Chaos fairy way

Chapter 371 Waiting for Long Fei

"Fellow Daoist Gao! If Baby Sand is killed, the Golden Shark Clan will definitely incur crazy revenge. Only if we go out ahead of time and tell Huxiaoshan about the Golden Shark Clan's murder of our human race's re-elect, and make it public, the Golden Shark Clan will be able to do so." Due to wrongdoing and scruples, the war between the human race and the Golden Shark clan was triggered, and Daoist friends were given a chance to escape, otherwise, the Golden Shark clan would blatantly set up ambushes in various places on Hailang Island, waiting for opportunities Siege and kill fellow daoists. Furthermore, with our strength, we will not be able to enter the finals, so we will feel more at ease if we quit earlier." Tang Hai said with sincerity.

"Thank you!" Long Fei clasped his fists in salute to all the recoverers, and was moved in his heart.

"Hehe! Fellow Daoist Gao, what is this compared to your great kindness? And this is what we should do." Tang Hai laughed.

"Yes! Yes!"

"Fellow Daoist Gao, it's still the same sentence, our life will be yours from now on, if you want me to serve you later, I'll go to the mountain of knives and the frying pan, I'll do whatever I want!"

The other candidates all looked solemn and said one after another.

"Thank you! We will be brothers from now on, and we will help each other if we are in trouble." Long Fei cupped his fists again.

"Help each other if there is any difficulty!" Tang Hai and other re-electors said in unison.

Afterwards, Tang Hai and others crushed the jade pieces and left Fuhu Cave.Long Fei drifted towards the central area in the north.

An hour later, Long Fei found a relatively secluded cave, went in to meditate, and began to heal his injuries.

In Fuhu Cave, the re-election competition is still going on.

Outside the cave, the news that Baby Sand was killed quickly spread as the Jinsha tribe's re-electors came out of the cave, causing commotion in the entire southern region.

The Golden Shark Clan did not apologize at all for the fact that they sent Yingji masters to interfere in the re-election competition. Instead, they asserted that Gao San had murdered Sha Baobao, and summoned many masters to Hailang Island, demanding that Hu Xiaoshan hand over Gao San (Long Fei) ).

Hu Xiaoshan sternly rejected the unreasonable demands of the Golden Sharks, and justly condemned the Golden Sharks for their behavior of turning black and white and hitting back.

Then, the Golden Shark Clan saw that the plan of using heavy troops to suppress each other would not work, so they summoned many masters to forcefully attack Fuhu Cave several times, intending to enter the cave and kill Long Fei, but they were strongly blocked by Hu Xiaoshan and could not enter. Fuhudong half a step.

Afterwards, Tang Hai and others came out of Fuhu Cave, rushed to the headquarters of Huxiaoshan immediately, and complained about the evil deeds of Sha Baobao and other golden shark re-elects, and Huxiaoshan immediately announced the situation to the world .

Sand Baobao and other Golden Shark re-selectors mutilated human re-selectors, searched for their gods, and detonated their bodies and primordial spirits.These evil deeds immediately aroused the common anger of all cultivators all over the world, and were spurned by all cultivators all over the world, including many monks of the Hai clan.The Golden Sharks suddenly fell from the highest point of morality, and their act of revenge for Sha Baobao, who was wronged and died, became a strong evidence of their rampant rampage.

After that, Hu Xiaoshan summoned a group of angry human cultivators to surround the masters of the Golden Shark Clan who entered Hailang Island, in order to force the Golden Shark Clan to hand over the mastermind of this incident and confess the purpose of doing such a crime.

As the overlord of the southern region, the Jinshark tribe has always been domineering and domineering, disregarding the righteousness of the world, how could they succumb to the cultivators of the human race.Immediately, they shifted the responsibility for killing the re-elects of the human race to the re-elects of the Golden Shark race who died in Fuhu Cave, and said that Sha Baobao didn't know about it. The situation of annihilating all the cultivators of the human race.

For a time, the breath of war was pervasive, and the war was about to rise, and the battle between the human race and the golden shark race was imminent.

At the critical moment, Sha Wanhai, the chief elder of the Golden Shark Clan, and Wu Qianxing, the chief elder of Huxiaoshan, appeared at the same time, and finally reached an agreement to quell the crisis.

The final agreement: All the masters of the Golden Shark Clan withdraw from Hailang Island, and express that they will no longer pursue the killing of Sha Baobao.However, Hu Xiaoshan and other human forces gave up on tracking down the mastermind of the murder of the human re-elect.

However, whether the two clans secretly investigated the two incidents and whether they hunted down the culprits of the two incidents is another matter.

The central area of ​​Fuhu Cave is a plain area. A circular arena with a diameter of ten thousand feet was built in the center of Huxiao Mountain, and a special exit was set up on the top of the cave with a peerless formation above the arena.

On the tenth day after all the candidates entered Fuhu Cave, in the early morning, Long Fei, who had recovered from his injury, arrived at the competition field on time.At this moment, Zhou Jianyong, Li Yuquan, Wu Tianhao and more than a dozen re-electors had already arrived here.Wu Qingshu has been waiting for a long time as the chief referee.

At three o'clock in the morning, the time for the re-examination quota competition has come.Due to the death or resignation of many monks of the Golden Shark Race and the Human Race, there were only [-] re-elected candidates participating in the competition for the five places to enter the special exit.

"The fight begins!"

Wu Qingshu looked at less than [-]% of the total re-electors on the field, and gave an order with a somewhat complicated expression.

Zhou Jianyong, Li Yuquan and other thirteen re-elected candidates did not move, and all looked at Long Fei.

Long Feili cut the sand baby, forced all the re-electors of the Golden Shark Clan to withdraw from the competition, and so on. Wu Qingshu had received the news a few days ago and informed the re-electors.The re-electors, including Li Yuquan and Wu Tianhao, had long since lost their confidence in fighting Long Fei in the face of such a fierce Long Fei. They all hoped that Long Fei would go out first, so that they could fight for the remaining four with peace of mind. places.

"Oh! Hehe! Since the brothers are so humble, then I will not be polite. Everyone! See you in the final." Seeing this, Long Fei shook his head helplessly and chuckled. It was the first time that he personally realized the true meaning of the four characters of loneliness.Afterwards, he clasped his fists in salute to all the candidates and Wu Qingshu, and then exchanged a glance with Zhou Jianyong. After seeing Zhou Jianyong nodded slightly, he flew straight into the dark cave entrance with the crescent moon magic blade.There is a formation that restricts teleportation in the martial arts arena, so the imperial treasure can only fly to the top of the cave.

Long Fei finally left, and the candidates let out a long sigh of relief, followed by a fierce fight.In the end, Wu Tianhao, Li Yuquan, Zhou Jianyong and a candidate named Zhang Jian won the remaining four qualifying places.

The third challenge of the Dao Companion Recruitment Conference will be held three days later at Huxiao Mountain Island.

As soon as Long Fei left Fuhu Cave, he returned to Huxiaoshan Island under the protection of Yan Xuefeng, and stayed in the Huxiaoshan Office of the Soul Gate.

In addition, in order to prevent the Golden Shark Clan's experts from carrying out assassinations, Zhou Yuanshan, the chief elder, personally sits in the Wu Xiaoshan office of the Soul Sect.

Long Fei returned to the office, gave Jiang Wen and Chen Pi a few secret instructions, then entered the refining room of the Soul Sect, and together with Zhou Jianyong gathered a group of masters of the Soul Sect to refine the Thunder Pearl.

In the early morning of the third day, under Zhou Yuanshan's personal guidance, the first Thunder Pearl was finally successfully refined after two sleepless nights of hard work.

Long Fei put away the Thunder Pearl, although his face was full of tiredness, his eyes were full of excitement.Because not only did he get a Thunder Orb, but he finally understood the refining method of the Thunder Orb.Zhou Yuanshan and Zhou Jianyong were also very happy, because during the refining process, the Soul Sect also mastered the method of refining Thunder Pearl.It's a win-win thing.

"Brother Gao Xian! The refining method has been mastered, and the next Thunder Pearl refining will be handed over to them! We will have a challenge match tomorrow, why don't we rest first?" Zhou Jianyong yawned and tried to open his eyes.

"You go to rest first! I will personally refine a Thunder Orb to practice my hands, so as to ensure that I can refine it by myself after leaving the Soul Sect. As for the competition in the Taoist Companion Selection Competition, I have plans in mind. Hehe! Anyway, there is only one battle with Wu Zhaonan." Long Fei added refining materials into the refining furnace without raising his head, and couldn't help laughing when he said the last sentence.

"Why only one game?" Zhou Jianyong looked puzzled.

"You'll know when the time comes. Go to sleep now! Don't worry, you won't miss your lifelong event." Long Fei turned his back to Zhou Jianyong, without even looking at him, raised his right hand and waved it, signaling Zhou Jianyong not to disturb his practice device.

"Okay!" Zhou Jianyong left the refining room suspiciously.

In the morning of the next day, according to the start of the challenge, it was only a quarter of an hour away.At this moment, Zhou Jianyong was pacing up and down anxiously outside the refining room.

"Brother Gao Xian! The challenge time is coming soon, we must go." Zhou Jianyong couldn't bear it anymore, and looked at the door of the refining room and called out loudly.

"Okay, okay." Long Fei replied with some joy from the crafting room, it can be seen that he has successfully refined a Thunder Orb.


The door of the refining room was slowly pushed open, and a disheveled, disheveled young man came out shaking his body.

Seeing this, Zhou Jianyong's heart suddenly sank, and he asked weakly, "Brother Gao Xian! Can you look like this?"

At this time, Zhou Jianyong completely pinned his hope of winning the championship on Long Fei.Because he had already experienced the strength of Wu Tianhao and Li Yuquan in the final battle for five places in Fuhu Cave, it was difficult for him to defeat them.

"Oh! No..." Long Fei rubbed his red and swollen eyes, feeling drowsy, fell asleep instantly, then woke up in a flash, thought for a while, and finally said: "It's okay."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Jianyong's heart turned cold, and he couldn't help but muttered to himself: "What should I do?"

"Oh! Okay... okay, time is up, we have to go, this is actually better." Long Fei fell asleep again due to drowsiness, staggered and almost fell, but this time he stayed awake for a long time, saying A lot of words, then flashed away.

"Grandpa! What should we do?" Zhou Jianyong looked bitter, and turned his eyes to Zhou Yuanshan who was watching them from afar.

"Hehe! Silly boy, you have to learn from the senior year! Go! Believe in the senior year." Zhou Yuanshan shook his head and smiled.

"Okay!" Zhou Jianyong's face became more confused.

Huxiaoshan headquarters, the big square in front of the mountain gate, is crowded with people and noisy.

In the center of the square, there are five temporary large arenas, and each arena has a gatekeeper.Wu Zhaonan was located in the middle of the arena, and at this moment he was looking in the direction of the Huxiaoshan Office of the Soul Gate with some irritation.But he wasn't the only one in a bad mood, there was also Wu Lingshan in the second row of the rostrum, and many onlookers.Wu Tianhao and Li Yuquan sitting in the third row of the rostrum were also at a loss. They were not happy because Long Fei did not come, but rather disappointed.

"Damn it! The two masters of the Soul Sect, why haven't they come? Could it be that they gave up the competition?"

"Give up? Why give up? Winning the championship in the third year of high school is a sure thing, let alone Zhou Jianyong who loves Wu Lingshan so much."

"Hehe! That's not necessarily the case. I heard that the third year of senior high school has a crush. The purpose of this competition is to make friends with the world's heroes and get a promise from Tiger Roaring Mountain. Zhou Jianyong, it is said that the battle between Fuhu Cave was not between Wu Tianhao and Li Yuquan. opponent, then it is possible for him to fight cowardly."

The time for the challenge was getting closer and closer, but Long Fei and Zhou Jianyong did not arrive for a long time, which immediately aroused the speculation of all the monks in the audience.

"Sorry! I'm late." A voice came from afar, followed by a figure drifting over.

"Oh! It's Zhou Jianyong, the senior year didn't come."

As soon as the monks in the audience heard that someone was coming, all their eyes turned to that figure, but when they saw clearly that it was Zhou Jianyong, their high emotions suddenly plummeted, and many people's eyelids drooped.

"Is there any mistake? Is there such a distance between me and the senior year?" Zhou Jianyong muttered, and drifted to the rostrum. After seeing Wu Lingshan's disappointed eyes looking into the distance, his heart sank into the abyss.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 370 Waiting for Long Fei:

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