Chaos fairy way

Chapter 331 The Battle of Qiongzhou

"This is just the beginning of this formation, and there are more and stronger means behind it. I don't want to get too stiff with the sect behind you, so I will give you another chance. As long as you hand over the Fire Heart Water Lotus, We are still brothers, and the deity will give you some benefits, otherwise you will die without a doubt, and the fire heart water lotus is in my pocket after all." Xia Libang's cold voice echoed in the thick fog, and his tone was undeniable meaning.

"You are looking for death!" Long Fei's tone was very calm.

"Really? Then go to hell!" Xia Libang shouted angrily.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

In the dense fog, there was suddenly the sound of dense and rapid shooting arrows, the sound of treasures breaking through the air, and the sound of huge objects such as boulders falling.



Immediately afterwards, the screams continued, and it was not Long Fei and the other three who screamed, but Xia Libang's subordinates.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Damn! Why is this happening?"

After the two huge explosions, there was the sound of Xia Libang's fury. It was obvious that he was attacked by the explosion of huge objects such as boulders just now.

"Hmph! This formation is indeed powerful, but it's a pity that the wrong target was used." Long Fei snorted coldly, mocking.

The swishing, cracking, and shouting sounds were already connected together, making it difficult to distinguish each other. Coupled with the churning and shaking of the red mist, it all showed that the attacks of sharp arrows, treasures, boulders, etc. had become more violent.

"Ah!" "Ah!" The heart-piercing screams became denser and harsher. Obviously, more and more shrimp monsters were hit by sharp arrows, treasures, boulders, etc., and more and more casualties .

"Bang!" "Ah!" Suddenly, among the screams of the crowd, there was the muffled sound of Xia Libang being hit by a heavy object.

"Third Lord! What's going on here? These arrows, knives, stones and so on seem to have eyes, and they only attack the shrimp monsters, not us. Even if they hit head-on, they immediately turned around to avoid them."

"That's right! At least tens of thousands of arrows were shot at me just now, each of which is comparable to a middle-level treasure. I thought I was going to turn into a hedgehog, but they suddenly stopped attacking and turned around and flew away. This is too outrageous." Already!"

Jiang Wen and Chen Pi shouted inexplicably in the dense fog, unable to believe the bizarre things that happened before them.

"This is thanks to the paddle board that you two have been playing with all day today. It is engraved with the formation that blends with this formation. Of course, this is also thanks to you for following my instructions and putting the paddle board into the storage bag. Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble at this moment." Long Fei's voice was quite loud, and he didn't care about being heard by Xia Libang and other shrimp demons, which would be detrimental to Jiang Wen and the other two.

At this time, Shino's screams became weaker and rarer, but Xia Libang's muffled shouts became more and more urgent, and became more and more frightening.

"Cough! Brother Gao Xian, you are really a god, you can control my big formation and serve you! As long as you let me go, brother is willing to help you steal Haiyin conch for free." Xia Libang coughed heavily, It can be seen that the injury was not minor, and the original arrogant and angry tone had changed to pleading.

"Oh! Convinced? But I almost killed all of your people, what should I do?" Long Fei's voice showed some helplessness.

"If you die, you will die. There are tens of thousands of people in my shrimp clan. Why do you care about hundreds of people? Please withdraw the formation! Let's discuss in detail how to help you get the sea sound conch." Xia Libang said quickly, afraid of the dragon Fly to kill people and kill people, kill them all.

"Hey! Good! Seeing that we are brothers, and this is a misunderstanding, the previous thing should have never happened." In the thick fog, Long Fei moved his right hand towards the distance while speaking, only to hear a "bang" sound. With a sound, a square gray stone suddenly popped out from the ground thousands of feet away. This is the Zhenzhen Seal Stone.Immediately after a "scream", the suppressing seal stone shot down into Long Fei's right palm.


The ground of Qiongzhou Island shook violently again, and then there was a roar, and the attacks of sharp arrows, treasures, boulders, etc. stopped abruptly, and the thick red mist suddenly converged into the ground.On the ground, there was a mess, potholes, puddles of broken corpses and bloodstains regularly distributed all over the island.Surprisingly, there was no arrow, boulder or treasure. From this, it can be deduced that those arrows, boulders, and treasures were all condensed by various energies.

"Deputy Patriarch! Help me!"

"help me!"

Of the hundreds of shrimp tribesmen, only a dozen or so with limbs were left moaning and calling for help.

"Thank you, my lord, for ignoring the faults of the villain and letting him go." Xia Libang was also dressed in tattered clothes and covered in bruises. He ignored the clansmen who were calling for help, but quickly took out several pills from the storage bag on his waist. The elixir was stuffed into the mouth, and he meditated on the spot, trying his best to recover the injuries in his body.

Long Fei looked at Xia Libang silently, neither took the opportunity to kill him, nor helped him heal his injuries.

"Third Master! Just let him heal his wounds like this? From his attitude towards the clansmen, it can be seen that he is really bad. You can't trust him! You must break it!" Jiang Wen's expression remained unchanged, and his mouth moved slightly Then, he transmitted the voice to Long Fei with some anxiety.

"Heh! I have my own sense of proportion." Long Fei seemed to feel bored during the sound transmission, and took out a bag of wine from his waist storage bag and drank it up to the sky.

At this moment, Xia Libang suddenly opened his eyes, waved his right hand towards Long Fei, a ball of golden light flashed, and in an instant, it darted to the top of Long Fei and the three of them, and then exploded into a ball with a "bang". Zhang Jinguang's flashing giant net fell down rapidly, enveloping Long Fei.

"Whoosh!" Immediately after, Xia Libang slapped his palms on the ground, and then a golden fork popped out from his right hand. The cat's waist jumped up, and his body shot towards Longfei like a startling rainbow, and the golden fork in his hand pierced Longfei's throat.

"Shua!" Long Fei threw the wine bag in his left hand, and at the same time grasped it with his right palm, the Dayan Qingtian Sword appeared in a flash, and the "Sword Soaring to the Sky" immediately unfolded, his body turned into a white sword shadow in a rapid rotation, Head-on stormed at Shrimpang.

"Crack!" The white sword shadow shot through the falling golden light giant net, and the offensive was still extremely fast and fierce, and shot towards Xia Libang.Unexpectedly, when Xia Libang was about to collide with the white sword shadow, the body in the throbbing suddenly drifted sideways, shifting a distance of about two feet in an instant, miraculously avoiding the reckless fight with Long Fei Remember, and passed by Long Fei.

"Boss! Help me." Jiang Wen shouted anxiously.

I saw that after Xia Libang and Long Fei staggered, they did not turn back and continue to attack Long Fei, but continued to move forward, aiming at Jiang Wen who was nearby.


The Dayan Qingtian sword in Long Fei's hand threw out, and suddenly transformed into nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hilts of the flying sword. Like a wall of swords, it stormed towards Xia Libang, encircling Wei and saving Zhao.

Xia Libang drifted sideways again, avoiding the attack range of the sword wall, but had to deviate from the attack direction, and almost passed Jiang Wen.

"You bastard! You actually snatched my storage bag." Jiang Wen was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat, and cursed angrily, but hurried to Long Fei's side.

"The formation is useless against me now! You are waiting to die!" Xia Libang was holding a storage bag in his left hand, his eyes suddenly turned cold, his tone turned cold, and his murderous aura shot up into the sky.It was fake that he attacked Long Fei just now, and it was true that he snatched Jiang Wen's storage bag. The purpose was naturally the pulp board in Jiang Wen's storage bag.

"Hehe! You are so cute and silly. I intended to spare your life, so I used a paddle board as bait to test your sincerity in cooperating with me. I didn't expect you to really think that paddle boards can avoid large-scale attacks. .Since you don’t want to live, then I’ll do something good to send you on your way!” Long Fei sneered, and as soon as the words fell, the Zhenzhen seal flashed out from the storage bag at his waist, and flashed to the original broken ground. Inside the square groove where it comes out.

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of roaring, and the red thick fog filled the entire island, and many attacks such as sharp arrows, boulders, and treasures were launched again, and gradually became stronger.

"You forced me, I will fight with you." Xia Libang took advantage of the thick fog before completely covering his sight, and with a move of his mind, he pulled out hundreds of shrimp-shaped puppets from the storage bag at his waist.Each of these shrimp-shaped puppets can be regarded as a master in the early days of Dacheng, and each of them holds a variety of weird puppet weapons such as a scimitar and a Shekou sword.

"Shu!" "Shu!" "Shu!"

All the shrimp-shaped puppets swept into the air one after another, turned into streaks of black rainbows and shot towards Longfei, waving their weapons, trying to kill Longfei together.

Long Fei is about to call out the ancient puppets to make them shine and single out these hundreds of puppets.Unexpectedly, at this moment, more than a dozen puppets were first pulled out and shot within three feet of Longfei, and their bodies exploded almost at the same time. The puppet bursting at the same time is definitely not something that ordinary monks at the peak of the metamorphosis can resist.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There were more than a dozen explosions in succession, one pull followed by another, and the center of the explosion was Long Fei.Originally there was Jiang Wen, but just now Long Fei saw the puppet attacking and pushed Jiang Wen out of the center of the explosion.

Such violent and frequent explosions can only be resisted by Long Fei, whose body is as strong as the top-grade treasure, the crescent moon magic blade.Although Long Fei's clothes were shattered by the blast, and the energy in his body was somewhat disordered, he was not injured at all.

"Ah! Ah!" There were only more than ten screams, and the remaining dozen or so shrimp monsters were killed by sharp arrows and various treasures in an instant. At this moment, the attack of the large formation is obviously more ferocious than before , is stronger.

"Bang! Ya!"

The screams of more than a dozen disappeared for a while, and it was obvious that the remaining shrimp demons were all dead. At this time, only Xia Libang was left crying alone in the thick fog.

"My dear brother! My dear brother! I made a mistake, and deserve death. But my elder brother, I still have an old mother who is going to die, and a young child who has not been educated. I beg my dear brother to spare my life." Xia Libang After all, he was not a real hero, and under the unbearable pain, he began to beg for mercy again.

"Hmph! It's too late." Long Fei held the Dayan Qingtian Sword tightly with both hands, and transformed into a golden ray of light, breaking through the thick fog, and shooting towards Xia Libang whose body was restricted by the powerful formation.

In horror, Xia Libang opened his mouth and sprayed out a small purple shield, which suddenly swelled up and rushed towards the golden light, completely blocking the attack angle of the golden light.


The golden ray shot out the small purple shield like a broken bamboo, and then shot off Xia Libang's left arm and passed by. At the same time, a beige, sword-shaped net-like imprint of divine sense flashed out from within the golden ray, and automatically The broken part of the left arm entered Shribang's body.This spiritual imprint is the result of Long Fei's several months of intensive cultivation of "Tongban Chapter" in the Holy Eye Dao Temple. Long Fei called it the Divine Forbidden Seal.

Blood gushed out from the broken part of Xia Libang's left arm. Xia Libang was restrained by the formation and could not move, but now he was even more stunned, standing dumbfounded.

"I didn't expect that the God's Forbidden Seal condensed with divine thoughts is so much stronger than the Yuanli Net condensed with Yuanli, and it can instantly seal a peak master who is about to cross the Tribulation." Long Fei stopped." In the state of breaking the sky with one blow, he drifted and fell in front of Xia Libang. In joy, his right index finger pointed straight at the center of Xia Libang's eyes, and began to search for gods.

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