Chaos fairy way

Chapter 329 A Woman Is a Tiger

At this moment, Long Fei, Jiang Wen, and Chen Pi are sitting in the living room of Tianzi No. [-] room, discussing the deal with Xia Libang.

"Jiang Wen, I sent you a few days ago to inquire about the succession of the new chief of the Xia clan. Has there been any result?" Long Fei looked thoughtful.

"Third Lord, after many inquiries, I finally got reliable news. This time, the competition for the new head of the shrimp clan is far more intense than the rumors from the outside world. The five contenders fought openly and secretly, poisoning, assassinating, etc. All kinds of vicious methods emerged one after another, and there were only two remaining competitors among the last five competitors. The other three competitors either disappeared mysteriously, committed suicide in their houses, or were expelled from the race by the shrimp tribe. The remaining two competitors The first contenders were Xia Libang and Xia Xiongfei, and Xia Xiongfei finally won the position of patriarch. However, Xia Libang not only failed to win the position of patriarch, but two brothers were killed in the competition. As for the number of conch shells in the Shrimp Clan, I can't get the exact number, but I can be sure that every patriarch and grand elder must have one." Jiang Wen got up and answered with cupped hands.

"Oh! Got it." Long Fei nodded slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "By the way, what kind of place is Qiongzhou Island?"

"Qiongzhou Island is nearly a hundred miles in length and width. Although it is only more than [-] miles away from Nanzhu Island, because of its low terrain and extremely rough seas, it will be submerged by tides every half a month, so it is an unsettled area. A desolate place suitable for human habitation. Due to its barrenness and barrenness, few monks usually stop here, and only mortals regularly go to salvage some seafood." Chen Pi answered first.

"Third Master! Although according to Xia Libang's messenger: this time they did not place the transaction on Nanzhu Island, but on the uninhabited Qiongzhou Island. The pre-ordered Haiyin snails were sold to us, and we did so in order to avoid over-stimulating the Huxiao Shanhaibei sub-rudder. But I think things will never be that simple, and Xia Libang must have evil intentions. I suggest, anyway, we hold Fire Heart Water Lotus, not afraid that Xia Libang will not follow suit, so I proposed to them that the specific transaction location is up to us." Jiang Wen offered his advice and advice not to be outdone.

"Hehe! The trading place here is indeed a good place to kill people and seize treasures, but it's good for them to commit crimes, and it's also good for us to punish evil! Well, I have a plan for this matter, and you will be well-rested in the past few days It's time to make a big deal!" Long Fei raised the corner of his mouth, and the bad arc immediately appeared, with an appearance of grasping the overall situation.At this moment, Long Fei's expression moved slightly, his right hand immediately reached into the purple storage bag on his waist and took out the VIP gold medal of the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce, and then with a trace of spiritual thought, he reached into the soul jade in the center of the VIP gold medal, There was a hint of joy in the eyes immediately.Afterwards, Long Fei put away the VIP gold medal, gave Jiang Wen and Chen Pi a few words, and walked out to Jiuding Tower alone.

"Third Master! You are finally here! Shopkeeper Ning has been waiting for you for a long time." In front of the gate of Jiuding Building, Director Yu saw Long Fei coming from a distance, and he quickly bowed his hands with a smile on his face.

"Please lead the way ahead!" Long Fei smiled and nodded, walking in front of the manager without changing his pace.

Afterwards, under the guidance of the manager, Long Fei came down to a very elegantly furnished living room in Jiuding Building.

"Young Master Gao, after a few days, you have reached the peak of the Great Achievement of the Yuan Dynasty. What a joy to congratulate!" In the living room, Ning Bo, who was sitting in the main seat on the upper stage, saw Long Fei stepping into the living room, hurriedly Standing up, he respectfully smiled.

"Hehe! Thank you! Thank you! I haven't seen you for a few days, Sister Bobo, you are even more beautiful and attractive!" Long Fei chuckled lightly, and casually sat down on the seat on the left side of the next step as he bowed his hands in return.

"Gorgeous! Gorgeous and moving! I wonder if you have touched this noble man?" Ning Bo's beautiful eyes flickered towards Long Fei frequently, and while twisting his fiery figure, he slowly walked to the seat opposite Long Fei, and sat sideways, showing his fiery posture Hot and spicy.

"Hey!" Under Ning Bo's powerful gaze, Long Fei couldn't help but look away, his expression slightly restrained, and he went straight to the point, "Sister Bobo, let's get down to business!"

When Ning Bo saw this, not only did he not show any disappointment, but the smile on his face grew stronger, as if he concluded that Long Fei was just a fledgling, as if he was determined to eat Long Fei.Of course, she is a woman in the business field after all, and her interests are always paramount. Then she put away her provocative eyes and said with a serious expression: "Mr. Gao, the first news you bought is not yet available." As a result, the second piece of information has been ascertained. Specifically speaking, the second piece of information is that the recent busy work of the Hainan sub-rudder of Huxiaoshan is the matter of "one thousand years rent". About 1 years ago, Nanzhu Island was originally It belongs to the Xia tribe. Later, when Huxiaoshan rose up in the southern region, it took Nanzhu Island from the Xia tribe and established the Huxiaoshan Hainan sub-rudder. However, since then, there has been a saying of "one thousand years of rent", that is, the Hainan sub-rudder. Every 1000 years, they have to pay the rent to the shrimp family. This time, they chose to pay the rent at Cangqiongyan, which is more than two million miles away, in the west of Nanzhu Island; the time is set in half a month. "

"So that's how it is!" Long Fei was stunned, and deduced in his heart: Wudao and the young rudder master went to the magic eye sea area to look for ghost fruits, and they said that ghost fruits are related to the life and death of Hainan sub-rudders. This should be because of the "one thousand years rent" thing .In addition, during this period of time, Wu Dao and Shao Ruozhu did not divide the helm in Hainan, but were performing an important task, which should also be related to the "Millennium Rent".

"Mr. Gao, are you free today?" Ning Bo's ecstatic eyes reappeared, looking straight into Long Fei's eyes.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I still have important things to do, I'll talk to Sister Bobo later! Let me go." Long Fei hurriedly avoided Ning Bo's eyes, got up and left.Because he always feels that when he is with Ning Bo, he is a sheep and Ning Bo is a wolf, so it is better to get out of the wolf's sight as soon as possible.

"Heck! You can't escape from my palm." Ning Bo looked at Long Fei's back as he left hurriedly, without any concern about whether Long Fei heard it, and smiled loudly, showing the attitude of a bold and unrestrained beauty.

Long Fei's perception was so strong, he couldn't help but trembled when he heard the sound, and his pace quickened again.

After a while, Long Fei strode out of the Jiuding Tower, let out a long breath, and finally regained his composure.

"Hey! What's wrong with me? I was made into this by a woman. It seems that everyone in the world says that women are tigers for a reason! It's better to bring Jiang Wen next time." Long Fei said helplessly. Sighing, shaking his head, muttering to himself, the "Small Ben Lei Technique" was displayed, and the person disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already on the sea six thousand miles away.Afterwards, Long Fei used the "Transfiguration Technique" to transform himself into a middle-aged man in blue clothes. The appearance of this middle-aged man was somewhat similar to that of the boy before.

Qiongzhou Island is not a flat river, nor is it full of mud and sand, but strange rocks and mud and sand are hard to find.These stones are like a hill, one after another, forming a vertical and horizontal length of nearly a hundred miles; although they have become riddled with holes and unevenness after years of scour and erosion by the tide, they are all hard and abnormal. It gives people a feeling that all the bad things are gone and only the essence is left.

At this moment, Qiongzhou Island had nearly a hundred monsters scattered in groups of three or four, holding formation stones, formation flags, and spirit stones, and they kept setting up formations one by one.

"I don't know why the deputy patriarch brought us all the way here and arranged so many formations? This is a barren land!"

"Maybe to deal with the enemy!"

"Shut up! Are you two tired of living?"

In a quite remote place, three shrimp demons were discussing in low voices, putting pieces of spirit stones into the already dug grooves, and then using magic skills to mobilize pieces of boulders to fill these grooves together. Once pressed, it is impossible to see from the outside that there is a groove under the boulder.These grooves are arranged according to the pattern of formations, and those who know a little bit about formations will know that they together form the corners of a large formation.

About an hour later, the three shrimp demons finally set up their corners, and then walked into the distance.Not long after the three shrimp demons left, a sudden gust of wind blew up, and with a sound of "Wow!", hundreds of flying swords were shot out in the wind, and in an instant, they dug another hole beside the horns arranged by the three shrimp demons. a groove.After that, there was another sound of "哗啦啦!", and pieces of spirit stones flew out in the wind, and fell into the groove one after another.In the end, a huge boulder with a diameter of several mu unexpectedly flew from a distance and pressed on the groove filled with spirit stones.

After a while, in another place of Qiongzhou Island, after the four shrimp demons set up a formation corner, they left shortly after another gust of wind blew in, and set up another concave hole filled with spirit stones beside the formation corner. groove.

During the next two days, the same gust of wind and the same incident happened from time to time.But after two full days of busy work, the shrimps gathered from all directions of Qiongzhou Island to Zhongyang. Obviously, the big formation they wanted to set up had been completed.At this moment, a familiar figure of Long Fei flashed in front of the shrimp demons, he was Xia Libang.

Xia Libang nodded to the shrimp monsters with satisfaction, and then took out a square, red, palm-sized utensil from the storage bag on his waist with his right hand, and then a light yellow elemental force rushed into the utensil from his right palm Inside, the utensils suddenly glowed red.At this moment, a huge, dull buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and immediately after that, wisps of red thick fog rose from the ground in various places of Qiongzhou Island, completely submerging Qiongzhou Island in just a moment.

"Hey! Not bad! Brothers have worked hard. After the work is done, the patriarch will definitely reward you!" Xia Libang's joyful voice came from the dense fog.

"It should be, it should be."

"It is my honor to be able to serve the patriarch."

Immediately afterwards, all the shrimp monsters responded one after another.

A moment later, there was another loud buzzing sound, and at this moment, the thick red fog covering the entire Qiongzhou Island suddenly collected into the ground, revealing the whole picture of Qiongzhou Island, as if nothing had ever happened.

Afterwards, Xia Libang drifted to the seaside with all the shrimp demons, and plunged into the sea water one after another, sneaking on the bottom of the sea, obviously afraid of attracting the attention of others by boat.

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