Chaos fairy way

Chapter 357 Soul Gate Besieged

Xiao Jin's pecking speed made Long Fei dumbfounded, but the Sky Swallowing Python was too huge, and he couldn't finish it in an instant. [`fiction`]

"Xiaojin! I'll give you half a quarter of an hour. If you can't finish it, don't call yourself a beast in the future." Long Fei left the sentence and drifted away from the cave.

"Yes...that's right, half an won't work! Cough! Cough!"

At this moment, Xiao Jin was devouring a half zhang piece of python meat, when he heard Long Fei's words, he hurriedly protested, he was choked by the python meat and rolled his eyes, tears were about to come out, he almost couldn't breathe.

"Ugly! Boss!" [

Looking at the back of Long Fei going away, Xiao Jin suddenly swelled his whole body while cursing, and his body grew nearly twice as big. He obviously performed some kind of esoteric method.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Xiao Jin's mouth pecked, tore, and swallowed, large chunks of python meat entered into his belly, and the huge body of the Sky-Tuning Python quickly turned into a blood-stained skeleton.

At this moment, Long Fei had drifted to the edge of the many formations he had arranged before.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Crash! Crash! Crash!"

The sound of breaking the formation was getting closer and closer, and it was deafening. The vibration made the whole cave echo and the walls trembled.The berserk energy came from the source of the sound, and the violent wind carried mist-like dust towards the face.Although the many formations arranged by Long Fei were very strong, they were no longer able to support them, and maybe they would face Wu Lingshan directly in the next moment.

"I really underestimated her, the speed of breaking the formation was much faster than I imagined."

With a movement of Long Fei's spiritual thought, the mouth of the storage bag on his waist glowed with yellow light, and pieces of colorful top-grade spirit stones flashed out, "Crack! Crack! Crack!" and shot into the four walls of the big cave.


With the sound of humming in the big cave, light blue spiritual power as thick as an arm shot out like beams of light from the wall holes inserted into the top-quality spirit stone, and then intersected with each other to form three net-shaped cave doors , blocking the way in and out.

"Bang! Crash!"

Wu Lingshan led more than a dozen masters to break through the last formation and appeared next to the outermost netted hole.

"A formation condensed with spiritual power! It must be the little rascal in the third year of high school. Senior three, you stinky scoundrel, you can honestly catch me, otherwise this fairy will make you unable to survive or die." Wu Lingshan in Haitian, Nanzhu Island Ge had seen Long Fei's defensive formation condensed with Yuanli, so at this moment, he could see the mystery of the net-shaped portal at a glance, and immediately concluded that all of this was done by Long Fei.

At this time, Long Fei's aura was concealed like a gust of wind, and he drifted outside the third netted hole, ignoring Wu Lingshan's yelling, waiting quietly for Xiao Jin to return after pecking at the Heaven Swallowing Python.

Wu Lingshan hadn't heard Long Fei's answer for a long time, and the anger in her heart suddenly increased, and she immediately led more than ten masters to attack the netted hole frantically.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Howling! Howling! Howling!"

"Shh! Shh! Shh!" [

The fire is raging, like the tide and the waves, blazing hot, trying to burn everything;

The screaming of the treasure, the cold light is frightening, the murderous aura is awe-inspiring, and it is unstoppable;

Yuanli turned into soldiers, like a torrential rain, like a gust of wind, seemingly indestructible.

But all the attacks, let them be fierce, let them be dense, once they hit the netted hole, they will return instead, and the magic attack will not damage the netted hole at all.

"Damn bastard! Do you really think that we at Tiger Roaring Mountain can't do anything about you with a broken spirit power formation? Wu Ping, hurry up and invite a Great Elder to come." Wu Lingshan shouted coquettishly with an angry face.

"Yes!" A Huxiaoshan monk responded and drifted out of the cave.

"Xiao Jin! If I don't finish eating, I'll leave!" Long Fei's heart tightened when he heard that the First Elder was invited to come, and he quickly sent a voice transmission to urge Xiao Jin.

The Great Elder of Huxiao Mountain, like the Great Elder of the Seven Star Sect, is a master of the Tribulation Period.The net-shaped portal that Long Fei condensed with spiritual power is a forbidden technique, and it is impenetrable against the attacks of the masters of the Tuoyuan period.

"Okay! Come! Come!" Xiao Jin responded hastily, as if he was really worried that Long Fei would leave him alone.Then Xiao Jin shot out from the depths of the big hole like a golden startling rainbow, and shot into the spirit beast bracelet on Long Fei's right wrist in a flash.

Long Fei used "Wind Shadow Jue" with all his might, turning himself into a hurricane, once it hit the netted hole, it absorbed the netted hole, and the wind blew towards another meshed hole unabated.

"Hurricane is the third year of high school, stop him!"

Wu Lingshan watched helplessly as the hurricane absorbed the meshed portal, forcibly dispersed her men, swept into the distance, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Smelly senior year, you will regret it." Wu Lingshan roared angrily.

At this moment, Long Fei has arrived at the entrance of the cave.

"Hi! It's been a long time since I had such a big meal. It's so comfortable! Hehe! I don't know how Wu Lingshan will react when she sees her spirit beast turned into a skeleton?" Xiao Jin burped, a little curious said.

"How can I react? Roaring like a tigress a few times, and then chasing me!" Long Fei's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Ah! Smelly senior, I'll kill you!" At this moment, Wu Lingshan's roar came from inside the big hole.

"Boss! You are really good at predicting things! Hee hee! It's a pity that your identity has been exposed. Let's see how you deal with it." Xiao Jin said gloatingly.

"Hehe! The mountain people have their own tricks!" Long Fei smiled lightly, and while speaking, the secret treasure that broke the formation was activated, and turned into a green light blast that pierced through the energy shield of the valley, and then the "Little Thunderbolt Technique" was displayed, and it disappeared in a flash .

"I'm so pissed off! Damn stinky thief! Do you think you can't do anything about escaping from Yagu? Come, invite my elder brother quickly, and call the ten deacons and elders to follow me to the soul gate to handle errands I have to skin this bastard alive tonight." Wu Lingshan didn't lose her mind in her rage, and chased to the entrance of the big cave, knowing that she couldn't catch up for a while, she stopped chasing immediately, and issued two orders in succession.

Half an hour later, Wu Lingshan and Wu Zhaonan led 48 masters at the peak of the Taiyuan Dacheng and more than a hundred masters of the Dacheng period of the Yuan Dynasty, marched to the door of the Huxiaoshan Office of the Soul Gate, and quickly surrounded the office.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" [

Fists like hammers from several Tiger Roaring Mountain masters smashed down the door of the office like rain.

"Smelly senior year! Damn thief, get out!"

Wu Lingshan's roar pierced the night sky, shaking the darkness before dawn.

Hu Xiaoshan's huge momentum and the sound of smashing doors and shouting and cursing immediately alarmed the residents of Siye.Oil lamps and torches were lit one after another, illuminating the surroundings of the office like daylight in a short while.There was a burst of "squeak!" The sound of opening the door sounded one after another, and a monk came from all directions to watch.

At this moment, the Huxiaoshan Office of the Soul Sect was also brightly lit, and Zhou Jianyong led the monks of the Soul Sect to open the office door in a daze.

"Lingshan! Brother Zhaonan! What do you mean?" Zhou Jianyong clasped his fists and saluted, looking at the menacing Huxiaoshan monks in bewilderment.

"What do you mean? You'll know what you mean when you call out the senior year!" Wu Lingshan raised her brows and said aggressively.If Zhou Jianyong hadn't taken into account that Zhou Jianyong was the head of the Soul Sect, and he was worried about the unity of the human cultivation sects, Wu Lingshan's anger at this time would have directly started the fight.

"Call the third year out?" Zhou Jianyong's face became more confused, he looked blankly at Wu Lingshan, and then at Wu Zhaonan.

"Oh! That's right. Tonight, in the dead of night, someone sneaked into Lingshan's Yagu and killed Lingshan's spirit beast, Xiaobai. What's even more hateful, this person also cut Xiaobai's body to pieces. There is only a skeleton left. Such actions are really shameful! And there are indications that this person is very likely to be a senior in high school, so let's come and check it out. Of course, we will definitely not wrong good people." Although Wu Zhaonan also looked angry, he was a famous master after all, and this matter was related to Zhou Jianyong, so his tone of speech was much calmer.

"I see! But since we Elder Gao came back from the Gemini Hall, we have been retreating to prepare for the Taoist partner selection meeting the day after tomorrow. I think that the murderer of Lingshan's spirit beast should not be Elder Gao. Of course, this matter has a lot to do with it." It is also necessary to ask Elder Gao to go out to prove his innocence. Brother Zhaonan! Lingshan! On a big night, the two factions are confronting each other with such fanfare, it seems not good! Why don’t you invite fellow Taoists from Huxiao Mountain to come in and talk about it? How?" Zhou Jianyong looked stunned, but he didn't believe that Long Fei was the murderer of the spirit beast.

"No need! Quickly call the senior year. I have a way to verify if it's him." Wu Lingshan refused straight away.

"Hey! If that's the case, then all right! Zhou Cang! Quickly invite Elder Gao." Zhou Jianyong gave a dry laugh, turned his head to look at a tall and thin monk beside him and ordered.

After getting the order, Zhou Cang rushed to Long Fei's house.

"Report to the head! Elder Gao said he would come over soon after he received the order from the head." After a while, Zhou Cang returned from Long Fei's house and returned to his command.

"En!" Zhou Jianyong nodded.

When Wu Lingshan and Wu Zhaonan heard that Long Fei would come, they didn't say anything more.

A quarter of an hour later, Long Fei will arrive in the future, but according to Long Fei's drifting speed, he can arrive in an instant.

After another quarter of an hour, Long Fei still did not appear in the sight of everyone.

"This bastard is obviously guilty of being a thief and dare not come to confront him. Brother! Let's go inside and arrest him." Wu Lingshan was so angry that she gritted her teeth and rushed into the gate of the Soul Gate office.

"Lingshan! Lingshan! Please don't be angry, maybe Elder Gao is in a critical stage of retreat, and it is difficult to reap the merits for a while, so it is not until now." Zhou Jianyong persuaded.

"Lingshan! Wait a minute, this place is already surrounded by us anyway, he can't escape." Wu Zhaonan became calmer as time passed.

At this moment, the sky is dim, and the sky is also pale.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and everyone looked into the depths of the office under the morning light, but Long Fei still hadn't appeared.

"This bastard is really stupid. He didn't come here on purpose. Brothers, follow me in and arrest people. Anyone who wants to stop him will be my enemy of Huxiaoshan and be treated the same as the murderer." Wu Lingshan With his right hand, Zhou Jianyong, who was blocking in front, rushed straight into the gate.

Seeing this, Zhou Jianyong couldn't stop smiling wryly. Whether it was based on Long Fei's gift or his deep love for Wu Lingshan, he couldn't stop Wu Lingshan from entering the Soul Gate office to arrest people at this time.

"Elder Gao is here! Elder Gao is here!"

At this moment, many monks among the monks of the Soul Sect shouted.

Hearing this, the other monks looked into the depths of the Soul Gate office, and saw Long Fei yawning and walking slowly towards the gate.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 350 Seventh Soul Gate Besieged:

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