Chaos fairy way

Chapter 370

Jinshi is a master in the period of disaster, and he is attacking with top-grade treasures. If Long Fei is hit, he will definitely die, and he has no chance of survival.What's more, Long Fei was injured at this time.

Seeing that Jin Shi was determined to kill himself, Long Fei could only put his right hand into the storage bag, pinch the piece of jade that could be used for teleportation, intending to crush it and leave Fuhu Cave.

"Stop! Jinshi, you are too much!"

At the time of the crisis, a stern voice suddenly sounded from afar, and the voice was Wu Shuo.


Jin Shi turned a deaf ear to Wu Shuo's warning, sneered, and shook the Fengyue Zhanling fan in his hand, the word "Xueyue" immediately emitted a blinding white light, and then flew towards Long casually but very powerfully, swaying his wrist .


The sound was like the Ghost Crying God, and a shocking tornado was formed instantly with the wave of the Fengyue Zhanling Fan. Snowflakes were densely covered in the tornado like stars in the black sky, floating with the wind.

The temperature plummeted again, the breath could turn into ice, and the lead cloud reappeared in the sky, and it was heavier and lower.

The tornado rolled faster and faster, and finally the entire space of the big hole almost collapsed, and it seemed that the space crack of "squeak!" could be heard.

Although the snowflakes are floating in the tornado, the speed of movement is not very fast, but each step contains infinite power, and everything that touches it will be smashed to pieces.


The formation and momentum of the tornado is also a matter of an instant, and then with the power of destroying the world, it rushes towards the dragon flying violently, flying sand and rocks wherever it passes, and everything that can be rolled will be sucked into the tornado Inside, it will increase its potential.

Looking at the tornado coming, Long Fei knew that Wu Shuo had arrived, so he would not crush the jade pieces and leave until the moment the tornado approached.


A golden round shield appeared across the sky, with a diameter of ten feet, and inserted into the ground between Long Fei and the tornado, sealing the direction of the tornado's attack.This shield is also a top grade treasure.


The tornado hit the golden shield ferociously, the sound was muffled and heavy, but it made Long Fei's ears suddenly deaf.The violent energy fluctuations surged in all directions, swelling so that the entire Fuhu Cave trembled, and the walls and roof of the Fuhu Cave collapsed in large pieces.

The golden round shield was hit by the tornado and retreated rapidly. To prevent the golden round shield from hitting his body, Long Fei also drifted and retreated rapidly.

"Jinshi! Get out of the cave and argue with you again."

With the sound of Wu Shuo's voice, the golden round shield disappeared indistinctly, and it was obviously brought out of Fuhu Cave by Wu Shuo.In order to save Long Fei just now, Wu Shuo used his strength during the robbery period, so he was expelled from Fuhu Cave.

At this moment, Jin Shi really couldn't resist the power of Fuhu Cave's formation, and was also forced out of Fuhu Cave.

The golden shield suddenly disappeared, and the residual wave of berserk energy was unimpeded by anything, and hit Long Fei solidly, who had no time to react.


The huge impact force not only injured Long Fei but also caused Long Fei to retreat violently in the air, and finally hit hard on the cliff wall of a mountain peak.Then there was another "bang!", and Long Fei fell to the foot of the cliff.

Fortunately, Long Fei had the Dayan Qingtian sword fused into his body to protect him, otherwise he would be impacted by the residual wave of berserk energy first, then hit the cliff and fell to the ground, and he would be disabled if he didn't die.


Coughing blood in his mouth, Long Fei lay paralyzed on the ground, motionless, waiting for the violent energy to dissipate.At this moment, Long Fei wasn't worried that the five golden shark demon cultivators would take the opportunity to attack, because they didn't know where they were hit by the berserk energy.

For a moment, the violent energy fluctuations gradually subsided.

Long Fei struggled to sit up cross-legged, then took out a red healing elixir from the purple storage bag, stuffed it into his mouth, and closed his eyes to heal his wounds.

After more than two hours, Long Fei was able to stabilize the injuries in his body after taking several healing spirit treasures and healing elixirs, and his body was finally able to move freely.

"Help! Help!"

A faint cry for help came from a mountain ahead.Long Fei was trying his best to heal his injuries before, so he didn't notice this very slight cry for help.

"Damn it! I hate this cry for help." Long Fei got angry when he heard the cry for help, and cursed, but he still stood up and drifted away to the source of the cry for help as quickly as possible.

After a while, a big hole at the foot of the mountain appeared in front of Long Fei.

Long Fei drifted to the entrance of the cave, the crescent moon magic blade flashed in his right hand, and then he cast ten guardian spirit thoughts all over his body, then he was highly vigilant, and drifted slowly towards the depths of the cave with great care.

At this moment, Long Fei was seriously injured. Although he had the ability to protect himself, if there was another golden shark trap in front of him, then he must be in danger.However, Long Fei thought of those poor self-defeating candidates, so he decided to bite the bullet and go to rescue them.

The big hole was not deep, and it took Long Fei less than half an hour to break through the three formations and reach the bottom of the hole. There were six human race re-electors lying upright on the ground.Their expressions were dull, and only one human race re-elected person's mouth was moving slightly, and the cry for help came from him.

Long Fei looked at the strands of gray formation energy filaments about ten feet away around the six human race candidates, and with a movement of his divine sense, white formation flags swished out from the storage bag at his waist. It flashed between the strands of gray formation energy filaments.With the insertion of the No.20 four white formation flags, all the energy filaments of the formation gathered into the ground.

"After I improved Hanziling's formation, it is even more powerful." Long Fei smiled slightly, and walked slowly to the side of the six human race re-electors.

Afterwards, a yellow light flashed in Long Fei's left eye, and a divine sense shot out from under a magnetized elemental force, and shot into the brow of the human race candidate whose mouth moved slightly, and then probed his body.

"If that's the case, the body and soul have been sealed." Long Fei murmured, and then the divine thought that shot into the eyebrows of the human race's re-elect suddenly became thicker.


The human race re-elected screamed in pain, opened his eyes, his face was full of excitement, then struggled to get up, bowed deeply to Long Fei, and said: "Xia Tang Hai, thank you, fellow Taoist Gao, for saving your life Thank you, fellow Daoist Gao, please wake them up too!"

"You're welcome! I will." Long Fei quickly helped Tang Hai up.Long Fei was not surprised that Tang Hai knew his name, as he was known by all the re-elected candidates.

Afterwards, Long Fei broke the seals on the other people one by one.

"Your Nian Hai has been searched by others, so the spiritual sense in it has been traumatized to some extent. I have a few treasures to heal the wounds of the spiritual sense, and I will give them to you!" Long Fei From the storage bag, I took out six thumb-sized fruits that looked a bit like grapes, but were transparent and exuded an intoxicating fruity fragrance.After that, he threw it randomly, and the six strange fruits flew to the six human race candidates.

"Drunken Soul Grape, this one is worth tens of millions of spirit stones!"

While the six human race re-electors exclaimed, they took the Drunken Soul Grape with trembling hands, and looked at Long Fei with tears in their eyes.

"You're welcome! Get your injuries healed quickly so that you can compete for the final five places in the best condition." Long Fei waved his hands with a calm expression.

"Gao Daoyou's kindness, I won't wait to say more, it will sacrifice its life to repay it every day. Alas! As for the next Taoist partner selection competition, it is better for us to withdraw. Although the reward of Tiger Roaring Mountain is tempting, it is not Those of us small power monks or casual cultivators can get it. However, we are all optimistic about Fellow Daoists!" Tang Hai cupped his hands again.

"That's right! That's right!" The other human race re-elects shouted one after another.

Hearing what everyone said, Long Fei's heart was deeply touched, and he suddenly remembered that when he first joined the Seven Star Sect, he was also discriminated against by others because he came from a small branch, so he persuaded: "Baby Sha has been killed by me. After all, other monks of the Golden Shark Clan will withdraw from the competition, so you still have a chance."

"What? Baby Sha was killed by a fellow Taoist?"

When Tang Hai and other human race re-electors heard Sha Baobao, their faces were filled with grief and indignation, and one re-elector hurriedly asked.

"That's right! He was indeed killed by me, otherwise how could I save you?" Long Fei said seriously.Sha Baobao is the grandson of the chief elder of the Golden Shark Clan, and no one in the entire southern region would dare to kill him, so it is hard for the survivors to believe that Sha Baobao was killed.

"Kill well! Kill well!"

"This cancer in the southern region should have been killed long ago."

Tang Hai and the others were extremely emotional.

"Haha! This thief was killed, so happy. They searched for information for their own purposes, and they treated me like an ant and killed them at will. Fellow Daoist Gao! Thank you for avenging this hatred for us! Please accept my respect!" Tang Hai laughed loudly, knelt down on one leg while speaking, and bowed down.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gao, for avenging this great revenge for us!" Other human race candidates also bowed to Long Fei.

"Everyone! The Golden Shark Clan regards my human monks as worthless. They search for spiritual thoughts and explode people's bodies. Such evil deeds are all indignant, but all people with conscience will take action to stop them and punish the evil. Therefore, you don't need to do such a big gift. , I can’t bear it! Please get up! Everyone, please get up!” Seeing this, Long Fei hurriedly helped Tang Hai up in a panic, and called everyone to get up.

Afterwards, Long Fei saw that everyone got up together, so he asked, "Young Daoist Tang, you just said that the seal of the Golden Shark Clan and letting you explode yourself was for your own purpose, to find out some news, what's going on? Originally, I also wanted to ask, why did the Golden Shark Clan seal you and search your Nianhai?"

Tang Hai stabilized his emotions, thought for a while, and said: "After they captured us alive by various means, they searched Nianhai for us. I don't know what their specific purpose is. However, since I have practiced a Secret method, even after my soul and body are sealed, I can still maintain a trace of clarity. That's why I heard a demon cultivator of the Golden Shark clan say to me after searching for me, "Why is there no such thing as that little thing?" Related information'. From this sentence, it can be inferred that they may be looking for something. As for them sealing us and not killing us, I learned from their conversations that they did this to make us explode, and the purpose was to deal with a strong enemy."

"Hey! The strong enemy they mentioned should be me. Alright! Now that this matter is over, let's go to the central area!" Long Fei sighed, thinking to himself: Why is Huxiaoshan looking for someone or a mysterious sect? , and the Golden Sharks are also looking for something?And the name of small thing is not necessarily a real item, it may also be a spirit beast or a person.Because if it is a valuable item, it is generally not called a small thing, but a spirit beast or a person is sometimes called a small thing.

"Fellow Daoist Gao, we don't want to participate in the next competition." Tang Hai exchanged eyes with the other candidates and said.

"Why?" Long Fei asked in surprise.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 370 The Purpose of the Shark Clan:

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