Chaos fairy way

Chapter 335

At this moment, Xiayuan chooses to be neutral, and the monks at the Hainan sub-rudder are watching.However, there are still a few shrimp demons who are loyal to Xia Xiongfei. They still control their puppets, activate the treasures in their hands, and attack Xia Libang fearlessly.

"Bang! Crack!"

"Bang! Crack!"

The sound was one piece, Xia Libang did not retreat but advanced, like a ferocious wolf charging towards the puppets, without using weapons, only with fists and feet, smashing puppets with fists and kicking puppets to shatter them.For a moment, the debris splashed and the puppets flew around. This was dismantling puppets, not fighting.

There are more than two hundred puppets, only as good as Tuoyuan period monks, and the puppet soldiers in their hands are even more middle-level or high-level treasures, but they were all destroyed in a short while during the Xia Libang killing, turning into debris Dropped into the sea.

"Is this still Xia Libang? Last time in the battle for the selection of the patriarch, I beat him miserably. I haven't seen him in a few months. His physical body is so strong?" On the distant sea, Xia Xiongfei's eyes widened. Aroused fear, and murmured in his heart.Shrimpang's performance was too astonishing, he didn't dare to attack blindly, he could only wait and see what happened, and take corresponding countermeasures after finding out the situation.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The puppets were all destroyed, and the incidental attacks of various treasures such as flames, arrows, and ice beads came to a sudden stop like a storm, drowning Xia Libang in an instant.

"Ah!" Wu Dao couldn't help exclaiming, and cast worried eyes on Xia Libang, but the next scene shocked him.Of course, it wasn't just him who was shocked, but also all the monks present, even Wu Cangyun opened his mouth wide in shock.

I saw that Xia Libang completely ignored the burning of the flames, the attack of poisonous arrows, and the explosion of ice beads, and he was showered in the waves of fire, rain of arrows, and ice chips, and he was unscathed. It seemed very comfortable.

"You are not Xia Libang!" Xia Xiongfei roared angrily.

After hearing Xia Xiongfei's words among the crowd of monks, they were slightly taken aback, some of them looked puzzled, but no one followed him.Because Xia Xiongfei didn't give any reason after that, and Xia Libang's combat power and the act of giving up the deputy patriarch have already made the audience admire the shrimp monster; besides, you can't say that someone is not him because of his sudden increase in strength !You must know that in the world of monks, there are not a few people whose combat power is advancing by leaps and bounds.As for Xia Yuan, although he also had some doubts about Xia Libang's identity at this time, he couldn't find a tenable reason, not to mention that Xia Libang was actually helping him ascend to the position of patriarch, so he was naturally optimistic. It's done.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, Xia Libang rushed out of the encirclement surrounded by fire waves, arrow rain, ice chips and many other attacks, turned into a gust of wind, and blew towards a famous shrimp demon. He punched and kicked each shrimp demon. Dozens of Xia Xiongfei's loyalists were all beheaded.

"Xilibang! You have killed your compatriots, and the crime is heinous. I will report it to the Grand Council of Elders, and then I will cut you into pieces."

Xia Xiongfei saw that his loyal subordinate was killed, and wanted to go to rescue him, but he was afraid of Xia Libang's strong combat power, not to mention that he was unable to catch up with Xia Libang's extreme speed. Save your own men.At this moment, he saw that the general situation was gone, and he would die if he stayed too long, he left a last sentence and hurriedly teleported away.

But at the moment when his body was about to disappear, a small yellow dot flashed from Xia Libang's waist and hit his back.

At this moment, Xia Libang disappeared in a flash, apparently using the teleportation technique to chase and kill Xia Xiongfei.

"Deputy Patriarch Xiayuan! Shall we continue to fight?" Wu Cangyun stabilized his injury after being treated with pills, and looked at Xiayuan with a half-smile.

"This attack was ordered by the patriarch. It is peace or war. We will talk about it after our clan's internal affairs! This is an agreement between you and Xia Libang." Xia Yuan's expression suddenly became a little ugly.Because even though the Shrimp Demon still had the upper hand at this time, he didn't have the confidence to defeat the white tiger's transformed sword, let alone Wu Cangyun.

After more than a quarter of an hour, Xia Libang appeared in a flash, holding Xia Xiongfei's head in his right hand, and a token of the leader of the Xia clan in his left hand.

"Xia Xiongfei committed a heinous crime, and everyone can punish him. Now this deity will bring him to justice. Xia Yuan, this is Xia Xiongfei's head and patriarch's token. Please keep it. I hope you are truthful about what happened today. Report to the chief patriarch. If there is any false report, don't blame the brothers for being ruthless." Xia Libang's stern eyes shot at Xia Yuan, and while speaking, he threw Xia Xiongfei's head and the patriarch's token at Xia Yuan.

"Hey! Brother Libang, don't worry, the living is always more important than the dead, I know how to do it." Xia Yuan forced a smile, looking at Xia Libang with fear in his eyes.

"Master Wu Duo, today's incident was done by Xia Xiongfei personally, and now I have rectified him on behalf of the Xia Clan, how about exposing this matter?" sincerity.

"Brother Libang killed relatives righteously, a chivalrous heart can be learned. Today, for the sake of the harmony between the human and shrimp clans, the friendship between generations, and the long-term peace and stability of the Hainan region, he is willing to give up the position of deputy patriarch and take the risk of killing thieves. I admire you deeply. For brother The meaning of the stage, I naturally agree with it." Wu Cangyun smiled all over his face, clasped his fists in return, and his eyes were full of respect.

Xia Libang nodded upon hearing this, then turned his head to look at Xia Yuan, and said, "Xia Yuan! Do you have any objections?"

"No! No objection! Brother Libang is the hero of our shrimp clan, and I admire him very much. It is really a great thing to be able to stop fighting and turn jade into silk. It's too late for my little brother to be happy!" Xia Yuan quickly clapped his hands and replied.

"Okay! Everyone, since the misunderstanding between the Hainan sub-rudder and the shrimp clan has been eliminated, I will leave now." Xia Libang looked around at the monks with his fists clasped, his gaze stayed on the saber for a moment, and he nodded his thanks when he saw the saber. Gone.

"Brother Libang, there will be a date later!"

"Hero Shrimp, let's go!"

"Deputy patriarch, you will always be our deputy patriarch!"

Although the monks present had different expressions, they all saluted and sent them off one after another.

"Patriarch Xiayuan! Do you still have to go to Cangqiongyan to deal with the 'one thousand year rent' matter?" Wu Cangyun looked at Xia Libang after leaving, and immediately turned his eyes to Xiayuan, with a serious expression.

"Since we have met here, why don't we go to Cangqiong Rock! How about you paying the rent here?" Xia Yuan said in a rather kind tone.


Six thousand miles away, Xia Libang appeared in a flash, and after a "cracking" sound, his body suddenly changed into the appearance of an ordinary-looking and somewhat rustic boy.This young man looks like a senior in high school, so he is naturally Long Fei.

Before that, Long Fei transformed into Xia Libang and rescued Wu Cangyun.Then, as Long Qing, he got in touch with Wu Dao, and reached an agreement between the two sides to suspend the battle and the Hainan sub-rudder to assist him in killing Xia Xiongfei.Unexpectedly, Xia Xiongfei fled without a fight, but Long Fei possessed one of the three tracking strange monsters, the soul-searching spirit worm, and possessed a superb teleportation technique, so he naturally caught up with Xia Xiongfei in an instant and killed him.

"Hehe! It's a great harvest!"

Long Fei laughed lightly, and while muttering to himself, he took out a red storage bag, and his divine sense penetrated into the bag, the smile on his face deepened.

In the red storage bag, there are not only sea sound conch, but also many extremely precious refining materials, among which there is a phantom fruit.As for the top grade spirit stones and crystals, that's not to mention.

After Long Fei cleaned up the loot, the "Little Ben Lei Technique" was displayed and disappeared in a flash.

Haitian Pavilion, the largest restaurant in Hainan, is open all night, and its doors are always open to welcome guests from all over the world.

Eight days later, in the middle of the night, Long Fei finally sneaked back to Nanzhu Island.At this moment, his aura is concealed like nothing, standing in a remote corner of the street where Haitian Pavilion is located, looking at a window of Haitian Pavilion Tianzi No. Crouching on the wall by the window, peeking at the situation in the room.

"Hehe! As expected, there is indeed an unannounced visit!"

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, a bad arc immediately appeared, and the breath in his heart was hidden as if there was nothing, and he turned into a gust of wind, drifting straight into the gate of Haitian Pavilion.Afterwards, Long Fei swiped to the door of Tianzi No. [-] room on the fifth floor, then stretched out his right index finger, tapped an inconspicuous black spot on the wall at the upper left corner of the door frame, and injected a burst of energy.The last time Long Fei left Tianzi No. [-] room, he secretly set up a peerless formation from "Tongban Chapter" at the door of the room. The small black dot is the formation's eye.

With the injection of Yuanli, the door of the room slowly opened an inch-wide gap, and there was no sound at all.

"The ancient formation is infinitely mysterious!"

While Long Fei sighed secretly, he transformed into a gust of wind and entered the Tianzi No. [-] room. At this moment, the door closed automatically and soundlessly.

Afterwards, Long Fei quietly entered his bedroom, walked to the window of the bedroom, and then suddenly opened the window with a "bang!".The side of this window is the place where the masked man in black lays down.


Long Fei stormed out of the window, grabbing the masked man in black with his backhand with his right hand.

The incident happened suddenly, the masked man in black was caught off guard, and was stunned for a moment, before Long Fei grabbed his left shoulder with his right hand.


At this moment, the masked man in black finally came to his senses, his body suddenly swelled up, and a powerful force of origin rushed out of his body, instantly shaking Long Fei's right hand away.

"Little bastard! You only came out at this time, and you are plotting against me. It's really bad." The masked man in black took the opportunity to disappear, and a clear female voice echoed in the night sky.

"You can't escape!"

Long Fei smiled slightly, followed by the masked man in black.

"Huh! This person is actually from the Hainan sub-helm, not the shrimp clan."

When Long Fei reappeared, he had already appeared in the Shanmen Square of Nanya Mountain, the headquarters of Hainan Branch.At this time, the masked man in black had already entered a Taoist temple on the hillside of Nanya Mountain.

Come and go, indecent!

How could Long Fei stop outside the headquarters of the Hainan sub-rudder, the secret treasure of the broken formation was activated vigorously, his aura was hidden as nothing, and he transformed into a green light blast, seeing the large formations of the Hainan sub-rudder headquarters as nothing, followed closely by the masked black clothes People enter the door of the Taoist temple on the mountainside.

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