Chaos fairy way

Chapter 369

Among the demon cultivators of the Jinsha Clan, apart from the Sha Baobao, there are eight others, all of whom have reached the peak of the Dacheng of the Yuan Dynasty.But facing Long Fei who suddenly rushed out of the four-color giant net, they didn't expect it, so they couldn't avoid Long Fei's attack.In a short while, three of the eight demon cultivators were killed by Long Fei.

At this moment, Long Fei swung the crescent moon magic blade to kill the No. 4 demon cultivator again. At this moment, the sky within a hundred miles suddenly darkened, the temperature became colder sharply, the dark clouds covered the top like heavy lead, and the bitter cold wind wailed Sweeping from the north.This is the high autumn season, it seems to have entered the cold winter.


No.4 demon cultivator had already been vigilant in advance, coupled with the sudden change in the weather was confusing, Long Fei fell through the air.

"go to hell!"

Sha Baobao shouted angrily, and the word "xueyue" in the four characters "Fenghuaxueyue" in Fengyue Zhanling fan in his hand was shining with dazzling white lights.The sudden change in the weather was because he tried his best to arouse Fengyue Zhanling Fan, and fanned towards Longfei.


Sha Baobao slammed another fan towards Longfei, and a violent cold wind galloped towards Longfei like a ferocious dragon.What is surprising is that there are countless snowflakes mixed in the cold wind.Snowflakes, the size of rice grains, are crystal clear, shining with a frightening cold light, and exuding a terrifying and dangerous aura.Snowflakes are much stronger and denser than the six-petaled strange flowers when the word "wind flower" attacks.

"Blossoming snowflakes are worthy treasures! Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan is strong enough!" Long Fei was amazed, the Dayan Qingtian sword melted into his body, and the crescent moon magic blade in his hand swung sharply, and the blade shadow immediately formed a hemispherical blade shadow Shield, protect the whole body.At the same time, "Wind Shadow Jue" is developing rapidly, trying to avoid the attack of cold wind and snowflakes.

But the cold wind and the snowflakes seemed to be born with spiritual intelligence, and they moved with Long Fei's movement.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Tens of thousands of snowflakes, with the force of the wind, hit the crescent moon magic blade shadow shield densely. The sound is very pleasant, but the energy storm caused by it is extremely terrifying. Jindou rushed into the distance.As for Long Fei, although he relied on the shadow shield of the Crescent Moon Demon Blade to temporarily resist the snowflakes' dense attacks, but the storm swept him back and forth.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Seeing that the attack was effective, Sha Baobao slapped the fan three times again regardless of the huge consumption of energy in his body.Three gusts of stronger power and denser snowflakes, one after another, swept towards Long Fei who was retreating violently in an angry howl.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The sound of metal impacts became more rapid and rapid, and the snowflakes attacked faster, more violently and densely, and they continued continuously.

Long Fei's violently retreated body has become an afterimage, showing the ferocity of the strong wind.But this is still secondary. More importantly, although Long Fei uses the body of the Crescent Demon Blade to resist the snowflakes of the energy body, the number of snowflakes is too many and continuous, so that the shadow shield of the Crescent Demon Blade Being attacked became more and more irresistible, slowly revealing its true body.

Long Fei hastened to use the "Small Leaping Thunder Technique", trying to teleport out of the hundred-mile range covered by the dark clouds, but he kept moving in place.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Long Fei was shocked, the crescent moon magic blade in his hand was attacked by snowflakes and stopped swinging suddenly.The snowflakes that fell like a rainstorm hit Long Fei's body one after another, and immediately exploded, and the white energy that re-formed faintly disappeared.

Although Long Fei was not seriously injured, his flesh and blood were all over his body, and his clothes were so tattered that he could barely cover his body.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Seeing this scene, Sha Baobao turned pale due to the excessive consumption of energy in his body, but the joy in his eyes became stronger, and the killing intent became stronger.Gritting his teeth, there were three consecutive fans, and the three world-destructive winds whizzed towards Long Fei with countless snowflakes.

At this moment, Long Fei was having difficulty resisting the current snowflake and gust of wind attacks because the supply of energy in his body exceeded demand, and now he was facing three snowflakes and gusts of wind attacking one after another.

Long Fei used the "Small Running Thunder Technique" again, trying to avoid the attack of the three snowflake gusts, but the result was the same as before, unable to teleport half a step.

How is this going?How can the attack effect of a top-grade treasure restrict the monk's teleportation, and the attack can also move with the monk's movement?This is somewhat inconsistent with the common sense of treasure weapon attacks.

Although the situation was extremely critical, Long Fei became more and more calm. His mind was running fast, thinking hard about a solution to the current crisis.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Three gusts of wind, three blows of snowflakes, fell on Long Fei's body again, causing Long Fei's skin to be ripped apart, his face ashen.In the end, Long Fei gave a muffled groan and spewed out a mouthful of blood, the internal injuries he suffered were not minor.

"Senior year! This time I will really send you back to the West." At this moment, Sha Baobao's complexion is a little better, because he has recovered a lot of vitality after taking a black pill just now.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Sha Baobao tightly held the Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan with both hands, and wanted to fan it three more times, but after fanning two, he was unable to fan out the third fan due to lack of vitality.

But although the Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan only had two fans, and only produced two gusts of snowflakes, it was enough to be fatal to Long Fei.

Although the two snowstorms were weaker than any previous snowstorm, they were even more frightening, because they were really here to kill.

Long Fei smiled wryly, never expecting to be forced to this point while carrying three top-grade treasures.In order to restore the original force and spiritual power in the body as soon as possible, he quickly reached into the waist storage bag with his right hand and took out one each of Yuanyuan Pill, Shengshen Pill and Red Healing Pill, and stuffed it into his mouth. glance.

"Ah!" Long Fei immediately showed a sudden look, and was quite surprised.Because he found that his almost naked body was actually covered with snowflake patterns made of energy filaments.These snowflake patterns, like the forbidden seals of the gods, belong to the category of the forbidden law, but they are much simpler than the forbidden seals of the gods.The wind can move with Long Fei's movement, and the teleportation fails, which is obviously related to the dense snowflake pattern on the body.

"After all, when killing the No. 4 demon cultivator, I was careless for a while, so Baby Sha secretly waved the Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan and placed such a ban on me." Long Fei discovered the problem, and after thinking about it, he quickly tried his best to arouse the broken spirit. Array of secret treasures, the whole body suddenly burst into green light, but it did not break the snowflake pattern on the body surface.

At this time, Sha Baobao's last two gusts of snowflakes are about to attack, and the situation has reached a moment of life and death.

"Ah!" The energy in Long Fei's whole body was suddenly magnetized and rushed out of his body. At the same time, the Dayan Qingtian Sword slashed out of his body with nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine swords, coupled with the green light of the secret treasure that broke the array. , the triple attack hits the snowflake pattern at the same time.


Although the sound was very slight, the snowflake pattern was finally broken.Long Fei urgently used the "Small Flying Thunder Technique", and he disappeared in a flash, narrowly avoiding the attack of two gusts of snowflakes.

Sha Baobao didn't expect the dying Long Fei to be able to get out of trouble at all, and stared blankly at the snowflake blowing away in the distance.


Long Fei suddenly appeared behind Sha Baobao, and the crescent moon magic blade in his right hand slashed obliquely, splitting Sha Baobao in two from shoulder to waist in an instant, "Bang! Bang!" and fell to the ground two times in succession.



The five demon cultivators of the Golden Shark clan were blown far away by the strong wind before, so in order to prevent accidental injury, they never came to help in the battle.At this moment, it was too late to rescue Sha Baobao, and it was impossible to rescue Sha Baobao, so he flashed from a distance to Sand Baobao's body in a hurry.

"Since you are all here, let's go on the road with him!"

One must be decisive in dealing with the enemy, otherwise there will be endless troubles, Long Fei is naturally aware of this.While Long Fei was speaking, the crescent moon blade in his hand suddenly expanded by a foot in diameter. At the same time, he turned into a gust of wind and swept towards the five golden shark demon cultivators. The blade slashed five demon cultivators of the Golden Shark Clan.

At this moment, a golden figure flashed to the side of Sha Baobao's body, and then took the Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan from Sha Baobao's hand, and swung his wrist to block the crescent moon magic blade that Long Fei attacked.The series of movements of the golden figure, flowing like clouds and flowing water, was completed in the blink of an eye.


The Crescent Moon Slashed on the Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan, the sound shook the heavens and the earth, and the violent energy rippled into a whirlwind and swept in all directions.

The poor five demon cultivators of the Golden Shark Clan didn't understand what was going on, they were blown by the whirlwind again and flew into the distance while doing some weighting in the air.

Long Fei retreated more than ten zhang away with the crescent moon magic blade.

The golden figure retreated only two zhang.

"Golden stone!" Long Fei stabilized his body and fixed his eyes on the golden figure. He was startled and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Hmph! Right here. How dare you kill my grand elder's beloved grandson, I will kill you today." Jin Shi was furious, his eyes staring at Long Fei almost popped out, he said through gritted teeth.

"Jinshi! You secretly entered Fuhu Cave and interfered in the re-election competition. This is a serious violation. Aren't you afraid that Tiger Roaring Mountain will punish you?" Long Fei shouted sharply.

Long Fei has been injured, and Jinshi is a master of the tribulation period, he can't fight against Jinshi, so he can only pull the skin of Hu Xiaoshan at this moment.

"Hmph! Tiger Roaring Mountain? Do you really think that our Golden Shark Clan and the Hai Clan are afraid of the four major sects of cultivation? In the eyes of my Golden Shark Clan, Tiger Roaring Mountain is actually just scum. If it wasn't for the time, my Golden Shark Clan would have already Hu Xiaoshan will be driven out of the Southern Region." With a look of disdain on his face, Jin Shi slowly raised the Fengyue Slashing Spirit Fan in his hand, and said coldly, "Now you just die honestly!"

"Golden stone! Once you use the combat power of the robbery period, you will definitely be sent to the Fuhu Cave Square, and then you will definitely be discovered by the elder Wu Shuo who is guarding the entrance of the cave. Although the Golden Sharks are not afraid of the Tiger Roaring Mountain, but you disturbed The competition in Fuhu Cave and the killing of the re-elector who was favored by Huxiaoshan will definitely make the two big rivals of the Golden Shark Clan and Huxiaoshan deadlocked. Then, Jinshi, can you still stay on Huxiaoshan Island? You know , compared to the two major targets of your Golden Shark Clan, my third year in high school is insignificant! I can pay you a lot of top-quality spirit stones." Long Fei spoke quickly.The enemy was too strong to resist, so he could only hit the vital points and let Jin Shi let him go temporarily, at least to delay time.

"No matter how many spirit stones you have, you can't escape death today." Jin Shi was unmoved, and still did not show any scruples about Huxiaoshan.

Chaos Fairy:

Chapter 360 Nine Jinshi Strikes:

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