Chaos fairy way

Chapter 355

Wu Lingshan has a sweet appearance, fair skin, and watery eyes, which makes people want to kiss her. In addition, she is kind-hearted and willing to give. "Pure Text First Release" At this moment, let her raise her brows and raise her face, her eyes flashing fiercely, but it is not that vicious at all, but it adds to her cuteness.

Long Fei glanced at Wu Lingshan's fierce look with a strange expression, shook his head in a tone of voice, then exchanged a peaceful look with the handsome young monk beside Wu Lingshan, and then slowly walked out of the twin hall, avoiding Wu Lingshan and the others walked to the left.

"Stop! Smelly high school senior, little rascal, you have annoyed me twice, do you want to leave like this?" Wu Lingshan became even more angry when she saw that Long Fei ignored her existence, and shouted coquettishly.

As if Long Fei didn't listen, he continued walking without looking back.

"You... are too crazy. Brother! You can't let him go like this, you must teach him a lesson!" While Wu Lingshan was speaking, she waved her jade hand towards Long Fei, and a silver light shot towards the back of Long Fei's head. [


Long Fei continued to move forward slowly, with a calm expression on his face, casually raised his fist with his right hand and slammed it back, and easily sent the silver light flying towards Wu Lingshan.

"Fellow Daoist Gao's physical body is really amazing! To pick up a high-level treasure with bare hands, no wonder it can humiliate Sha Baobao, why don't you let me learn a few tricks!" The young monk was not angry at Long Fei's arrogance, but smiled slightly, with a look of disapproval. Long Fei looked very interested.

"The two are Wu Lingshan and Wu Zhaonan! The Daoist Companion Recruitment Conference, I am ordered by the Chief Elder of the Soul Sect, to attend as scheduled, and then I will ask Brother Zhaonan, who is the gatekeeper, for advice. I won't accompany you anymore." Long Fei still didn't turn his head back, he raised his right hand and swayed back, looking very free and easy.

"Hehe! Interesting, I'm looking forward to it." Wu Zhaonan chuckled lightly, squinting at Long Fei's back as he left.

"You little bastard! You actually wanted to play against me, and I will beat you out of the field right now to smash your wishful thinking." Before Wu Lingshan could finish her sentence, a figure flashed behind Long Fei and waved her fist Hit the heart of Longfei's back.

But at this moment, Long Fei put his hands on the shoulders of Jiang Wen and Chen Pi, and the "Small Ben Lei Technique" disappeared instantly.

Wu Lingshan punched nothing, but was unable to close in time, staggered and almost fell, and then stomped her feet angrily.

"Okay! Lingshan, you are not his opponent. This person is much more difficult to deal with than Sha Baobao. I am afraid that even a brother will be difficult to defeat him. I didn't expect that besides Zhou Jianyong, there is a more powerful character in Soul Sect. It is not easy! "Wu Zhaonan sighed a few words, then turned his head to look at Wu Lingshan, and said with a half-smile: "Lingshan! He is really a good candidate for a Taoist partner!"

"What are you talking about? He's the only one? He looks rustic and arrogant. This fairy can't bear to stomp him into a pulp and feed my little white." Wu Lingshan tilted her head, puffed her cheeks, and flew away angrily. He swung his right fist in the direction he was going.

"Hehe!" Wu Zhaonan looked at Wu Lingshan and chuckled, and shook his head emphatically.

At this moment, Long Fei brought Jiang Wen and Chen Pi to the courtyard of the Yuwei Island Office of the Soul Gate.

"Third Master! That girl is really good. If she has a good face, she has a figure and a figure, and her skin is so tender and tender. It's mouth-watering! If I want to taste the fragrance, I'm willing to die immediately." Chen Pi swallowed, his eyes turned green.


Jiang Wen raised his right palm and gave Chen Pi a slap on the back of the head, raised his eyebrows, raised his face, and cursed: "You skinny monkey! Are you looking for death? Even the third master's girl dares to dream, believe it or not, I will beat you up." you?"

"Ouch! When I was in Nanzhu Island, didn't the third master say that he already had someone in mind? What's more, I also sent it out of emotion, not with any intention of blasphemy. Third master! This subordinate really intends to offend you." Chen Pi Patting the back of his sore head, he explained with an aggrieved face.

"No problem! I do have someone I like, and I really don't have any thoughts about Wu Lingshan." Long Fei said calmly.

"It turns out that third master, you are really not interested in Wu Lingshan!" Jiang Wen's eyes suddenly lit up when he asked Long Fei's words, and he suddenly fell into fantasy, and he muttered: "Hehe! That's great , it seems that I still have some hope."


At this moment, Chen Pi slapped Jiang Wen's head fiercely with his thin right palm, and at the same time sarcastically said: "Wake up! You can really imagine! You are not worthy to lift Wu Lingshan's shoes, let alone There is hope! It is a little more realistic to go after Sister Bobo with all your life.”

"You bloody monkey! How dare you hit me, I have to deal with you!" Jiang Wen raised his leg and kicked Chen Pi's lower body, Chen Pi avoided it sideways.Afterwards, the two choked their necks and tugged at their ears, wrestling into a ball, like a fight between shrews.

Looking at the pair of live treasures, Long Fei shook his head nonchalantly, and then said "I'm in retreat tonight, please don't disturb me." Then he walked straight to his room.

"Ugly boss! Do you want to torture the great beast to death! Why don't you help me catch the snake!" As soon as Long Fei returned to the room, Xiao Jin's urging voice came from his ear.

"Okay! I'll go. Now there are people from the Tiger Roaring Mountain and the Golden Shark Clan who are secretly watching me. It's better for us to act cautiously and covertly." Long Fei calmly lowered his waist while speaking. Take out an array flag from the storage bag in the room, and arrange array stones all over the room.

"Then when do you plan to go? This divine beast doesn't want to wait for a quarter of an hour." Xiao Jin said impatiently.

"In the dead of night!"

After Long Fei set up the formation, he entered the practice room and sat cross-legged on a bright yellow futon.Then he took out a piece of orange from the storage bag, shaped like a bird's egg, stuffed a thumb-sized spirit fruit into the entrance, then closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, and began to refine and absorb the spirit fruit, so as to enhance his own vitality and spiritual power, and strengthen his vitality. god.Today, he was threatened by Jin Shi, the elder of the Golden Shark Clan, which made Long Fei deeply realize the weakness of his cultivation.One must reach the Catalyst Stage before one can truly cross the realm of self-cultivation, better fulfill the heavy responsibilities on one's shoulders, and solve many mysteries in one's heart.What's more, the most basic condition for going to Ou Qingxue's family to propose a marriage is the period of cultivation.Based on these two points, Long Fei immediately felt the urgency of time, and told himself in his heart that he must seize all available time to practice and reach the time of disaster as soon as possible.

The crescent moon sinks in the east, and the stars are fading. It has entered the last period of the night, and a gust of wind is blowing between the trees and grass.Gale is naturally Long Fei who performed "Wind Shadow Jue".

"Xiaojin! How far is it? It's getting closer and closer to Tiger Roaring Mountain. There are many masters at the Tribulation Stage in Tiger Roaring Mountain. We don't have the strength to compete with the masters at the Tribulation Stage." Long Fei whispered.

"This divine beast's ability to perceive snakes is innate, and there is absolutely no mistake! You just keep moving forward, and it's almost there." Xiao Jin's voice was quite affirmative.

At this moment, Long Fei turned into a gust of wind, his aura was concealed, and he dared not use his divine sense to explore the way in order to prevent being discovered by others, so he could only move forward with his perception.As for sensing the existence of snakes and looking for snakes, Xiao Jin has a natural advantage. Therefore, although Long Fei is stronger than Xiao Jin, he is far behind Xiao Jin in this aspect.

"It's here! It's in the valley ahead. Boss, I love you so much, go and catch it!" Fifteen minutes later, Xiao Jin spoke with excitement.

"Wait! That valley has already entered the territory of Huxiao Mountain, and there is another courtyard in it, so how can there be a powerful snake demon there? Even if there is, it must be the spirit beast of the guardian courtyard. How can this be caught? "Looking at the valley in front of him by the moonlight, Long Fei saw buildings scattered hazyly in the valley.

"Who said that spirit beasts can't be eaten? That snake must be delicious, go! Boss." Xiao Jin coquettishly.

"This can't be done! It's wrong to prey on other people's spirit beasts. We can't do such immoral things because of our lust. Besides, the owner of the other courtyard in the valley should be a disciple of Huxiao Mountain. We prey on spirit beasts." It will definitely offend Hu Xiaoshan. We retreat and choose another snake to catch him." Long Fei persuaded Xiaojin meaningfully.

"Boss! That snake is most likely the Sky Swallowing Python. I sensed its cry just now. Boss, the Sky Swallowing Python! It is the same as the Xiu Snake. It has a trace of the Sky Snake blood in its body. Its preciousness can be imagined. Know! What's more, its demon pill is an important medicinal material necessary for cultivating the fourth level of "Magnetized Yuanbo" to break the Yuanshen realm! Don't you want it?" Xiao Jin's words are extremely deceptive.

"Are you sure it's the Heaven Swallowing Python?" Long Fei was a little moved when he heard that.

"Just now I sensed its cry again, it's a sky-swallowing python!" Xiao Jin said in a very positive tone.

"Let's go, catch the snake now?" Before Long Fei finished speaking, he quickly drifted away to the distant valley without hesitation.

"Boss! I suddenly feel that what we do is really immoral, and it will seriously offend Hu Xiaoshan!" Xiao Jin reminded seriously, but there was a hidden smile in his tone.

"Doesn't the little guy need a beating? Don't go for the benefits, and don't go for the big ones. I should teach you this principle more than once! Well, from now on, you shut up right away." Long Fei said without a doubt. [

"Cut! It makes sense anyway, anyway, you are right." Xiao Jin muttered unwillingly to be outdone.

"No more nonsense, don't blame me if you can't catch a snake later? It's not that there is no substitute for the Heaven Swallowing Python Demon Pill, it's just that the effect of the medicine is a little bit weaker." Long Fei said.

"Okay! Okay! I won't talk about the head office!" Xiaojin said quickly.

After a while, Long Fei drifted to the top of a mountain peak around the valley, and saw that the whole valley was shrouded in a layer of light blue, transparent, hemispherical energy.At this moment, under the light of the moonlight and lights, everything in the valley can be seen faintly.Long Fei looked into the valley through the energy shield, and was immediately amazed.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 350 Five Snake Hunting in the Valley:

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