Chaos fairy way

Chapter 363

Six petals of strange flowers, tens of thousands, densely packed, each blossoming is like a top-grade treasure, like a wall of flowers rushing towards Long Fei.

Long Fei took a deep breath, with a solemn look on his face. In order to prevent his identity from being exposed, the sword skills of "Yanyu Sword Art" and Dayan Qingtian Sword cannot be used, which is equivalent to restraining one of his hands.But the Dayan Qingtian Sword is not available, and there is also the Crescent Moon Demon Blade.During Long Fei and Niu Zhong's retreat, he had studied the Crescent Moon Demon Blade quite a bit, and had realized some of its attack methods.

At this moment, Long Fei's right hand raised the crescent magic blade towards the sky, and with a sudden shake, a powerful force of origin was injected into it.


The crescent moon magic blade screamed, and suddenly grew to a length of ten feet. The edge of the blade was filled with blood-red light, and then it spun rapidly in the palm of the hand like a propeller, and the shadows of the rotating magic blades instantly condensed into a thick surface. , Shadow shield covered with red light.


Long Fei leaped into the air, like a startled rainbow, opened the way with his shadow shield, and shot towards the flower wall head-on.

The wall of flowers was more than ten feet thick, Long Fei smashed open a handle of strange six-petal flowers with his shadow shield and charged into the wall of flowers, he was immediately besieged by countless strange six-petal flowers.Long Fei frantically danced the shadow shield, forming a hemispherical shadow shield, resisting the attacks of the six-petaled strange flower from above and from all directions.

"Keng! Keng! Keng!"

The sound of metal impact was dull and heart-rending, and a wave of violent energy rippled from the impact to all directions like water waves.The contestants around the flower wall who were fighting fiercely were instantly hit by this huge energy ripple, and were forced to rush thousands of feet away, many of them were seriously injured and spurted blood.

Although the six-petaled flower is better than a top-grade treasure, it is not the body of the top-grade treasure. After hitting the hemispherical shadow shield, it immediately exploded like fireworks, and finally faded and disappeared.Under the continuous strong attack of the six-petaled strange flower, the hemispherical shadow shield, although the bloody light on the shield surface gradually dimmed, the shield surface was not damaged at all.However, Long Fei's forward speed was greatly affected, but he was still advancing, and finally rushed out of the flower wall after a while.


At this moment, the wall of flowers suddenly exploded, and countless strange flowers with six petals within it exploded at the same time. The huge explosive force instantly set off a black storm that would destroy the world and sweep across the entire arena.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The incident happened so suddenly that the contestants in the arena did not expect such a terrible thing to happen, they could not avoid it, and they were powerless to resist it. Many contestants died in the screams, and many contestants were rushed out of the arena while screaming. In the arena, of course, there are still a small number of players who are able to retreat in the arena due to their tyrannical strength or the distance from the explosion point.

At this moment, Long Fei was completely submerged by the black storm, and he could not be seen with naked eyes.

"Ha ha!"

Baby Sha looked up to the sky and laughed, extremely proud, like a demon god standing in the center of the arena, he was the only one not affected by the black wind, which obviously benefited from the Fengyue Zhanling Fan in his hand.

"The Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan is too powerful! The aftermath of the attack can instantly kill several masters who are at the peak of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty, and many masters who are close to the peak of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty."

"The central point of the explosion deep in the third year of high school, I'm afraid it's dangerous!"

"This is just Fengyue Zhanling Fan's attack with the word "Fenghua". After thinking about it, the attack with the word "Xueyue" will be even stronger. Now that even the third year of high school can't resist the attack of Fenghua, then the attack of Xueyue will be even more powerful." There is no one to resist. Alas! The goddess of the majestic human race will be taken away by Baby Sand."

The spectators in the stands around looked at the tragic scene in the arena in horror, and it took a long time before they discussed with ashen faces.

"Haha! Who else can fight me?"

The black storm receded gradually. Seeing that Long Fei in the storm had not moved for a long time, Baby Sha looked up to the sky and laughed again, arrogantly shouting, arrogant.

"Don't worry! It's still early!"

A cold voice suddenly came from the black storm, and then a gray figure burst out of the black storm, shooting in front of Sand Baby in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it! I really thought no one would cure you, did you?"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

While the gray figure was drinking coldly, he just punched and kicked Sha Baobao. He didn't use any moves at all, but he punched to the flesh, hurting his feet and feet.

"Ah! Ah! Damn it! Senior three, you bastard, you are deceitful." Sha Baobao was caught off guard for a moment, and was beaten up by the gray figure senior senior, unable to fight back.

After a while, the gust of wind gradually stopped, and the black energy dissipated, revealing the dilapidated scene of the arena.

"Stop! The number of people is less than fifty, the primary election is over."

Chief referee Wu Qingshu looked at the game just now, and was the first to discover that the situation was not good. Relying on his tyrannical strength, he avoided it in time, so he was rarely affected by the explosive force and black storm, but he was also disheartened.At this moment, he glanced at the arena, and found that there were less than 50 people left in the arena, and quickly announced the end of the primary election.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Although Wu Qingshu's order to end the primary election has been issued, Long Fei is still beating Sha Baobao violently, and the attack is more fierce and faster. His fists and feet rained down on Sand Baobao, causing him to roll all over the ground. Kind of like killing a pig.

"You bastard! The fight is over, why the hell are you still fighting?"

Sha Baobao roared angrily, with a crying tone, and lost his previous arrogance.At this moment, his nose was bruised, his face was swollen, and his body was covered with cuts and bruises. His originally thin head was already comparable to a pig's head.

"What are you talking about? Hit again if you have the guts? Sigh! You're so stubborn after being hurt like this, why bother? You have to know how to cherish your body, your parents, and your parents." Long Fei shook his head and sighed, with a helpless expression on his face, but his hands and feet However, his attack fell a little bit, knocking down the sand baby who had just stood up with one punch, and then kicking him away with another kick.

"Referee! High school foul! He should be disqualified from re-election."

In the gladiatorial arena, the remaining members of the Golden Shark race shouted loudly, but they dared not come to the aid of Baby Sha due to injuries or were unable to do so.

"Senior year stop!"

Wu Qingshu was quite upset by the black storm, and Sand Baobao was a notorious person, so at this moment, Wu Qingshu seemed to be deliberately spitting out the sand in his mouth, so that Long Fei could beat Sand Baobao a few more times. .In the end, maybe Yu couldn't bear it, or maybe the Golden Shark players in the arena shouted too much, so they told Long Fei (senior senior) to stop attacking.


Long Fei threw another straight punch, hitting Sha Baobao's face, sending him flying several feet away.

"Senior year! Did your ears get deaf just now?" Wu Qingshu stalked over, grabbed Long Fei who was about to attack Sha Baobao with his right hand, and shouted angrily.

"What are you talking about? I'm fighting!" Long Fei turned his head to Wu Qingshu, with a blank expression on his face, pulled Wu Qingshu's hand away, and punched Sha Baobao.

"The primary election is over, stop! Otherwise, you will be disqualified." Wu Qingshu snarled into Long Fei's ear, his face was full of anger, but there was an undetectable smile hidden in his eyes.

"It's over! Alas! The black storm just now was so violent that it stunned my ears. I didn't hear your order. Please forgive me!" Long Fei's voice was loud, and Wu Qingshu might also be stunned ears but not hearing.

"Okay! Okay! I'm not deaf. In other words, the black storm just now was indeed strong enough, and the aftermath killed so many masters. You are in the center of the explosion. It is a miracle among miracles that you were not killed or injured. It's normal to be stunned and stunned." Wu Qingshu looked at the tattered Long Fei, his anger subsided, and he turned to look at Sha Baobao who stood up in struggle, showing a trace of sullenness: "Are you okay? Sigh! You use I have to warn everyone about the ultimate treasure, what a pity to see so many young masters being killed! They are all geniuses who are one in a million!"

"What's the pity? The skills are not as good as people, and death is not a pity. It's better for such useless people like them to die earlier." Sha Baobao said coldly, not looking at the messy corpses inside and outside the arena.His eyes were full of anger, but he was forced to hold back. How could he fail to see the double-reed play performed by Long Fei and Wu Qingshu just now?However, his black storm aftermath could instantly kill many people. Long Fei said that his ears were deafened was a very convincing reason, so he could only knock out his teeth and swallow it if he was beaten too much.

"Hmph!" Wu Qingshu snorted coldly, stopped looking at Sha Baobao, then raised his eyes to look around the stands, and shouted loudly: "Everyone! The final result of the primary competition, the 47 contestants who are still in the corner arena have all qualified for the semi-finals The re-election will be held three days later at Fuhu Cave on Bolang Island."

At this moment, the spectators in the surrounding stands were unwilling to leave for a long time, all of them marveled at the dominance of Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan, and all of them were even more amazed at the abnormality of Long Fei's physical body.In fact, they didn't know that it wasn't the physical body that caused Long Fei to pervert, but the "melting the sword into the body" of the miraculous "Yanyu Sword Art".Long Fei has always integrated the top-grade Dayan Qingtian Sword among the top-grade treasures into his body. His body is as strong as the Dayan Qingtian Sword, and coupled with the defense of the Crescent Moon Demon Blade Shadow Shield, it is only comparable to the flower wall and six-pointed sword of the top-grade treasure. How could the petaled flower explode and hurt Long Fei?

"I'm afraid that the strength of the physical body will be more stubborn than the demon cultivator of one or two kalpas! Is he still a body of flesh and blood?"

On the rostrum, Wu Shuo and other elders of various forces had expressions of embarrassment, and many people sighed secretly.

"Hmph! No matter how strong you are, it's short-lived." Jin Feng coldly dropped this sentence, flicked his sleeves, and disappeared in a flash.

"It's really fighting! Are we humans still afraid that your Golden Shark Clan will fail?" Yan Xuefeng sneered, then turned his head to look at Wu Shuo, and said: "Fellow Daoist Wu! Look at the Golden Shark Clan's desire to murder our human heroes again. "

"Hey! I hope what he said was angry, otherwise...huh!" Wu Shuo glanced at Jin Feng's direction and sneered.

At the end of the song, all the spectators, contestants and referees left the arena, and only some Huxiaoshan monks who were dealing with the aftermath were still busy.They buried the corpses one by one, and filled up the big pits...

At this moment, two beautiful young women appeared in the center of the arena.One of them is sweet and indescribable, which makes people endlessly reverie, and she is Wu Lingshan.

"Being attacked by the Fengyue Spirit Slashing Fan without being injured, that bastard is really so powerful? Could it be that Baby Sand didn't try his best?" Wu Lingshan looked around the dilapidated arena, and the suspicion in her tone gradually faded.

"Miss! Although those deceased are dead, the aura of the peak monks who have escaped Yuan Dacheng still remains. This matter cannot be faked. Hee hee! Miss, I am afraid that the third year of high school will become your wishful husband, and I am afraid that it will be inseparable." Another The beautiful woman, petite, stuck out her tongue and said.

"Only him? Impossible." Wu Lingshan looked disapproving, but the joy in her beautiful eyes betrayed some expectations in her heart.

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