Chaos fairy way

Chapter 348 Three Heroes of the Southern Territory

Long Fei's waist was straight and his expression was at ease, letting the green light from the turtle monster's eyes sweep over his body.

Then, with a blank expression, the turtle demon swept Long Fei several times with green light, and then moved the green light to Niu Zhong without saying a word, and then repeatedly swept Niu Zhong vertically several times.

"How?" The leader, the Golden Shark Demon, asked softly.At this moment, he and all the shark demons were highly vigilant about Long Fei and Long Fei's every move, as if they were facing a big enemy, and they were afraid that they would be silenced.

"Captain! There is no sign of deformation in the skin, blood vessels, or bones of the two, so they did not perform magic and techniques such as deformation, and they are showing their true appearance." The turtle monster put away the green light and answered with cupped hands.

The leader, the golden shark demon, nodded slightly, his stern expression eased a lot. [

"Fellow Daoist! I wonder if the two brothers can go?" Long Fei asked softly with a very careful look.

"Oh! Let's go! By the way, if you encounter any suspicious person, remember to report it to our Golden Shark Clan!" The leader of the Golden Shark Demon is very talkative, which should be the credit for Long Fei's gift of the spirit stone just now.

"Thank you! Farewell!" Long Fei clasped his hands together and then mobilized the Feidu Shuo to advance towards Yuwei Island with his spiritual thoughts.

The leader, the golden shark demon, nodded his head in return, and then led all the demon cultivators back into the sea.

""Transfiguration" really deserves to be the unique skill of Tianxin Pavilion, an ancient sect, and it was able to hide from the detection of monks who are proficient in transformation." Niu Chong couldn't help sighing after detecting that all the demon cultivators had moved away from the speeding Feidushuo. One sentence.

"The tortoise monster, his attainment of transformation should be very weak. According to the division in "Transfiguration", it will never exceed the second level of transformation in the veins. Therefore, they did not detect our true appearance, and they also It's normal." Long Fei said indifferently, obviously expecting that the turtle demon method would detect his true appearance.

After more than three hours, Long Fei finally arrived at Yuwei Island driving the Feidu Shuo.Along the way, Long Fei and Niu Zhong were often interrogated and investigated by the patrol team of the Golden Shark Clan.Long Fei and Niu Zhong considered that two masters of the Golden Shark Clan were patrolling around the country, so they were extremely careful along the way, and greeted the cross-examinations of the demon cultivators with smiles.

Afterwards, Long Fei and the two drifted to Tianfu Building, and went straight to the guest room they rented.

In the guest room, Chen Pi was crouching on the tea table, his face was full of chatter, when he saw Long Fei enter the door, his expression suddenly became excited, he got up immediately, with a smiley face, flattering and saying: " Third master! You are back, I miss you so much."

Long Fei smiled slightly, looked around the guest room, and immediately asked, "Where's Jiang Wen?"

"At the invitation of Zhou Jianyong, head of the Soul Sect, he went to the Soul Sect to report." Chen Pi replied honestly.

"Oh! By the way, let me introduce to you. This is my fourth brother in senior year, and this is Chen Pi." After introducing the identities of Niu Zhong and Chen Pi respectively, Long Fei sat down on the rattan chair beside the tea table .

"I've seen Fourth Master!" Chen Pi respectfully paid his respects.

Afterwards, Long Fei and Niu Zhong asked Chen Pi about the situation of the Golden Shark Clan chasing and killing the villains in detail, and one of the latest news made Long Fei and the two of them frown.Because the news is that in order to prevent the two thieves from escaping from the Southern Region, the Golden Shark Clan has densely populated the islands with teleportation arrays in the Southern Region with masters who are proficient in transfiguration, monitoring the monks coming and going all the time.As the only teleportation array that can teleport to places outside the southern region, the Huxiaoshan Island teleportation platform has even appointed a tribulation master to station it.


While the three of Long Fei were talking, Jiang Wenmen entered the guest room.

"Oh! Third Master, you are back! That's great! That's great!" Jiang Wen had a smile on his face, his eyes were already blurred, and then he looked at Niu Zhong enthusiastically, and said in a quite sure tone : "You think he is the younger brother of the third master! I don't know who it is?"

Niu Zhong naturally didn't want to admit that he was Long Fei's younger brother, but looking at Jiang Wen's warm and familiar face, it's not rude to meet him for the first time, so he could only nod his head as a salute, then turned his head and glanced at Long Fei .

"Hey!" Long Fei cast his eyes approvingly on Jiang Wen, obviously very satisfied with Jiang Wen's shrewdness and tact, "That's right! He is my fourth brother in senior year, you can call him Fourth Master from now on!" [

"Oh! Good." Jiang Wen responded, he straightened up his face quickly, and paid homage to Niu again, "I have seen the fourth master!"

"You are really nice! With you here, it really saves a lot of trouble." Although Niu Zhong had an expression on his face, he did express it from emotion.

"Thank you, Fourth Master, for your appreciation!" Jiang Wen looked flattered, but it attracted Chen Pi's contemptuous gaze.

"Okay! Tell me about the progress of your relationship with the Soul Sect during this period." Seeing Jiang Wen's slickness and addiction, Long Fei got straight to business.

"Oh! Hehe!" Jiang Wen revealed a look of embarrassment, then he straightened his thoughts and said slowly: "Third Lord! During this time, we will first pass through Xianghun Gate according to the plan you made before leaving. Buy some puppets and gradually get acquainted with them, and then place a big order with them to attract their head, so as to deal with their head. The whole thing is going very smoothly. From today's Soul Sect head Zhou Jianyong Inviting me to accompany a close friend at a banquet, it can be seen how much the soul gate attaches importance to me. Oh! No, it is the big boss behind me, the third master, who attaches great importance to you."

"En! Not bad! Is the funding given to you last time enough?" Long Fei didn't ask how much money was spent at all, but directly asked if it was enough.

"Enough! Enough!" Jiang Wen and Chen Pi responded in unison without thinking, but they still drooled and looked at Long Fei's waist storage bag.

"Hehe!" Long Fei shook his head amusedly, took out two storage bags from his self-study snakeskin bag and threw them at Jiang Wen and Chen Pi respectively, saying: "During this time, you have performed well, these things are for rewarding you. "

"Oh! Thank you, Mr. San."

Jiang Wenxi took the storage bag with both hands with a smile on his face, and in response to the sound, his divine sense immediately probed into the storage bag, his face froze, his breathing was a little short, and then he looked at Long Fei in shock and ecstasy, speaking incoherently The ground said again: "Third...Third master! These...are...really for me?"

Chen Pi was even more stupid at the moment, his hands holding the storage bag were trembling.

"What's the matter? Don't you want it? As long as you do what I ordered well, these things are trivial." Long Fei was not surprised by the expressions of Jiang Wen and Chen Pi.Because the belongings of more than a dozen golden shark demon cultivators were gathered in those two storage bags, which accounted for [-]% of the property Long Fei got from killing the golden shark demon cultivators.One must know that these shark demons are all elites of the Golden Shark Clan, and their status in the Golden Shark Clan is by no means ordinary, so one can imagine how much property they have in their storage bags.How much temptation and impact does this [-]% of the property have on Jiang Wen and the other casual cultivators who rely on theft and deception?That is indescribable.

"No! No! Want! Want!"

"Master! I love you so much."

"Well! Yes, third master, you are telling me to die now, and I don't even frown."

Jiang Wen and Chen Pi scrambled to show their loyalty and determination, but they quickly tied the storage bag around their waist and covered it with their hands, as if they were afraid that Long Fei would regret it.

Niu Chongyan shook his head, and cast a glance at Long Fei, who seemed to be quite supportive of Long Fei who had found these two live treasures.

"Okay! Now go and contact the head of the Soul Sect, tell him that I want to meet him and let him set a time." Long Fei ignored Niu Zhong and ordered.


After Jiang Wen and Chen Pi bowed their hands and saluted, they left the guest room.

"These two are quite greedy for money. If you let them follow us, it will be bad for us then! You know, there are already many people paying attention to us." Niu Zhong lifted his chin up during the voice transmission. lift.

"Although they are greedy for money, they are kind-hearted. Besides, we also need their identity as thieves to cover up our unknown origin. As for the followers in the upstairs guest room, they have been following me since I came to Yuwei Island. Come up. If my guess is right, they should be from Tiger Roaring Mountain. But although I still can't figure out their purpose of following us, they definitely have nothing to do with the Shrimp Clan or the Golden Shark Clan. .” Long Fei picked up a cup of tea, tasted it and said through voice transmission. [

At this moment, in the guest room upstairs where Long Fei lived, three monks, one fat and two thin, were sitting around the tea table. On the tea table was a round black bead the size of two fists.What is amazing is that the image of Long Fei and Niu Zhong sitting and drinking tea is shown on the black bead like a movie.


At this moment, there was a buzzing sound in the black bead, and then the image on it disappeared.

"Could they have discovered our surveillance?" A thin demon cultivator panicked.

"If you don't find out, it's hard for the Phantom Orb to track the masters of the Yingjie stage, let alone the two of them who are masters of the Tuoyuan stage. I think it must be some kind of powerful masking formation arranged by the third year of high school. I heard from Lingshan sister that this formation The technique of the law is enough to shock the comprehension world." Fat Yaoxiu thought for a while, showing no hurry.

Two days later, in the early morning, Long Fei and Niu Zhong drifted towards the Soul Gate under the guidance of Jiang Wen and Chen Pi.

The Soul Sect is the second largest force in Yuwei Island after Huxiao Shanhaixi, and it is also considered a big force in the entire southern region.

To the south of Yuwei Island, a valley with beautiful mountains and green waters and surrounded by spiritual mist is the headquarters of the Soul Sect.

About a quarter of an hour later, the four of Long Fei drifted to the Shanmen Square, the headquarters of the Soul Gate, which is the square in front of the valley entrance.At this moment, several monks in blue Taoist robes were standing in the center of the square. One of them was about forty years old, with a face like a jujube, and his eyes were shining. He was Ma Cang, the deputy head of the Soul Sect.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang! I have lost my way, and I hope to forgive you! Didn't you say that your boss will come in person today?" Ma Cang bowed his hands and moved his eyes to Long Fei and the others, leading the monks to slow down with confusion. Come slowly.

"You're welcome! You're welcome! Hehe! Master Ma, these two are the third and fourth masters." After bowing his hands and returning the salute, Jiang Wen chuckled and quickly introduced.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I really didn't expect the two fellow Taoists to be so young, and their cultivation has reached the peak of the Great Achievement of the Yuan Dynasty. You two are truly peerless geniuses!" Hearing this, Ma Cang was startled, and quickly cupped his hands again. He sighed solemnly.

"Don't dare! Don't dare! Fellow Daoist praised you. It's pure luck that the two brothers have reached the peak of Yuan Dacheng. Speaking of peerless wizards, the head of Zhou who is the 'Three Heroes of the Southern Region' deserves it Ah!" Long Fei smiled all over his face, and his tone was quite sincere.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 340 Eighth Three Heroes of the Southern Territory:

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