Chaos fairy way

Chapter 381 Attacked on the way

Afterwards, Wu Tianxiong chanted a mantra, pinched the magic formula with his hands, took off the fairy boat, and floated to the surface of the sea with Niu Zhong and others, and followed Long Fei away.

The fairy sea area is dotted with peerless fierce formations, the water regime is extremely complicated, and there are hidden crises everywhere, which is extremely dangerous.Usually, only masters above the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng are not allowed to enter the Immortal Sea Territory, and even masters above the peak of Tuoyuan Dacheng must be extremely careful when entering it, otherwise there is a high possibility that there will be no entry if there is a slight carelessness.Nowadays, the Immortal Sea Territory has undergone inexplicable changes. The black poisonous mist covers the sea surface as high as tens of feet, and strands of gray insidiousness are mixed in the black mist like silk ribbons. No one knows if there are other more dangerous crises in it.What is even more frustrating is that the poisonous fog is so thick that the monks are so deep in the fairy sea that they cannot see it with their eyes, and their spiritual sense dare not go out of the body to detect it, so they can only use their perception to distinguish the surrounding environment.

Based on these reasons, and the main purpose of this trip was to find Ruan Dongxiu, Long Fei and the others chose to drift instead of going straight to the central area of ​​the core area of ​​the Immortal Sea with the flying fairy boat.

At this moment, Long Fei's anti-poison armor floated on the surface of his body, propped up a silver-white mask with a radius of one foot, and quickly drifted to the front of the team.

Wu Tianxiong, Wu Lingshan, Gong De, and Ruan Doudou followed Long Fei, and they also activated their high-level anti-drug weapons such as spiritual umbrellas and spiritual clothes to drive away the poisonous gas and protect the safety of their bodies.The high-level anti-drug treasures they used were purchased by Long Fei at a high price from the Wanhai Chamber of Commerce before they set off.However, the anti-drug treasures they used were much inferior to Long Fei's anti-drug spiritual armor.

Niu Zhong was in charge of the rear, and he was the most relaxed and comfortable in the whole team.Because he didn't need to use the anti-drug weapon at all, and directly floated the "Shield of Yuan" on the surface of his body, so that no poisonous gas could penetrate his body at all.

"Niu Zhong! Are you really a human being?" Although Wu Tianxiong couldn't see, and only judged things by perception, he still habitually glanced back at Niu Zhong who was drifting leisurely. He seemed a little bored and envious, so he couldn't help asking One sentence.Now, as the few of them have been together for a long time, they have become familiar with each other, so they no longer address each other as fellow daoists, but directly by their first names.

"Hey!" Niu Zhong smiled speechlessly, and didn't even bother to answer this question, because Wu Tianxiong had already asked him countless times.

"Hehe! Compared to Uncle Niu, Uncle Long is even more enviable! He has taken all the good things such as top-grade exercises, top-grade treasures, top-grade medicine pills and spirit treasures. Hehe! If we join forces, we will He ransacked everything, and everyone must be rich." Ruan Doudou stuck out her tongue and said, it can be seen that Gong De often talked about Long Fei in front of her.

Long Fei smiled lightly and didn't say anything, but he felt surprised again in his heart.Gong De is over 50 years old now, and he joined the Seven Star Sect more than 20 years ago. At that time, his cultivation had already reached the early stage of the Yuan Dynasty, so how could he have a daughter who is about [-] years old?

"I'm curious which one is stronger, Long Fei or Niu Zhong?" Wu Lingshan had already recovered her daughter's body.When they were in Jiuding Tower, Gong De exposed Long Fei and Niu Zhong's real identities, but she was entangled by Yuan Fang to no avail. In the end, she could only escape by revealing her identity as a daughter.

"The two of them can't tell the difference between the strong and the weak! Because every time the sects fight, they become an offensive and defensive combination drill." When Gong De said this, his expression was a little helpless.

"That's not necessarily the case? If I fight with them each, won't they be separated? Why don't we try now?" Wu Tianxiong turned up his interest when he heard the competition, and immediately geared up for a big fight. some.


Long Fei and Niu Zhong refused with one voice, and the tone of their speech was very firm, and they seemed to be a little anxious.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Gong De, Wu Lingshan, and Ruan Doudou couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

"Crash! Crash!"

At this moment, the sound of dense sea water turbulence suddenly came from the front, and it was obvious that something was coming.

"Is it a demon angelfish?" Ruan Doudou asked hastily.In the whole team, her cultivation base is the weakest, so her perception range is also the narrowest.

"Not bad! I didn't expect there to be so many, at least nearly a thousand. Hehe! It's really good to catch them all, and take the pills and hand them over to the Twin Halls." While Long Fei was speaking, "Wind Shadow Jue" showed his strength. , turned into a hurricane, swept forward, and threw Niu Zhong and others far away.

"This guy's speed is really perverted! Staying with these two perverts, I really feel that people say that I am a monster of the Western Regions, which is a real insult and ridicule to me." Wu Tianxiong cursed rather unhappily.

"Ha ha!"

While everyone was laughing, they also accelerated the speed of drifting, and hurriedly chased after Long Fei.


After a while, Long Fei drifted to the vicinity of the school of fish, and with a wave of his right hand, a magnetized Yuanli sword flashed out from the palm of his hand. As soon as it entered the air, ten thousand swords were transformed into flying swords, and instantly scattered towards the densely packed demons and gods in the sea. fish.

Seeing Wan Jian's shot, nearly a thousand adult angelfish suddenly swung their tails and stretched their waists, and plunged into the depths of the sea in an instant.

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

Thousands of flying swords slashed through the air and shot into the water, the sound was like dumplings under boiling water.

With a movement of his mind, Long Fei controlled the ten thousand flying swords in the water and continued to shoot at the angelfish.But at this moment, a strange thing happened, the moment when a flying sword was about to shoot demon angelfish, these angelfish suddenly blurred and disappeared without a trace for no reason.

"There is a battle here, leave quickly!"

Seeing this, Long Fei suddenly realized something, and hurriedly shouted, and at the same time cast the teleportation technique, intending to leave this place.

When Niu Zhong and the others heard the words, they hurriedly used the teleportation technique, and they all disappeared in a flash.

But at this moment, the surrounding black mist suddenly rolled and churned, and the pitch-black sea water boiled and splashed like molten lava.

"Damn, why is it like being stuck in a quagmire? Teleportation doesn't work?" Wu Tianxiong appeared in the poisonous fog while cursing, and Niu Zhong and others appeared with him. They only moved a hundred feet distance.

"How could this be?" Ruan Doudou exclaimed.

"These poisonous fogs are controlled by Juezhen, so they can't teleport in the depths. As for those demon fishes, the purpose of their appearance is to lead us here." Long Fei said calmly.With his attainments in formations and spells, it is difficult to break some extremely rare and extremely complex peerless formations, but he is quite sure to break the formations encountered so far.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Suddenly, in the black poisonous mist, strands of gray poison suddenly condensed, instantly condensed into poisonous arrows, and shot at Long Fei and the others densely from all directions.


At the same time, there was a sudden loud noise under the surface of the sea, and the boiling and splashing sea water suddenly turned from a distance around the crowd, wrapping around the crowd like dumplings.

"Cow heavy!"

Long Fei shouted loudly, and the Dayan Qingtian sword shot into the air, and the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hilts of the flying sword suddenly melted. With a sound of "Wow!", it scattered in all directions, and instantly forcibly smashed the poisonous arrows within a thousand feet, clearing the air. And empty.


As soon as Niu Zhong heard Long Fei's call, the "Shield of Yuan" jumped out of his body, covering the surrounding nine feet in an instant, protecting everyone in it, and shaking the sea water package.

Immediately afterwards, Long Fei waved his left hand, and an array flag and array stones flashed out from the storage bag at his waist.They flew in ten directions one after another, and they were arranged according to certain rules or suspended in the air, or fell into the sea water...


There was another huge roar in the sea water, and the sea water enveloping the "Shield of Yuan" suddenly fell into the sea, and the roiling black poisonous mist gradually calmed down.

"You can teleport!"

As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, a flash disappeared.

Niu Zhong put away the "Shield of Yuan", and cast the teleportation technique with others, which disappeared in a flash.

When everyone reappeared, they were hundreds of miles away.

"This is just the fringe area of ​​the Immortal Sea Territory, which is so dangerous. If it really reaches the core area or even the central area, what kind of danger will it face?" Ruan Doudou panted heavily, her face was a little pale, and her cultivation was only close to that of Yuan Dacheng. At its peak, it was quite difficult to fight against the teleportation of the poisonous mist.

"The sea charts are flooding, the angel fish lures the enemy, and the siege is overwhelming. All of this is strange. Maybe it has something to do with the ancient ruins incident, and there is a man behind the scenes manipulating this matter? If this is the case, then what is their purpose?" Gong De said thoughtfully.

"Don't worry about it, let's go out of the Immortal Sea Territory immediately. Before most of the monks have entered the Immortal Sea Territory, tell them not to enter." Wu Lingshan said.

"It's useless! The Immortal Sea Territory is densely populated, and there are angel fish and black-armored snakes in it, which have been confirmed by many people, so all cultivators in the world will not leave just because of a little doubt, and will not enter the Immortal Sea Territory. Good Now, let's continue on the road! Ruan Doudou and Wu Lingshan, you two, follow Niu Zhong closely. With his 'Shield of Yuan' protecting you, you should be safe." Long Fei left these words, turned into a gust of wind, and drifted towards the core area rapidly and go.

"Cut! The tone of his speech is like that of the boss. The boss of this team hasn't been chosen yet?" Wu Lingshan muttered.

"Master Uncle Long Fei is the boss, I agree!" Ruan Doudou slid towards Niu Zhong.

"Fighting, I don't accept Long Fei, but in terms of being the boss, I think he is really suitable." Wu Tianxiong clenched his right hand, and a black long-handled heavy hammer flashed in his palm, and then the soles of his feet glowed red, turning into a red streak. Rainbow, the impact made the air roar, and hurriedly chased Long Fei.

"You're the boss with money!" Wu Lingshan cursed angrily, but a flash of people drifted to Niu Zhong's side.

"Hehe!" Gong De chuckled, and also used secret techniques, speeding up the drifting speed and following Wu Tianxiong.

Without saying a word, Niu Zhong opened the "Yuan Shield" and walked with the two women.

Not long after Long Fei and the others left, two men in black, one tall and one short, suddenly broke through the sea water, rushed out, and stood on the water.

"Lord Patrol Envoy! Just now you stopped me from launching the last strongest attack, and my subordinates are a little confused. I wonder if you can enlighten me?" The slightly taller man in black cupped his hands, his tone full of dissatisfaction.

"Although the cultivation of this group of people is only at the peak of Yuan Dacheng, the leader's formation skills are extraordinary. The patrol envoy is afraid that if he fails to catch people, he will start to scare the snake, revealing some clues and affecting the plan. , then the fate of the two of us, I think Hall Master Bi Wang should know better than me, right?" The slightly shorter man in black said coldly.

"Yes! Yes! This subordinate is ignorant!" Hearing this, the slightly taller man in black suddenly became nervous, bowed his head and nodded.

"Okay! Leave these people to the patrol angels!" The shorter man in black disappeared in a flash.

The slightly taller man in black followed closely behind, his figure blurred and disappeared without a trace.

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