Chaos fairy way

Chapter 388

How did that happen?Two drops of the blood essence of the Black Armored Demon Snake have been refined and absorbed, and the transformed red energy has completely integrated into the physical body, but my physical body seems to have strengthened, but I still haven't broken through the bottleneck of the robbery period, let alone surpassed the peak of the Yuan Dacheng period strength.

For an ordinary monk, three drops of blood essence from the Profound Armored Demon Snake can strengthen his body to the strength of a monk of the first or even second calamity. If it is just to surpass the strength of the peak period of Tuoyuan Dacheng, only a trace of blood essence is enough.Now that I have refined two drops of blood essence, there is no response to the strength of my physical body, but it seems to have increased. Is this a bit too exaggerated?Could it be the magic of "Yanyu Sword Art"?But the ratio of two drops of essence blood to a trace of essence blood is not generally large.

well!Never mind!Anyway, there is enough essence and blood. Originally, there were more than one hundred drops of essence blood, but ten drops were given to Wu Tianxiong. Niu Zhong and I each shared 49 drops, which should be enough to squander.

Long Fei thought for a moment, then poured two drops of blood into his mouth.But nearly two hours later, although the two drops of blood essence were refined and absorbed, Long Fei's physical body still hadn't surpassed the strength of the peak of Yuan Dacheng.

"Damn it, I don't believe in this evil, so I will fight!"

Long Fei was so annoyed that he couldn't help cursing, then raised the red jade bottle in his right hand, and poured ten drops of blood essence into his mouth.

As soon as the ten drops of blood essence entered his stomach, what Long Fei felt was not swallowing fire, but drinking lava.If it wasn't for Long Fei's previous experience of swallowing blood, otherwise his mouth, throat, abdomen, etc. would have been burnt through these ten drops.

Long Fei's "Yanyu Sword Art" and "Magnetized Yuanbo" were running crazily, using a mighty force to wrap ten drops of blood essence tightly, and then using the power of spiritual thoughts to extract the blood essence one by one, and then refining it into Streams of red energy are integrated into all parts of the body through the meridians, continuously tempering and strengthening the physical body.

The whole process sounds simple, but it is extremely painful and dangerous.The blood essence of the Xuanjia Demon Snake is violent and fiery. Yuanli can only wrap the blood essence, but it is difficult to restrain it.As soon as the blood essence entered the abdomen, it was restless, and it jumped up and down like a ball with the energy surrounding it, hitting the abdominal wall crazily, with such a force that it could be hit by a high-level treasure.Although the scorching temperature was isolated by Yuanli, it still emitted extremely high heat. After a long time, Long Fei's abdominal cavity felt like a furnace was burning, and the temperature continued to increase.

Fortunately, it was Long Fei. If it was an ordinary monk, as soon as the essence and blood entered the abdomen, he would probably be smashed through the abdominal cavity and die, and even boiled to death by high temperature.However, although Long Fei has the Dayan Qingtian Sword integrated into his body, and his body is as strong as the top-grade treasure, the Dayan Qingtian Sword is still a body of flesh and blood, and it is difficult to resist the high-temperature burn in the abdominal cavity and the rapid impact of blood cells for a long time .It is very likely that the physical body will be destroyed by the impact of blood cells like water drops through a stone, and the primordial spirit will gradually fail due to the difficulty in sustaining the spiritual power.But if you want to take a shortcut, you have to pay more hardships than others and take higher risks.Long Fei knew this very well, so he took the risk of taking a large amount of blood essence from the Xuanjia Demon Snake.

At this moment, Long Fei's face was hideous and extremely ugly, the veins all over his body were bulging, and he was about to explode; beads of sweat kept rolling down his cheeks, and the clothes all over his body were already soaked.But he kept clenching his teeth tightly, resisting the impact of the blood cells and high-temperature burning, struggling to support, trying his best to maintain the state of melting the sword into his body, extracting the blood as soon as possible and refining and absorbing it.

High risks, if you can survive, will definitely bring you high returns.

Three days later, Long Fei's physical body successfully broke through the bottleneck of the Ying Jie period, and surpassed the peak strength of Yuan Dacheng.Of course, at this time, Long Fei's physical body has not really reached the strength of a master of a catastrophe, he just stepped into this threshold.If one wanted to truly achieve the strength of a master of one calamity, one would still need to induce lightning to quench one's body when crossing the heavenly tribulation, and at that time more blood essence of the black armored snake would be needed to assist.

Next, Long Fei spent another day to adjust various aspects such as spiritual power, Yuan power and mood to the best state.Afterwards, from the purple storage bag, he took out panacea medicines of various colors and strangely shaped spiritual fruits, spiritual roots and other spiritual treasures.These elixir and treasures, etc., are obtained from the Heaven and Earth Trinity Formation of the Demon King's Cave and the Sea Snake King's Palace.Of course, these spirit pills, spirit treasures, etc. are still quite inferior to the demon pills of Yuanshi and Jiuyou Octopus, but they are used to help Yuanshen break through the bottleneck of the robbery period and surpass the peak of Yuan Dacheng. of.

Four days later, Long Fei's primordial spirit finally broke through the bottleneck of the Yingjie period, and thus surpassed the peak strength of Tuoyuan Dacheng.

Afterwards, Long Fei spent another half a day to adjust all aspects of his body to the best, and then carefully and slowly detach the primordial spirit from the body.

At this moment, a huge thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the clear sky, followed by a strong wind within a thousand miles, and black clouds appeared out of thin air. It rained heavily.

Sitting cross-legged on the white stone, Long Fei ignored the heavy lead-like dark clouds and the increasingly loud thunder. Against the wind and rain, he gradually accelerated the speed at which his soul left his body.

In the sky at this moment, the thick dark clouds seemed to be within reach, the rumbling thunder sounded like exploding beside the ears, and there were streaks of arm-thick lightning swimming in the sea of ​​dark clouds like silver snakes.


The sound is very small, and it is inaudible in the environment of thunder, lightning, and storm.When Long Fei's primordial spirit was separated to only a quarter, he suddenly left his physical body completely.Long Fei's primordial spirit was the same size as his physical body, like a phantom, light and airy.


At this moment, an electric arc that looked like a giant sword holding up the sky flashed out from the depths of the dark clouds, and struck Long Fei's primordial spirit with a "crash!"Streams of silver currents immediately swam throughout Yuanshen's body.

Long Fei's physical body and primordial spirit groaned at the same time, although it was extremely uncomfortable, they could bear it.Immediately, Long Fei used his spiritual power to pull strands of silver current to travel around the various parts of the primordial spirit, tempering the primordial spirit, making it more solid and stronger.

The electric current gradually faded and weakened, and finally disappeared. Long Fei's primordial spirit was slightly more solid than before.

"Crash!" "Crash!"

After only a while, two huge electric arcs suddenly shot out from the dark clouds, hitting Long Fei's soul and body head-on.

After Long Fei was hit, although his eyes were full of gold stars, his tongue was dry, his mouth was dry, his throat was smoky, and his whole body was more numb and painful.However, he did not use the best treasure to integrate into the soul or body to resist the catastrophe, but to face the catastrophe directly with the soul and body.

At this moment, Long Fei uses the power of his mind to pull the current to temper his soul, and uses his power to pull the current to temper his body, both at the same time.

"Crash!" "Crash!"...

More and more electric arcs flashed down from the dark clouds, and they became more and more urgent.

Long Fei was under more and more pressure, and the pain became more and more intense, but he could still bear it.While taking, refining, and absorbing precious medicines such as the essence and blood of the black-armored snake, Long Fei let go of his hands and feet, tempering his soul and body at the same time without any scruples.

Half an hour later, the strength of Long Fei's primordial spirit and physical body had fully doubled, and at this time the arc in the sky hadn't descended for a long time, which indicated that the first electric calamity had been successfully passed.

According to the records of the Zongmen classics, there are nine lightning bolts in total, and one pulling is stronger than the other.The first three waves are relatively easy to pass, so ordinary monks use these three electric calamities to quench their spirits and refine their bodies.In the next six waves, it will be life and death, and you need to fight with your life.

In the sky at this time, although there is no lightning strike for a while, the dark clouds are heavier and thicker, the thunder is denser and more urgent, and the lightning cruising in the dark sea of ​​clouds is getting thicker and thicker, which heralds the next wave of catastrophe It will be more violent and dangerous.

"Crash!" "Crash!"

The second thunderbolt finally came. This time the lightning was obviously much denser than the first wave, and the falling silver arc was also much larger, and the momentum was even more astonishing.

Long Fei suddenly felt the pressure suddenly increase, but he was more daring to lead Jie Dian into his body or soul. Finally, Long Fei began to try to mobilize his soul or body to rush towards Jie Dian and collide with Jie Dian in order to get more The electric current quenches the body and refines the gods.Long Fei hid three top-quality treasures in his body, so he was naturally full of confidence in the face of the three tribulations, without any worries.Although the second pullout of the robbery lightning was much stronger, and the range of the crossing robbery area reached more than two thousand miles, Long Fei's physical body and primordial spirit still did not meet the standard of the robbery period.

"Crash!" "Crash!"

When the third power of robbery was accumulated for a long time, and finally lowered, Long Fei gradually felt the difficulty in resisting the robbery, and it was even more difficult to maintain the primordial spirit and physical body in the heaven and earth for tempering at the same time.An hour later, the thunder in the sky became low, and Jie Dian finally stopped temporarily.Long Fei finally managed to brace himself, and with the help of many precious medicines, he successfully tempered his soul and body to the strength of an ordinary master of a catastrophe.But how could Long Fei stop here?He who has always been far superior to monks of the same level after the robbery period, naturally he will also be far better than the monks of the same level in the robbery period.

The gust of wind stopped suddenly, and the rainstorm stopped, but the dark clouds in the sky were like a thick iron plate, and the electric arcs like long silver snakes had reached more than three or four feet long.

"Crack! Crash!"

The sound of thunder was obviously different from the previous thunder, it made people tremble with fear and their souls trembled.Immediately afterwards, three bucket-thick electric arcs rushed down from the air like three silver pythons. The momentum was so great that people felt desperate. It is different from the first three robbing electricity.

In the face of the fourth electric catastrophe, ordinary monks will choose to restrain their souls in their bodies, and use a complete body to resist the catastrophe.But Long Fei didn't do this. He still put his soul and body together in the heaven and earth, accepting the baptism of Heaven's Tribulation respectively, and tried to temper the soul and body to be stronger and more solid.


Three electric arcs came in a flash, one hit the soul, and two hit the body. Long Fei's soul and body screamed at the same time, and then they all fell to the ground and trembled, and the dense electric current ran wildly. In the primordial spirit and everywhere in the flesh.

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