Chaos fairy way

Chapter 367 Being Targeted

At this moment, the inexhaustible and colorful formation energy filaments shot straight to Long Fei's body as if they had spiritual wisdom, and instantly wrapped Long Fei tightly like making dumplings.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

All of a sudden, a pair of knives, swords and other golden energy weapons flashed out from the mountains around the valley and the ground, shooting towards Long Fei like a hail of spears and arrows.

Deep within the energy thread of the formation, Long Fei was excited by the secret treasure of breaking the formation, and the green light all over his body suddenly burst into flames; at the same time, a magnetized Yuanli sword appeared in his right hand, and then the "sword soaring to the sky" suddenly unfolded, Turning into a green light sword shadow, "Crack!" shot through the package of the array's energy filaments.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

However, at this moment, energy weapons such as the first drawn knives and swords had already attacked, slashed on Long Fei's body, made a dull metal impact sound, and collapsed loudly, blooming like fireworks, and finally faded and disappeared into the world.

Long Fei resisted the attack of the energy weapon with his physical body, "Wind Shadow Jue" rushed forward, and turned into a green light gust, "Boom!" pierced through the wall of the energy shield, and then a flash fell to the top of the mountain peak in the west of the valley On top of a towering ancient tree.

"Huxiao Mountain is also cruel enough to disciples. If I didn't have the secret treasure of breaking the formation and the magnetized Yuanli sword, I would have to suffer a lot to break out of this formation. As for ordinary monks, if they don't have the peak cultivation Because, there is no way to break through this formation."

While Long Fei sighed, he continued to lead the way with the spirit worm, drifting away to the west.

The Fuhu Cave is more than [-] miles in length and width. In order to increase the difficulty of the disciples' experience, there is a large formation that restricts the teleportation and distant movement, so that the movement speed of the teleportation and distant movement in the cave is similar to that of the drifting technique.But for monks, teleportation consumes much more energy than drifting, so monks who enter Fuhu Cave generally choose to drift.In addition, there are many spiritual treasures in Fuhu Cave, if you teleport, you will definitely miss these spiritual treasures.Of course, you can also fly with the Imperial Treasure, but it is easy to expose your whereabouts in the competition.

An hour later, Long Fei suddenly heard the sound of fighting on the left while he was drifting, so he followed the sound and found that the sound of fighting came from a large cave, which was located halfway up a mountain.

Long Fei drifted to the side of the big hole, and shot out a light yellow divine sense with his right index finger, carefully extending it to the depths of the big hole, when it reached a depth of about three miles, it was suddenly blocked by a mysterious energy, unable to go any further Exploration, obviously there is a formation to shield the detection of spiritual sense here.

The shielding formation in the cave can block the detection of spiritual thoughts, but it can't block the sound from coming out. This matter is very strange, but it's better to deal with Sha Baobao.

Long Fei thought for a while, turned into a gust of wind and left the entrance of the big cave, returned along the road, and then continued westward under the guidance of the soul searching insect.

After Long Feiyuan walked away for a while, two demon cultivators of the Golden Shark tribe flashed out of the big hole.

"This person is very careful, he is not easy to deal with! You should report to the boss! The first plan failed, and the second plan must be implemented immediately." A slightly taller golden shark demon looked at the direction where Long Fei was leaving, His face was gloomy and authentic.

"Yes!" Another golden shark demon responded, took out a sea sound conch from the storage bag, and started sound transmission.

At this moment, Long Fei was nearly a thousand miles away, and he didn't even know that he was being watched by others.

"Help! Help!"

Another half an hour later, Long Fei arrived at the edge of a swamp, and suddenly heard an urgent cry for help from the depths of the swamp.

When Long Fei heard the cry for help, he felt it sounded familiar, so he turned into a hurricane and rushed towards the source of the sound.

A moment later, a puddle of water appeared in front of Long Fei's eyes, and in the depths of the puddle, a human race re-elect was struggling desperately in the mud.This person, Long Fei once had a relationship.It was within three days after the primary election, he and a group of monks went to visit Long Fei at the Huxiao Mountain Office of the Soul Gate, but Long Fei only knew the person but didn't know his name.At this moment, the more this person struggled, the deeper his body sank into the mud. The mud had reached his neck, and it would not be long before he would be submerged.

"Gao... Fellow Daoist! Help!"

Seeing Long Fei, the human race's re-elected eyes were filled with extreme excitement, and they shouted incoherently.

"Don't worry! Don't move around, I'll save you right away!" As Long Fei spoke, a golden shield popped out from the sole of his feet, and then, holding the golden shield, he almost flew towards the human race's re-elector.

"Fellow Daoist Gao! There is a formation in the mud. It should be a trap set by Huxiao Mountain for the re-electers. Be careful!" The human re-electers stopped struggling and quickly reminded them.

"It doesn't matter!" Long Fei Yudun flew to the side of the human race's re-elect, he had already seen that there was a formation in the mud.

Afterwards, Long Fei was full of green light, and with his green right hand, he grabbed the human race candidate's left shoulder and lifted it vigorously, "Wow!" He lifted the human race candidate out of the mud with a loud sound.

"Fellow Daoist Gao! Thank you for saving my life. This place is too dangerous, I'd better withdraw from the re-election competition. Farewell!"

As soon as the human race's re-elect stepped on the golden shield, he bowed to Long Fei with a face full of fear, and then took out a piece of jade from the dirty storage bag with a trembling right hand, crushed it violently, and then another The blur disappears.

Long Fei hovered over the puddle with his golden shield, and was surprised by the abnormal behavior of the human race's re-elect.Suddenly, there was a huge sound of "Bang! Crash!", and the mud in the swamp in all directions suddenly rolled up like a carpet, instantly closing and covering Long Fei in the center, forming a muddy space to trap Long Fei. in it.

"It's no wonder that man ran so fast, and the formation has not been fully activated." Long Fei's eyes flashed yellow, and he shot out a series of divine thoughts, spreading nine light curtains of guardian spirit thoughts within a three-foot radius around his body, and then controlled The golden shield slammed into the mud wall to the west.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

But at this moment, there was a loud buzzing in the mud space, and countless black poisonous insects jumped out of the mud on the four walls like fleas, and then spread their wings and flew towards Long Fei. Numb, goosebumps all over.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

What is shocking is that these poisonous insects, which are shaped like fleas but have a pair of wings, pass through the protective light curtain of divine sense as if there is nothing, and instantly break through nine layers of protective light curtains of divine sense, and fly towards Long Fei's body. Body.

Although the poisonous insects are only the size of fleas, they are as numerous as a colony of ants. There is a faint cold light shining from the small mouth that is wide open like iron pincers, and there is a wisp of poisonous gas that is so poisonous that the air is trembling. superior.Looking at this kind of situation, as long as it is bitten by it, it is a trivial matter to lose a piece of flesh. If it is poisoned, it will definitely not die and the skin will peel off.

"This is fatal!"

With a secret cry, Long Fei's energy in his body was instantly magnetized, and he rushed out of his body violently, instantly flying countless poisonous insects that were about to fly to his body.

"Ss! Ss! Ss!"

These poisonous insects were hit by the magnetized yuan force, screamed, and fell down like rain. Obviously, they were killed by the magnetized yuan force's god-breaking function to kill the yuanshen.

Seeing this, Long Fei was overjoyed and used his magnetized energy to kill the poisonous insects, broke through the formation with secret treasures, and finally smashed through the mud wall with a "Boom!", forcing his way out of the mud space.After that, regardless of the mud all over his body, he put away the golden shield and disappeared in a flash.

When Long Fei reappeared, he appeared by the side of a stream, thoughtfully changed his clothes, and continued westward.

In the swamp, after Long Fei fled away for a long time, the puddle gradually returned to calm. Suddenly, with a "boom!", two figures rushed out, they turned out to be two golden shark monsters.

"This person's primordial power is very strange, and he can actually kill extremely poisonous schistosomiasis. Alas! The armor on the schistosomiasis is better than high-level treasures, but the primordial spirit is fragile. This person's methods are endless, it is really difficult to deal with! "A golden shark demon sighed bitterly.

"I suspect that he does not have a top-grade treasure weapon on him. When he broke the formation, his whole body suddenly burst into green light. This should be caused by the top-grade treasure weapon. This situation needs to be reported to the elders. It is recommended to concentrate on beheading this person, killing two birds with one stone. It is a great thing to help the boss win the championship and get two top-quality treasures." The other golden shark demon was not depressed because of the failed assassination, but his eyes were full of joy.

"Yes! Only this person is the real stumbling block for the boss, and it will not be too late for the others to deal with it when they fight for five places." Sighing bitterly while the golden shark demon nodded, he took out a sea sound conch from the storage bag, Then he moved his mouth slightly against the screw hole.

After a while, the two golden shark demons disappeared in a flash after sending the message.

At this moment, Long Fei followed the soul-searching spirit worm through the mountains, but the more he moved forward, the more he found something strange.

"Hey! What a strange thing. Since I encountered a trap in the swamp, why did I speed up, and the sand baby also speeded up, and the distance from me was always about a thousand miles away? Could it be that the sand baby already knew that I was chasing him, and deliberately Are you kidding me? If that's the case, there's no need to hunt him down, we can only see if we can choose an opportunity to kill him when we compete for five places." Long Fei stood on a grassy field, thought for a moment, and headed towards the central area in the north.



However, Long Fei had only traveled tens of miles to the north, when suddenly there was a huge explosion sound from the west direction, followed by another heart-piercing scream.

Long Fei's divine sense detected for more than [-] miles, and instantly detected that the sound of the explosion came from a canyon more than [-] miles away to the west, and two monsters of the Golden Shark Clan were standing beside the explosion point.


Long Fei's eyes turned cold, and the "Little Thunderbolt Technique" was displayed, reaching the explosion point in a flash.But as soon as Long Fei arrived, the two golden shark demon cultivators disappeared with their hind legs.Long Fei teleported and chased after him, but when he reappeared, he had already lost the trace of the two golden shark demons.

"The breath holding technique is so powerful!" Long Fei sighed helplessly, and returned to the explosion point in a flash. Looking at the explosion site stained red with blood, he sighed again, and then he wanted to go north.


But at this moment, there was another more violent explosion sound from the west. Long Fei tried his best to prevent his traces from being discovered, and immediately discovered that the new explosion point was more than a hundred miles away, and it was A mountain was blasted apart.I didn't hear the monk's screams, obviously because of the distance.

"Bastard! It's enough to force people to come out of Fuhu Cave Bidou, there is no need to kill people!" Long Fei scolded again and disappeared in a flash.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 360 The seventh is being targeted:

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