Di Xuanzi squinted his eyes, took a deep breath of the aroma of grilled fish, and nodded intoxicated.Afterwards, Dixuanzi grabbed the air with his right hand, and in the distance, a piece of golden fish with a width of three inches and a thickness of three inches flew to his right palm; Chang Fengfan chewed it a little, swallowed it, and said with a look of fascination, "Mmm! Not bad."

In the next few big bites, he ate the rest of the fish in his hand.Then his right hand slashed twice horizontally and vertically towards the golden shark barbecue in the distance.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The golden shark barbecue in the distance was immediately split into nine sections, each section was at least ten feet in size, and a group of three sections flew straight to Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Di Xuanzi.

At this time, three feet-high blood-red jade bottles flew out of the storage bag in Dixuanzi's waist.Di Xuanzi took one bottle for himself, and the other two flew to Long Fei and Niu Zhong.

"Okay, let's start the big meal. Eat all you want, and take it away if you can't finish it." Di Xuanzi said with a smile.

There was wine and meat, and the atmosphere was naturally high. The three of them instantly turned into drunkards and hungry wolves.Eat and drink, drink and get drunk, get drunk and sleep, wake up and eat, eat and drink.This went on over and over again, Di Xuanzi was fine, but every time Long Fei and Niu Zhong woke up, they would run wildly around the entire volcanic lake, casting all kinds of spells desperately, but nosebleeds were still coming out of their noses.However, Long Fei and Niu Zhong felt that every time they woke up, their physical bodies were stronger than before.


In March, it was raining continuously, and the Great Qin Kingdom, located in the east of the Central Region, was in the busy season of farming.

Jiangjiachong, the field is lush green, the sound of jointing of seedlings can be heard with your heart, mixed with the singing of frogs and birds, the wind blows, and the leaves stand in forests, passing by with the wind, flying over the tip of the heart, how comfortable and comfortable it is!

In a field, two ten-year-old youths are very strange. Others use oxen to plow the field, but they are plowing the field, and the plowing speed is faster than oxen.On the ridge of the field, two old men, one fat and one thin, were drinking the home-brewed water and wine in the country, looking at the two young people cheerfully, and chatting.

"Brother Emperor! You are so blessed to have two such filial and sensible grandsons. In order to save you some money to buy cattle, you plow the fields yourself." The skinny old man said enviously.

"Brother Jiang, don't worry! After my field is planted, I will definitely ask them to help you finish the field. You just have to wait for the harvest." The fat old man was full of envy when he saw the thin old man. , looking at the two young people with relief, said.

When the thin old man heard the words, his brows brightened and he smiled, saying thank you non-stop.

The two young men and the fat old man are naturally Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Di Xuanzi who came here half a month ago.

Half a month ago, the three of them came to this place called Jiangjiagou, bought this paddy field from a wealthy family, and invited the skinny old man to come and give advice on how to plant the field well.Long Fei and Niu Zhong knew that every time Di Xuanzi asked them to do something, he must have a deep meaning.So now I completely obey Di Xuanzi, no matter what he tells me to do, I do it very seriously, and I have to think about the reason behind it.

Farming requires knowing the seasons, knowing when to soak seeds and when to insert them.

In farming, seed selection is very important.According to the topography of one's own field, the situation over the years, the strength of the labor force, whether to plant early rice or mid-season rice, early-maturing varieties or late-maturing varieties, all these must be well known.

Paddy fields need to be fertilized and dewormed.If there are weeds in the paddy fields, they should be pulled out one by one, otherwise the normal growth of seedlings will be robbed.When there are rice worms, we must find a way to get rid of them one by one, otherwise the seedlings will die of disease or have no harvest.

These valuable farming knowledge or experiences, Long Fei and Niu Zhong have been engraved in their hearts under the patient teaching of the thin old man.Plowing the sleeping soil, and then raking, rolling, mast, leveling, the paddy field is as flat as still water, and the next step is to soak the seeds; when the seeds germinate and grow into small seedlings, the seedlings are pulled out and transplanted; and the next step It is fertilization and deworming; finally, the rice is harvested, and the hard work has ushered in a rich return.

During the farm work, Long Fei and Niu Zhong learned and did it, and gradually felt that they were a real farmer.The water splashed on their clothes, and the mud stuck to their faces. They ignored it, just wiped their faces indiscriminately, turned into a big tabby cat, smiled, looked up at the blue sky with white clouds, and vowed to compare themselves with the sky .When lounging, you can roll up your muddy sleeves, sit on a dusty stone bench and drink bowls of tea; you can also mingle with the farmers, chatting about which girl has a big butt and is easy to give birth to. The male dog of Liu Er's family is in heat again...

More than four months of farming life have passed, and Di Xuanzi didn't talk about the reasons for it, but just asked Long Fei and Niu Zhong to peck at it and savor it carefully.


Next, Di Xuanzi's fifth teaching session began again.This time, Long Fei and Niu Zhong were asked to be beggars.The two majestic young masters, although the Longli family is not a big family, but they have been pampered since childhood, and the aristocratic habits formed are still deeply ingrained.The beggar's career for nearly half a year can be described as vomiting blood at first, then helplessness, and then slowly enter the role, and finally be able to get a bite of food on his own.During this period, many watchdogs from wealthy families disappeared mysteriously for no reason. If they insisted on finding their whereabouts, of course they could only ask Long Fei and the others.However, Long Fei once swore to the investigators of a large family that day that he had never killed a dog.Long Fei is not afraid of winning the oath, because the dogs are all handled by Niu Zhong.Niu Zhong was very dissatisfied that he was the one who solved the dog's problem every time, but Di Xuanzi's words made him speechless.The original text of this sentence is: "Who told you that your skin is rough and rough, even a dog can't bite it!

Farmers have also become beggars, and their lives are very poor.


On this day, Di Xuanzi looked at the bodies of Long Fei and Niu Zhong who had lost a lot of weight with a half-smile, and said, "Recently, your food is too poor, so this sixth lesson is to improve your life. It's getting dark now." Now, it is the best time to improve the food."

"What do you mean? Master, can you be more specific?" Long Fei asked quickly when he heard about improving his life.In the past few months, he always had a rough meal first, and then spent the days in a precarious situation. Long Fei was already hungry, so he wanted to go out to have a meal.

"Oh! It's not going to any special place, but to patronize the imperial dining room of the palace!" Di Xuanzi casually smoothed out the white hair blown away by the wind with both hands.Look at him like that, he has been there before.

"Imperial Palace? Isn't that going to steal food? Didn't you say that you want to purify your soul! How can you steal food?" Niu Zhong asked in bewilderment.

"Don't ask too many questions, let go of your heart, do what you want, and do it frankly. After eating, I will explain the truth to you." Di Xuanzi said with a deep meaning, with an unfathomable look .

Afterwards, Di Xuanzi waved his right sleeve again, and a moment later, the three of them appeared on a resplendent and resplendent roof.Di Xuanzi gently lifted the two glazed tiles under his feet skillfully.A strong aroma of vegetables wafted out of it, and Di Xuanzi took a deep breath intoxicatedly, and said, "Not bad, not bad! 'Anchovy shark's fin', 'Dragon hugging phoenix egg', 'Tianxiang abalone', and 'Crab Meat and Double Bamboo Shoots', good! Good! It's my old man's favorite."

Long Fei and Niu Zhong looked inside, and it was really the imperial dining room of the imperial palace below.

Inside the imperial dining room, it was full of heat and oily smoke filled the air; those who washed vegetables, served dishes, selected vegetables, and took spoons were all busy, but orderly; delicious dishes, delicacies from mountains and seas were placed on a large dining table Go up and wait for the eunuch Chuanshan to take it away together.

"Okay, let's do it, what do you want to eat, take it yourself!" Di Xuanzi said generously, pointing with his right hand to the big dining table below, as if he was treating guests.As soon as he finished speaking, he made a move with his left hand, and a plate of 'anchovy shark's fin' flew into his hand, and then he grabbed it with his right hand and stuffed it into his mouth, saying "delicious! Delicious!"

Long Fei was not a kind person at all, with a move of his consciousness, he got a plate of 'Tianxiang Abalone', imitating Di Xuanzi, grabbed it with his hand, and started to eat it.At the same time, he also took out three jars of good wine from the storage bag, and handed one jar each to Niu Zhong and Di Xuanzi.

Niu Zhong took Long Fei's wine and hesitated for a while, but couldn't resist the delicious temptation, and a plate of 'tangerine peel and tiger meat' was already in his hand.Although he was a bit awkward when he was stealing vegetables, even Di Xuanzi couldn't compare to them when he ate them.Among the three, he was the last to eat, but he was the first to finish the large plate of tiger meat.Then, a plate of 'chicken skin sturgeon' fell into his hands again.

The three of them ate plate after plate.The people in the imperial dining room below were extremely busy, but they were not busy cooking, but looking for food.Because there are more than 80 dishes in total, more than 40 dishes have disappeared inexplicably.For a while, noises, beatings, scolding, and crying from the imperial dining room could be heard all the time.

At this time, Di Xuanzi was full of wine and food, glanced at the people in the imperial dining room, and shouted dissatisfiedly: "Why are you arguing? Why are you fighting? I will eat your order, old man, so noisy As for it? Tell that bastard Bai Li that his ancestors have been here."

Long Fei and Niu Zhong opened their mouths wide open, staring at Di Xuanzi dumbfounded, thinking: This master is too cool!Stealing other people's food is so arrogant!

Afterwards, the performance of everyone below was even more shocking, so much meat fell out of Long Fei and Niu Zhonglian's mouths.

As soon as Di Xuanzi finished speaking, there was a sudden silence below.

A big fat man who looked like a leader in a red palace attire bowed his waist and nodded, and said with a flattering smile: "Old Ancestor, so you are here! Are there any dishes you like? There are more than 30 dishes here Yes! You enjoy it. If it's not enough, I'll tell them to fry it."

"No need, I've almost eaten. I showed up because I was afraid of hurting the innocent. You are very good, work hard. Next time I come, I will ask Bai Li to promote you." Di Xuanzi He wiped his mouth with his left sleeve, looking very satisfied.

"Thank you, ancestor, for your support!" The big fat man below quickly knelt down and kowtowed.The others also hurriedly knelt and kowtowed.

Long Fei and Niu Zhongzhong were surprised, thinking: What's going on here?Call the ancestors!Could it be that Master used to be the emperor here?

At this time, although Di Xuanzi was smiling, he seemed a little embarrassed, and quickly said: "Okay, okay, no need to kowtow, I'm leaving."

Afterwards, as soon as Di Xuanzi finished speaking, he waved his right sleeve, and the three of them disappeared immediately.

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