Chaos fairy way

Chapter 387

"Oh my God! There's a strange snake with a turtle shell on its back! It's so delicious, so nutritious, and he doesn't even know its name, so it's unreasonable for him to eat it like this? I'm so mad. God beast."

At this moment, Xiao Jin's angry voice suddenly came from Long Fei's golden spirit beast bracelet.Immediately afterwards, Xiaojin shot out the spirit beast bracelet with a flash, raised his wings, and soared into the sky. After flying into the sky, he soared in the sky, then flew sideways and backwards, shot down, and landed in front of Xiaoyu.

"It's so cute!" Xiaoyu patted her fleshy little palm, ran up to Xiaojin excitedly, and reached out to touch Xiaojin's golden feathers.

"Ignore you! Go away, and actually ate my black-armored demon snake. Hmph! Do you know that little snake, after I eat it, I will be able to overcome the catastrophe of transformation and reach the period of catastrophe?" Xiao Jin As soon as he moved his body to avoid Xiaoyu's hand, the eagle tilted his head and said in a very uncomfortable way.

"Hee hee! Because of this! The snake is really delicious, but it's not my favorite. I ate it all to become more powerful. I know a secret about strange snakes! I don't know if you want to Listen?" Not only was Xiaoyu not angry at Xiaojin's unfriendly behavior, but she followed suit, still touching the feathers on Xiaojin's wings.

"Stop it, don't touch it! You must tell me the secret first."

"Okay! In fact, there is not one strange snake, but I found two at that time. The big one was caught by me, but the small one escaped with the help of the big one."

"What? You eat big ones! How can you do this?"

"The big one is in the catastrophe period. It's a waste of your current cultivation to eat it, but the small one is just right for you to eat. Don't worry, I have left a mark of divine sense on that small one. I'll catch it for you to eat. How about it?"

"Okay, but what you say counts!"

"Whoever says nothing, will never eat good food!"


Xiaojin and Xiaoyu talked to each other, completely ignoring the existence of Long Fei and Niu Zhong. While talking, Xiaoyu actually sat on Xiaojin's back, and then was carried by Xiaojin to fly away.

Looking at the two little guys, Long Fei smiled dumbly and shook his head speechlessly.

"What do you think of Xiaoyu's true identity?" At this moment, Niu Zhong also looked at Xiaojin and Xiaoyu's back with a smile in his eyes, and when they disappeared into the sky, he turned his head and said to Long Fei.

"He may be a fairy beast like Xiao Jinyi, but what is puzzling is the collar on his neck. This collar cannot be penetrated by divine sense to detect its structure, and its power is not inferior to a top-grade treasure, but judging from its material But it is obviously different from the general top-grade treasures, and the material of the Dayan Qingtian Sword is also different." Long Fei frowned slightly, a little confused.

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders, maybe this circle is some kind of special top-grade treasure. As for Xiaoyu's identity, I always feel that he is a bit different from Xiaojin and Xiaoling. He doesn't seem to be a fairy beast, but he can't say anything Why." Niu Zhong said thoughtfully.

"You're right! I feel the same way. Well, don't worry about it, everything will come to light one day, including the true identities of Xiao Jin and Xiao Ling." Long Fei frowned, stopped thinking, and then looked Xiang Niuzhong said again: "By the way, why are you being targeted by the masters of Yingjieqi? Where's Wu Tianxiong?"

Niu Zhong heard the words, and immediately told his experience of the past few days.

That day, after Long Fei was squeezed away by the mysterious force, the "Shield of Yuan" broke immediately, and Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong were also teleported to the previous mysterious space.The mysterious space is full of insidiousness, even after Wu Tianxiong took the purification pill, he couldn't resist it. In the end, Niu Zhong had no choice but to put him in the spirit beast bracelet.Afterwards, Niu Zhong tried to find a way out of the mysterious space while investigating Long Fei's whereabouts.Unexpectedly, he collided with the man in black who came to catch him, which led to a fight.Niu Zhong's defense ignored the attack of the same high-ranking monk, but the attack was really bad. Although most of the black robes were killed, many black robes escaped, so Niu Zhong began to be hunted down non-stop depressed days.With Niu Zhong's strength, if a monk below the robbery period chased him down, it would actually be tantamount to death.In this way, as more and more people in black robes chased and killed Niu Zhong, more and more people in black robes were beheaded by Niu Zhong, and their cultivation level also became higher and higher.As a result, after Niu Zhong killed a land patrol envoy, he finally attracted the pursuit of Yin Gang patrol angel, a master in the tribulation period.Niu Zhong's movement speed was not fast, and he was even more unable to escape in the face of a master in the catastrophe, so he could only try his best to delay the time and contact Long Fei secretly.Fortunately, Long Fei arrived in time, otherwise Niu Zhong would be in danger.

In the process of evading the pursuit and killing the black-robed people, in order to understand the situation of the black-robed people, Niu Zhong conducted a search for many black-robed people, including the inspector who was beheaded by Niu Zhong.Through searching for gods, Niu Zhong learned a lot about the people in black.

These people in black robes come from an organization called Mi Gong, and their leader is Mi Wang.Under King Mi, there are ten patrolling angels, and each patrolling angel has ten ground patrolling angels.The cultivation bases of the patrolling angels have all reached the stage of the catastrophe, and four of them have reached the cultivation base of the second catastrophe.The tour envoys are all served by some outstanding monks who have reached the peak of their detachment from Yuan Dynasty.

In addition, Niu Zhong searched the gods and got a piece of news that could shake the world of comprehension.That is, in the recent period of time, the mysterious disappearance of countless monks in the Immortal Sea Region was done by Mi Gong, with the purpose of making these disappearances into Yin slaves.That mysterious space is an underground world located under the sea of ​​immortals, and it is the base where Migong creates Yin slaves.

However, Niu Zhong did not get any relevant information about the mysterious disappearance of Huaishu Island and many other islands and how they disappeared.Niu Zhong speculated that this might have something to do with the generally low status of the black-robed monks he searched for.In addition, Niu Zhong did not search for the exit of the mysterious space. He only knew that every time the patrol envoys went out to do tasks, they would be arranged by the patrol angels and sent out of the space.Therefore, if you want to know more and more confidential information, you must at least search for a patrol angel, which is simply impossible with Long Fei and Niu Zhong's current strength.So Long Fei and Niu Zhong immediately decided to go through the catastrophe in the small interface, rushed to the catastrophe period, and then tried to rescue many missing monks who were arrested, and announced the brutal and inhumane evil deeds of Mi Palace to the world, so that all the monks in the world can get together Forcefully wipe out the power palace.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong released Wu Tianxiong and relieved the poison in his body.Then Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Wu Tianxiong went to various places in the small interface, and began the impact of the tribulation period.

Long Fei came to the edge of a small stream with abundant vegetation, and then centered on a white stone by the stream, he set up several formations and magic barriers to assist in crossing the catastrophe.

Afterwards, Long Fei sat cross-legged on the white stone, calmed down, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, while trying to adjust his physical condition to the best, while meditating on the records of "Yanyu Sword Art" about crossing the catastrophe.

A monk has to go through the Nine Tribulations before he can break through the void and be promoted to the fairy world.And among the nine heavenly calamities, four are the most difficult to overcome. They are the first, third, sixth and ninth calamities.A catastrophe, monsters, is called the catastrophe of transformation; human beings, it is called the catastrophe of the ladder.After going through a catastrophe, the monk's physical body and soul will have qualitative changes. The soul can move out of the physical body, not afraid of the attacks of natural phenomena such as wind and wind, ordinary thunder and lightning, and can also withstand the laws of the world and the iron law. Oppression; the physical body will not decay due to the long-term separation of the soul.The following three calamities, six calamities, and nine calamities are more dangerous than one calamity. They are ghost gates among the gates of ghosts. Nine Immortals Tribulation, to Nine Immortals Tribulation.That is to say, most of the cultivators in the cultivation world in the pre-catalyst period stop at the second calamity, the chief elders of the major forces all stop at the fifth calamity, and there are very few monks above the sixth calamity. I don't know why.

And the monks hit the catastrophe period, that is, to pass the catastrophe, divided into three steps.

In the first step, the primordial spirit and the physical body surpass the intensity of the peak period of Tuoyuan Dacheng.

After the cultivator's cultivation reached the peak of the Great Achievement of the Yuan Dynasty, the body and soul encountered a bottleneck, and they could not grow any more under normal circumstances.If a monk at the peak of Daoyuan Dacheng wants to enter the period of catastrophe, he must first break through this bottleneck with his soul and body, surpass the intensity of the peak period of Dacheng in the period of Tuoyuan, and then enter the high-intensity threshold of the period of catastrophe.To reach this step, it is necessary to practice for a certain period of time or temper with special elixir.Of course, each cultivator has different personalities such as his celestial appearance and the skills he practices, and the time he needs to practice is also different.

In the second step, the catastrophe comes, quenching the spirit and refining the body.

There are two situations when a monk's catastrophe comes.First, both the soul and the physical body have broken through the bottleneck and surpassed the intensity of the peak period of the great achievement of the Yuan Dynasty. At this time, as soon as the soul is out of the body, the catastrophe will come.Second, the cultivator's primordial spirit and physical body have surpassed the strength of the catastrophe, but he does not let the primordial spirit out of the body, so although he will not survive the catastrophe temporarily, he will be forced to cross the catastrophe by the law of heaven and earth after a certain period of time, and the catastrophe will automatically This is why the catastrophe of some monks suddenly fell.

Tempering the spirit and refining the body, that is, attracting lightning to temper the body and soul, so that they can truly reach the strength of a monk in the catastrophe period.This step is extremely dangerous, like walking on the tip of a knife, if you are not careful, you will be struck into ashes by lightning.

The third step is to resist robbery.

Anti-tribulation is the real life-and-death test. Countless monks who have escaped Yuan Dacheng peak have died because they could not pass this test.

A day later, Long Fei finally adjusted all aspects of his body to the best condition, and then took out a vermilion jade bottle from the purple storage bag on his waist, which contained the blood essence of the mysterious armored snake.

Last time, Long Fei shot through the body of the Xuanjia Demon Snake. Although the blood collected was not very much, there were more than a hundred drops of refined blood.Three drops of the blood essence of the Xuanjia Demon Snake can temper the physical body of an ordinary cultivator at the peak of his transcendence to the strength of a cultivator at the first or even second calamity.Of course, this refers to ordinary monks, such as Long Fei and Niu Zhong, it is not clear how many drops of blood essence are needed for their physical bodies to reach the strength of a monk for one or two kalpas.

Then, Long Fei uncorked the jade bottle, and poured two drops of the blood essence of the Black Armored Demon Snake into his mouth.The essence and blood were scalding hot, and it was like a ball of fire burning as soon as it was swallowed.Long Fei hastily wrapped the blood essence with a wave of energy, and swallowed it violently. At the same time, "Yanyu Sword Art" and "Magnetized Yuanbo" were running at full speed, trying their best to refine the blood essence and turn it into Streams of red energy melted into every part of the body, enhancing the strength of the physical body.

Two hours later, the two drops of blood essence were completely refined and absorbed, but Long Fei was slightly taken aback.

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