Chaos fairy way

Chapter 364 Nine Quiet Octopuses

In the primary election battle of Hailangyu Island, Long Fei (senior senior) swept the 38 top masters of the Golden Shark Clan who had escaped Yuan Dacheng by himself.Such achievements are extremely brilliant; this light is extremely dazzling, dare not say that it is unprecedented, but it can be said that it is rare in ancient and modern times, and it can be recorded in the history of cultivation.

Overnight, the name of Gao San spread throughout the southern region and even the sea; Gao San himself became the object of admiration for all the young monks.Everything about the third year of high school was quickly discovered by the troublemakers one by one, and became the talk of the young monks after dinner.And the status of casual cultivators before joining the soul gate in the third year of high school has greatly encouraged the enthusiasm of all casual cultivators and young disciples from small and medium forces.

In the past three days, the Huxiaoshan Office of the Soul Gate was full of people, and there was an endless stream of people seeking to visit. Most of them were young masters, and they all had one purpose, that is to make friends with the senior year (Long Fei).Of course, among these visitors, monks or casual cultivators from small and medium-sized forces are naturally the main ones.

It is impolite to avoid visitors, not to mention that this is a good opportunity to gather heroes from all over the world.

Long Fei never refuses visitors, of course, he only nods his head to those who flatter and flatter them; as for those who value love and righteousness, he makes a deep friendship with them, and gives them one or two urgently needed medicinal materials or hand-made High-level treasure.During this period, Li Yuquan also came to pay a visit in person, and Wu Tianhao sent his confidant to come and make friends, which imperceptibly pushed Long Fei to a higher position.

The day before the re-election, Huxiaoshan sent someone to send a soul wooden stick and a piece of milky white jade the size of a thumb to all the re-election candidates.The soul wooden stick records the re-election rules and some conditions of Fuhu Cave.The milky white jade flakes are used for teleportation.After entering the Fuhu Cave, if the re-electors don't want to continue the competition, they can crush the jade pieces and be automatically sent out by the large formation in the cave.

Fuhu Cave, located at the north corner of Hailang Island, was originally a natural cave, and was later opened up by the masters of Huxiao Mountain as a closed arena for young disciples to practice.There are many peerless formations in it, which can resist the strong attack of monks below the catastrophe period without damage.What's even more amazing is that Fuhu Cave can limit the highest cultivation level of the entrant through the control formation.For example: In order to allow disciples at the Consensus Stage to fight fairly, only disciples at the Consciousness Stage and below are allowed to enter, and monks whose cultivation is higher than the Consciousness Stage must suppress their cultivation to enter.Once these monks who suppressed their cultivation level entered Fuhu Cave, once they raised their cultivation beyond the Consciousness Period, they would immediately be forced out of Fuhu Cave by the large formation in the cave.

On the day of re-election, in the early morning, the cool breeze hit, and the mist floated like smoke on the mountains, valleys, lakes, seas and other lands, embellishing Hailang Island like a fairyland.

At this moment, the Fuhudong Square is already crowded with people, and the people who come to see him off or watch the excitement have really reached the peak.The rostrum in the north of the square was built against the mountain. Just like the primary election, the elders of various forces sat in order according to their strength. Wu Shuo was in the middle, and Jin Feng and Yan Xuefeng sat on both sides.There is an open space in front of the rostrum, which is where the re-elects stand.At this time, more than a dozen re-electors are waiting here.

"Senior year! Senior year!"

The arrival of Long Fei (senior senior) immediately caused a commotion in the audience, causing countless young monks to shout wildly, including many female monks.

"Sand Baby! Sand Baby!"

Sha Baobao led more than a dozen Golden Shark re-electors, and came slowly along the passage reserved for the re-electers among the crowd, which also attracted many monks shouting.However, if you look up, you will find that these shouting monks are demon cultivators of the Golden Shark Clan or its affiliated races.

"Senior year! After entering the cave, you will die." Sha Baobao passed by Long Fei, without looking at Long Fei, but said this coldly.

"Is your injury healed?" Long Fei asked lightly.

"You...I will let you die from serious injuries this time." Although Baby Sha was quite far away from Long Fei, his voice could still be heard by Long Fei.

"Oh! Don't worry, I won't hurt you this time, but you shouldn't be able to get out of Fuhu Cave." Long Fei said calmly, with a very casual tone, as if he didn't take Sand Baby seriously at all.

"Hmph! Let's see!" Sha Baobao snorted coldly, and stopped at the place closest to the rostrum.Looking at his expression, although he was quite angry because of Long Fei's exposure of his scars and his contempt for him, it was obvious that he was no longer afraid of Long Fei after being violently beaten by Long Fei three days ago. The air of flying a battle.

Although Long Fei didn't look at Baby Sand at all, but with his powerful perception, he knew every move of Baby Sand like the palm of his hand. Long Fei was a little surprised by Baby Sand's abnormal expression.

After a while, Zhou Jianyong, Li Yuquan, and Wu Tianhao also arrived one after another.

At this time, Wu Shuo saw that all the 47 re-electors had arrived, so he slowly got up and said loudly: "Everyone! Today's re-election, the relevant rules have been informed to each re-electer yesterday, so I will no longer Nonsense. But I still want to remind all the re-electors: your life is your own, and everything else is nothing; Shards of jade. Alright, all the elders guarding the cave, please open the entrance to Fuhu Cave."


After a thunder-like sound, the entire Fuhu Cave Square shook violently, and then the ground where the reviewers stood suddenly sank, revealing a bottomless hole, and the reviewers fell straight into the ground. Down.

Long Fei and other candidates did not panic, and let their bodies fall, because the relevant conditions of entering the cave were recorded in the soul wooden stick sent by Huxiaoshan.

When the re-electors fell nearly a thousand feet, a vast underground world suddenly appeared in front of everyone.At this moment, a black hurricane suddenly blew up, drowning 47 candidates in an instant.But just now, when the monks were about to be overwhelmed, a small yellow dot flashed from Long Fei's wrist onto Sha Baobao's lapel, and a very tiny black line also strangely landed on the snakeskin bag Long Fei was wearing. superior.Both Long Fei and Sha Baobao seemed to be focusing on the black hurricane, so they didn't know about the presence of the little black line or the little yellow dot.


As soon as the black hurricane submerged all the candidates, it was instantly divided into 47 smaller hurricanes, and each hurricane wrapped a candidate.Subsequently, 47 hurricanes swept away in different directions.

The black hurricane is controlled by the formation in the cave, and it is used to disperse and teleport the entrants to different edges of Fuhu Cave, and the entrants are powerless to resist its submersion and teleportation.In this re-selection competition, the re-electors marched from the edge of Fuhu Cave to a special exit in the central area, and the first five people who entered the special exit successfully advanced.The re-electors not only have to accept the various tests set by Huxiao Mountain for the re-election, but also have to guard against being attacked by other re-electors. After reaching the central area, they have to fight for the five places to enter the special exit. This is a trip to forget life.


On the edge of the east, on the top of a mountain in a cave, a hurricane blew towards it, and it exploded suddenly, revealing an ordinary-looking seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy in gray clothes. He was Long Fei.

Long Fei drifted and landed on a bare brown boulder on the top of the mountain, looking around, he was amazed.

The big hole is as high as ten thousand feet, like a world, and the ceiling of the hole is inlaid with countless fluorites, which light up the whole world of the big hole like stars.Inside the big cave, there are high mountains and plains; there are rivers and lakes; but there are no towering old trees, green grass and flowers, and some are only some low shrubs and moss suitable for living in the cave.

After a while, Long Fei withdrew his gaze from afar, and with a shake of his left wrist, the silver spirit beast bracelet flashed a silver glow, and a yellow bug flashed out of the spirit beast bracelet and flew in front of Long Fei's eyes. Insects, the female insects are naturally on Sand Baby's body at this moment.

Then, with a movement of Long Fei's mind, the male worm shot towards the west.

The time limit for the re-selection competition is ten days, and the length and breadth of the big hole is only one hundred thousand miles.Long Fei wanted to rush on his way, and he could reach the central area in less than a day.Now that there is enough time, what Long Fei has to do is to take advantage of the fact that the re-electors are scattered all over the place so that they rarely meet each other, secretly find Baby Sha, and solve this scourge.Because although the fate of life and death in Fuhu Cave depends on fate, if Long Fei really kills Sha Baobao in front of all the candidates, then with the usual domineering and cruel style of the Golden Shark Clan, once he learns that Sha Baobao is Long Fei If he is killed, he must send a master in the robbery period to kill Long Fei as soon as possible.


Half an hour later, Long Fei was drifting on the surface of a lake, and suddenly the water around him shot up into the sky, encircling and submerging him in an instant.


Long Fei was slightly taken aback, and then a gleam of joy appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then with a move of his divine sense, he put the soul-searching spirit worm into the spirit beast bracelet, and then let his body be brought into the lake by the rapidly falling lake water.


Just as Long Fei was brought into the lake, suddenly a strip-shaped creature like a spirit snake broke through the lake water and shot towards Long Fei.This strip-shaped creature has no eyes and no nose, it is more than two feet thick, and it is densely covered with fleshy discs.On each disc, there is a ring of gray tooth-like substance as thick as an arm, shining with a faint cold light.


The strip-shaped creature didn't assassinate Long Fei with its top, but swung outwards, bypassed Long Fei, entwined and curled towards Long Fei.The tooth-like substance pierced Long Fei's waist together.

"It really is the Nine Nether Octopus! It's really lucky."

Looking at the aggressive striped creature, Long Fei was even more pleasantly surprised instead of panicking. While muttering to himself, the crescent moon magic blade flashed in his right hand.Then "Wind Shadow Jue" suddenly unfolded, turning into a gust of wind, rolling up a small vortex, and shooting towards the strip-shaped creature.

The strip-shaped creature is naturally the whiskers of the Jiuyou octopus, the disk is its sucker, and the tooth-like substance is its teeth.

Jiuyou octopus, it is recorded in "Wanbaolu" that its divine sense is extremely powerful and can survive for nearly ten thousand years, living in the deep sea or in underground lakes. The cultivation level of Jiuyou octopus in adulthood is better than that of ordinary masters who have achieved great success , but it can only stop at the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, and cannot advance to the stage of the catastrophe.

Because the Jiuyou Octopus has a very strong spiritual sense, a long lifespan, and cannot advance to the stage of disaster, the spiritual power contained in its demon core has reached a terrifying level.The realm of comprehension compares its demon pills with primordial stones, but primordial stones are used to increase or supplement primordial power, while Jiuyou Octopus' demon pills are used to enhance or supplement divine power.A monk who wants to get the help of the demon pill of Jiuyou Octopus during the promotion period, there is no need to worry about the lack of spiritual power when resisting the catastrophe.For a cultivator at the peak of his metamorphosis, whose physical body has reached the strength of a cultivator at the stage of catastrophe, and at the same time possesses the demon core and primordial stone of the Jiuyou octopus, it is basically a matter of time before he advances to the stage of catastrophe.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 360 Nine Nether Octopus:

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