Chaos fairy way

Chapter 384

(I've been really busy recently, running outside all day, so the update is too weak, Aoyama apologizes! The update should be stable after July, everyone, please don't bookmark, thank you!)


The huge body of the Xuanjia Demon Snake suddenly turned sharply on the spot, and the huge snake tail pulled the "Yuan Shield" horizontally with lightning speed, and with a "bang!", the "Yuan Shield" was pumped like a balloon Fly to the distance.

The "Yuan Zhishield" vibrated endlessly, but it didn't suffer any damage. Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong who were inside the "Yuanzhishield" moved with the shield, but their bodies were as stable as Mount Tai.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, Wu Tianxiong couldn't help smiling, releasing a lot of bad breath in his heart.

"Come again!" Niu Zhong had no expression on his face, and it was difficult to see what he was thinking.

"Damn it!" The Xuanjia Demon Snake became even more angry, and the murderous aura emanating from its body suddenly increased, and it forcibly expanded the original non-toxic mist space by one point.

His original intention was to attract the attention of Niu Zhong and the two of them with a sudden attack, and then strike with a thunderbolt to break the "Shield of Yuan" in one fell swoop.However, although this plan was successful, it was useless in the face of the unbreakable "Yuan Shield" of the same level. This was really a blow to his arrogance.


The Profound Armored Demon Snake was extremely annoyed, and it roared to the sky. The huge sound stirred the air like waves wave after wave to all directions, tearing apart the thick fog in the surrounding fields like cotton wool, and the sea water was covered layer by layer. The ground was smashed into mist.

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

Although the "Yuan Zhishield" was shaken by the successive waves of sound waves, it was still intact.

"Haha!" Wu Tianxiong laughed loudly, all the anger in his heart was gone.

"Stronger the attack! More violent!" Although Niu Zhong's face was still tightly bound, there was a hint of a smile in his eyes.


The Xuanjia Demon Snake jumped like thunder, cursing angrily.Niu Zhong's words are exactly what he said before. This situation is a repeat of history, and it will repeat itself immediately.It was a loud slap across the face, hard on his face.

The Xuanjia Demon Snake was furious, opened its huge mouth, and spewed out a ball of saliva several feet thick.

The saliva was as black as oil, and a halo-like black gas surrounded it, poisoning the surrounding air hissing, one can imagine its poisonousness.


The black saliva rushed over the "Yuan Zhishield", and suddenly exploded, turning into a huge black net that enveloped the "Yuanzhishield", tightly adhered to the "Yuanzhishield", and poisoned it so that it "sizzled". ! Hiss!" There was a sound, and the sound was densely integrated into one piece, and wisps of black smoke rose thereafter, clinging to the shield like a tulle for a moment.

The "Shield of Yuan" is formed by the condensation of Yuanli, and what is corroded by the black saliva is actually Yuanli.At this moment, although the "Yuan Shield" is constantly being corroded, as much Yuan force is eroded, as much Yuan power will be replenished immediately, so it has not become thinner.The Yuanli in Niu Zhong's body is far better than that of the general Taoyuan Dacheng peak, and this loss of Yuanli really has little effect on him.

At this moment, Niu Zhong did not take any other defensive measures from the beginning to the end, but calmly replenished the Yuan Power of the "Yuan Shield", and looked at the Black Armored Demon Snake indifferently.This is even more casual than the Xuanjia Demon Snake letting Wu Tianxiong attack wildly.

"The thunder is loud, the rain is small, is this the only attack? What a waste!"

Wu Tianxiong rushed to say the line of Xuanjia Demon Snake when he was very excited.Of course, Niu Zhong, who is known as a boring cow, would not talk so much nonsense.

"I'm so angry! This deity swallowed you."

The Xuanjia Demon Snake was so angry that it wanted to vomit blood, it was not far from madness.While drinking violently, he suddenly swung his tail and stretched out his body like a Lisuo, and shot to the side of "Yuan Zhishield" with a "swoosh!", opened his bloody mouth, and bit the "Yuanzhishield" with one bite. The "Yuan Zhishield" was instantly bitten and flattened like a rubber ball, but it never broke, and it couldn't bite Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong inside the shield at all.

"Try harder, or I'm leaving."

Niu Chong spoke very slowly and looked very serious.

"Little thief..."

The Profound Armored Demon Snake violently shook its head, and threw the "Yuan Zhishield" in its mouth far away. It was so angry that it tried its best to spit out two words, but it couldn't spit out any other words.

"Hehe! When did you become as bad as Long Fei?"

Wu Tianxiong didn't take the opportunity to ridicule the Xuanjia Demon Snake at this moment, but looked at Niu Zhong with a puzzled face, as if he didn't notice the sad reminder of the Xuanjia Demon Snake so angry that his heart was about to fail.

"When you get close to vermilion, you get red; when you get close to ink, you get black!"

Niu Zhong raised his chin and sighed, but he still cherished words like gold, and didn't want to explain further.

"I see!"

Wu Tianxiong looked suddenly enlightened, and his expression was extremely exaggerated.He is very nervous, but he is so good at playing tricks on the enemy at this moment.


The Profound Armored Demon Snake was extremely angry and crazy, its head was shaking while roaring, its eyes were even blood red, and the eyeballs almost popped out.The most recent successor of the majestic Xuanwu bloodline, who is proud of his defense, is so ignored by Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong, chatting leisurely in front of him, it's no wonder he isn't crazy in such a situation.

"This deity will cut your corpses into thousands of pieces, and then eat your flesh and blood! Roar!"

The Black Armored Demon Snake cried out with all its strength, and the sound instantly formed circles of sound waves, cutting through the air and poisonous mist like an extremely sharp circular blade; at the same time, he was even more Swing the thick snake tail and pump it into the depths of the sea.


The Juezhen was fully activated, and after a loud noise in the sea, countless light yellow knives, swords, arrows and other energy weapons suddenly shot out of the water from the depths of the sea.As soon as these energy weapons shot out of the water, they were controlled by Juezhen, and they all slashed towards the "Shield of Yuan" as if they had eyes.

Niu Zhong looked at the sharp sound waves and the infinite energy weapons attacking ferociously, his face was still calm, the Taiji Chongyuan shield in his left hand shook suddenly, and the gossip light shield roared out, flashing out the "Yuan Shield", hitting the attacking opponent head-on A circle of sound waves; as for energy weapons, they are completely resisted with the "Shield of Yuan".

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The sound wave cut the gossip light shield, like hitting a gold stone, and the sound was deafening.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The dense energy weapons slashed at the "Yuan Shield" like a storm.

Although the attacks of the sound waves and energy weapons were temporarily resisted, the Black Armored Demon Snake was already crazy, and its roars continued continuously, and there was a tendency to raise them higher.What is even more disturbing is that all kinds of energy weapons seem to be endless, and they are getting denser and faster.

Niu Zhong took a handful of Shengshen Pill and Huanyuan Pill, and tried his best to supplement the consumption of the "Yuanzhishield" and "Baguaguangshield"'s yuanpower and spiritual power.However, the income was beyond the means, and the replenishment of Yuan power and divine sense power could not meet the consumption, so that the "Yuan Shield" and "Bagua Light Shield" gradually became thinner and weaker.

In this way, the situation of Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong is not optimistic. Over time, the incident of breaking the shield and killing people is very likely to happen.

"Damn it! I'm fighting with you."

Wu Tianxiao saw this situation, how could he die in such a useless way, his heart froze, his eyes glared, he swung the Yanyue Saber, and wanted to jump out of the "Shield of Yuan", intending to fight the Xuanjia Demon Snake to the death.

"Wait! The matter has not yet come to an end, try to break through!" Niu Zhong grabbed Wu Tianxiong, and quickly stopped him; Flanking, trying to drift away from the ink energy shield.But a strange thing happened, the "Shield of Yuan" was imprisoned by some kind of force, it couldn't move half a minute, at most it bounced on the spot.Niu Zhong sprinted left and right, jumped up and down, no matter what method he used or how hard he tried, he couldn't move anywhere else.

"Haha! This formation is based on the energy of heaven and earth, and the attacks are endless. You just wait to be exhausted!" The black armored snake returned to its previous complacency.

Niu Zhong ignored the Xuanjia Demon Snake, looked up at a thick fog blown by the wind behind the Xuanjia Demon Snake, and said angrily: "Okay, Young Master Lai, we've seen enough, it's time to act!"

"Hey! Since you are all enjoying yourself, let's end the battle!" Long Fei's voice suddenly came from the thick fog blown by the wind.Immediately afterwards, a golden light flashed, "Xiao!" and shot towards the seven inches of the Xuanjia Demon Snake with a loud sound.

The Xuanjia Demon Snake's mood fluctuated too much, and the golden light's attack was too sudden, so that he couldn't avoid such an extremely fast attack at all.However, his practice time is far better than that of ordinary monks, and his ability to adapt on the spot is super strong.So when he heard Long Fei's voice, he suddenly felt the murderous aura behind him, and hurriedly moved his body to the left.


The golden light was extremely swift and violent, although it didn't hit the seven-inch central area of ​​the Xuanjia Demon Snake, it shot through the body from the edge of the seven-inch in an instant, and blood spurted out from the pierced hole immediately.

As soon as the golden light shot out of the huge body of the Xuanjia Demon Snake, a scarlet jade bottle with the size of a fist flashed out of it.

The vermilion jade bottle has no cork, and as soon as it appears inside the bottle, a huge suction force is generated, sucking all the sprayed blood into it at once.But the good times were short-lived, the pierced hole of the Xuanjia Demon Snake healed itself in a short while, and the blood that flowed out was not too much.

"Damn little thieves, you will regret it in the future. You actually caused the deity to sacrifice his life to perform secret methods to survive."

The Xuanjia Demon Snake shouted sharply, but his complexion was obviously much darker, the injury must be serious, and then his huge body disappeared in a flash.

"Want to escape? Is it possible?"

The golden light suddenly slowed down, revealing Long Fei who was full of green light all over his body.Just now he used the Secret Treasure of Breaking the Formation to break through the restriction of the Jue Formation and sneak attack the Black Armored Demon Snake.At this moment, the Profound Armored Demon Snake has been severely injured, how could he just let it go, immediately cast "Small Running Lightning Technique" to chase after the Profound Armored Demonic Snake.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a huge and incomparable force acting on him in an instant, trying to force him out of this place.This kind of power is very special, it doesn't seem like the power of the cultivation world, it is irresistible, and it is powerless to resist, even the secret treasure of breaking the formation is difficult to resist.


Long Fei couldn't resist the squeeze of the mysterious force, he let out a cry of pain, and disappeared in a flash.


"Yuan Zhishield" couldn't withstand the squeeze and repulsion of the mysterious force, and collapsed suddenly, and Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong also disappeared.

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