Chaos fairy way

Chapter 386 Seeing Xiaoyu Again

The giant palm, as wide as tens of feet, whipped up a strong wind, roaring like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, and the huge force impacted the entire space trembling, making a slight buzzing sound.

Holding the Dayan Qingtian sword in his hand, Long Fei turned into a golden ray, ignored the fierce slap of the giant gray energy palm, and still shot at the middle-aged monk, the golden light pointing directly at the middle-aged monk's heart.

Although all these words are many, they all happen in the blink of an eye.


When the giant palm was about to hit the golden light (Long Fei), a shield of eight trigrams light with a diameter of three feet suddenly flashed above the golden light and moved with the movement of the golden light, and the giant palm hit the shield firmly.


The gossip light shield cracked at the sound, the cracks were densely covered, and the luster dimmed instantly, but it actually withstood the blow.

The giant palm exploded, and an energy storm suddenly formed, sweeping in all directions from the point where the self-slap was struck, causing all the black-robed monks behind the middle-aged monk to retreat violently, and even uprooted the trees on the peak and smashed them into sawdust.

The golden light was blocked by the gossip light shield, and it was not affected much by the storm. The lasing remained the same, and the target was still directed at the heart of the middle-aged monk.

At this moment, the distance was too close, and the golden light was as fast as lightning. The middle-aged cultivator had never thought that the gossip light shield could resist his powerful blow at all, with his cultivation base of the catastrophe period.Therefore, at this time, he was already unable and unable to retreat completely, thereby avoiding the attack of the golden light.However, after all, he is a master of the tribulation period. When the golden light hit his clothes, a golden shield protruded from his heart to block the golden light.

The golden shield is not a top-grade treasure, it is only the top-grade high-grade treasure. Although it was thrown by a master in the Yingjie period, it is still not enough to forcibly resist the top-grade Dayan Qingtian Sword among the top-grade treasures.


The golden shield was cut to pieces immediately, but it still blocked the golden light a little before it was shot through.

Taking advantage of this slight resistance, the middle-aged monk moved his body to the right, making his heart narrowly avoid the sharp edge of the golden light.

The golden light snapped off the left arm of the middle-aged monk with a "chuck!", took half of his hand away and shot it into the distance, and blood gushing out from the cut of the middle-aged monk's left arm immediately.

"Yin Gang Angel!"

All the black-robed monks who were dispersed by the energy storm exclaimed, all of them with unbelievable expressions on their faces.The majestic monk in the Yingjie period was actually beheaded by a monk at the peak of the Yuan Dynasty. This completely overturned the common sense of the difference between the Yingjie period and the Tuoyuan period, and it was too sensational.You know, the strength ratio between the monks in the Yingjie period and the monks in the Tuoyuan period is like the eagle and the bird. How can the bird hurt the eagle?But all this really happened.

"Little thief! I will destroy you physically and spiritually!" The middle-aged monk Yingang Angel roared and sealed the meridians of his left arm with Yuanli to stop the gushing blood.Afterwards, he raised his right hand and pointed at Long Fei, who had fallen beside Niu Zhong, and wanted to use "Condensed Energy Transformation" to condense his giant palm to attack.

"Don't be in a hurry to kill people, just take a look at your wounds!" Long Fei twitched the corner of his mouth, and his bad intentions appeared immediately, with a smile on his face.At this moment, he did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, but tried his best to refine the Yuan Huan Dan that he had swallowed before the attack, trying to recover the Yuan force in his body as soon as possible, so that he could use the top-grade treasure to perform "Breaking the Sky with One Strike" again.Because in the face of the master of the catastrophe period, he can only hurt the opponent by using the top-grade treasure to use "one strike to break the sky".

Hearing Long Fei's words, the Yin Gang angel suddenly turned his head to look at the severed arm that had turned black, and was immediately frightened and angry.

"Bastard! You actually poisoned this angel! Hmph! Do you really think that a little poison can stop Ben from killing you?" As the angel Yingang was speaking, she reached into her waist storage bag with her right hand and took out a white pill, stuffing it into her mouth. He swallowed it down, then the pupils of both eyes shrank suddenly, he gritted his teeth, and said: "Today, you two must die."

"You are the one who must die!"

The Yuanli in Long Fei's body was finally able to perform "One Strike to Break the Sky" again. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a golden light and shot towards the Yin Gang Angel.

"Damn it! How could this be?" Angel Yingang twisted his wrist with his right hand and used "Energy Transformation" again, but Shino's energy did not gather in his palm.

"The poison in you is not a kind of poison, but there is a blind Huayuancao." Long Fei's voice came from the golden light.

"Huayuancao! Huayuan is invisible, cunning villain. Brothers! Kill them both for me!" Yingang Angel dropped such a sentence, and when the golden light was about to hit him, he stepped on the void with his left foot, Gone in a flash.

"Kill!" Hearing the order, all the black-robed monks threw their treasures one after another, and besieged the golden light (Long Fei) and Niu Zhong.

"Hey! Boom!"

"Hey! Boom!"

"Hey! Boom!"

The golden light hit the Yingang angel, and shot at the black-robed monks who were besieging, shooting three black-robed monks in an instant.


At this moment, the vitality in Niu Zhong's body has also recovered, and the gossip light shield has recovered as before. During the rapid rotation, a flash cut the neck of a black-robed monk in an instant.

"It's important to protect the angels! Let's protect the angels!"

Long Fei and Niu severely wounded Yingang Angel, a master of Yingjie Stage, and instantly killed several black-robed monks in the blink of an eye.Immediately afterwards, the black-robed monk yelled, and they ran away in all directions, fearing that they would die on the spot.

"Two big brothers! You are so powerful! You actually defeated a master in the tribulation period without my help."

When all the black-robed monks fled to a distance, a childish voice suddenly came from the void.Immediately afterwards, a ripple suddenly appeared in the void in front of Long Fei, and then a crack opened.Afterwards, a seven or eight-year-old boy who looked like jade carvings came out from the gap.

A crack in the void, what kind of concept is this?This is tearing space!Tearing space, legend has it that only immortals can do it, is this little boy an immortal?And for this little boy, Long Fei and Niu Chong knew each other, named Xiaoyu, it was the strange little boy they met when they were fishing for golden sharks with their master Di Xuanzi.At that time, Xiaoyu collected the silk from the sky with his bare hands and forcibly subdued the hooked golden shark. His performance was too vigorous, and his strength did not match his age. Therefore, Longfei and Longfei still had fresh memories and recognized him immediately.Now that so many years have passed, Xiaoyu has not changed at all, she is still seven or eight years old, this is really unbelievable, beyond human reason.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong looked shocked and looked at Xiaoyu in amazement, their spiritual thoughts involuntarily leaned towards Xiaoyu's body, and they were shocked again.Because their spiritual thoughts couldn't enter Xiaoyu's body, they were blocked by a layer of strange golden energy.

"Two big brothers! I am also very happy to meet you. But let's go quickly! Because the villains still have stronger helpers, and when the stronger helpers come, you will not be able to leave, and I will I can't help you escape." Xiaoyu said with a pair of big clear eyes, flickering at Long Fei and Niu Zhong, with a somewhat anxious expression.

"Okay! Let's leave here first. Xiaoyu, you lead the way." Long Fei came back to his senses and said.

"Follow me into this gap, and they won't be able to find us." Xiaoyu stepped into the gap in the void with one foot, and then her whole body fell into the gap.

Without hesitation, Long Fei and Niu Zhong drifted into the gap.

At this time, the gap in the void suddenly closed and disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if the gap had never appeared in the void.

In the sky, the blue sky is in the sky, white clouds are floating, and the warm sun shines all over the fields; on the ground, there is a flat river, red flowers and green grass, which is a vast plain; a primitive atmosphere fills the whole space.

What is this place?This primitive breath is strikingly similar to the breath of the Demon King's Cave. Could it be that this is also a small interface?

Looking at the scene in front of them, Long Fei and Niu Zhong were shocked again.

"This place is beautiful! I discovered this place by accident a few days ago. The other day I ate a strange snake with a turtle shell on its back. I felt hot and uncomfortable. When I couldn't take it anymore, I suddenly felt a cool wind blowing from my back. Come on, so I grabbed it casually, and found a hole, and found this place." Xiaoyu held her head up, pouted her small mouth, and her proud appearance was very cute.

"Beautiful! Xiaoyu is amazing. By the way, Xiaoyu, you just said that you ate a strange snake with a turtle shell on its back. Where did you eat it?" Looking at Xiaoyu's pink and tender face, Long Fei couldn't help it. He bent down, pinched lightly, and asked kindly.

"Immortal Sea Territory! I caught a little black turtle at random, and I'll find out as soon as I ask about it." Xiaoyu blocked Long Fei's hand with her right hand, curled her lips in displeasure.

"Hehe! Then what are you doing in the Immortal Sea?" Long Fei couldn't help smiling when he saw Xiaoyu's angry appearance.

"You are so stupid! Didn't I just say that I ate a strange snake with a turtle shell on its back? Of course I came here for it!" Xiaoyu glanced at Long Fei disdainfully, as if thinking that Long Fei was stupid , and then suddenly remembered something, couldn't help smiling, raised his chubby right hand and raised it, and said: "Hee hee! That old man is really a good person, not only helped me to give me a nice name like Xiaoyu, but also this time Tell me that there are snakes with camel shells in the Immortal Sea, they are delicious, and they can make me stronger. Hehe! I really became stronger."

"What does that old man look like?" Niu Zhong asked after hearing Xiaoyu's words, his face moved slightly, and he smiled with difficulty.

"Oh! Grandpa has a white beard, white hair, and white clothes. He is as tall as you." Xiaoyu looked at Niu Zhong, and when he introduced the grandpa with a bright smile on his face, it was obvious that he liked and respected him from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing this, Long Fei looked at Niu Zhong with a confused look, and knew from Niu Zhong's bewildered eyes that he didn't know who the old man was.

Xiaoyu's body is undetectable, covered by strange golden energy; and the golden collar around Xiaoyu's neck, whenever Xiaoyu is in danger, will emit a dazzling golden light and envelop him, then suddenly restrain and take him away; in addition, Xiaoyu's behavior of tearing up the void just now shows Xiaoyu's extraordinaryness.Then this old man, he is very likely to be Xiaoyu's guardian.I heard from the master before that Xiaoyu didn't know her own situation and changed her whereabouts at random. This is most likely a secret method of self-protection by a powerful monster. So what kind of monster is Xiaoyu?

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