Chaos fairy way

Chapter 389

"The last six tribulations are really a matter of life and death, and life is hanging by a thread. If it weren't for the three top-grade treasures that protected the soul, the brain, and the heart veins of the primordial spirit or the physical body at the time of crisis, otherwise, facing the fourth tribulation force, Even if you don’t die, you only have half your life left.”

Long Fei sighed bitterly in his heart, the still trembling primordial spirit and physical body struggled to stand up.

"Crack! Crash!"

At this moment, there was another earth-shattering thunder explosion, and a dazzling flash of light suddenly descended from the pitch-black and thick clouds, six water-jar-thick bolts of lightning. quail curls rankscrotch da rebellious Laxuecang forced lawsuits


Long Fei screamed again, the primordial spirit and the physical body were hit by three lightning arcs one after another, and immediately fell to the ground, dense electric currents covered the primordial spirit or the physical body like a spider web, the primordial spirit and the physical body In the trembling, he even twitched a little.

At this moment of Long Fei, the primordial spirit has already covered its surface with light smoke, the clothes on the body have already been burned to ashes, and a burnt smell radiates from the primordial spirit and the fleshy body at the same time.

However, Long Fei's primordial spirit and physical body were obviously a little more solidified or tougher than before after these two electric arc tempering.

The current gradually weakened or even disappeared, and Long Fei's soul and body stood up again amid trembling and shaking. Afterwards, the soul and body became one, and his right hand reached into the purple storage bag and took out a milky-white, human-shaped fruit and a piece of black, A lumpy root, which is a treasure to restore the power of origin and mind.Then, Long Fei devoured the two spirit treasures quickly, and tried his best to refine and absorb the power of the medicine, taking advantage of the intermittent time of the electric arc to restore the vitality and spiritual power in his body as much as possible.

At this moment, there was another thunderclap in the dark sky, and eight electric arcs flashed down with the thunder.

Long Fei immediately separated his soul from his body, and still used the three top-grade treasures to protect the three vital points of Nianhai, brain, and heart veins, resisting the strong impact of the electric arc, and using the current to temper his body and refine his spirit.




The electric arcs came one after another, and Long Fei's screams continued one after another. His soul merged with his physical body, separated, fell down and stood up again, stood up and fell down again.The whole process is frustrating to watch and frightening to hear.The surface of Long Fei's physical body was gradually scorched, and his soul was already shrouded in scorched smoke, and the injuries suffered by both became more and more serious. But it is becoming tougher or solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the distance between it and the physical strength of ordinary masters is getting wider and wider.

Although the effect of tempering the body and refining the gods is very significant, the consumption of Yuan power and divine power is extremely huge, and it is getting bigger and bigger.At first, Long Fei could maintain the consumption of his mind power and Yuan power by taking the spiritual treasures in the purple storage bag, but as time went by, it gradually became difficult, and Long Fei's soul and body also gradually weakened up.But at this moment, Long Fei still didn't use the primordial stone and the demon pill of the Nine Nether Octopus, but he used as much as ten drops of the blood essence of the Xuanjia Demon Snake.

"Crack! Crash!"

24 huge silver arcs as thick as water tanks suddenly emerged from under the dark clouds one after another. The lines were more than twenty feet long. They struck Long Fei's body and soul in two ways, so that Long Fei's body and soul were so close to the ground that they couldn't move. Wisps of black smoke rose up, and there was a choking smell of burning. It spreads from the physical body and the primordial spirit to all directions, and the electric current spreads across the physical body and the primordial spirit like roving.

For a moment, the current flowing through Long Fei's body and Yuanshen's body gradually weakened or even disappeared. The arc of catastrophe did not come again for a long time, and the world became quiet all of a sudden.But the catastrophe is not over yet, because this is just the last arc of the sixth catastrophe.On the eve of dawn, the sky is the darkest; before the storm, it is the quietest; at this time, the world is suddenly quiet, which is the prelude to a more violent and terrifying catastrophe.

The nine pluckings of the Heavenly Tribulation and the Electricity Tribulation, and the last three pluckings are the butcher's knives that kill geniuses. Countless geniuses have their souls broken here.

"Cough! Cough!"

A weak cough came from the mouth of Long Fei's primordial spirit and the mouth of his physical body at the same time. His physical body and primordial spirit were slowly approaching each other. It was very laborious and difficult, but the distance was shortening.

However, at this moment, in the sky within a thousand miles, the dark clouds like heavy lead suddenly rolled up, and thick arcs of arms emerged from the dark clouds, and every time they flickered, there was an astonishing rumbling thunder.This indicates that the seventh electric robbery is coming, and the momentum and power will be far greater than all previous robberies.Facing this kind of electric calamity, neither Long Fei's primordial spirit nor his physical body can resist it alone. If he wants to survive, the two must be combined into one, otherwise both of them may be turned into ashes by the electric calamity

The sound of thunder became more and more rapid and loud, and the lightning in the black sky became more dense and thicker. Time was running out, but Long Fei's body and soul were still slowly approaching.If things go on like this, Long Fei will be destroyed physically and mentally.


Long Fei's primordial spirit and physical body raised their heads to the sky and roared loudly, and then the speed of the two suddenly increased, and they merged into one in an instant, fused into a complete body.But this sprint almost exhausted what little energy and spiritual power Long Fei had left.Long Fei hurriedly took out a primordial stone, a Nine Nether Octopus demon pill, and a fiery red healing treasure from the purple storage bag.Immediately afterwards, Long Fei swallowed the Healing Lingzhen in one gulp, nibbled a little of the Yaodan, and tightly grasped the primordial stone with his right palm.At the same time, he frantically operated his exercises, tried his best to refine and absorb the medicinal power of the three spiritual treasures, and recover the injuries, origin power, and spiritual power in his body as quickly as possible.

At this time, Niu Zhong had also passed through the first six calamities, but Niu Zhong's physical body was abnormal, so it was much better than Long Fei's embarrassment, but his soul was much weaker than Long Fei's.

Wu Tianxiong stayed away from Niu Zhong and Long Fei, and now his catastrophe has come to an end.The range of the dark clouds where he crossed the catastrophe was only a hundred miles away, and the intensity of the lightning was much smaller than that of Long Fei and the cattle, and the number and batches of the lightning were also much smaller.Therefore, relying on his strong own conditions, coupled with the many spiritual treasures and the ten drops of blood essence of the black-armored snake that Long Fei sent before crossing the catastrophe, it should not be a big problem to survive the catastrophe.


It took a quarter of an hour to pull out the robbery electricity for the seventh time, and finally fell.An arc of electricity flew down like a waterfall, reaching Long Fei at such a fast speed that it hit Long Fei firmly.

Long Fei was hit so that his left foot knelt on the ground with a "slap", and his scorched skin quickly dried up.Afterwards, regardless of the trembling all over his body, he endured the severe pain of his soul and body, gritted his teeth, and forcibly stood his kneeling feet on the ground again.

"Crash!" "Crash!" "Crash!"

This is a three-stroke combo, three huge lightning-robbing arcs descending next to each other, instantly submerging Long Fei, striking him so ferociously that his feet kneel on the ground and his hands rest on the ground.

Long Fei stood up again, he would never succumb to the so-called catastrophe, this was the obsession and arrogance deep in his bones and soul.Why, he didn't know at the moment, but his subconscious told him to do it.

The five lightning strikes were like evil flood dragons, the seven lightning strikes beat the dragon, and the nine lightning strikes... Batch after batch of lightning strikes hit Long Fei fiercely. Long Fei knelt down and stood up again. Kneeling again, he refused to surrender to the heaven and the earth, and surrendered to the catastrophe. At this moment, his dry skin had begun to crack, but there was no bleeding.

After the seventh yank was pulled out, the eighth yank came again, Long Fei still stood up and resisted, although his face was ferocious and terrifying, but the slightly raised left corner of his mouth showed his disdain for tian jie.

After the eighth heavenly tribulation, Long Fei consumed three primordial stones, one of the demon pills of the Nine Nether Octopus was gone, and the blood essence of the Xuanjia Demon Snake no longer remembered how many drops.But Long Fei gradually discovered that the blood essence of the Black Armored Demon Snake could not only strengthen the body, but also repair the body. This was the unexpected joy of Long Fei.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The thunderclaps in the sky had become extremely dense at this moment. Amidst the deafening thunderbolt, arcs as thick as wooden barrels shuttled through the black clouds thousands of miles away like thousands of dragons.

"Crack! Crash!"

Suddenly, a lightning bolt like a silver Milky Way tore through the dark clouds like an iron wall, and it rushed down at high speed, hitting Long Fei on the head, and immediately knocked Long Fei to the ground. Fully shielded.

Long Fei let the electric current destroy his body, he pushed his hands on the ground fiercely, arched his back, then pushed the ground again, and even took advantage of the momentum to stand up.However, the body shaking greatly revealed that he was only relying on one breath, and he was stiffening with a will.

"Crack! Crash!" "Crack! Crash!" "Crack! Crash!"

The heavens seemed to be completely enraged by Long Fei's unyielding, and the following electric arcs followed one after another, one batch after another, without giving Long Fei the slightest chance to breathe, as if to completely kill Long Fei to vent his heart. Bad breath.

Long Fei was already completely lying on the ground, his right hand was always inserted into the purple storage bag and pressed on a pile of primordial stones, and the Jiuyou Octopus Demon Pill in his left hand was now in his mouth, trying his best to restore the primordial essence in his body. God and the power of the mind, to ensure that there is enough energy and mind to maintain the three top treasures integrated into the body, focusing on protecting the sea of ​​thoughts, the heart, and the brain.Of course, if Long Fei relied on his body to resist the catastrophe, he would be able to survive it, but since Long Fei crossed the seventh catastrophe, he has been doing one crazy thing, that is, he is still drawing currents to temper his body.It's just that his tempering spirit and body training at this moment cannot be seen by outsiders. Under the guidance of the primordial spirit and the power of divine thoughts, he tempers the primordial spirit and the physical body respectively in the body.

The ninth electric shock finally stopped after a quarter of an hour of continuous arcing. The current shielding layer on the surface of Long Fei's body gradually became thinner and lighter, and finally disappeared.

At this time, Long Fei struggled to stand up again, inspecting the skin all over his body, he couldn't help but be surprised.

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