Chaos fairy way

Chapter 383 Tianxiong is aggrieved

"Yanyu Sword Art" and "Burning Heaven Shield Method" are inexplicably derived from the sword pattern or shield pattern. Since Long Fei and Niu Zhong embarked on the path of self-cultivation, they have never seen the exercises of that sect, race and other forces of self-cultivation comparable to them.

Niu Zhong's physical body is ridiculously strong because he has practiced the "Burning Heaven Shield Method", and his defense is even more disdainful to other heroes of the same rank. This is just like Long Fei's perverted attack, which makes the opponent feel desperate.

The magic and power of the two exercises are not limited to this, they also greatly improved the perception and aura of Long Fei or Niu Zhong. Calamity bright dumpling said mother brother 肫 "Duan г jealous ね  superfluous frame t remonstrance 裣 Shan s horsefly na ㄅu guilty 碇  school  brother  艿 glue 艽 蟮 南拉弯Xiaozang Kang's mother and brother, Duan p also   Zheng   take brachial v Cuo Chuang technetium  倮 铩?br />

"The Profound Armored Demon Snake stopped running!"

About half an hour later, Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong spoke almost simultaneously.

"It's not more than a hundred miles away from us, and there are all kinds of energy threads floating around it. Obviously, there are all kinds of peerless fierce formations." Niu Chong glanced at the monster-seeking bell in Wu Tianxiong's hand, which slowed down and became more rhythmic. Then he looked towards the thick fog outside the "Shield of Yuan", with a dignified expression.

"Baili!" Wu Tianxiong exclaimed, what surprised him was not the peerless fierce formation, but Niu Zhong's range of perception.Niu Zhong's range of perception has far exceeded his imagination, which is indeed a blow to him who has always been unconvinced in his practice.

"Let's talk about it first!"

Niu Zhong ignored Wu Tianxiong's reaction, his face was still tightly tied, and as soon as he finished speaking, he mobilized the "Yuan Zhishield" to carry Wu Tianxiong, and drifted towards the Xuanjia Demon Snake calmly.

The distance of hundreds of miles will be reached in a moment. Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong looked at the scene in front of them, and their expressions were slightly startled.

I saw a colorful and strange giant snake coiling above the sea with its head held up and spit out letters.It is no more than thirty feet long, but nearly ten feet thick. What's even more bizarre is that it carries a turtle shell with a huge Eight Diagrams engraved on its surface.This is consistent with the record in "Wanbaolu", it is the black armored snake.

"Jie Jie! The two little guys are finally here! Their size and vigor are pretty good, and they should be more delicious than those old men a while ago, and they must be more nourishing!"

The eyes of the Xuanjia Demon Snake are as red as blood, with a strange red awn; the bloody mouth opens and closes, the black-red snake letter is stretched and retracted, and a choking stench is ejected from the mouth, making people sick The fangs are like sharp swords shining with a frightening cold light, and greedy saliva hangs on them in threads.

At this moment, I don't know whether it was caused by the formation, or the majestic breath of the Xuanjia Demon Snake rushing out of its body, the thick poisonous mist was forced out of its surroundings thousands of feet away, forming a non-toxic mist, only A visual space densely covered with array energy filaments.

"It's not easy for you to cultivate, and the purpose of our trip is only a little bit of your blood, so we are willing to give you a lot of spiritual treasures and exchange them with you for eighteen drops of blood!" Niu Zhong was expressionless , with a calm tone, staring at the blood-red eyes of the Xuanjia Demon Snake with squinted eyes.

"Hehe! It's ridiculous! Two mere monks at the peak of Yuan Dacheng, and deep in this battle, can't save their lives, and they still negotiate terms with this deity? Are you scared stupid! To tell you the truth, in your Before coming here, a master of one calamity was injured here, and fled in embarrassment, what storms can you make? Just suffer and die obediently!" The mysterious armored snake's sarcasm fell, and the crow opened his mouth. The red, forked snake letter suddenly stretched and lengthened, like the tongue of a frog, it rolled towards Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong who were inside the "Shield of Yuan".

"You just attack, don't think about defending!"

Niu Zhong's left Taiji Chongyuan shield shook violently, and a gossip light shield flashed out from the Taiji Chongyuan shield with a "scream", like a rapidly rotating grinding plate cutting across the huge snake letter of the black-armored demon snake.


The light shield cut the snake letter, as if hitting soft gold, the sound was very dull.Although Shexin is a flesh and blood body, he forcibly knocked the light shield away without any damage to himself.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The sound was as loud as hitting gold and stone, shaking the world and resounding through the sky.

When Niu readjusted his shield to block the snake's letter, Wu Tianxiong threw a long-handled sledgehammer, flew into the air, and slammed into the head of the black armored snake again and again like a meteorite falling.But every time it was blocked by the black armored snake's tortoise shell that can move freely on the body, so that every attack was fruitless, not only could not hit its body, but even the tortoise shell could not be broken.

"Jie Jie! Is it just this little attack power? This doesn't match your size and cultivation level! Come on, make your attack stronger and stronger!" Xuanjia Demon Snake sneered, not eager to devour Niu Zhong , but wanted to play around with them first.

Afterwards, the huge tail of the Xuanjia Demon Snake swung suddenly, and then it twitched like a huge magic whip, making the air whistling, swiftly and abnormally twitching towards Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong.

Niu Zhong watched the snake tail draw, his expression remained unchanged, the shield moved with his heart, and when his heart reached the shield, the gossip light shield flashed and stood between him and the snake tail, completely sealing off the attack angle of the snake tail.


The sound was deafening, and the violent energy fluctuations turned into whirlwinds from the impact, and the thick poisonous mist that swept across the field surged like a stormy sea.

"It's a very good treasure! It's a pity that it's a defense treasure, not a top attack weapon. Hehe! So I still can't do anything to me. Come again! Let me have fun with your strongest attack, so that You also live longer." The black armored snake was not annoyed by the unsuccessful attack, but rather excited.

"Damn it! I really thought I was Xuanwu!"

Wu Tianxiong, a combat madman, was furious to be played by monks of the same rank like this.He roared, and a flash of the long-handled heavy hammer flying through the air sank into his body.Then Wu Tianxiong clenched his right hand, and a silver-white Yanyue Saber flashed in his hand.

"Go to hell! Five Immortals Slash!"

While Wu Tianxiong was shouting, five white figures like exiled immortals suddenly appeared behind him.These five white shadows were about the same size as his body, and they all held a long-handled silver-white Crescent Moon Knife.


Afterwards, Wu Tianxiong leapt forward suddenly, grabbed the "Shield of Yuan" violently, and shot at the black-armored snake like a startled rainbow.

"Interesting! Come on!" Xuanjia Demon Snake looked at Wu Tianxiong's attack, his eyes were full of excitement, he did not use any magic skills to defend, and directly resisted with his body.

"Humph! Arrogance!"

Wu Tianxiong snorted coldly, and his whole body had already shot within one zhang in front of the mysterious armored snake. At this moment, the five white shadows behind him suddenly merged into one, and then instantly merged into his body.


Wu Tianxiong's aura suddenly soared five times, and he raised the Yanyue knife in his hand and slashed fiercely on the tortoise shell of the black armored snake.

A long cut mark suddenly appeared on the turtle shell, but it was just a long cut mark, not a deep cut mark.However, the Xuanjia Demon Snake was slashed by the Yanyue Dao and fell straight to the depths of the seabed, and barely stopped its fall when it fell to a depth of nearly ten feet.

After Wu Tianxiong succeeded in the blow, he was immediately reeled by the impact and flew backwards at high speed, and then he was covered by the "Shield of Yuan" by Niu Zhong, who came to help in time, to stabilize his body.


The mysterious armored snake rushed out from the depths of the sea like a dragon going out to sea, leaped into the air, and then fell to the surface of the sea, splashing huge waves.

"Exciting! Is there a stronger attack?"

The Xuanjia Demon Snake was not annoyed by a small loss, but excited.

"Is it enjoyable? Well, I'll let you enjoy it a little more! Flying Immortals!" Seeing that the attack still had no effect, Wu Tianxiong felt a little suffocated in his heart, raised his red eyebrows, and gritted his steel teeth.Then he shouted angrily, and his body suddenly turned into five identical white figures.These five white figures are all solid, so that it is impossible to distinguish which one is Wu Tianxiong's body. Once they are transformed, they disappear in a flash at the same time.

"Something interesting!"

Seeing this situation, the Xuanjia Demon Snake put away his contemptuous mentality before, and muttered to himself, the scales all over his body sprang up, and a layer of colorful energy suddenly appeared on its body surface.

At this moment, with a sound of "咻", Wu Tianxiong's five white figures suddenly appeared in the four directions of the Xuanjia Demon Snake and five feet away from the top, and shot at Xuanjia like five white startled rainbows. magic snake.

"Clang! Crack! Bang!"

There were five beeps in a row, the sound was so loud that it caused severe eardrum pain.

Each of the five white figures held a Yanyue knife from five directions and slashed at five places including the top of the black armored snake's head, the turtle shell, and Qicun.Although the attack of the five white figures was powerful and stronger than the full-strength blow of a general master who had reached the top of the metamorphosis, it still had little effect on the body of the black-armored snake.Only the blow at the seven-inch point cut a little bit of skin, but there was no bleeding.

"The thunder is loud, but the rain is small. The stance is exaggerated and boundless, but it only has such a little attack power. What a waste!" The Xuanjia Demon Snake became angry because Wu Tianxiong's attack was too weak, and the colorful energy layer floating on the body surface Converging into the body, then the body turned sharply on the spot, and the huge tail drew five white figures horizontally.

"Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The five white figures were scattered with one blow, fading and disappearing between the sky and the earth.

None of the five white figures is Wu Tianxiong's body, so where is Wu Tianxiong's real body?

The Profound Armored Demon Snake was confused for a moment, suddenly Wu Tianxiong held up the Yanyue Saber and appeared beside it seven inches away, and slashed at the seven inches away with a sound of "Crack!", leaving a cut mark.But the cut marks were not deep, and although blood oozes out, it doesn't overflow into drops.

"Hey! The hateful little thief actually cheated, and this deity will devour you now."

The Xuanjia Demon Snake was really angry, and turned around sharply again, wagging its tail and lashing out at Wu Tianxiong.

As soon as Wu Tianxiong succeeded in slashing, facing the attack of the snake tail at this moment, he couldn't make another slash, so he could only quickly drift out of the attack range of the snake tail, and landed in Niu Zhong's "Yuan Shield".


At this moment, there was a sudden roar under the sea water, shaking the sea water like boiling water.At the same time, an inkluse energy shield with a diameter of several thousand feet shot out from under the sea water, enveloping Niu Zhong, Wu Tianxiong and the Xuanjia Demon Snake inside.

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