Chaos fairy way

Chapter 382

The fringe area of ​​the Immortal Sea is about [-] miles deep, and it took Long Fei and others six days to cross it and finally reach the core area.

Along the way, although everyone avoided many peerless battles by relying on the charts in their hands, they still strayed into many battles.But every time they strayed into the battle formation, relying on Long Fei's superb formation skills and Niu Zhong's abnormal defense, plus the power of a few top-grade treasures, everyone was able to pass through safely without any danger.

Within six days, more and more monks poured into the Immortal Sea from all directions using various magic weapons for crossing the sea.

In a sea to the east of the edge of the Immortal Sea, a group of about sixty monks, all wearing uniform blue Taoist robes, obviously came from the same sect.

"Crash! Crash!"

As the group of monks were advancing, they suddenly heard the sound of fish swimming from the left direction.

"Five miles to the left, there is a fairy fish that has become a demon! Everyone spread out and encircle them."

The leader of the monk in the blue Taoist robe gave an order, and the monks immediately dispersed, and then encircled the group of demon and fairy fish five miles away to the left.


When all the monks in blue Taoist robes were less than twenty feet away from the school of demon fairy fish, they were about to wave all kinds of fishing treasures to catch the demon fairy fish, when all of them suddenly plunged into the depths of the seabed, and then The blur disappears.After that, the sea area with a radius of 60 miles was centered on the location of the angel fish school, and a stormy wave suddenly set off, instantly submerging the unsuspecting monks in blue robes.For a moment, the wind was calm and the black mist still shrouded the sea. Nothing seemed to have happened, but more than [-] monks in blue robes disappeared without a trace.

The Divine Eagle Sect is a second-rate human cultivator in the Western Regions. This time, in order to hunt for the demon pills that have become the fairy fish, they mobilized all the elites of the sect to enter the fairy sea.When they were about [-] miles away from the edge of the fairy sea, they suddenly encountered dozens of demon fish swimming in front of them, so they immediately started hunting them down.Unexpectedly, when he was about to catch up, a rare and violent tornado blew up inexplicably on the surface of the sea, and more than a hundred elites of the God and Demon Sect were forcibly swept away in an instant.Since then, there has been no more news about the elite fishing elite of the Shenying Sect in the Immortal Sea Territory.

The Dolphin Clan is one of the four affiliated races of the Xuangui Clan. It dominates the northern seas of the Western Regions, and its headquarters is guarded at the junction of the Western Regions and the Northern Regions.

After the changes in the Immortal Sea Territory, the Dolphin Clan was ordered by the main clan, the Xuangui Clan, to appoint hundreds of experts from the clan to travel long distances from the far north and enter the Immortal Sea Territory from the north.As soon as they entered the Immortal Sea, they dived and swam in a row, searching the Immortal Sea for any clues of the missing island.

On this day, among the masters of the dolphin clan diving, a huge submarine mountain range gradually appeared on the seabed ahead.In this sea vein, dangerous peaks are stacked, straight into the bottom of the sea, and there is a main peak with a height of nearly [-] feet, standing out among the peaks like a giant.All the masters of the dolphin family aimed at the main peak, shuttled among the high mountains, and when they swam close to the main peak, they discovered a huge cave at the foot of the mountain.Inside the giant cave, the sea water is so dark that it is difficult to see everything inside it with the naked eye, but there is a faint golden light shining in its depth.All of this is weird and more mysterious, tempting the monks passing by to find out.

"There is a golden light in the depths of the cave, which is a sign of a peerless treasure appearing in the world!"

All the dolphin demons exclaimed in excitement, and then gathered at the entrance of the big cave.

"You! You! You! Go and check first."

The patriarch who led the team gave an order, and after getting the order, the three dolphin demons cautiously entered the cave and advanced into the depths of the cave.

Half an hour later, the three cave-exploring dolphin monsters did not come out of the cave.When the patriarch was about to send another batch of dolphin demons into the cave to investigate the situation, the Wanli bell in his hand suddenly rang.

The ten-thousand-mile bell is the secret treasure of the various sects in the Western Regions.Although it cannot transmit sound for thousands of miles like Haiyin Conch, it can transmit simple messages such as bad luck, advance and retreat according to the prior agreement and according to its ringing pattern.

The patriarch of the dolphin tribe glanced at Wanli Bell and learned that there is no danger in the big cave and there is indeed a heavy treasure hidden in it. It takes the strength of all cultivators to take out the heavy treasure.

"Into the hole!"

After the patriarch gave a loud order, he rushed into the big hole like a speeding yacht.All the dolphin monsters cheered and followed the patriarch.

From then on, the Xuangui Clan could no longer contact this group of dolphin demons.

Strange things happened one after another, and tragedies repeated themselves one by one.With the inexplicable disappearance of fishing teams from many forces and no news from them, the later monks gradually realized that something was wrong, and most of them stopped outside the Immortal Sea.

The cultivators who came to the Immortal Sea Territory to search for treasures were extremely frustrated, and when they gradually started to withdraw, a piece of shocking news suddenly resounded through the entire cultivation world like a bolt from the blue, and the cultivators outside the Immortal Sea Territory were no exception.

There are ancient ruins in the depths of the Immortal Sea Territory, and the spiritual treasures in it are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Scrolls of spells and techniques can be seen everywhere, and there are as many as ten top-quality treasures. The secret of becoming a fairy.

This news was too shocking, a sensation in the comprehension world, and it became known all over the world overnight. It seems to be somewhat similar to the news of the Tianxin Pavilion ruins.

"Is this news true?"

"It should be possible! The detailed map auctioned by the Wanhai Business Alliance shows that the deepest part of the Immortal Sea is a black spot, which is neither marked as sea water nor an island, so this matter is very suspicious. Doesn't this mean that it supports this news? "

"That's right! The incident of the ancient ruins of the Tianxin Ice Field in the Huahuang Continent, didn't the world know about it overnight when the news broke out?"

"Such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime. It is better to believe it than to believe it. You must make a breakthrough."

The wind picked up again, the clouds moved again, and the nerves of countless monks were provoked. In the streets and alleys, in the mountains and wild forests, wherever there are monks, there are discussions about this matter.

With the attention of all the people, all the heroes raised their heads, and batch after group of monks heard the news and came rushing from all directions, including many masters of the tribulation period.However, what is surprising and puzzling is that the secret of no one becoming a fairy has not attracted masters of more than four calamities.Those big forces are led by masters below the Four Tribulations and gathered in the Immortal Sea Territory.

The city was full of wind and rain outside, and rumors spread everywhere. Long Fei and others who entered the core area also learned about the situation outside in time by virtue of Wu Tianxiong's unique contact secret method of Wuxian Temple.

Whether it is to get the treasure first, or plot the blood essence of the black armored snake, or find out the whereabouts of Ruan Dongxiu, since it is "close to the water", then the fruit of "obtaining the moon first" will naturally be achieved.Long Fei and the others immediately accelerated their advance, striving to reach the deepest part of the Immortal Sea Region as soon as possible.

"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"

While everyone was drifting rapidly, a rapid bell sound suddenly came from Wu Tianxuan's storage bag.

Wu Tianxiong was slightly taken aback, then reached into the storage bag with his right hand, took out a palm-sized silver bell, looked at it, and said excitedly: "The demon-seeking bell shows that a black-armored demon snake is found [-] miles ahead! "

"What? I really met him."

When everyone heard the words, they were pleasantly surprised.

The Xuanjia Demon Snake is extremely rare. The Xuanwu blood contained in its blood essence is more pure and thick than that of the Xuangui. Three drops can make the body of a master at the peak of the Yuan Dynasty reach the strength of the body of a master of one or two kalpas. It is so precious One can imagine.Although it has been confirmed by many people that it exists in the Immortal Sea Territory, it is extremely lucky for Long Fei and others to actually encounter it.

"It can't be a trap again! The traps in the core area are much more dangerous than those in the fringe area. Last time we were trapped by that strange formation, we only managed to escape with minor injuries." Ruan Doudou said with lingering fear .

"The Profound Armored Demonic Snake is so precious, it means too much to the four of us. Now that we have run into it, even if there is a trap, we must try it. I see it this way, Senior Brother Gong! You, Doudou and Wu Lingshan As support from the outside, Niu Zhong, Wu Tianxiong and I went to catch the Black Armored Demon Snake. Even if we don't catch it this time, we still have to get enough blood from it." Long Fei's expression froze, and his tone was firm.If he and Niu Zhong could get the blood essence of the Xuanjia Demon Snake, together with the Yuanshi and the Yaodan of the Nine Nether Octopus, it would be almost a certainty to survive the catastrophe, and there might be even bigger surprises!

"Hehe! OK!" Wu Tianxiong smiled boldly.

"Be careful! Don't force yourself too much." Gong De nodded.

Wu Lingshan opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Niu Zhong's face was always tightly tied, but there was a light of joy in his eyes.The blood essence of the Xuanjia Demon Snake is even more useful for him who has a strong physical body.

Afterwards, Long Fei and Niu Zhong, led by Wu Tianxiong, concealed their aura, drifted carefully, and slowly approached the Xuanjia Demon Snake.

"Ding-dong! Ding-dong!"

As the three of Long Fei were walking forward, the sound of Yaoyou Bell ringing suddenly became more and more urgent.

"Not good! The Black Armored Demon Snake seems to have discovered us, and now it is rushing towards the west. And judging from the running speed, its cultivation base should have reached the peak of its metamorphosis."

Wu Tianxiong was startled suddenly, his expression became a little dignified.

The speed of the Xuanjia Demon Snake swimming in the sea is fast enough to enter the top three among the monsters in the sea area.At the same level, it is difficult for ordinary human monks to look at his back, and it is even more wishful thinking to catch up with him.

"Whether it's discovered or not is yet to be determined! You two continue to chase from behind, and I will take a shortcut to intercept it."

While Long Fei was speaking, his aura was concealed like nothing. He turned into a hurricane, tore through the thick fog, and drifted towards the front of the Xuanjia Demon Snake at an angle.

After hearing this, Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong continued to chase after the Xuanjia Demon Snake from behind.

"Hey! Strange thing, the ringtone slowed down, why did the speed of the black armored snake suddenly slow down?"

Wu Tianxiong and Niu Zhong were drifting, looking at Mi Yaoling, a little confused.

"It should have discovered us a long time ago, and it should have done this to lure the enemy!" Niu Zhong said calmly.

"Then what to do next? Make up your mind," Wu Tianxiong said.

"Keep chasing, I believe in Long Fei! For the sake of safety, you enter my 'Yuan Shield'." As soon as Niu Zhong finished speaking, the "Yuan Shield" stood up.

"Okay!" Wu Tianxiong refused to accept Niu Zhong in fights, but he trusted Niu Zhong in dealing with things after spending a long time with Niu Zhong.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong carried Wu Tianxiong with the "Shield of Yuan" and continued to chase towards the Xuanjia Demon Snake.

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