Chaos fairy way

Chapter 35 Volcano Grilled Fish

Looking at the little boy's supernatural power, Long Fei was startled and horrified, deeply touched, and secretly sighed in his heart: There is no shortage of geniuses in this world!Diligence is the truth.Unraveling the mysteries in the heart, breaking the case of Long Sihai and others being killed, investigating the incident of being attacked on the way to the entrance, and so on, all of which need the backing of strong strength, the cultivation is urgent!

After Long Fei heard the little boy's urging, he put away his melancholy thoughts, let out a long breath, and the red gold sword turned into a thousand handles, "Swoosh!" One after another, he shot into the golden shark from the blood-spraying crack inside the skull.

"Porphy! Porphy!"

With one muffled sound after another, the nearly ten-foot-large head of the golden shark vibrated violently one after another, and its huge body trembled and swayed endlessly.For a moment, thick plasma gushed out from the mouth, gills, etc. of the golden shark, staining the sea area within a hundred meters of its body red, obviously dead.

"Big brother, you have to remember, you killed it!" The little boy looked at Long Fei with his dark eyes without blinking. There is begging, and it is like two different people from the strong side just now.

"Hehe! This golden shark was completely killed by the big brother and me alone, that's fine!" Long Fei bent down and gently pinched the little boy's chubby face. , I was a little surprised, but still pretended to be serious, and responded with all my mouth.

"Big brother, you are really a good person! Hehe! Let's go grilling fish now! There is a small island five hundred miles east from here, and it is the best place to grill this strange fish." Seeing Long Fei, the little boy agreed to kill Jin About the shark, he clapped his little palms happily, swallowed, and said quickly.

"Okay! Let's go." Long Fei waved his hand, and said boldly and authentically with a bossy air.

Niu Zhong didn't speak all the time, always felt that this matter was a bit strange, but he couldn't figure out the problem, so he could only nod slightly.

Long Fei injected spiritual power into the white disk of the flying spirit boat, and the flying spirit boat immediately rose about ten feet into the air, dragging the golden shark and flying at a low altitude. Surprisingly, no fish came to snatch the golden shark corpse, to suck the blood of the golden shark.

"Little macho, what's your name? Where do you live?" Long Fei asked softly with a smile on his face.

"Oh! Don't worry, I'm not a child who ran away from home! What's my name? Where do I come from? I don't know. Every day when I wake up, I will appear in different places; once I encounter danger, I will disappear inexplicably, I suddenly appeared in a strange place again. Just call me Xiaoyu! This is one time, a fishing grandfather named me." The little boy sighed like an adult, with a confused face and innocent eyes. Evil is not like lying.

When Long Fei and Niu Zhong heard the words, they didn't know how to comfort Xiaoyu for a while, so they could only smile and nodded to Xiaoyu.

"By the way, big brother, what are your names? You are good people, so I have to remember." Xiaoyu asked seriously.

Long Fei patted Xiaoyu's head, and then said: "My name is Long Fei, his name is Niu Zhong, and we will be your big brothers from now on. If you wish, we can take you to our sect."

"Yeah! I remember it. Thank you big brother! I also want to play with the two big brothers, but I feel that I can't live without the sea." Xiaoyu nodded heavily, then said helplessly.

A quarter of an hour later, a small green island appeared in the distance.The small island is in the shape of a leaf, more than [-] miles long and more than ten miles wide. There are lush forests in the middle, and there are sandy beaches of different sizes facing the sea on all sides.The flying spirit boat flew to the widest beach on the east side of the island.The golden shark also ran aground in the shallow waters of the coast.

"Okay! I'm going to cut and clean the fish, and I'm going to look for firewood. Xiaoyu, you just sit on the side and wait to eat." Long Fei jumped off the flying spirit boat, and then ordered.

"I don't! I have to work hard to eat, and I will also collect firewood." Xiaoyu shook her head, pouted her mouth, and walked towards the woods while talking.

After nearly half an hour, everything was ready.Long Fei set up a black iron frame, and the black iron rods thick as fingers threw a large piece of shark meat, and put them on the black iron frame. (When Long Fei and Niu Zhong were in Tongtian Town, they often went to practice, so this set of household items was always carried with them.) Afterwards, Long Fei lit the pyre under the frame, and the barbecue officially started.

Niu Zhong took small jade bottles of condiments and three animal skin mats from the storage bag, and placed them one by one.

Afterwards, the three of them sat on the animal skin cushions, turning the barbecue and pouring various condiments.

After a while, the smell of meat wafted around.Long Fei took out three bags of good wine that he stole by the way when he was the waiter in the shop, and threw one bag each to Niu Zhong and Xiao Yu.The three of them drank heavily, ate large pieces of meat, and were very happy.

It was getting dark, and the three of them lay down on the ground and looked at the sky after they had had their fill of wine and meat.


Suddenly, earth-shattering sounds came from all directions.

The three of them were taken aback, and they quickly got up and looked around, before taking a deep breath.Through the blurry scene, I saw that the island was surrounded by the sea about a thousand zhang away, and there was a turbulent wave, the waves were as high as a hundred zhang, overwhelming mountains and seas.

"Ah! I will disappear. Two big brothers, you have to be careful! Goodbye!" Xiaoyu's neck collar suddenly shone with a golden light, covering Xiaoyu's whole body in an instant; then the golden light disappeared, and the person disappeared.

At this time, the huge wave with a height of hundreds of feet had reached hundreds of feet away from the small island, and it was about to submerge the entire island.The ground of the small island shook violently, Long Fei and Niu Zhong were terrified, jumped onto the flying spirit boat, and fled away in the air.But just as the flying spirit boat rose to a height of ten feet, a gust of wind blew in. "Bang!" With a sound, the flying spirit boat was blown off by the strong wind and fell to the ground.Long Fei and Niu Zhong immediately threw out the flying spirit boat and fell to the beach ten feet away from the flying spirit boat.

The stormy waves had arrived, Long Fei and Niu Zhong looked at the crushing huge waves in awe, helpless and at a loss.

At the moment of crisis, a fat shadow suddenly appeared, and with a wave of his sleeve, the corpses of Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Jin Sha all disappeared immediately.

"Damn human monks, you will definitely regret it!" A roar came from the stormy waves, like thunder, resounding in all directions.


Dazed in surprise, when Long Fei reappeared, he saw the familiar volcanic lake again.

At this time, outside the volcanic area, the sky was completely dark, but the sky over the volcanic lake was bright red and brighter than daytime.

"Master, it's a good thing you came in time. Otherwise, the two of us would have to die." From hell to heaven, Long Fei was still in fear.

"With Master here, it's impossible to die! I just played with a friend for a long time today." Di Xuanzi said disapprovingly.

"Hey! Master, why are there so many holes in your clothes? They must have been burned!" Long Fei asked in surprise, thinking: Master is a master of the tribulation stage, who else can burn his clothes?

"Oh! That old ghost Zhan pestered me to do a few tricks with him, and if he did, he would do it! He even burned my clothes like a scoundrel, really." Di Xuanzi was full of displeasure and shook his head.

"Then Master, did you bring the wine you talked about?" Niu Zhong usually doesn't speak, but when he speaks, he will definitely ask the point.

"Hehe! Who is your master? When did you come back empty-handed?" Di Xuanzi smiled immediately, plucked his beard, rubbed his belly, quite proud, and then said: "You guys have performed well this time. Yes, I actually caught a golden shark."

"Ah! Master, so you took us to the sea area on purpose!" Long Fei said dissatisfiedly.

"Nonsense! Do you really think that your master is a fool running around?" Di Xuanzi blew his beard again, but instead stared at Long Fei.

"Master! Just now when we were fishing for golden sharks, a seven or eight-year-old boy came inexplicably. This boy is very strange. He can forcibly pull in the golden silk fishing line with his bare hands, which shows that he is extremely powerful and his body is extremely abnormal; it is even more unsettling. The only solution is that he didn't even know who he was or where he came from. According to him, he would appear in different places when he woke up; Lian took him away. Master, why is this?"

"The world is full of wonders, and there are countless strange people and strangers! Seven or eight years old are so powerful that they are not human after all; they don't know their own situation, and change their whereabouts at random. This should be a self-protection secret method of the powerful monster race; Just walk, it should be because of the gold collar." Dixuanzi snatched his beard, thought for a while, then replied, paused, then swallowed, his eyes glowed, and said excitedly: "Okay Now, stop talking nonsense, and eat grilled fish now!"

Afterwards, Dixuanzi flicked his right sleeve, and threw four purple gold sticks into the sky, which instantly ballooned to a thickness of half a foot and a length of more than twenty feet, and flew towards a steaming crater in the distance.

"Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

After the four beeps, four purple gold sticks were inserted straight into the surrounding area of ​​the crater, all exposed to a height of ten feet.

Afterwards, Di Xuanzi slashed at the corpse of the golden shark suspended in the air by a gray-white air current.



The belly of the golden shark was then split open, and the internal organs fell into the volcanic lake below.Countless waves gushed out of the lake immediately, and strangely shaped fish or shrimps scrambled for those viscera.

At this time, Di Xuanzi's right index finger pointed towards the lake again, and a half-foot-thick water column shot out from the lake, continuously washing the nearly hundred-foot-large corpse of the golden shark.After rinsing, Dixuanzi waved his right sleeve again in the habitual way, and the hundred-foot-tall golden shark flew to the sky above the crater where the purple gold sticks were inserted in the distance, and then stood on the four purple gold sticks.

Di Xuanzi smiled slightly, and then, jade bottles flew out of the storage bag at his waist.All kinds of jade bottles swelled to a thickness of three feet as soon as they entered the air, and flew over the hundred-foot-large golden shark in the blink of an eye.From time to time, oil is poured on the golden shark!Salt!Pepper!Wait until all the ingredients are ready.

Long Fei and Niu Chong watched Di Xuanzi's generous grilled fish in amazement, and were completely intoxicated by it.This is grilled fish, clearly a magic show, and only a master of overkill like Di Xuanzi can do it so calmly.

Two hours, to Long Fei and Niu Zhong who were already deeply intoxicated watching grilled fish, that was just the blink of an eye.The strong smell of fish and meat wafted in all directions, making Long Fei and the cattle salivate. This kind of smell was much purer and richer than the aroma of the fish Long Fei grilled himself.

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