When the three of Long Fei reappeared, Di Xuanzi was still muttering: "Oh! You're too polite, and they kowtow collectively, which makes me feel embarrassed next time. Isn't this breaking my way of eating! Alas! Depressed ah!"

Long Fei and Niu Zhong were speechless for a while.

"Master, they are so enthusiastic about you, and they also call you ancestor, are you...?" Long Fei asked curiously.

"Hehe! No. It's just that I went to their place a few more times, and the servants there were beaten up a few times. Once, I was really sorry, so I showed up and took the fat man and the little emperor named Bai Li It's just a spanking." Di Xuanzi said lightly.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong were speechless for a while, thinking: Stealing other people's things, beating people, and even making people call him the ancestor, is this too powerful?

"Master, I'm full now, and this teaching has been completed, I will listen to your teaching!" Niu Zhong still remembered Di Xuanzi's words before leaving, so he bowed to Di Xuanzi and asked.

Di Xuanzi shook his head and said with a smile: "You! The obsession is too deep and too much, which is not a good thing for practice. Practice must be straightforward, so that you will not be tripped by obsession. You know, There is no limit to the heart, and the sky and the earth are not as big as the heart; how high is the cultivation base, how high is the heart. Only when the state of mind is improved, the cultivation base will not be bound by it. Most practitioners, after reaching a certain level of cultivation base, will not be bound by it. One of the important reasons why it is difficult to improve is because his state of mind has been bound by some obsessions in his heart, but he cannot get rid of them. But being straightforward is a good way to get rid of obsessions. This point, You still need to learn from your senior brother Han Ziling. Han Ziling has already obtained this essence, although he was downgraded due to injury, it will take another two years, not only will his skills fully recover, but he will also be able to improve to a higher level."

When Long Fei and Niu Zhong heard the words, they were suddenly enlightened, and their mood was further improved. At the same time, they also suddenly understood Han Ziling's exaggerated approach.


Next, Long Fei and Niu Zhong learned to fish from fishermen for two months, forged iron for two months, did business for three months, and...

Nearly two years later, Long Fei and Niu Zhong felt more and more that they were closely integrated with this world, and they were closely connected with those farmers, beggars, fishermen, blacksmiths, merchants, etc.

At this moment, Di Xuanzi, Long Fei, and Niu Zhong were standing on a steep peak.

Di Xuanzi kidnapped Baixu, looked at Long Fei and Niu Zhong not far away with satisfaction and relief, his eyes were full of doting, and smiled: "After more than three years of teaching, I let you go through all kinds of situations in the world. , taste the warmth and coldness of the world. At first, it will wear off the frivolity on your body and force you to restrain your own sharpness; then, it will purify your mind and get rid of the distracting thoughts that restrict your state of mind; then, let you see the world's fickleness, and deeply understand the sufferings of the world; finally Let you integrate into the life of the working people at the bottom of the world, get in close contact with them, live with them, worry about their needs, and think about what they think. Everything is just to let you realize the true meaning of cultivation, that is, cultivation For the sake of all beings, all living beings help to cultivate truth. There are different opinions on how to reach the peak of heaven and earth when cultivating truth. Some people advocate that they should close their ears to the affairs of the world and focus on cultivating truth only for painstaking efforts. This is wrong; It's not right; there are still people who practice cultivation with deep obsession, which is still not right; and so on, these people, it is impossible for them to reach the peak of the world and become the strongest in the world, because they have lost their way and have not grasped the true meaning of cultivation. The source of power is lost. Duckweed without roots will eventually float away; water without a source will eventually dry up. Every monk or future immortal is cultivated from all living beings. All living beings are the source of their power. The source, the heaven and the earth is their cradle. Cultivation, only by connecting with the heaven and the earth, with all living beings, and blending with the water, can it flow farther and farther like a spring with a source, and can be deeply rooted like a towering tree. Only in this way can it finally reach the pinnacle of heaven and earth and become Heaven and earth are the strongest."

Di Xuanzi's words were like lighting up a bright lamp in the dark night, illuminating the mountain road ahead.Long Fei and Niu Zhong suddenly felt that there was a bright light ahead. Although the journey is long and complicated, as long as they have firm beliefs, great perseverance, boldness, and perseverance, they will surely reach the end.

Di Xuanzi saw that the two had entered an epiphany, so he stopped talking and just looked at them quietly.

One day passed, Long Fei opened his eyes; afterward, Niu Zhong also opened his eyes.The two said at the same time: "Master, I understand."

Di Xuanzi nodded, and said in a calm tone: "Next, try to hit the Dacheng of Concentration Stage!"

Long Fei and Niu Zhong acted according to their words. As soon as Long Fei mobilized his spiritual sense, he felt extremely shocked in his heart. He never thought that his spiritual sense was so powerful. The spiritual consciousness of "Niwan Palace" is already bulging, this kind of bulging is not empty, but a hundred times compressed. The last barrier of "Niwan Palace" was originally very thin, and should have been broken long ago, but the spiritual consciousness was compressed by itself, and it insisted on not breaking through this barrier.Long Fei felt very strange, but he didn't think much about it, because the master told him to break through.Then, with a movement of consciousness, there was a "hiss!", and the barrier was torn apart like a layer of ultra-thin paper.Everything is so logical, there is no difficulty, and there is no headache and cracking like before.

At this time, Niu Zhong also showed a look of surprise and excitement, obviously he also succeeded in breaking through.

"You guys try again to fuse part of your spiritual consciousness into your skin and muscles, and fuse it with the spiritual power in your skin to become Yuanli!" Di Xuanzi said flatly.

Hearing the words, Long Fei and Niu Chong followed the words without any hesitation. They didn't expect to be able to integrate their spiritual consciousness into their skin in one fell swoop without any hindrance.Afterwards, driven by the miraculous exercises, the spiritual consciousness and the spiritual power in the skin quickly merged into one, and a magical power at least ten times stronger than the spiritual power or the spiritual power wandered around the skin, which marked the They have entered the fusion stage, and the early stage of the fusion stage has been stabilized.Long Fei and Niu Zhong stared at Di Xuanzi dumbfounded, the feeling in their hearts cannot be described in words of ecstasy.

Di Xuanzi looked at Long Fei and the two with satisfaction, and said proudly: "Now I understand the benefits of cultivating with the source, and cultivating for the sake of all living beings! Alright! The next step is to teach the exercises."

As soon as Long Fei heard the exercise teaching, his eyes were full of fire, and he asked quickly: "Master, what miraculous exercise will you teach us?"

"Your major cultivation method..." Di Xuanzi snatched the beard, said this with a smile, then slapped his forehead with his right hand, and said curiously: "By the way, I have wanted to ask for a long time, but I always forget Let me ask you, what is the name of the exercise you cultivate? It is actually much stronger than the "Seven Stars Yaoyue Jue" of the Seven Star Sect."

"That's..., that's..., that's..." Long Fei said it three times in a row, but he was still unable to say anything about the cultivation technique as before, so he could only say with a wry smile: "That stuff can't be said!"

Di Xuanzi said inexplicably, "Dongdong? What do you mean?"

Long Fei looked at Niu Zhong depressedly and helplessly. Afterwards, Niu Zhong brought Long Fei back to life with a puzzled face. The two lost their memories, inexplicably found weapon tattoos on their wrists, and the adventures of ant caves and other things. The child said it again.However, as soon as the situation about "Yanyu Sword Art" and "Burning Heaven Shield Method" was mentioned, he immediately got stuck and couldn't say anything.

After listening to Niu Chong's narration, Di Xuanzi looked solemn, frowned, thought for a long time, then glanced at the sky, shook his head in embarrassment, and said helplessly: "It is impossible for a person to come back to life after death. What the monks said The resurrection after death refers to the body of monks above the Yuan Dynasty is destroyed, the soul is not destroyed, and then they are reborn; but once the soul is destroyed, they will be unable to return to heaven and cannot be resurrected. The matter of Long Fei's resurrection after death , I’ve lived for nearly a thousand years and I’ve never heard of it, let alone understand it! As for the weapon tattoos on your bodies, I’ve just penetrated into your bodies with my divine sense and searched carefully, but I didn’t find any abnormalities. Elephant. Alas! As for the Twin Sect, I only know that it is a sect of self-cultivation ten thousand years ago, and its sect's gate should be in the Twin City of Fenglin Kingdom. As for Yun Yun and Feng Gu, it is estimated that it should be ten thousand years ago The character, the situation is naturally unknown."

Spiritual thoughts are the thoughts of the primordial spirit, and the power of the spiritual thoughts is far superior to the power of the divine consciousness. Once a monk has cultivated the primordial spirit, he has entered the stage of leaving the primordial spirit and possesses the divine thoughts.

"What? Ten thousand years ago? Twin Cities?" Long Fei and Niu Zhong's hearts sank suddenly, and they exclaimed in unison.

Long Fei was extremely annoyed, and shouted in his heart: Did you make a mistake?How to find the sect from ten thousand years ago?How to find people from thousands of years ago?God do you want to play me to death?Twin Cities!Fuck it!The Twin Cities are so familiar, what kind of sect relics have you seen!I have searched all the classics, unofficial histories, and miscellaneous notes of the Twin Cities, and there is a hairy Twin Cities!

"Hehe! That's right! I don't know the specifics. However, you two don't have to worry about it. The tattoos on your bodies are not a bad thing after thinking about it. Maybe it's a kind of inheritance." When Di Xuanzi said this, he said He muttered softly: "But if it is inheritance, there should be memory of inheritance! It is even more impossible to cause memory loss. Sigh! What a strange thing."

"Master, what are you mumbling about?" Long Fei felt relieved when he heard Di Xuanzi say that the sword pattern was inherited. asked nervously.

Di Xuanzi immediately put away the confusion in his heart, turned to smile and said: "Oh! Nothing! You take it as a kind of inheritance! Besides, even if something really happened, with your current strength, you are powerless to resist it. Therefore, you now Your first task is to put aside all distracting thoughts and improve your cultivation level. If your cultivation level is high enough, you can do everything without fear. As for the fact that you are speechless when you mention the exercises you have cultivated, it is probably because of some kind of restriction."

"Restriction? What is that?" Long Fei asked anxiously.

Niu Zhong also felt nervous immediately, and turned his worried eyes to Di Xuanzi.

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