Chaos fairy way

Chapter 362 Shocking the audience

The one who encouraged all the players to attack Long Fei was a Golden Shark player, but before he finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly blew towards him. (. Plain text) Immediately afterwards, there was only a "bang!", his body was hit by something and flew upside down, crossed a parabola, and fell outside the arena, spurting blood profusely. Abandoned.

silence!The noise from the surrounding stands stopped abruptly, and all the spectators stared dumbfounded at the scene in the arena, and finally all their eyes were focused on the gust of wind.In the arena, the players who were about to show off their skills were also stunned for a moment, and it was hard to believe what happened just now.

The competition hadn't really started yet, and a dignified master who was at the top of his metamorphosis was knocked out of the arena inexplicably. He didn't even know how the attacker made his move, let alone the opportunity to resist. This was too shocking and shocking to the scene players.

"Anyone else wants to end early?" Haifeng was Long Fei who performed "Wind Shadow Jue".At this moment, he stands in the center of the arena, like a peak towering proudly between heaven and earth, his sharp eyes sweep across the heroes, making people dare not look at him, his cold voice is not too harsh, but it shocks the hearts of all heroes.

"Senior year! It really is a senior year!" [

"As soon as he made a move, he sent a peak Tuoyuan Dacheng master flying away without even seeing how he made the move. This has overturned the monk's definition of the combat power of a Tuoyuan Dacheng peak master."

"This is too strong! If it goes on like this, he will be the champion."

After a moment of silence, there was an uproar of discussion.

"Friend Yan Daoist! It's an honor for your family! This son's combat power is too amazing."

On the rostrum, Wu Shuo turned his head to look at Yan Xuefeng, his admiration was full of envy.

"It's just a fluke! It's just a fluke!" Yan Xuefeng had a humble face. Although he was quite happy in his heart, he also felt a lot of regret.Because Long Fei (high school senior) is not a member of the Soul Sect after all.

"Don't get complacent too early, no matter how strong one person is, it will be hard to win alone!" Jin Feng coldly shouted with a gloomy face.

When Wu Shuo heard Jin Feng's words, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.Yan Xuefeng didn't seem to listen, and seemed to disdain to argue with Wu Shuo.

In the arena, Long Fei's strong attack frightened all the contestants, and many contestants could no longer raise their hearts to compete with him.But there are 49 places to enter the semi-finals, except for Long Fei (high school senior), there are [-] left.Therefore, after a moment of shock, all the contestants attacked the opponent they thought they could defeat. Suddenly, the wind and smoke rose suddenly, and many battle sounds such as roars, screams, and weapon impacts intersected together, and they rang together, shaking the world and resounding through the sky; chaos The energy is like boiling water, turning into gusts of wind and sweeping in all directions.

Long Fei stood still, for the time being, people dared to offend him, and he didn't want to use force to offend others, but his eyes shot towards Sha Baobao in front of him.

Sha Baobao didn't seem to be afraid of Long Fei because of the defeat at the Yellow Crane Tower, but instead shot at Long Fei with cold eyes without showing any weakness.Behind Sha Baobao, there were 38 Golden Shark contestants, all of whom had reached the peak of the Yuan Dacheng, and they all glared at Long Fei with unkind expressions.The overall strength of the Golden Shark Clan is absolutely number one among all the competing forces, so if anyone dares to provoke them, many monks or casual cultivators of small forces are afraid to avoid it.

"That's crazy! How dare you touch my brothers from the Golden Shark Clan first, you are looking for death. Also, before you die, I have to let you understand that Lingshan is mine, and you are just wishful thinking. Brothers! Destroy the enemy." Sha Baobao has a handsome appearance and a cold voice, but his personality is extremely aggressive.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

More than 30 masters of the Golden Shark Clan heard the order and scattered vertically, forming two encircling circles inside and outside in an instant, enclosing Long Fei in it.Immediately afterwards, the two encircling circles of Jinsha clan masters drifted rapidly around Longfei at the same time, and kept intersecting each other. Aurora spots flashed one after another, and they were about to be connected into a line to form two aurora circles.

"Brother Gao Xian, be careful! This is the Golden Shark Clan's Burning Four Slashing Formation, which has four extremely powerful attacks of fire, ice, silk, and light, especially the last attack of the Aurora Slash is a top-notch treasure." Seeing this situation, Zhou Jianyong's expression became tense and he hurriedly shouted.At this moment, instead of sweeping the powerful enemy with his powerful combat power, he low-key found a casual cultivator from the Western Regions to fight a protracted war.

Long Fei smiled slightly, and nodded to Zhou Jianyong as a thank you.He has already learned about the Burning Four Slash Formation in Huangquan, and he knows its power very well, so he already has enough experience to deal with it.At this moment, how could he allow the masters of the Golden Shark Race to form an formation successfully? The key to breaking the formation is to destroy it before it is formed.

Long Fei's eyes narrowed, and he shook his right palm suddenly. The crescent moon magic blade flashed in his palm, and a majestic Yuan force was injected into it immediately.The crescent moon magic blade suddenly burst into green light, which was very dazzling. The green energy surged out of the magic blade, covering its body and even half of Long Fei's body instantly. This is a peerless weapon, made for killing pregnancy.


Long Fei turned into a gust of green light, and swung the crescent moon blade wildly towards the two aurora circles that had not yet formed.Only two sounds of "Crack! Crack!" were heard at a very short interval, and the two aurora circles that were about to form collapsed and disappeared suddenly.Two lines of blood flew out from the impact points of the two aurora circles one after another, and then two corpses that were split in half were revealed. [


On the rostrum, Jin Feng stood up with a bang, looking in shock at Long Fei who was slowly revealing his true face at this moment, and then there was killing intent all over his eyes, and he clenched his fists suddenly, intending to kill Long Fei.

Seeing this, Wu Shuo hurriedly persuaded him: "Fellow Daoist Jin! Burning the Four Slash Formation is the ultimate killing formation. Anyone who wants to break it will die. It is also the formation of immortality. Everyone knows this well. Therefore, although the rules of the competition do not allow killing people, But it is unavoidable under such circumstances, please calm down!"

"The third year of high school is about to be killed by the Fen Mie Four Slash Formation, I can talk about it." Yan Xuefeng's expression was light, and there was something in his words, but a smile was hidden in the corners of his wrinkled eyes.Burning the Four Slashing Formation has a long-standing fierce reputation, and it is one of the important reliance for the Golden Shark Clan to be proud of the world.Since the establishment of this formation, countless masters have been hunted down, and it is almost possible to break the formation with only one person's strength.It is said that since the creation of this formation, only one person with the same level of cultivation has broken through it alone, and this was 1 years ago.Now, Long Fei breaks the formation with his own strength, one can imagine the sensation, this is the face of the Great Eternal Soul Sect.

"Huh!" Jin Feng snorted coldly, and sat back on his seat with a slap on his buttocks.With Wu Shuo and Yan Xuefeng who are both masters of the tribulation stage present, he has no chance to kill Long Fei instantly, and he also has reasons to make a move, so he can only put down the idea of ​​killing Long Fei for the time being.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the corner arena, after Long Fei succeeded with one blow, how could he just give up? Taking advantage of the opportunity to break through the chaos, "Wind Shadow Jue" unfolded continuously, his body changed into the wind, his fist beat the hammer, his feet were like pillars, and he punched madly Kicking and kicking, a master of the Golden Shark Race was forced out of the arena.

"Are those players from the Golden Shark Race the peak masters of the Taoyuan Dacheng?"

"Couldn't the third year be a master in the robbery period?"

All around the stands, the mouths of the spectators were wide open for a long time, watching this scene in shock, their faces full of disbelief, and then they choked on their saliva with difficulty, and this question kept flashing in their minds.

In another battle group, the battle between Li Yuquan and Wu Tianhao was already in full swing. At this moment, both of them looked at Long Fei who was displaying his supernatural power, and their expressions suddenly became solemn.

"Damn it! It's too cruel to use the top-grade treasure as soon as you make a move! You are forcing the deity to kill you in advance. Now I will let you taste the true power of Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan."

Sha Baobao was so angry that he seemed to have forgotten that when he dealt with Zhou Jianyong in the Yellow Crane Tower, he also used the top-quality weapon as soon as he made a move.

Sha Baobao twisted his right wrist and grasped it while speaking, a folding fan flashed in his palm, and then unfolded with a "wow!", revealing the four characters "Fenghuaxueyue" on the fan.


Sha Baobao crazily injected a powerful force into Fengyue Zhanling Fan.The Fengyue Zhanling Fan suddenly burst into pink light, and the word "Fenghua" in the four characters "Feng Hua Xue Yue" suddenly shone with dazzling red light.Immediately afterwards, Sha Baobao shook his arm violently at Long Fei, waved Fengyue Zhanling Fan, and fanned out a powerful hurricane, exuding a frightening aura, just like a demon dragon rushing out of hell, baring its teeth and claws, Roaring again and again, galloping towards the dragon.

This is the real power of the Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan. In the battle of the Yellow Crane Tower, Sha Baobao didn't use his full strength. His scheming is quite deep!

Looking at the terrifying hurricane, Long Fei was amazed in his heart, and suddenly threw the crescent moon magic blade in his hand, cutting the air with a whistling sound during the rapid rotation, and slashed towards the face of the hurricane dragon.


The sound was like the tide released instantly due to the collapse of the dam, shaking the entire valley of the arena, echoing everywhere, and the eardrums of many spectators were swollen and painful.

The strong resistance, momentum and power of the two extreme treasures were earth-shattering. The crescent magic blade was instantly thrown back into Long Fei's hands by the huge impact force, and the hurricane magic dragon burst into pieces.

This round seemed to end in a draw, but at this moment, the exploding Hurricane Dragon suddenly converged, forming a thick black ball, and then exploded again.What is shocking is that the black balls that exploded did not intensify the hurricane, but condensed in groups, instantly condensing into black and shiny strange flowers with six petals. [

There are tens of thousands of strange flowers, the size of a thumb, and the six petals are all shining with a frightening black awn. Each flower emits terrifying energy fluctuations, exuding a terrifying and dangerous atmosphere, which is enough to be a top-grade treasure.

"call out!"

Thousands of petals, like thousands of top-quality treasures, shot towards Longfei overwhelmingly.

"Ah! Duo Duo is better than a top-grade treasure, such an attack, how can the senior year resist it?"

"I didn't expect Sha Baobao to hide his secrets in the battle of the Yellow Crane Tower, and he didn't do his best when he was humiliated. The purpose was only for the battle of recruiting Taoist companions. His combat strength and intelligence are not worthy of the title of the number one master in the Southern Region. "

"Yes! Yes! I mean, the Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan, one of the two top treasures of the dignified Golden Shark Clan, is it as powerful as it was in the Yellow Crane Tower? I can see it today, and it is exactly as I expected."

At this moment, the spectators around were shocked, but they had different opinions, some were worried about Long Fei, some were happy for the Golden Shark Clan, and even some were happy to watch the fun without having anything to do...

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 360 Shocking the audience:

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