Chaos fairy way

Chapter 334 The Change of the Shrimp Clan

"Brothers! Don't worry, the puppets attack, and the personal property you get will belong to the killer. Fast update www.." The leader, the black-robed monk, ordered sharply. They shot out one after another, hovering in the sky above their heads.

These puppets, with heads like shrimp heads and bodies like humans, are no different from shrimp demons.They are red all over, holding knives, swords and other puppet weapons. Looking at the energy fluctuations radiating from their bodies, they can only be regarded as masters of the Yuan Dynasty, and several of them can be compared with the masters of the late Yuan Dynasty.

All the shrimp demons sacrificed their puppets after hearing the order from the leader, the black-robed monk.In a short while, there were thousands of puppets on the battlefield, and they besieged hundreds of Hainan sub-helm monks on the building boat.

"The white tiger turns into an enemy!"

Wu Cangyun's pupils shrank suddenly, his face froze, his aura suddenly doubled, and his body almost doubled in size. It was surprising that his body suddenly changed.At this moment, his eyes were red and bloodthirsty, his skin was as rough as white tree bark, white hairs like steel needles grew on his cheeks and the back of his hands, and his nails several inches long were extremely sharp.This is the strongest stunt of Huxiaoshan "White Tiger Transformation".

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

A group of monks from the Hainan sub-helm completed their body mutations one after another. They looked up to the sky and roared like a tiger. Their roars shook the sky and the sea, resounding through the sky. The shock caused thousands of puppets to retreat again and again, and many of them fell on the deck.


After the mutation, the monks at the helm of Hainan rushed into the puppets without using any treasures, and directly fought against the puppets with their powerful bodies.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The mutant cultivator is extremely powerful, and his body is extremely hard. When he swung his fists and stretched his feet, he beat all the puppets flying and falling, and he couldn't shake him hard.

However, although the strength of the puppets is far inferior to that of the mutant monks, their number is ten times that of the mutant monks. Therefore, after being tortured by chaos, the situation gradually stabilized, and finally the two sides fell into a stalemate again.But behind the puppet, there are many shrimp monsters.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

All the shrimp monsters threw their treasures one after another, releasing poisonous arrows, flames, ice beads and other auxiliary attacks, waiting for opportunities to attack, reinforcing puppets, and sneak attacking mutant monks.

With the passage of time, although the cultivators of all variants are extremely powerful in personal combat, they have gradually fallen into a disadvantage.

At this moment, the only thing that has the upper hand is the sword.I saw that after the mutation of the sword, his cultivation had reached the peak of Dacheng from the Yuan Dynasty.Its hands are like tiger claws, one claw for each, scratching and destroying puppets like torn pieces of paper; legs are like iron pillars, one foot for kicking puppets like broken bamboo.If it weren't for the fact that the masked shrimp demon who was fighting with the sword was not an ordinary person, and his cultivation had reached the peak of the Yuan Dacheng not long ago, and there were dozens of puppets fighting together, the sword would probably be the first to end the battle.


After a frenzied attack by Wudao, he seized a gap in the defense, broke through the encirclement circle of dozens of puppets, and rushed to the face of the masked shrimp monster. The steel-like tiger claws pierced the air, and swept across with incomparable ferocity. The head of the masked shrimp demon.

The masked shrimp demon didn't expect that the sword could break out of the encirclement, and was caught off guard for a moment, unable to drift and dodge, and could only throw his head back violently.


The sword's claws were extremely swift and fierce. Although it didn't hit the masked shrimp demon's head, it left five deep scratches soaked in blood on the shrimp demon's face, and tore off his mask.

"Xia Yuan! You are the law enforcement veteran of the Xia Clan who is in charge of punishment, and you actually participated in this attack. It seems that the Xia Clan is determined to drive my Hainan branch out of Nanzhu Island." Wu Dao saw the opponent clearly, Startled suddenly, he gritted his teeth in anger.

In the Xia clan, the status of law enforcement elders is second only to the deputy head and the head of the clan. He has the qualifications to succeed the deputy head of the clan and can stop the violation of the clan rules by the deputy head and the head of the clan.The law enforcement elders have a high position and weight, and as law enforcement officers, they also participated in the attack, which shows that the attack of the shrimp clan was definitely not a private action, at least it came from the order of the leader of the shrimp clan.

Xia Yuan ignored the sword, and while making a formula with both hands, he sacrificed more than twenty puppets from the storage bag at his waist, and joined the siege of the sword.

At this moment, Wu Cangyun's battle group suddenly heard a loud "bang!", followed the sound, and saw the leader, the black-robed monk, taking advantage of Wu Cangyun's full strength to fight among hundreds of puppets, and a strange flash appeared. Behind Wu Cangyun, he punched Wu Cangyun flying, "crash!" and fell into the sea water.


The leader, the black-robed cultivator, succeeded in one blow, so naturally he would not let go of this opportunity to kill Wu Cangyun. He leaped into the water, like a swift arrow, and the silver sword in his right hand stabbed at the heart of Wu Cangyun's back.

Wu Cangyun was punched in the back and fell into the sea water, already seriously injured, there was no time to dodge at this moment, and he was unable to attack.


At the time of the crisis, a hurricane suddenly blew, forcefully knocking the leader, the black-robed monk, flying more than ten feet away.

"Xia Xiongfei, you are playing with fire!" The hurricane stopped suddenly, revealing a shrimp demon wearing a red robe.

"Xia Libang, you don't want to live anymore, do you?" The leader, the black-robed monk (Xia Xiongfei), was blown into the sea by the hurricane, and took three steps back to stabilize his body. It was extremely cold, but a little apprehensive.

The red-robed shrimp demon (Xia Libang) looked at Xi Xiongfei coldly and did not speak, but his mouth was moving slightly, as if he was communicating with others through sound transmission.At the same time, his mouth was also moving during the sword fight, and although his expression hadn't changed at all, his eyes were full of surprise and joy.

At this moment, as the leader, the black-robed monk, was knocked into the air by Xia Libang, causing a sudden change in the battlefield situation, the two sides of the enemy and the enemy seemed to be a little blurred, and the battle gradually stopped, and the opposing sides were divided into two camps.

"Xia Xiongfei, it really is you. As the head of the clan, you have done such a nasty thing. It seems that a battle between Huxiaoshan and the Xia clan and even the Golden Shark clan is inevitable." Wu Cangyun rushed out of the sea and stepped on the water. And standing, hunched over, panting heavily, although his face was angry, but his face was very pale, showing that the injury was not minor.

"Hmph! Nanzhu Island was originally the land of my shrimp clan. It was leased to you 1 years ago, and it was also the Golden Shark clan who reached an agreement with you. Although the inside story is only known to the chief elder, it was not our shrimp clan that reached the agreement with you. Agreement. Therefore, I designed to take back Nanzhu Island, which is justified. As for today, we will wipe out all of you, and truly uproot the Hainan sub-rudder." Xia Xiongfei's voice was as cold as ice, and his words were heart-warming, and he slowly opened his face while speaking. face mask.

"Okay! If that's the case, I won't die today!" Wu Cangyun took out a pill from the storage bag on his waist and stuffed it into his mouth, then Yu performed "White Tiger Transformation" again.

"Slow down! Master Wu, this sneak attack was caused by Xia Xiongfei himself, and has nothing to do with the Xia Clan. As the patriarch, Xia Xiongfei deliberately provoked disputes between the Xia Clan and Wu Xiaoshan. This is to put the Xia Clan in a desperate situation. Therefore, he is the sinner of my shrimp clan. Master Wu, please let us settle the internal affairs of the shrimp clan first, and we will talk about other matters later." Xia Libang drifted between Wu Cangyun and Xia Xiongfei, with one big hand, exclaimed.

Wu Cangyun looked at Xia Libang in surprise, and was about to speak, when suddenly Wudao's voice transmission came from his ear: "Patriarch, Xia Libang and I have some friendship. This time he heard that Xia Xiong Feiyu was talking to us Unfavorable, and came here specially to prevent Xiaxiong from flying fiercely, and then prevent the Xiazu from breaking with the Hainan sub-rudder. I trust him, let him deal with it first!"

"Okay! This rudder master will give Libang deputy patriarch a face." Wu Cangyun nodded.

"Xia Libang, do you want to rebel?" Xia Xiongfei had a grimace on his face.

"It's not rebellion, but on behalf of tens of thousands of shrimp clansmen to kill you, a sinner of the shrimp clan." Xia Libang said righteously and sternly.

"It turns out that you want to seek power and usurp the throne, you are a rebel! Brothers! Kill this rebel for me." Xia Xiongfei's eyes were extremely cold, showing a murderous intent, his angry expression seemed to swallow the shrimp in one gulp ribon.


When the shrimp demons heard Xia Xiongfei's order, most of them hesitated a little, but in the end they all shouted like thunder and charged towards Xia Libang.

"Bang! Crack!"

"Bang! Crack!"

With one punch and one kick, Xia Libang swept across the area, destroying all the hundreds of puppets that were besieged in an instant.Then, the yellow light in the left eye flickered, shooting out a beige, sword-shaped seal of divine sense, which is exactly the forbidden seal of God.As soon as the God Forbidden Seal entered the air, it exploded suddenly, turning into nearly a hundred little God Seals with thin hairs, and silently scattered towards the hundreds of shrimp demons who were besieged by the first Baba.

"Tom! Tom! Tom!"

The first shrimp demon was instantly sealed and shot by the little god, then his eyes froze, his expression froze, his body froze immediately, and he fell into the sea water.

"Xilibang, why is it so powerful?"

"Some time ago, I heard that he is about to cross the catastrophe, but the combat power can't be so amazing!"

The monks at the Hainan branch looked at this scene in shock, and all exclaimed.They have already experienced the strength of the puppet.It's not difficult to kill one or two puppets after they mutate, but facing nearly a hundred puppets attacking at the same time, he will definitely be killed instantly.Now, Xia Libang killing a puppet is as simple as chopping vegetables, which subverts everyone's understanding of the combat power of the monks in the Yuan Dynasty.

"Stop it all! This deity is definitely not for the position of patriarch, but for the fate of the Xia clan. Xia Yuan, as the law enforcement veteran of your clan, you have the qualifications to inherit the position of deputy patriarch. Now I am in front of the brothers of the Xia clan. Now, let me give you the position of deputy patriarch. You will become the only deputy patriarch of this clan, that is, the only successor to the patriarch. After I kill Xia Xiongfei, the sinner of the Xia clan, the position of patriarch will be yours." Xia Libang yelled, took out the deputy chief's token and threw it at Xia Yuan, looking like a righteous hero.

"Elder Xia, don't listen to him pick and choose, and quickly kill this traitor with me." Xia Xiongfei's expression became tense, and he hurriedly called out.Xia Libang surrendered to the patriarch, which greatly exceeded his expectations.Before the hurricane hit and Xia Libang killed all the puppets, he realized that it would be difficult for him to defeat Xia Libang.If Xia Yuan, whose cultivation had reached the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, cooperated with Xia Libang at this time, he would definitely be at an absolute disadvantage in the battle, and it is very likely that he would die on the spot.

"Hey! Patriarch, if you fight against Huxiaoshan and Hainan, brother, I will definitely charge forward and fight with my life. But Xia Libang is a member of my clan, and your battle with him is an internal struggle. And I listen to you What you two said seems to make sense, so as a law enforcement elder, I am naturally not good at helping anyone. But please rest assured, brothers, I will strictly prevent the people at the helm of Hainan from doing harm to you." Xia Yuan took Xia Li Bang threw the token of the deputy head of the clan, although his expression didn't make any waves, but there was a strong look of excitement in his eyes.

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