Chaos fairy way

Chapter 347

A month later, a small island more than [-] miles north of Yuwei Island stretched across hundreds of miles, surrounded by spiritual mist and stacked emerald peaks, giving people a sense of beauty.However, there are many such islands in the southern region, so it is considered ordinary.

There is a small valley in the north of the island, shrouded in thick fog all year round, surrounded by mountains, and the entrance and exit are like a death valley.



At this moment, suddenly two teenagers aged [-] or [-] came out of the valley through the fog, and flew over the canopy of two towering ancient trees on the top of the mountain in the north.They are the transformed Long Fei and Niu Zhong.At this moment, Long Fei has changed back to his senior year appearance, while Niu Zhong has changed his appearance somewhat similar to his senior year. [

"Menniu! The aptitude is good! In just one month, the cultivation base has broken through to the peak of the metamorphosis, and the third layer of "Transformation" has been successfully cultivated." Long Fei looked at Niu with a happy face. Heavy.

"Hey! It's okay! Now I finally caught up with you." Niu Zhong's face, which was always tied tightly, was also full of smiles at this moment.

"Okay, from now on you will be my fourth brother's fourth year in high school, you have to remember this, so as not to reveal yourself when the time comes." Long Fei said in a big brother tone.

"What? Humph! I went around and encouraged me to change into your current appearance. It turned out to be to take advantage of me! Little Lai Lai, have you grown up in front of me again? Why can't I be you Second brother is a sophomore in high school?" Niu Zhong curled his lips, with a hint of contempt in his half-smile expression.

"You stupid cow, you have to find out that you are a black market monk with the identity now. I accept you as the fourth brother to give you an identity. Besides, I am your brother-in-law. Are you not convinced? When you are not convinced, I will find you Xiao Lan said, just say that you don't want to be the grandson-in-law of my Long family." Long Fei tilted his head up, as if he was determined to do so.

"Okay! Okay! Don't keep bullying me with Xiaolan, don't forget your honesty in front of Senior Brother Xuanzhen." Niu Zhong was short of breath when he heard Xiaolan, but he still didn't forget to say a word.

"Senior Brother" Long Fei paused, and his tone dropped.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

The two brothers looked at each other's embarrassment and smiled dumbly. Only real brothers would smile so comfortably. This is innocence.

Afterwards, Long Fei and Niu Zhong drove the Feidu Shuo and rushed towards Yuwei Islet.

Last time, Long Fei and Niu Zhong broke out of the encirclement of the Golden Shark Clan Thieves Slayer Team, and they used the secret treasure of breaking the formation non-stop to break through the Golden Shark Clan's blockade of the ghost domain, and finally sneaked out.Afterwards, Long Fei and the two considered that Niu Zhong's "Transfiguration" had only been practiced to the second layer of deformation in the muscles, and could not avoid the detection of the box-shaped utensils of the Golden Shark Clan, so they decided not to go to Yuwei Island for the time being, but chose the North OK, finally came to this island.

In the past month, Niu Zhong finally succeeded in transforming the third layer of "Transformation" into bone by relying on the phantom bone pill that Long Fei gave him.What surprised Niu Zhong was that "Transfiguration" had a special promotion effect on promotion, which made his cultivation break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and reach the peak stage of detoxification.During this period of time, Long Fei also gained a lot. He practiced the "Imperial Puppet Art" obtained from the storage bags of Xia Libang and Xia Xiongfei and the techniques related to refining weapons. With talent and abnormal comprehension ability, he has achieved a little success in the cultivation of "Imperial Puppet Art" and the Art of Refining Artifacts. Of course, there is still a lot of gap from the level of a master.Now he has been able to refine mid-level dead puppets and mid-level treasures, but he can't refine high-level dead puppets and high-level treasures.As for the Thunder Orb, which has an attack power close to that of a top-grade treasure, he can't even think about it now.

During this time, Long Fei and Long Fei also chatted about each other's experiences after separation while practicing.Long Fei's experience made even Niu Zhong, who was dull, feel a lot of emotion.As for Niu Zhong's experience, Long Fei shook his head in disbelief.

That day, the two were separated by teleportation, and Niu Zhong was directly teleported to an ancient cave.The ancient cave mansion was densely covered with peerless killing arrays, and Niu Zhong survived by relying on the top-grade treasure Taiji Chongyuan Shield to protect him, but suffered heavy injuries.Fortunately, there were many healing medicines and spiritual treasures sent by Long Fei in his storage bag, so he was able to recover from his injuries.

The so-called surviving a catastrophe must have a future blessing.Niu Zhong fell into the ancient cave and was bombarded by many peerless killing formations, but he survived, and many formations in the ancient cave were mostly destroyed by his muddle-headed rush.After recovering from the injury, the ancient cave mansion was naturally allowed to roam freely, and the many ancient rare pills and spiritual treasures in it naturally became his possessions.Since entering the ancient cave was purely accidental, Niu Zhong didn't know how to get out of the cave, so he couldn't go out.Next, Niu Zhong tried all kinds of methods, but still couldn't leave the ancient cave, so he could only sink his heart to practice, hoping to see if he could break out of the ancient cave after further improvement in cultivation base and magic skills.

Next, Niu Zhong practiced in the ancient cave for several months. With the help of many spiritual treasures and ancient Qidan, he finally successfully raised his cultivation level to the peak stage of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty, and the distance broke through to the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty. The peak is only one opportunity away; and "Transfiguration" has also been cultivated to the second level, but the third level cannot be cultivated because there is no magic bone pill.

The so-called coincidence is beyond words, when Niu Zhong, who has advanced in cultivation, was about to try to break out of the ancient cave again, the ancient cave was forcibly broken open by the demon cultivator of the Golden Shark clan with the help of a strange formation.A group of demon cultivators from the Jinsha clan found out that the ancient cave that they had worked so hard to break open at the cost of sacrificing several clansmen was actually climbed up first, and they were so angry that they were half dead.The arrogance, ferocious and greedy demon cultivator nature of the overlord of the southern region, as well as the temptation of the ancient cave mansion, made them reveal their evil faces at once, and immediately threatened Niu Zhong to hand over everything he got.Niu Zhong and the Golden Shark Clan already had a grudge, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense, and started fighting directly, forcefully destroying all the demons of the Golden Shark Clan who entered the ancient cave.Afterwards, he took away the storage bags of the demon cultivators of the Golden Shark clan, and walked out of the ancient cave calmly along the passage opened by them, but was caught by those outside the ancient cave waiting for the Golden Shark clan to make a fortune before entering the ancient cave. Xiaocai's other monks found out about his departure.What happened after Niu Zhong was roughly the same as the outside rumors.

Long Fei and Niu Chong have been in seclusion for nearly a month, and disappeared from the sight of outsiders. They are secretly cultivating in the cave, but they are not completely blocked from outside news.Because he and the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce have an agreement on the purchase and sale, that is, the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce must promptly send him the important events that happened in the Golden Shark Clan and who they chased and killed through the VIP gold medal.The VIP gold medal is engraved with a unique formation method for sending messages, and messages can be sent within [-] miles. The message that Long Fei got was sent by the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce Yuweiyu Branch. [

The battle of Ghost Domain caused a sensation in the entire southern region, and even the entire sea region.The Golden Shark Clan gathered the strength of the whole clan to besiege and kill a casual cultivator who was close to the peak of the Yuan Dacheng, not only failed, but also lost troops and generals. The eleven thief-killing teams with a total of more than 100 people lost nearly half of them.This was an earth-shattering event, which attracted the attention of the monks in the whole southern region and caused widespread discussion among the monks in the whole southern region.Streets and alleys, tea houses and taverns, etc., wherever there are monks, this topic is not discussed.The real identities of Long Fei and Niu Zhong naturally aroused all the conjectures of the monks. Some said that they were stronger due to the inheritance of the ancient cave, and some said that they were masters deliberately sent by the hostile forces of the Golden Shark Clan. There are shadows referring to Hu Xiaoshan and the other three royal families of the Hai Clan, etc. There are different opinions, and everyone has plausible arguments.But those influential forces suspected that Long Fei and Niu Zhong were members of that mysterious sect.

As the overlord of the Southern Region, the Golden Shark Clan was humiliated by two mysterious casual cultivators. This was a resounding slap in the face, and it was too embarrassing.As soon as Jin Polang returned to the headquarters of the Golden Shark Clan, he agreed with the Elders' Association and issued a sky-level hunting order.The elders of the Golden Shark Clan immediately appointed two masters of one catastrophe to lead the cultivators of the Golden Shark Clan to hunt down Long Fei and Niu Zhong.In addition, the Golden Shark tribe also invited monks who are proficient in the art of transformation from the other three regions of the sea area to distribute in various traffic arteries, human islands, etc., and sent all the demon cultivators of the whole clan to cruise around the sea area, and the two of them were killed. The master even personally inspects all over the place and is ready to kill Long Fei and Niu Zhong at any time... It can be said that a net has been laid, waiting for Long Fei and Niu Zhong to appear.

The sea is calm and the blue sky and white clouds are reflected in it, which is so beautiful.Long Fei and Niu stood on the bow of the Feidu Shuo, overlooking the sea ahead.

"Stop! Get checked!" The calm sea suddenly turned into waves, and then more than a dozen demon cultivators slowly emerged from the water.In addition to the shark demons and whale demons that are common in the southern region, these demon cultivators even have a turtle demon with a turtle shell on their backs.

"Oh! Yes! Yes! It should be so. The villains dare to fight against the Golden Shark Clan, they are courting death." Long Fei stopped the flying shuttle quickly, greeted him with a smile, and bowed his hands in salute.

Niu Zhong reluctantly cupped his hands, but his face was still tightly tied.

"Do you have any objections? You don't think our cultivation level is higher than yours, do you?" The leader, the golden shark demon, stared at Niu Zhong with suddenly cold eyes, and suddenly became angry at Niu Zhong's expression.

"Oh! Fellow Daoist, I misunderstood! Misunderstood! He was born with such a bitter gourd look. Oh! By the way, fellow Daoists, here are some spiritual stones for you to express your gratitude." Long Fei quickly lowered his waist while speaking. He took out a black bag from the storage bag in the middle, and slowly flew towards the leader, the Golden Shark Demon, with the mobilization of spiritual thoughts.

"Oh! That's right! But no matter how hard you are, you should still laugh. This time, for the sake of this fellow Taoist, let it be." The leader, the Golden Shark Demon, glanced at Niu Zhong contemptuously, Putting the black bag into the storage bag on his waist, his expression suddenly became severe, and he forgot the gift from Long Fei in an instant, "Okay, what's your name? Where are you from?"

"I'm in the third year of high school! He's a casual cultivator in the Hainan area. He's the fourth brother in the lower class, named Senior Four. I hope all fellow Taoists will take care of you!" Long Fei replied seriously.

"Friend Daoist Turtle! Let's test it out." The leader, the Golden Shark Demon, turned his head to look at the Turtle Demon.

The turtle demon nodded slightly, raised his eyes to look at the top of Long Fei's head, and then his eyes suddenly burst into green light, shooting out two dazzling green beams, falling on the top of Long Fei's head, and sweeping down vertically.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 340 The seventh chapter:

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