Chaos fairy way

Chapter 361 The Battle Begins

Wu Lingshan, recognized as the number one beauty in the southern region, is also the granddaughter of the chief elder of Huxiao Mountain. Her own cultivation has reached the peak of Daoyuan Dacheng. This kind of beauty is rare in the entire cultivation world, and she wants to marry her As a couple, to be able to enjoy the beauty while enjoying the big backing of Huxiao Mountain, this is the dream of male monks all over the world. "Pure Text First Release" coupled with Hu Xiaoshan's efforts to build momentum and hype, Wu Lingshan's recruitment of Taoist companions quickly attracted thousands of people's heads and eyes, and finally turned into a grand event that caused a sensation in the sea area and even in the cultivation world.Heroes from all over the world, leaders from all directions, and evil geniuses from all walks of life are moved for it. Although the major forces have different goals, they send their outstanding disciples to compete one by one.

Beautiful women are hard to find, and the conditions are naturally extremely harsh.Wu Lingshan's selection criteria for Taoist companions are indeed harsh, the requirements: good looks, age less than fifty, cultivation base must be close to the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng or above.It can be said that such standards are specially prepared for genius-level monks.But the world of cultivation is so big, and there are so many monks in the world, so there is still an endless stream of applicants. Even today, when the conference is held, some people come from afar to register.

The Daoist Companion Recruitment Conference was divided into three steps in accordance with the regulations that were announced to the public a few months ago.The first step is the preliminary selection, which adopts the melee elimination system, that is, all contestants enter the arena at the same time and fight with each other until there are only [-] contestants left on the field, and finally enter the semi-finals.The second step is re-selection, which lasted ten days. The [-] contestants who won the primary election entered the Fuhu Cave together for a field competition. The first five contestants who broke out of the Fuhu Cave advanced.The third step is the challenge. The five advanced contestants accept the challenge of Wu Lingshan's five gatekeepers. They defeat the gatekeepers and enter the final battle to determine the champion and become Wu Lingshan's Taoist partner.In addition, for any contestant who enters the final battle, regardless of whether he can win the championship, Hu Xiaoshan will give him a generous reward, and do something for him that does not violate morality.This is another important reason why many young masters come to compete.

At this moment, Long Fei, Jiang Wen, and Chen Pi were slowly walking towards the arena where the primary election was held, along with the flow of people.

Yesterday, Dragon Flying Yellow Crane Tower defeated Sha Baobao, and the Soul Gate Office laughed and retired Wu Lingshan. These two incidents made him the most popular candidate for Wu Lingshan's Taoist partner from a celebrity.The so-called big tree attracts the wind, and the fat pig is waiting to be slaughtered. Long Fei, who is in full swing, naturally becomes the common enemy of all the candidates.Once he participates in the battle for the selection of Taoist companions, it is no surprise that he will become the target of all the contestants.Naturally, Long Fei was afraid of any monks from the Yuan Dynasty, and he was not afraid of their siege, but in order to prevent Zhou Jianyong from being harmed, Long Fei discussed with Zhou Jianyong and decided that the two would split up and support secretly, and finally helped Zhou Jianyong win the championship. [

Hailangyu Arena, with an area of ​​no more than a hundred square kilometers, was built on a small basin in a heavy mountain, and the surrounding stands were built against the mountain.

At this moment, the surrounding stands were noisy and overcrowded, but the monks coming to the arena were still bustling. In the end, many monks had to stand on the ancient trees and boulders in the surrounding mountains, waiting for the arrival of the competition.In the entire arena, the only place that is not crowded is the north rostrum and the contestant area.On the rostrum, all the elders of the major powers in the southern region were seated. Wu Shuo, as the general manager of the Daoist recruitment conference, sat in the middle, Jin Feng, the elder of the Golden Shark clan, and Yan Xuefeng, the elder of the soul sect, sat respectively. on either side of him.Jin Polang, as the chief referee of this conference, sat on the referee's seat in the arena.

"Senior year! Senior year is here!"

"That's the third year of high school? How come he looks so ordinary, and the clothes are so sloppy. The snakeskin bag on his body matches his appearance. It's really funny. I heard that yesterday, he beat Sha Baobao and retired from the army with a smile. Hu Xiaoshan was disturbed for a while, and I really doubted the authenticity of this matter."

"This is indeed true. I have seen it with my own eyes. The so-called people cannot be judged by their appearance, and the sea cannot be measured. This is another good example of not judging a person by his appearance! In fact, ordinary-looking people are more likely to become peak masters, just like the chief of Tiger Roaring Mountain. Grand Elder Wu Shaozong, he looks even more ordinary than a third year in high school."

As soon as Long Fei (senior senior) brought Jiang Wen and Chen Pi out of the contestant's special passage and entered the contestant area, it attracted the attention of many people, and the voices of discussion were one after another.

"Brother Gao! Li Yuquan, who is a casual cultivator in the lower western regions, can you tell me about it?" A slender, honest young monk in the east corner of the contestant area looked at Long Fei from a distance, cupped his hands and smiled.

Long Fei glanced across the player area, his eyes fell on Li Yuquan's face, he nodded with a smile, and then walked towards the east corner of the player area.

Li Yuquan is a leader among casual cultivators, and being able to make friends with him will naturally be a good thing in the next primary election.Besides, Li Yuquan sent an old man to spy on him secretly, and Long Fei happened to want to ask Li Yuquan for an explanation on this matter.

"Brother Li's name, I've admired you for a long time. It's exciting to see you today!" Long Fei (senior high school) walked to the east corner of the contestant area with Jiang Wen and Chen Pi, bowed to Li Yuquan, and sat down at a random seat. The smile disappeared, and he said seriously: "Brother Li, you send someone to monitor the next matter, please give me a reasonable explanation."

"Brother Gao, there are a lot of people talking here, let's talk through voice transmission! First of all, I would like to express my humility to the matter of sending people to monitor Brother Gao. Brother Gao can make some requests to me about this matter. As for the person who sent people to monitor Brother Gao The reason is very simple. I want to understand Brother Gao’s character by observing his words and deeds on the spot. I got news of the Yellow Crane Tower incident in the first place, and I have focused on Brother Gao since then. Knowing that Brother Gao was also a casual cultivator before joining the Soul Sect, this made me overjoyed. But because I only heard of Brother Gao’s name, I sent someone to secretly follow you in order to get a real understanding of Brother Gao’s personality. The purpose of doing this is to cooperate with Brother Gao to jointly meet the challenges of powerful players." Li Yuquan looked at the arena with his eyes, and said calmly.

"Li Yuquan, a man of integrity and loyalty, was born in a mortal fisherman's family. He fished with his father for the first time at the age of 11. He was accidentally blown away by a tornado and landed on a deserted island. Then he entered an ancient cave mansion crookedly. It has been trapped for 12 years. After leaving the customs, he became a top master in the Yuan Dynasty. He became famous because he defeated Gui Yidao, one of the three young masters of the Western Sea Royal Family within a hundred moves. Hehe! Brother Li, in fact, I have also conducted some investigations on you." Long Fei passed on Li Yuquan's situation like a few treasures.

"It should be so! Although it is often said that heroes don't ask where they come from, it is also wise to be cautious when making friends." Li Yuquan spoke very straightforwardly.

At this moment, Zhou Jianyong also came to the player area. He and Long Fei glanced at each other, nodded and sat in the west corner of the player area.This surprised many monks who knew that Long Fei and Zhou Jianyong were from the Soul Sect.

"Wu Tianhao from the Western Regions! Ranked second among the young masters in the Hall of Martial Immortals."

"He is Wu Tianhao? Sure enough, he lives up to his name, with a heroic appearance and an imposing manner."

"This time, his elder brother, Wu Tianxiong, who ranks number one in the Hall of Martial Immortals and is also the number one young master in the Western Regions, why didn't he come?"

"Wu Tianxiong is coming too? Could it be that two brothers are fighting for a wife?"

"Hehe! As far as I know, Wu Tianxiong is a martial idiot and has little interest in female sex. If Hu Xiaoshan promises to use his three great skills as a dowry, Wu Tianxiong will definitely come here regardless of the weather." [

After a while, a tall, tall, square-faced, wide-mouthed, red-haired young monk came from the special passageway for contestants, which immediately aroused a lot of discussion among the four monks. He was Wu Tianhao, one of the most popular candidates for this selection.

"Brother Yuquan, in the last battle, you and I were equally divided, and today we must fight it out." Wu Tianhao's voice was like a bell, showing his boldness.

"It's my wish to have another fight with brother Tianhao happily." Li Yuquan looked at Wu Tianhao, his eyes full of anticipation.

At this moment, there was another commotion in the surrounding stands, and I saw Sha Baobao leading more than 20 Golden Shark demon cultivators aggressively stepping out of the special passage for the contestants, and went straight to the contestants area.

Long Fei only casually glanced at the arrival of Sha Baobao, then continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

"Get lost! This area is confiscated by our Golden Shark Demon. Give it to me asshole." Seeing Long Fei's contempt, Sha Baobao was furious, and immediately poured his anger on the contestants in the area in front of him.

The contestants in this area are all casual cultivators or small power contestants. Although their faces are full of anger, they can only get up and leave because of the fierce appearance of the sand baby and the strength of the golden shark clan.

The auspicious time has arrived. On the rostrum, Jin Shi slowly got up, glanced at the monks in all directions, and said loudly with a smile on his face: "Everyone! Today is the opening day of the recruitment conference for Wu Lingshan, my outstanding disciple of Huxiao Mountain. , This is the joy of my Tiger Roaring Mountain, and also the joy of all the contestants. The recruitment rules have already been made public by this faction, so I won’t repeat them any longer. I just hope that you will gain something from comparing your style and level. Good Already! The primary election of the Daoist Companion Recruitment Conference has officially started, and now invite Zaiju and all the contestants to enter the arena! Then the chief referee of this competition will announce the start of the primary election."

Following Jinshi's order, the four referees on the referee's seat, all of whom had reached the peak of the Taoyuan Dacheng period, swiped and flashed to the four corners of the arena.Afterwards, all the contestants in the contestant area either performed drifting or teleportation techniques, or walked slowly towards the arena, and Long Fei was one of those who entered the arena on foot.

After Jin Polang saw that all the contestants had entered the arena, he immediately swept over to the arena and said loudly: "Everyone, this competition is aimed at selecting candidates, not a duel of life and death. Therefore, all contestants please remember that fighting You must not kill anyone, if someone kills maliciously, you will immediately lose the qualification for the competition. Alright, the competition officially begins!"

"Fellow daoists! Gao San is the number one master in the arena. With him, we have no chance of winning. Only by throwing him out of the arena first can we all have a chance to get rich rewards and become Wu Lingshan's daoist partner. Brothers! Gather the strength of everyone and force the third year to play!"

As soon as Jin Polang gave the order, someone among the contestants shouted impatiently.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 360 The Competition Begins:

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