Chaos fairy way

Chapter 346 Forced Breakthrough


Long Fei let out a deep shout, turned into a gust of wind, and blew to Niu Zhong's side, his left hand clasped Niu Zhong's shoulder, and with Niu Zhong, he wanted to take advantage of the time when the encirclement of demon cultivators was scattered and evacuate from the small valley of the ancient tomb.


At this moment, the entire small valley and the surrounding mountain peaks suddenly roared and trembled violently, strips of colorful formation energy filaments shot into the air from the ground, like water plants in a lake, like vines in a forest, and more like ribbons facing the wind Floating, very gorgeous.But although roses are beautiful, they have thorns. Behind many beautiful things in the world, there is often a deep crisis hidden.

As soon as Long Fei took the body of a cow and turned into a blast, the moment he blew into the numerous formation energy filaments like bushes, these formation energy filaments immediately seemed to have life, rolling vertical hooks like octopus tentacles, In an instant, Long Fei and Long Fei were tightly entangled, causing them to stop suddenly, and their real bodies suddenly appeared. [

"Who is so awesome! It seems that they think highly of you. In addition to mobilizing the elite siege, they also set up such a powerful trap in such a short period of time."

While Long Fei was speaking, the "Magnetized Yuanbo" was running at full capacity, instantly transforming all the Yuanli in his body into magnetized Yuanli; at the same time, the Dayan Qingtian sword in his hand was drawn into his body, and the white glove suddenly melted, and then he waved his right hand , a magnetized Yuanli sword suddenly shot out from the right palm, and suddenly turned into ten thousand flying swords. With a sound of "Wow!", it suddenly scattered in all directions.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

Thousands of flying swords cut through the energy threads of the formation like a sharp knife cutting grass, instantly cutting off all the energy threads of the formation within a thousand feet around Long Fei, and the heavy energy dissipated in the sky and the earth.Long Fei's "Wind and Shadow Judgment" was exhibited again, turned into a gust of wind again, and drifted away to the outside of the island with Niu Zhong.It's a pity that it was a little too late, and the remaining 23 demon cultivators of the Shark Clan took advantage of the short-term blocking of Long Fei by the energy thread of the formation, and completed the encirclement of Long Fei and Long Fei again, and formed two encircling wind circles.

Dots of dazzling white light suddenly appeared with the formation of two gusts of wind, and began to grow in size and lengthen.

The demon cultivators wanted to attack with the circle of light again, Long Fei had experienced it many times, and he knew its power well, how could the circle of light be formed again.


Long Fei used his thousand swords to cut through the entanglement of several energy filaments, drifted to a spot of light within ten feet, let go of Niu Zhong, and cast "Sword Soaring to the Sky" again, transforming into a white sword shadow and shooting towards him. In the unformed aperture, the tip of the sword pointed directly at a white light spot.

"Chi!" The white sword shot through the white light spot, splashing out a line of blood, and then with a "boom", a gust of wind suddenly exploded into blood mist and crimson fragments.At this moment, the white sword shadow's offensive did not decrease much, and it shot towards a white light spot surrounded by the second blast.But when it was about to hit the white light spot, a second halo of light surrounded by the gust of wind suddenly formed, exuding a terrifying aura of annihilating the world.However, the aura at this time is much weaker than the aura of the previous aperture. This is because the casters are all seriously injured and cannot hit with all their strength.

Long Fei's ability to adapt to battle was super strong. When the circle of light formed, his sword move suddenly changed, and the white sword shadow suddenly turned into a golden light. With a sound of "Crack!", it shot through the circle of light.This time the golden light cut through the circle of light, and it was much easier. Naturally, it was because all the demon cultivators had been injured.




Surrounded by two gusts of wind, 22 gusts of wind disappeared with the damage of the circle of light and the spots of light, and then suddenly slowed down, revealing 22 demon cultivators spurting blood.They were wounded one after another, and all of them were seriously injured. Their pale faces and dim eyes did not show that they could no longer use the aperture formation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Long Fei didn't care so much, a yellow light flashed in his left eye, and a divine seal shot out, and suddenly exploded into 22 small divine seals as thin as hair, and shot towards the foreheads of 22 demon cultivators.Except for the three demon cultivators who were lightly injured and who had reached the peak of Yuan Dacheng, all the other demon cultivators looked dull and fell to the ground one after another.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Crash! Crash! Crash!"

At this moment, Jinsha Mietian in the sky suddenly ejected three groups of golden substances in succession.They exploded at the same time, turned into three layers of golden sand, the falling speed increased by three times, the attack power increased by three times, and the thickness of the sand naturally increased by three times, facing Long Fei and Niu Zhong like covering the sky and covering the earth. poured down. [

Niu Zhong still protects Long Fei with his Tai Chi Zhongyuan shield and light shield, and his body shield supports the sky in one fell swoop to resist Jinsha's attack on himself.

"Beep beep beep!"

"Beep beep beep!"

Although Jinsha's attack was massive and swift, and its attack range and density far surpassed that of previous Jinsha attacks, the two shields of the Taiji Chongyuan Shield have never been damaged at all, only shaking.Long Fei and Niu Zhong were under the light shield and body shield, so naturally they were not injured at all.

At this moment, Jin Polang suddenly appeared three zhang behind Long Fei, holding a three-foot-three green light sword in his hand, and shot straight at Long Fei like a startled rainbow, and the sword in his hand shot straight at the heart of Long Fei's back.


Long Fei floated sideways in an emergency, avoiding the vital parts of his heart, and resisted the stabbing of the green light sword with his body as strong as the top-grade treasure, the crescent moon magic blade.Just when the green light sword pierced his back, he turned around suddenly, and slashed Jin Polang's face with a backhand sword with his right hand.

Jin Polang didn't expect Long Fei to risk his life, he floated sideways in horror, his body moved slightly to the left by half a body.It's a pity that it's only half of his body, and he only heard a "crack!", and a large piece of flesh was cut off by Long Fei's Dayan Qingtian sword in an instant, and the blood flowed profusely.

After Long Fei succeeded in one blow, he didn't attack Jin Polang again, he jumped to Niu Zhong's side, grabbed Niu Zhong's left shoulder again, and hurriedly drifted away from the island.Most of the demon cultivators have been sealed, and Jin Polang has been injured, this is a good time to escape.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

But at this moment, a famous demon cultivator rushed from all directions of Alcatraz Island, and they had more than sixty masters.

"Patriarch! We are late, please forgive me!"

"The thief-destroying team, come and report."

"Patriarch, the fourth bandit extermination team is here!"

More than [-] masters clapped their hands together and quickly formed six circles, trapping Long Fei and Fei in the very center.

"Okay! Okay! Brothers, don't keep it any longer. These two villains are too tyrannical, please show your housekeeping skills! Kill these two villains thoroughly." Jin Polang failed to steal the chicken. Instead of hurting Long Fei, he had his left arm cut off instead. Seeing that all the Thieves Slayer Team had arrived in frustration, he hurriedly gave the order.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Crash! Crash! Crash!

The sound of Jinsha Mietian's attack sounded again, and Jin Polang's figure suddenly disappeared strangely with the sound of the attack.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

More than [-] masters in six encircling circles surrounded Long Fei and turned into more than sixty gusts of wind, forming six encircling circles of gusts of wind.Immediately afterwards, dazzling white light spots appeared in the six blast circles almost at the same time, and finally swelled and elongated into a circle of light.

"Crackling!" [

The six circles of light were scorching hot, exuding a terrifying aura of annihilation, which made the air explode and the temperature of the entire small valley suddenly increased a lot.

As soon as the six circles of light were formed, they cooperated with Jinsha Mietian's attack and came towards Long Fei and Niu Zhong in a silent but unstoppable manner.

Jinsha, no matter how many there are, no matter how fierce the attack is, Niu Zhong has the most powerful defensive treasure, the Tai Chi Chong Yuan Shield, so he is naturally afraid.But those six circles of light seemed neither fierce nor vicious, but they made Niu Zhong's scalp tingle.Because he knew that it would be no problem for Long Fei to break through two circles of light by "breaking the sky with one blow", but he couldn't do it by breaking six circles of light.

At this moment, Long Fei looked at the six circles of light indifferently, his body remained motionless, as if he knew how to break through the six circles of light, and he didn't even bother breaking the two circles of light that could be broken.

"Thieves! You have killed so many of my clansmen, now you know that you are doomed!" The three demons who were injured before did not join the attack, and their gazes were like poisonous arrows shooting at the two of them, mocking viciously.

"Hehe! By them?" Long Fei sneered twice, and curled his lips.

The six circles of light have entered within the range of eight feet around Long Fei, followed by seven feet, six feet, five feet...

When it was three feet long, Long Fei suddenly took out a thumb-sized, shiny black bead from the storage bag at his waist, it was the Thunder Bead.

"Boom! Crash!"

The six circles of light attacked within one zhang, and Long Fei suddenly threw the thunder ball. The thunder was deafening, and the electric current was like a sea.

The six circles of light were instantly submerged in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and when they were within a foot of Long Fei, they collapsed, and more than 60 gusts of wind also stopped suddenly, revealing that the whole body was trembling from the shock of the electric current, the beard and hair were standing upright, and the mouth was lightly bleeding. The demon cultivators of smoke.

Long Fei's body was as strong as a crescent moon magic blade, so he was naturally hindered in the face of lightning attacks.Niu Zhong blocked most of the thunder and lightning with his shield, and his physical body was also unreasonably strong, so even though he was flustered and depressed by the lightning at this moment, he was able to hold on.

"I can really go this time, everyone will meet later!"

Long Fei twitched his lips and smiled triumphantly. He grabbed Niu Zhong's left shoulder with his right hand and turned into a hurricane, setting off a thunderstorm and drifting out of the island.

But at this moment, a ghostly figure suddenly flashed a foot high above the hurricane that Long Fei transformed into.He stood on his head, held a green light sword, and shot at the head of Long Fei who was transformed into a hurricane. The attack speed was as fast as lightning, and the angle was extremely tricky.This person is Jin Polang, he is a master who survived a catastrophe.

"Bang! Bang!"

Niu Zhong's "Yuan Zhishield" came out suddenly, hard to beat Jin Polang with a lore, and immediately sent Jin Polang flying into the distance. The "Shield of Yuan" was not broken in the fierce shock, and it was ashamed of the reputation of being unbreakable at the same level, but it finally collapsed in the thunder and lightning of the Thunder Orb.


Such a good opportunity to kill the enemy, Long Fei naturally grasped it.While he was drifting rapidly, he threw the Dayan Qingtian Sword in his hand into the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hilts of the Kongdunhua Flying Sword, which suddenly scattered in all directions, killing Xiang Jin Polang and the demon cultivators who were struggling in the thunder and lightning.

Facing the attack of flying swords, Jin Polang was still a little dazed at the moment because of the "Yuan Zhishield"'s counterattack, but his reaction was very timely. He swung the green light sword in his hand quickly, and chopped off the flying swords one by one.However, after the green light sword resisted all the flying swords, it completely lost its luster and became a useless sword.Facing the top-grade treasure, it is the top-grade natural magic resistance among high-level treasures.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

Jin Polang withstood the blow of the flying sword, but other demon cultivators faced such dense, numerous, and sudden attacks of nearly ten thousand swords.In the end, although they avoided most of the flying sword attacks, they were shot through the heart by the remaining flying swords and turned into ashes by lightning.

Long Fei didn't love to fight, he took the body of a cow and turned into a gust of wind, blew out of the small valley and disappeared into the sky.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 340 Six Forcibly Breaking Out:

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