, please moisten your throats and get your spirit stones ready. The three major items The first one to be launched is the Anti-Drug Youjin. Some Taoists may not be familiar with the Anti-Drug Youjin, but I believe that everyone should know about the top-grade treasure of the Martial Immortal Palace, the Dinghai Lingban. In order to set up a large formation to open up the sea and support the sky, and open up a small world in the deep sea as his headquarters, it can be seen that Dinghai Lingfan is powerful in avoiding water. Dinghai Lingfan was originally only a high-level treasure, and was later promoted to a The ultimate treasure. When it is a high-level treasure, its pole is made of poison-proof gold. The purpose of telling these secrets is to tell everyone that poison-proof gold not only has a powerful effect of avoiding poison and water, but also The high-level treasures refined from it have a [-]% chance of being promoted to top-grade treasures. You must know that if ordinary high-level treasures want to be promoted to top-quality treasures, it is like fishing for sand in a sea, and it is almost impossible. Alright, let’s get rid of poison You Jin."

Yu Liangyuan's voice was still so high, and the cadence was so high that it could resonate just by hearing it.

At this moment, Long Fei also opened his eyes in the No. [-] box, and said to Jiang Wen and Chen Pi, "It's up to you next."

"No problem! All three lots are killed, especially the top lot, the ancient puppet, which will definitely make Xia Libang furious." Jiang Wen patted his chest and expressed his opinion.

"En!" Chen Pi also nodded heavily.

After a while, a sexy and glamorous woman walked to Yu Liangyuan's side from the backstage of the auction house with light steps, holding a shiny silver disc in both hands.A fist-sized auction item was covered by a piece of red silk cloth inside the disc.

Yu Liangyuan slowly lifted the red silk cloth, revealing a piece of black and shiny metal with a fine texture, which is the anti-drug Youjin.

"Fellow daoists, don't miss this opportunity. You will never lose it again. The starting price is 8000 million low-level spirit stones, and the price will increase by 100 million each time. The auction will begin." Yu Liangyuan yelled loudly.

"Eighty-six million!"

The first bidder turned out to be a monk on the ladder seat, so it can be seen that there are not a few monks who came to stare at the three major lots.

"Eighty-six million!"

What came out of box No. [-] was a beautiful female voice.

"Eighty-six million!"

"Eighty-six million!"


As soon as the competition started, more than 20 monks participated in the competition.Long Fei and others have not yet participated in the auction, and Xia Libang, who has several boxes including the third box, has not bid either.

"One hundred million!"

"One hundred and five million!"

When the bidding price reached [-] million, there were no more than four people participating in the auction. What is surprising is that three of them came from the ladder seats, and the only bidder for the box was the woman in box No. [-].

"One hundred and sixty million!"

The cultivator in Box No. 21, who had not bid all this time, shouted loudly, as if he was bound to win.

"100 million!"

The woman in Box No. [-] was not to be outdone. At this time, the three monks in the ladder seat finally lost their temper and stopped participating in the auction.

"6000 million! Little girl, I'm going to decide on this poison-repelling gold, so don't waste your saliva."

"Hmph! 100 million!" The woman in Box No. [-] snorted coldly, repaying her face with practical actions.

"21 million! Hehe! Let's add more!" The cultivator in Box No. [-] sneered and directly raised the price to [-] million.

"You...I..." The voice of the woman in Box No. [-] was full of anger, but she didn't raise the price any further.

"What are you? This is an auction. Naturally, the highest bidder will get it. If you don't have money, don't make a fuss." The monk in box 21 sneered.

"Don't bully people! Otherwise, I will..." The woman in the tenth box immediately revealed that she was not very old and her mind was not mature enough.

"Five hundred million!"

A louder voice than the clapping of the monks in Box 21 just now came from Box No. [-], and the caller was Chen Pi.

"21 million? Box No. [-]! Didn't your spirit stones be dug out from the ground? Is this poison-proof gold worth [-] million?" Man, he has no strength to shoot.

"Gentlemen! Shoot if you have money, and shut up if you don't have money. Are you here to be louder?" Jiang Wen's voice was significantly louder than the roar of the monks in Box 21.

"Heck! If you don't have money, don't make a fuss." The woman in room 21 smiled comfortably, and returned the original words of the monk in room [-].

"You...I..." The monk in Room 21 stuttered in front of the real financial resources.

"Ha ha!"

"Haha! It seems a bit silly to come to Jiuding Building to show off with only [-] million yuan."

"He thinks this is his first time participating in the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce auction! Otherwise, he wouldn't make such a fool of himself."

The entire auction house burst into laughter and discussions.

If the words are the same, the same scene will reappear one after another. It is really unpredictable, but it seems to be expected.It's better to keep a low profile, don't just learn to show off your aura, every time our Young Master Lai shows off his show, there is a reason for it, and he really can afford it.

The anti-drug Youjin finally fell into the hands of Long Fei, and Xia Libang in the third box did not participate in the auction, perhaps because he wanted to concentrate his financial resources to bid for the number one ancient puppet.

"Fellow Taoists! The second lot to be auctioned next is "Nine Heavens of Long Ling." When Yu Liangyuan talked about this point, he pretended to stop.

"What? This auction announced that the bidder's mysterious skill is "Nine Heavens of Dragon Resin"! This is the ultimate plan of the Flood Dragon Clan! No wonder the name of the mysterious spell has not been revealed before the auction."

"That's right! This spell and "Tiger Roaring Mountains and Rivers", one of the three unique skills of Tiger Roaring Mountain, are jointly promoted as the two most powerful sonic attack spells in the sea area. How did the seller get it? Isn't this against the sky?"

"It is said that the qualifications for beginners of this spell must reach the Tuoyuan stage. If you want to master the mastery, you must reach the Yingjie stage. If you learn to master it, you will be able to destroy thousands of miles with one sound."

After the shock of all the monks in the auction house, the whole audience was in an uproar.

"Everyone! Everyone! This technique is not fake from "Nine Heavens of Long Ling", but it is a pity that it is a fragment, but the part learned in the Tuoyuan period is complete." After Yu Liangyuan saw that the emotions of the monks at the scene had been mobilized enough, he immediately spoke The wind turned and revealed the flaws of this auction item.

"No wonder! I just said how could "Nine Heavens of Dragon Resin" by the dignified Flood Dragon Clan be put up for auction on Nanzhu Island?

"It turned out to be a remnant! But the Tuoyuan period part is complete, which is also worth learning. Maybe you can deduce it after you have learned a certain level in the later Yingjie period part."

Although the high spirits of the monks have subsided a bit, their expressions are still very excited. It seems that the incomplete copy of "Nine Heavens of Dragon Ling" makes them feel more at ease to practice.Otherwise, if it is the full version, once the Flood Dragon Clan knows about it, will they let the cultivator go?

"Elder Yu, don't adjust the taste, bid directly!" A masculine male voice came from Box No. [-], which was also the box where the woman was actually photographed just now.

"Hey!" Yu Liangyuan chuckled with some embarrassment, and then shouted loudly: "The starting price of "Nine Heavens of Long Ling" is 500 million, and each time the price is increased by [-] million, the auction begins!"

After hearing Yu Liangyuan's starting price of [-] million yuan, all the monks in the step seats were dumbfounded and no one bid.Apparently, either because they couldn't afford the starting price, or because they knew that they couldn't bid with their own financial resources, they all chose to remain silent.

"One hundred and five million!"

The first quotation was not the man in box No. 15, but the monk in box No. [-].

"One hundred and sixty million!"

"One hundred and sixty million!"


Next, the auction of "Nine Heavens of Long Ling" was fiercely contested among more than [-] monks in the luxury box. What is strange is that the man in box No. Not involved either, apparently they both wanted to make the final call.

"Five hundred million!"

Sha Libang finally bid, and the voice was powerful enough to shake the hearts of many monks.

"5000 million!"

The man in Box No. [-] also turned out.

At this moment, in the No. [-] box, Long Fei sneered at Jiang Wen.

"Hehe! Alright! Guaranteed to be mad at Xia Libang." Jiang Wen exclaimed excitedly.

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