Chaos fairy way

Chapter 372 Descends from the sky

It was three o'clock in the morning, but there was still no sign of Long Fei.

Wu Lingshan bit her lips, although there was no emotion on her face, her beautiful eyes were full of resentment, which seemed to be a little moist.

Wu Shuo got up slowly, frowned slightly, glanced at the direction of the Soul Gate office, sighed lightly, and then said in a somewhat helpless voice: "Everyone! The auspicious time has come, because the Soul Gate is high..."


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared high in the sky, falling like a meteorite, and smashed hard on the center ring.


The scream was delayed by a breath compared to the sound of the ground hitting the ground.

"It's senior year! Senior year!"

"The third year of high school is too good! The appearance is so ingenious! He has so much personality, I love him to death."

"There seems to be something wrong, that scream is not pretend, it can be heard."

All the cultivators in the square turned their eyes towards the man who was screaming in the arena, and then there was an uproarious discussion.

The person who screamed was indeed Long Fei (senior year of high school). Just now, he was drowsy in the teleportation and rushed forward, fell asleep instantly, and then fell down.

"Did this bastard just be released from the cell?" Wu Lingshan rolled her eyes and sneered, but her cheeks suddenly turned red.

"Brother Gao! Why did you end up like this..." In the middle of the ring, Wu Zhaonan looked at Long Fei's disheveled and disheveled appearance with a dazed expression on his face.

"Oh! Hehe! I've been comprehending a practice recently, and I can't take it anymore, so much so! So much so!" Long Fei laughed a few times in embarrassment. The fall was painful enough just now, so he remained awake for a long time.Afterwards, Long Fei tried his best to keep his mind clear and stop the fierce battle between his upper and lower eyelids. He looked around and said, "Well, the competition hasn't started yet? Then sleep for a while. Brother Zhaonan! Please let me know when the competition starts One sound."

Hearing the words, Wu Zhaonan was completely speechless, and said a little dumbfounded: "Brother Gao! Brother Gao! The challenge time has come..."


Long Fei rushed his head in sleepiness, collapsed on the ground, and then snored loudly.

"Damn it! Did you make a mistake? He fell asleep in the arena and told his opponents to call him when the time came. This...fucking is amazing, just one word."

"Sloppy clothes, natural hairstyles, and even sleeping on the spot ignoring the crowd, it's too individual."

"This is the true meaning of self-cultivation. I am afraid that from now on, there will be a new round of reform in the sea area."

Long Fei showed his might in the primary election, and the re-election for Zhansha Baobao, coupled with his status as the supreme guest of the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce, so that he has already become the object of worship of boys and girls.At the moment the ones shouting the most are those boys and girls.

"He's a complete jerk." Wu Lingshan scolded angrily.Long Fei didn't take the competition seriously, in fact, he didn't take her seriously, so she immediately became angry.

"Hmm! It's really a bastard." Zhou Jianyong in the back row yelled as if to please.But then, he suddenly remembered the fact that he used the third year of high school to pick up girls, and the bewildered eyes he cast on Wu Lingshan suddenly revealed a color of shame.

"I really appreciate Brother Gao San's true temperament." Wu Tianhao's tone was very affirmative, and he was also a willful person.

Wu Lingshan ignored the words of Zhou Jianyong and the two of them. At this moment, she naturally wanted to put on the posture of a noble princess and keep a proper distance from these masters who were vying to be her Taoist partner.

"Everyone! Since the third year of high school arrived at the scene before I announced the start of the game, he is not considered to have abstained. Alright, the challenge begins! According to the rules of the competition, the gatekeepers choose their opponents for the challenge, so the five gatekeepers will choose their opponents a few days ago. They have chosen their respective opponents. Now I will announce the challenger's competition ring according to their choice. Senior three enters the first ring, Wu Tianhao the second ring..." Wu Shuo looked at Long Fei's bastard behavior with a gloomy expression. After a long time of inconsistency, Qing's expression became stable, and he announced the start of the game again.

Afterwards, Wu Tianhao and others teleported to their respective arenas one after another. Long Fei (senior senior) had a decisive battle with Wu Zhaonan in the No. [-] ring.Then, the five referees also entered the ring one by one.

"Brother Gao! Brother Gao! The competition has begun." Wu Zhaonan called out to Long Fei, who was soundly asleep, somewhat depressed.

"Why so fast?" Long Fei opened his hot eyes, yawned again and again, and stood up unsteadily.

"Okay! Senior three vs. Wu Zhaonan, let's start the match." The referee in the No. [-] ring was a black-faced middle-aged monk. He didn't have Wu Zhaonan's good temper. Seeing Long Fei like this, his face was full of displeasure. .

"Oh! Let's fight! Let's fight! That referee, stay away, don't hurt you." Long Fei waved his hand at the referee, as if he intended to tease the referee, but he didn't look serious when he spoke.

"You... Hurry up and fight." The black-faced referee's face darkened even more, and his cultivation base was also at the peak of Yuan Dacheng. Long Fei's words were indeed somewhat hurtful.

"Brother Gao! In terms of combat power, I'm really not your opponent, so it's better like this. I use the three great skills of Tiger Roaring Mountain. If you accept the move, you will pass the test after receiving it. How about it?" Wu Zhaonan laughed.He and Baby Sha were like brothers, and Long Fei was capable of beating Baby Sha, so defeating him would naturally not be a problem.He was looking forward to a battle with Long Fei, more importantly, he wanted to prove how big the gap between himself and Long Fei was.

"It's up to you! You can do whatever you want! Finish the fight early so that you can go to bed." Long Fei was trying to keep his mind clear, and Wu Zhaonan's words were exactly what he wanted.

"Brother Gao, be careful!" As soon as Wu Zhaonan finished speaking, "White Tiger Transformation" was cast suddenly, his eyes instantly became red and bloodthirsty, the breath in his body suddenly doubled, his body doubled in size, and his skin was as rough as White tree bark, white hairs like steel needles are born on the face and back of the hands, and the nails are several inches long.

"Please!" Long Fei said a word, his expression suddenly became serious.Whether it's based on his emphasis on "The Change of the White Tiger" or his respect for his opponent Wu Zhaonan, he must take it seriously at this moment.


Wu Zhaonan performed the stunt "Tiger Roaring Mountains and Rivers" in his first move. As soon as his tiger roared, circles of sound waves emerged from his mouth, and as soon as he entered the air, they quickly surged like water waves, cutting across like a ring-shaped sharp blade. to all directions.

The sound waves are invisible, but the air is split to make it visible. The ring-shaped sharp blade in "Tiger Roaring Mountains and Rivers" is fast, powerful, and powerful. Under Wu Zhaonan's use, it has a destructive aura, giving people the illusion that it can cut everything.

Long Fei stepped forward with a stride, his forearms erected across his chest, and immediately resisted the strong attack of the ring blade with his forearms.This is because Long Fei put on such a defensive posture in order to save Wu Zhaonan's face.Otherwise, with his body as firm as the Dayan Qingtian Sword, there is no need to do this at all, just resist directly.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The sound was deafening, and the energy fluctuations generated by the impact turned into whirlwinds and swept all directions.Although the ring-shaped sharp blade is strong, it is not the attack of the best weapon after all.Therefore, no matter how many and sharp ring-shaped blades there are, they still can't hurt Long Fei at all, at most, they can cut Long Fei's sleeves badly.


Wu Zhaonan cursed in frustration, and Huxiaoshan's third unique skill "Shui Jing Zhu" was immediately exhibited.

In the sky above the central arena, drops of water suddenly condensed.In an instant, these drops of water covered the sky and covered the earth, densely packed, the number was innumerable.


The drops of water fell suddenly, like heavy rain pouring down, piercing through the air and whistling.These drops of water are not real water, but formed by the condensation of spiritual energy.When they were about to fall on Long Fei's body, they suddenly turned into spiritual arrows, spiritual knives or swords, and they all slashed towards Long Fei.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The aura weapon slashed at Long Fei's body, it was still as powerful as the previous sonic attack, but it was in vain, at most it made Long Fei's clothes tattered.

"Brother Gao! You are too monstrous. No one can hurt you unless you are holding a top-grade treasure." Wu Zhaonan put away the "White Tiger Transformation" status with a wry smile.

"Acceptance! In fact, my physical body is not much stronger than yours. The reason why I am so strong is because I have practiced an ancient secret method, which can increase the strength of my physical body for a long time. This is similar to your "White Tiger Transformation" The effect is just a little bigger." Long Fei shook his head to keep himself awake, then he clasped his fists and said.

"Hey!" Wu Zhaonan chuckled, knowing that Long Fei was comforting him, then looked at the referee, and said, "Elder Yuan, I admit defeat and pass the test in the third year."

"What? Just let him pass the test like this? Lingshan is your own sister!" The black-faced referee did not expect Wu Zhaonan to let Long Fei pass the test so easily, with a look of surprise on his face, but then he nodded helplessly, saying : "He really can't use the usual theory. It is difficult for monks in the Yuan Dynasty to stop his footsteps. I declare that the third year of high school will face Wu Zhaonan, and the third year of high school will win."

"What? Is this the end?"

"Are there any mistakes? I thought I would watch a wonderful match, but I didn't expect it to be so hasty. Wu Zhaonan! You have to be responsible to the audience!"

"That's right! Isn't this equivalent to releasing water? As an elder brother, he is so irresponsible to his younger sister."

The audience on all sides were full of complaints, whistling, scolding, etc., one after another, connected together.

"Okay! Let's go now. Remember to tell me about the finals!" Long Fei stretched his waist and yawned again. He said this to Wu Zhaonan, and he disappeared in a flash.

"Oh! Lingshan can't control this person!" Wu Zhaonan sighed softly, and was about to turn around and walk off the ring.



Suddenly, a person fell from the sky and landed on Wu Zhaonan's body, shocking Wu Zhaonan, a peak master who had escaped Yuan Dacheng, forcibly.

"Brother Gao! Why did you come down again?" Wu Zhaonan was speechless for a while after seeing the fallen person clearly.

"Damn it! This is terrible! What kind of nonsense peerless practice is this!" Long Fei ignored Wu Zhaonan, cursed, and then disappeared again in a flash.

"That..." Wu Zhaonan wanted to ask a few words, but Long Fei had long since disappeared.

Afterwards, Wu Zhaonan walked down the ring with his head up and looking at the sky, he was really afraid that Long Fei would fall again and hurt himself.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 370 The Second Descends from the Sky:

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