Chaos fairy way

Chapter 330

One day later, in the early morning, Jiang Wen and Chen Pi waited in front of Long Fei's bedroom door early.In the past three days, except for one night when they went out to solve their physical needs, the rest of the time they ate and slept, ate and slept, and wholeheartedly recharged their batteries for the war.At this moment, both of them are full of energy, their faces are radiant, and their expressions are extremely excited, because there must be a huge fortune waiting for them to get it today.

"Let's go!" Long Fei pushed open the door of the bedroom, with his left hand turned backwards, calm and composed, not at all in the mood to go out for a fight, his look and his white clothes seemed like he was going for a trip to the mountains and rivers .

"Yes!" Jiang Wen and Chen Pi responded at the same time, and they looked at each other, and they could see the admiration for Long Fei from each other's eyes, and their hearts were full of excitement and imagination.

Just kidding, the shrimp family is the overlord of the Hainan region, and this time the boss is going to challenge their deputy chief. What a big event that has shaken the Hainan region and even the entire southern region!After this incident happened, once word spread, the boss will definitely become famous in the Southern Region, and as his subordinates, we will also become famous and have a lot of face.Now seeing how calm and relaxed the boss is, it seems that he doesn't take the shrimp tribe seriously at all. This is what a bold and truly strong Yigao does.After thinking about it, in the entire Hainan region, there will be few people with such courage.

At this moment, Long Fei didn't pay any attention to the excited expressions of Jiang Wen and Chen Pi who seemed to have taken a big tonic like tiger penis, and ignored their eagerness to fight and eager to try. Instead, he brought them directly to On the third floor of Haitian Pavilion, after enjoying a sumptuous breakfast with relish and leisurely, we drifted away to the seaside in a leisurely manner.

"Third Master! The time we agreed with Xia Libang is at noon. According to our speed, I am afraid that Shen Shi will not arrive. Will Xia Libang be impatient to leave?" As the three of them were walking, Chen Pi was a little worried. reminded.

"Hey! You're really stupid. The fire heart water lotus is in our hands. He doesn't want to wait, but he has to wait." Jiang Wen sighed, as if he was quite speechless about Chen Pi's intelligence.

Long Fei smiled slightly, glanced at Chen Pi, but didn't say anything.

Nanzhu is only ten thousand miles in length and breadth, and Haitian Pavilion is only three or four thousand miles away from the sea. With Jiang Wen and Chen Pi, monks who have been out of the Yuan Dynasty, they can reach it in a few seconds with a few teleportation techniques, let alone Long Fei.But Long Fei and the others drifted for more than two hours before arriving at the beach.

At this moment, Long Fei slowly took out the flying shuttle from the purple storage bag on his waist, threw it to the sea surface, and then made a formula to slowly enlarge it; Call out the flying shuttle, and it rises and falls in the air and falls on the sea.

"Third Master! Although the destination is more than [-] miles away from Nanzhu Island, but we teleported away, the time required to recover the energy of the two of us will never exceed an hour. Is it possible to use the flying shuttle?" Is it wrong?" Jiang Wen was also a little confused at this time, and his interest in the battle began to slip.

"Just follow along, why are there so many nonsense?" Long Fei rolled his eyes and said impatiently.

"Oh!" Jiang Wen replied helplessly.As for Chen Pi, who was looking at Jiang Wen with his mouth curled up at the moment, his expression was fixed on secretly snickering. Jiang Wen's intelligence was nothing more than that.

Afterwards, Long Fei and Jiang Wen drifted to the Feidu Shuttle.But what happened next left Jiang Wen and Chen Pi stunned.I saw Long Fei actually took out two pieces of boat oars from the storage bag, handed them to Jiang Wen and Chen Pi, and said two words "boating!" without any doubt.

Jiang Wen and Chen Pi stared blankly at the paddle board handed over. They were no longer confused at this moment, but began to suspect that they had misremembered the day. Today is not going to fight against Xia Libang and others, but to ride the wind and waves and ride the boat for fun .

"Third Master! Are you really paddling?" Jiang Wen took the paddle in a daze, and asked weakly.

"Nonsense! I gave you paddle boards, but I didn't ask you to paddle. Could it be that they are for you to eat?" Long Fei not only did not explain the reason, but instead rebuked a little sullenly.

"Third Master, I know what your intention is. You are intentionally releasing Xia Libang with a pigeon and making them wait for a day in vain. Hehe! Third Master, you really know how to trick people, I will obey you!" Chen Pi flew towards Long Fei Thumbs up, and while flattering, he squeezed his left eye towards Jiang Wen, which obviously meant: Look!I am smarter than you!The third master's intentions were found in an instant.


Long Fei raised his hand and slapped Chen Pi's brain, and said angrily: "You really think I'm full and have nothing to do! Playing such a retarded trick?"

"Ouch! Third Master, what the hell do you mean? Just say it! This will suffocate people to death." Chen Pi touched the top of his head that was hurt by the beating, looking very pitiful.

"Pretend to be pitiful? Where did the prestige of the night before yesterday go? You two took advantage of my absence to ignore the warning that you are not allowed to bring outsiders into Room No. You really think I don’t know? You two just paddle honestly!” Long Fei left these few words, without looking at Jiang Wen and Chen Pi, who had become disfigured at the moment, and went into the cabin to rest alone.

Next, the two dignified masters of the Yuan Dynasty had to do the boating work of mortal boatmen.

The sky was getting dark, and Long Fei finally walked out of the cabin amidst Jiang Wen and Chen Pi's endless calls.

"Well! Today's performance is not bad." Long Fei nodded with a smile on his face, then glanced at the sea to the left, raised the corner of his left mouth, and said quite proudly: "Okay! It's almost there, then We've had enough of the tails following us."

As soon as Long Fei's words fell, he pinched the spell with his right hand, and the Feidu Shuo suddenly became smaller and disappeared into the storage bag on his waist. As soon as he unfolded, he led the two of them with a flash and disappeared without a trace. All of this was done in a blink of an eye.

"This bastard! It's so good that we stayed in the sea for a whole day. Alas! I didn't expect his teleportation technique to be so strong that even I can detect a distance of three thousand miles." Even the Qianxun disk can't detect his teleportation destination." On the left side of the sea that Long Fei was looking at before, a girl broke through the water, her pink dress was not wet at all, this girl was the same girl who was with Li Yingdong. Sweet girls together.

"Crash!" There was another sound of water breaking, and a burly and majestic man rushed out of the sea following the sweet girl and stood on the water. He was Li Yingdong.

"He obviously found out that we were following them! He deliberately played tricks on us, go back! With his teleportation speed, we can't catch up at all. It seems that next time we need to be more prepared to follow up secretly!" Li Yingdong sighed road.

"Excellent qualifications, mature mind, high cultivation base, and superb teleportation skills. I don't know what surprises he can bring us? Haha! I am more and more interested in him." He was not happy because he was inferior to Long Fei, but there was a hint of joy in his beautiful eyes.

Afterwards, Li Yingdong and the sweet girl disappeared in a flash.

On Qiongzhou Island, Xia Libang was standing on a huge boulder in central Yang with a sullen expression on his face, and figures appeared from time to time among the four boulders centered on him.

"Deputy patriarch! Is that kid not coming?" A shrimp demon wearing a blue robe looked very bad.

"Don't worry! He will definitely come. For the Fire Heart Water Lotus and his huge wealth, it's worth waiting." Xia Libang cast his sharp eyes in the direction of Nanzhu Island, although he said that Long Fei would definitely come , but the anger and anxiety in those eyes revealed that he was gradually losing patience.

"Oh! Brother Scary, you came so early! I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Long Fei led Jiang Wen and the two of them, and they appeared more than ten feet away from Xialibang in a flash.

"Brother! You made Brother Wei wait for a whole day! Is this how you treat people?" Xia Libang saw Long Fei rushing to him, the gloominess on his face disappeared instantly, and he was filled with unconcealable joy His eyes, however, still showed a hint of displeasure.

"Forgive me! Forgive me! Little brother, I slept too hard, so I missed the appointment." Long Fei cupped his hands in apology, but the excuse he gave made people vomit blood, and even Jiang Wen and Chen Pi felt their ears burn.

Cultivators don't have much requirement for sleep at all, so is there any reason to delay time because of sleep?What's more, there are still important things to do today.

The corner of Xia Libang's mouth twitched, but he waved his hands without getting angry, and said, "Forget it, this is a trivial matter, and it won't affect our brotherhood. Alright, let's trade! Look at your fire heart water lotus."

"Oh! Good." Long Fei looked easy to speak, and took out a red lotus pod, on which there was only a fleshy red lotus seed.This lotus seed is crystal clear, with a slight red glow, and a trace of light yellow vitality lingers on it.

"This is exactly the fire heart water lotus. Hehe! That's right, brother, tell me clearly! Haiyinluo, there are only two in my shrimp clan, and they are owned by the new patriarch and the chief elder respectively. I can't get it for my brother. Now my brother has Seeing the fire heart water lotus, this proves that the brother is not cheating, and I am very satisfied with the brother, you change the terms!" Xia Libang did not feel ashamed at all for his broken promises, but instead put on a big man waiting to pay tribute. appearance.

"Hehe! Deputy Chief Xia, are you kidding me?" Long Fei looked at Xia Libang playfully, couldn't help laughing, stopped calling him brother and brother, and called Deputy Chief directly.

"Who's kidding you? Tell me a condition! Otherwise, you may not get anything." Xia Libang's eyes gradually turned cold, and his tone became cold.

"Oh! Since you don't have a conch, and you're not joking, then Gao has to leave first, and we'll talk about it when you have a conch." Long Fei cupped his hands at Xia Libang casually, and took Jiang Wen The two turned their heads and left.

"Stop! You're courting death, do you know that?" Xia Libang's gaze was fixed, and a strong killing intent suddenly appeared, and he shouted sharply.

"Hehe! Xia Libang, do you want to kill people and seize treasures? Have you measured yourself?" Long Fei chuckled, turned around slowly, and looked at Xia Libang with a half-smile.

"Hmph! It's enough to kill you, not to mention I don't need to do it!" While talking, Xia Libang took out the square utensil from the storage bag on his waist with his right hand, and suddenly injected a powerful force.The square utensils suddenly emitted a dazzling red light.


After the entire Qiongzhou Island trembled violently, there was a roar like a thunder, and thick red mist gushed out from the ground, filling the entire Qiongzhou Island in an instant.

"Third Master, I can't move anymore! And this mist is poisonous."

"Yes! Me too."

Jiang Wen and Chen Pi's urgent cries came from the dense fog.

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