Chaos fairy way

Chapter 365 That Thing

The octopus' whiskers, like a magic whip, cut across the lake, with a monstrous aura, making people feel powerless and unable to resist.

The gust of wind and vortex, small and swift, breaks through the water and shuttles. It is not large in scale, but it gives people an invincible force, which makes people believe in its strength.


Although the sound of meat cutting is loud, it is muffled.Long Fei, who was transformed into a gust of wind, was about to collide with the octopus's whiskers, and the crescent moon magic blade in his hand suddenly raised the sky and chopped off the octopus's whiskers in an instant.Blue blood spurted out from the fracture like a gush, dyeing the surrounding lake water in blue.

Long Fei didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue him, he turned into a whirlwind of wind and rushed towards the water surface.


I only heard the Jiuyou octopus scream, and another huge octopus tendril jumped out of the water with a "crash!", and slammed into the whirlpool of the wind that was about to rush out of the water.


The vortex of the blast was forcefully sucked by the octopus's tendrils, and exploded loudly, setting off a huge wave on the water.The octopus' whiskers sank vigorously, and after blasting the blast vortex, it still drew towards Long Fei in the blast vortex.

Surprised, Long Fei raised the crescent moon magic blade, and rushed towards the sky towards the octopus' whiskers.

But at this moment, a strange thing happened, the moment the crescent moon magic blade was about to pick out the octopus' whiskers, Long Fei's divine sense suddenly lost control over the spiritual power and elemental power injected into the crescent moon magic blade.The crescent moon magic blade suddenly dimmed its green light, and its green energy was restrained, only to be picked up by Long Fei to the octopus' whiskers with all his physical strength.


The crescent moon magic blade was pulled out of the hand by the octopus's whiskers, and the tiger's mouth in Long Fei's right palm was shattered, and blood immediately oozed out.Although the attack of the octopus has weakened a lot, it still draws towards the top of Long Fei's head.


Long Fei's ability to respond in times of crisis is super strong, he raised his left fist in shock, and slammed it into the sky, the huge octopus tendrils rebounded and flew away with the punch.Then Long Fei took the opportunity to rush out of the lake and stood on the water.

"How many brushes do you have at such a young age!"

An icy sound came from the lake, followed by a loud "boom!", an octopus several tens of feet thick rushed out of the water, and its eight octopus whiskers (wrists) stretched and relaxed in the lake.

At this moment, Long Fei's divine sense could control the spiritual power and origin power in the Crescent Moon Blade again, so with a movement of his divine sense, he brought back the Crescent Moon Demon Blade that had sunk to the bottom of the lake and submerged it into his right palm.

Jiuyou Octopus didn't care at all about Long Fei regaining control of the Crescent Moon Blade, and said again in a cold voice: "Little friend! Trespassing on my king's territory without permission, and cutting off one of my king's wrists just now, this is a capital crime. Tell me!" ! Are you offering your own body to be devoured by this king, or will you be swallowed by this king himself?"

"Hehe! Swallow it forcibly? It's not that easy. By the way, this Fuhu Cave is the territory of Huxiao Mountain. If you insist that this lake is your territory, then are you the cave guard spirit beast of Huxiao Mountain?" Fei smiled lightly, revealing a trace of surprise and authenticity.

Long Fei knew that Jiuyou Octopus would not attack him anymore, it should be because he was concerned about his strength.And the weird spell of Jiuyou Octopus before was able to cut off his divine sense's control of the crescent moon magic blade at a critical moment in the battle, which surprised and confused him.So at this moment, since Jiuyou Octopus chose to negotiate peace with him, he just took the opportunity to touch the bottom of Jiuyou Octopus.

"The little Huxiao Mountain is also worthy of being the master of this king? It's almost like they are carrying shoes for this king. This king has come to this big cave many years before the bastards from Huxiao Mountain." Jiuyou Octopus spoke in a strong tone. With strong disdain, he paused for a while, and then the thief rolled his eyes secretly, and said again: "Okay, this king admits that your physical body is strong enough, and you can fight me in close combat without losing money. It will take a lot of effort to fight with you, and it is entirely possible to get hurt. Let's do it! Seeing that you are a rare genius, I will make you my friend. As long as you leave one thing, this king can treat you The crimes committed will never be blamed, let you go."

Long Fei quietly listened to the words of Jiuyou Octopus, and when he heard Jiuyou Octopus say the word "something", there was obviously a lot of joy in his tone, he was surprised, and deliberately sarcastically said: "Open your eyes and say Nonsense! This Fuhu Cave has been used by Huxiao Mountain for at least 8000 years. Why did you enter this cave before others? Furthermore, even if you entered this cave first, then those pioneers of Huxiao Mountain Will the masters of the disaster-stricken period in this cave discover your existence? You must know that the demon pill of Jiuyou Octopus is the top-grade spiritual treasure that monks need to advance to the disaster-stricken period. With it, you will have at least [-]% of your chances of advancing to the next level. Hope. Are you still active now?"

"Little friend! My Jiuyou octopus family has a lifespan of nearly ten thousand years. Although it cannot advance to the stage of disaster, the strength of spiritual sense can grow with the time of cultivation. This king's spiritual sense is not inferior to that of Huxiaoshan The gang of savages are old-fashioned, and they are better than them in the use of spiritual power. Hmph! It is not easy to avoid their spiritual detection. Didn't you just learn a little trick from me?" Jiuyou The octopus was not angry at Long Fei's sarcasm, but explained it in detail, and then seemed to think of something, and asked suddenly: "Little guy, you didn't resist just now and let the lake water drag you into the lake, you should have discovered You are the king, and you have made your mind on the king's demon core, right? Hehe! It seems that you are also proficient in the use of some powerful divine sense."

"That's right! Then you said you want me to keep something, what is it? And what treasure do you plan to exchange with me? It won't be your demon pill?" Long Fei said with a half-smile.Long Fei discovered the existence of the Nine Nether Octopus not because of his divine sense, but because after he entered Fuhu Cave, the surrounding area of ​​nearly a thousand feet was covered with a net of Yuanli. Unexpectedly, Wai Da discovered the Jiuyou octopus that even the masters of the Yingjie period could hardly detect.

"court death!"

The Jiuyou octopus snarled, and the three giant octopus arms swung one by one, like the tail of a spirit snake, and frantically drew towards Long Fei from left, right and above.

Long Fei leaped into the air, raised his right fist, and slammed upwards towards the giant octopus above. With a sound of "bang!", he sent the giant octopus above flying. Avoiding the pinching of the huge wrists of the octopuses on the left and right.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

At this moment, five giant octopus arms whizzed, and pulled from all directions and above towards Long Fei who was transformed into a gust of wind.

There was a sudden pause in Long Fei's upward drift, and then he plummeted downward.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

However, at this moment, the two giant octopus wrists that were pinching left and right below were drawn straight up towards the falling Long Fei.

"Damn it, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Long Fei suddenly became angry and stopped dodging. He raised his fist and smashed the giant octopus wrists above him, and kicked down the two giant octopus wrists below with his feet. With a punch, an elbow, and a kick to the top of the knee, he knocked away the octopus wrists attacking from all directions.

"Oh! Is your physical body strong? Alright, how about letting me try your divine sense?"

The Jiuyou octopus roared, and while speaking, the center of the disks on the eight octopus' giant wrists suddenly shot out a series of spiritual powers, and quickly condensed into a pair of spiritual power weapons such as knives, swords, and guns in the air, densely packed and rushing. Cut to Long Fei.

Long Fei sneered, how could he resist the Nine Nether Octopus with his spiritual thoughts, instead he restrained all his spiritual thoughts in his body, and covered his whole body with magnetized energy.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

Long Fei was showered in the storm-like attacks of spiritual weapons, and resisted many spiritual weapons with his body as strong as the Dayan Qingtian Sword. He swung his fists and stretched his feet, and knives, swords and other spiritual weapons came one after another. After being shattered, the power of regenerating divine thoughts permeated the space.

"The little guy is not stupid. He knows how to make use of his strengths and avoid his weaknesses. He doesn't compete with this king for his spiritual sense. Hehe! But after a while, you will know that you will die faster if you do this." The thief's eyes of the Jiuyou octopus suddenly showed a hint of surprise. color, but then turned into a cold smile.

Long Fei fought vigorously and happily, and seemed to turn a deaf ear to the words of Jiuyou octopus.

Time was passing by gradually, and as more and more weapons of divine sense power were defeated and turned into divine sense power, the divine sense power around Long Fei began to resemble smoke, then mist, and then became as thick as silk mist.

"Haha! Little guy, you have no chance, go die!" At this moment, Jiuyou Octopus laughed loudly, and then chanted an inexplicable spell: "&¢££..."

The spiritual power of the satin-like water mist, following the incantation, actually converged rapidly towards Long Fei's body, which seemed to condense Long Fei to death.

"Hehe! Brother Octopus, if I can die like this, I would rather die!" Long Fei smiled comfortably, letting the more and more dense spiritual force rush to the body, and the frequency of attacking the spiritual force weapons did not slow down, but accelerated At the same time, "Yanyu Jianjue" and "Magnetized Yuanbo" were working hard, absorbing the waves of spiritual power into the body with all their strength, and then transformed into their own spiritual power through the refining of magnetized power, constantly Strengthen your own spirit.

"What? You can absorb my divine power without being backlashed?" Seeing this scene, Jiuyou Octopus's eyes protruded almost popping out, and the tone of exclamation was unbelievable.

"Brother Zhang, you are really a good person! I know that my spiritual sense urgently needs to be strengthened, but I sacrifice myself for others and send such a good fortune to my subordinate. I am so grateful! By the way, can these spiritual power weapons be increased? Play to your heart's content, smoke to your heart's content!" Long Fei boasted loudly.

"Hum!" Jiuyou Octopus snorted coldly, and suddenly stopped the attack of the divine mind weapon in regret, then his eyes flickered for a while, and finally his eyes were fixed, and he sighed: "Little brother! This king has practiced for more than eight thousand years. Zai, I have seen countless monks entering this cave, but you are the only one who shocked me and amazed me. How about it! It is obviously nonsense that you want my king’s demon pill to be exchanged with you. Unrealistic. But this king can exchange the demon pill left by my father with you."

"Brother Zhang! We have been fighting for a long time, and I still don't know what you want? I suddenly feel like I am fighting you in a daze." Long Fei was puzzled and shook his head speechlessly, but he was shocked in his heart. , and was extremely surprised.

Jiuyou Octopus fought with himself for that thing, which proved that that thing was absolutely precious.But in the end, seeing that Jiuyou Octopus couldn't grab it by force, he exchanged it with his father's demon pill, which was too shocking.All intelligent creatures treat their parents with natural respect, and will never tolerate anyone's bullying and blasphemy, but Jiuyou Octopus offered to exchange his father's demon pill in exchange.This shows two points, first, that kind of thing is appallingly expensive; second, that kind of thing is too important to Jiuyou Octopus.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 360 Five things like that:

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