Chaos fairy way

Chapter 366 Naked Beauty

"Hehe! That's right! What this king wants is the emerald green fruit shaped like a beautiful woman, and it is stored in the little brother's purple storage bag."

Jiuyou Octopus smiled dumbly, as if he also felt that he had fought Long Fei for no apparent reason, and then bluntly stated what he wanted.

"Oh! Really? Brother Zhang cares so much about this fruit, I am quite curious about the name of this fruit? What is the magical effect?" Long Fei was slightly startled when he heard this, and asked with a very curious look, but his thoughts were fast. circulation.

The emerald green fruit was obtained from the treasure house of the Whale Clan in the Holy Eye Sea Area. It was one of the two treasures brought out by Lan Ning, the former chieftain of the Whale Clan, from the Demon Bay. It has been collected by the Whale Clan for thousands of years.At that time when the treasure was taken, I thought the fruit must be extraordinary, but I didn't expect it to be so precious that Jiuyou Octopus was willing to take out his father's demon pill in exchange.So, what is the real purpose of Jiuyou Octopus asking for this fruit?

Hearing Long Fei's question, Jiuyou Octopus thought for a while, his eyes flickered slightly, and then said: "This fruit is called Shensui Fruit, and it has a great effect on our Jiuyou Octopus breaking the curse that cannot be promoted to the stage of disaster." It has a huge effect, but it is not very useful for other demon cultivators or human cultivators."

Long Fei's perception is extremely powerful, and he is extremely keen when facing the enemy. At this moment, he naturally caught the slight flicker of the eyes of the Jiuyou Octopus in time. The role has aroused strong interest, but he still said with a look of surprise: "So! No wonder Brother Zhang wants this fruit so eagerly. Well! Since Brother Zhang needs this fruit urgently, it won't help much to keep it. , I am naturally happy with the beauty of adults. Then please Brother Zhang take out the demon pill and exchange it immediately."

"Okay! Okay! Little brother, it's refreshing, we really don't know each other!" As the Jiuyou octopus spoke, a curly octopus arm lifted from the lake, slowly extended towards Long Fei, and then stretched out And straight.I saw a red jade bottle the size of a fist popping out of a suction cup at the top of the octopus' wrist.Jiuyou Octopus continued: "Little brother! The demon pill is in the bottle, you can find it with your divine sense."

Long Fei nodded slightly, his left eye flashed a yellow glow, and shot out a pale yellow divine sense wrapped in magnetized energy, which landed on the mouth of the red jade bottle and penetrated into it.

"Little brother! What a good way! There is such a magical power, no wonder I am not afraid of the backlash of my divine power. Hehe! Is the demon pill fake?" Jiuyou Octopus was not only unhappy with Long Fei's cautiousness, but also resented it. I appreciate it.

"That's right! It's the demon pill of the Guijiuyou Octopus Clan." After a while, Long Fei withdrew his divine thoughts with a smile on his face, then reached into the purple storage bag with his right hand, took out a silver metal box, and put it in the Palm, and said: "How to exchange?"

As soon as Jiuyou Octopus saw the silver metal box, his eyes turned fiery. He seemed to have heard his rapid breathing, and blurted out: "While you put the silver metal box on my wrist, take the red jade bottle away."

Long Fei didn't speak anymore, but nodded, put the silver metal box with his right hand towards the octopus wrist, and took it with his left hand towards the red porcelain bottle, his expression seemed casual, but his heart was extremely vigilant.

"Hehe!" Jiuyou Octopus seemed to see that Long Fei was worried about his deceit, and smiled faintly.

Long Fei suddenly showed a hint of embarrassment, and couldn't help speeding up the speed of putting and taking the two items.But the moment the silver metal box came into contact with the octopus's wrist, the suction cups on the octopus's wrist suddenly shot out beams of dark yellow spiritual power, instantly enveloping Long Fei like a silk cocoon.At the same time, another sound of "Hoo!" was heard, and a mass of black gas with a diameter of several tens of feet spewed out from the mouth of the Jiuyou Octopus, immediately enveloping Long Fei, who was wrapped like a silkworm cocoon.

"Cautious is prudent, but you are still a fool. Haha! No matter how strong your body is, you are still a body of flesh and blood. Under the dual effects of my Nine Nether Immortal Locking Chain and Nine Nether Immortal Devouring Poison, even immortals will be able to get rid of it." Layer skin, not to mention that you are a little monk from the Yuan Dynasty. The hateful human beings actually asked me to exchange my father's demon pill, but even if you don't mention the demon pill, you will die. Haha! Today is really double happiness, It's a joy to get the marrow fruit and be able to taste the flesh and blood of a peak monk who has escaped Yuan Dacheng again!"

Jiuyou Octopus looked at Long Fei who was struggling in the silkworm cocoon of spiritual thoughts, laughed constantly, and talked a lot with excitement, it seemed that he didn't want to eat Long Fei right away, but wanted to torture him to vent his hatred.

Long Fei propped himself up and down inside the cocoon of the bundle of spiritual thoughts, hitting left and right.But the silkworm of spiritual thoughts stuck to him like mucus. Although it was stirred into various shapes by him, it was still unbroken, and it was still gradually tightening.What was even more shocking was that the black Nine Nether Immortal Devouring poisonous gas was converging into the silkworm cocoon of the spiritual thoughts at a speed visible to the naked eye. Obviously, the poisonous gas had penetrated into Long Fei's body.Looking at the cold and dangerous aura emitted by this poison, and the airless space left by the restraint, even if this poison cannot kill immortals, it must be one of the most poisonous poisons in the world.

A quarter of an hour later, Long Fei's struggle in the silkworm cocoon of the spiritual thoughts became weaker and weaker, and the Jiuyou Immortal Devouring Poison Gas with a diameter of tens of feet also converged to only a few feet in diameter.Half an hour later, Long Fei completely stopped struggling, and the poisonous gas of Jiuyou Immortal Devourer was completely restrained and entered into the cocoon of the bundle of spiritual thoughts.

"Hmph! He's such an outstanding man, he was able to struggle for half an hour in front of the king's two most powerful ultimate moves." As soon as Jiuyou Octopus finished speaking, a cocoon of spiritual thoughts flew towards his mouth slowly.


When the silkworm cocoon of the bundle of spiritual thoughts was about to enter the mouth of the Jiuyou octopus, suddenly a golden light broke through the silkworm cocoon of the bundle of spiritual thoughts, and shot through the flesh body from the mouth of the Jiuyou octopus with a "chi".


Before the Jiuyou octopus reacted, its body, which was tens of feet thick, exploded immediately.Minced meat splattered ten directions, blood mist surged into the distance, and the huge explosive force immediately set off a stormy sea in the lake.

The golden light shot out of the body of the Jiuyou octopus about a foot away, and suddenly refracted back, shuttled through the blood mist and broken bodies, broke through the stormy waves, took away a shaking octopus wrist, and finally shot towards the lakeside.

"Fortunately, there is the anti-poison armor and the magnetized power, otherwise this time I will definitely die!" The golden light shot to the lakeside, and Long Fei wearing the anti-poison armor slowly appeared.At this moment, he is dragging an octopus wrist in his right hand, and holding a dark green jade bottle the size of a fist in his left hand.

Afterwards, Long Fei put down the octopus wrist, and put the dark green jade bottle into the purple storage bag.Then a magnetized Yuanli sword emerged from his left hand, and with a "shua!", he split the octopus' wrist from head to tail, revealing a red jade bottle and a silver metal box.

"Hehe! Not bad! Not bad! When I first entered Fuhu Cave, I got two Nine Nether Octopus Pills and a bottle of extremely poisonous Nine Nether Immortal Devouring Poison Gas." Long Fei sighed in his heart, and put the silver metal box into the purple storage bag.Afterwards, he uncorked the red jade bottle, poured out an egg-sized, bright red demon pill in his left palm, watched it for a while, and then put it back into the red jade bottle.Then he took out a similar demon pill with cyan blood on it from the purple storage bag, and put it into the red jade bottle as well.

After packing up the booty, Long Fei smiled slightly, turned his head to look at a huge rocky mountain to the left, and said indifferently: "Brother Tianhao! Since you're here, why don't you come out and see?"

"Hehe! Brother Gao! Not only are your combat prowess astounding, but also your spiritual detection is so perverted, I'm really envious!" Zhan Tianhao jumped out from behind a huge brown rock and drifted to Long Fei in the blink of an eye. Thirty feet ahead.

"Brother Tianhao! Is it coming?" Long Fei looked at Zhan Tianhao with a half-smile, and there was something in his words.

Zhan Tianhao was taken aback for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Not bad! I have just arrived. As soon as I arrived, I saw Brother Gao put a red jade bottle into the storage bag."

"Thank you! Brother Tianhao's affection, I accept it." Long Fei clasped his fists and said with a serious look.

"Brother Gao, you are polite! Although you and I are rivals, we must be fair and aboveboard when we fight with Brother Gao. Besides, the purpose of participating in the Taoist Companion Recruitment Conference is to make friends with martial arts and make friends with heroes in the world, not other things." Zhan Tian Howe smiled back.

"Okay! From now on, brother Tianhao will be my next brother." Long Fei clasped his fists together again, with a proud expression on his face.

"Good brother!" Zhan Tianhao nodded heavily.

Afterwards, Long Fei chatted with Zhan Tianhao for a while, and then they went their separate ways to meet in the central area.Throughout the chat, Zhan Tianhao never asked Long Fei about the red jade bottle and killing the Jiuyou octopus.

"Ugly boss! He came here when you shot through the body of the Jiuyou Octopus. Although he didn't hear your conversation with the Jiuyou Octopus, he did see you when you used 'one blow to break the sky'. You are not afraid He told the Golden Shark Clan about this?" After Zhan Tianhao's figure disappeared into the sky, Xiao Jin's voice rang in Long Fei's ear.

"It doesn't matter! Zhan Tianhao is a decent man, he hates evil as much as he hates, and he speaks his words. He is a friend worthy of deep friendship. I have learned all about this through the Wanhui Chamber of Commerce." Long Fei looked calm, and then seemed to remember Like something, he said with some joy: "Xiao Jin, you won't be promoted to the Dacheng stage of the Yuan Dynasty so soon, will you?"

"What are you talking about? How long will it take ten or eight days for a majestic beast to advance to a small class? Really, you are insulting my godhead." Xiao Jin's dissatisfied tone showed disdain for Long Fei.

"The king of narcissism!"

"Better than you!"


Long Fei teased Xiao Jinjian, traveled several hundred miles, and drifted to a low bushy, seemingly ordinary valley.


At this moment, a huge roar came from the ground, and then the entire valley shook violently.At the same time, bunches of colorful formation energy threads shot out from the ground and the surrounding mountain peaks like ribbons, and wound towards Long Fei densely.

At this moment, Long Fei was already deep in the center of the valley. Seeing this scene, he quickly used the teleportation technique to escape from above.But after his figure disappeared in a flash, there was a loud "bang!", and a light yellow energy shield suddenly appeared at a height of nearly a thousand feet in the valley, and Long Fei slammed into the wall of the energy shield. , revealed his figure.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 360 Six **Beauty:

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