Chaos fairy way

Chapter 390

Just now, when resisting the ninth electricity catastrophe, in order to prevent the poison-avoiding armor from being damaged, and to have enough confidence to survive the final catastrophe with his body alone, Long Fei restrained the poison-avoiding armor into his body. Barely resist the electric robbery.Because the ninth plucking catastrophe was too large and fast, Long Fei devoted himself to resisting the catastrophe, so he paid no attention to the changes in his body.At this moment, his skin is no longer the bronze color it was before, but the dry, scorched dead skin has faded away, and it has turned into a smooth, delicate, white and tender new skin, just like a baby's skin.

"Hee hee! Turned into a little boy, alas! I hope I don't have to eat soft food."

"That's right! It's not ashamed to be naked in broad daylight for such a big man! It's getting more and more outrageous!"

Xiaojin didn't know when Xiaojin came to the crown of a towering old tree not far from Longfei with Xiaoyufei on his back. The two guys were sighing and muttering, and their wicked eyes were obviously intentional.

"Cough! Two brats! What are you talking about? Go play somewhere else. Boss, I have to recuperate for a few days. Don't bother me."

Hearing Xiao Jin and Xiao Yu's intentional discussion, Long Fei coughed embarrassingly, and hurriedly surfaced the anti-drug spirit armor, and at the same time drove them away pretending to be angry.

"Hehe! My face is a little red. I didn't expect Boss Lai, who is invincible in the world with his thick skin, to be shy! Haha!" Xiao Jin turned a deaf ear to Long Fei's expulsion order, and imitated Long Fei's tone of teasing him before, teasing Long Fei .

"Really? Why do I think he looks like a little girl?" Xiaoyu's expression was blank, but there was a deep smile hidden in her jewel-like eyes.

"If you don't leave, I will seal the two of you for a few days." Long Fei raised his eyebrows, raised his face, and grabbed Xiao Jin and Xiao Yu's wrists with his right hand. Heaven and earth energies such as vitality and aura suddenly gathered three feet away from Long Fei's palm.Of course Long Fei was just doing it to frighten the two little guys.


"People are ugly, and their character is so bad, let's go!"

While Xiaojin and Xiaoyu sang and drank, the huge golden wings spread out one by one, soaring into the sky, and then one by one, they spread their wings and shot into the distance, reaching the edge of the sky in an instant, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Oh! I'll have a headache from now on."

Long Fei sighed with a wry smile, and then took out a fist-sized, fiery red, heart-shaped fruit from the purple storage bag at his waist.This fruit is called Xinshen Fruit, which is a holy medicine for healing, and it also has the effect of restoring vitality and spiritual power to a certain extent.

Afterwards, Long Fei ate the entire Mind Fruit in two or three mouthfuls, then sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, refining and absorbing the Mind Fruit, in order to restore his injuries, origin force, and mind power as soon as possible.

Two days later, Long Fei's body finally fully recovered under the treatment of many miraculous medicines.In the past two days, during the process of healing Long Fei's wounds, he also comprehended the "Thunder-Running Technique". Since he had learned the "Small Thunder-Running Technique" before and since he obtained the "Thunder-Running Technique", he usually studied it a lot. When he was promoted to the Response Stage, he quickly learned it thoroughly.Next, Long Fei spent another half a day getting acquainted with the use of various powers and various innate magical powers during the Yingjie period.

Afterwards, Long Fei stepped into the sky, stepping up to the sky step by step like climbing a ladder. This is the third innate magical power of the master of a catastrophe, "Walking in the Sky".

After only a moment, Long Fei was already high in the sky, standing in the void with clouds floating above his head.

Thousands of miles away, Niu Zhong was also standing in the void at this moment, and it was hard to see what he was thinking from his tightly bound face.

Successfully promoted and fully recovered, Long Fei and Niu Zhong did not get together, both of them stood still for a while, and then they coincidentally took out a vermilion jade bottle containing the blood essence of the black-armored snake from their waist pockets , and then poured all the blood essence in the bottle into his mouth, wrapped it with Yuanli and swallowed it down.

When Long Fei and Niu Zhong went through a first-level catastrophe just now, they fought with each other with their lives to induce electric currents to quench their spirits and refine their bodies. In addition, they ate a lot of rare spiritual treasures in the world, so at this moment, the strength of their physical bodies and primordial spirits has been reduced. Reaching the peak of a catastrophe was completely within their expectations.So at this moment, the two of them decided to go through the second catastrophe according to their preconceived plan, to attack the cultivation base of the second catastrophe.Long Fei and Niu Zhong did not make such a decision hastily, but after careful consideration and careful consideration.There are nine catastrophes, the first, third, sixth, and ninth catastrophes are the most difficult to overcome, and there is no doubt that you will die if you are not careful; but as long as you have enough strength and sufficient preparations to overcome the catastrophes, you can survive the other several catastrophes.Long Fei and Niu Zhong, whose cultivation has reached the peak of a catastrophe, are naturally strong enough; and they have enough primordial stones, Jiuyou Octopus Demon Pill, and a large number of spiritual treasures. The preparation has been adequate and could not be more adequate.

At this moment, Long Fei was sitting in the void with his eyes closed, his expression seemed relaxed, but he was actually enduring the burning and violent impact of nearly twenty drops of the blood of the black-armored demon snake, refining it drop by drop with all his strength. The blood essence of the black-armored demon snake is transformed into red energy through the meridians and merged into all parts of the body, continuously tempering the body.

Half a day later, Long Fei, relying on his physical body and powerful refining and absorbing ability in the preparation period, completely refined and absorbed more than ten drops of blood essence of the black-armored snake, and finally broke through the barrier of the first calamity cultivation base with his body, and surpassed the second calamity cultivation base. Strength of.

At this time, Long Fei jumped up, stood up in the void, took out from the purple storage bag most of the remaining half of the Nine Nether Octopus Demon Pill that he ate when he passed through a catastrophe, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it down.Then he took out two primordial stones, holding one tightly in his left and right hands.After making these preparations, Long Fei took his soul out of his body.


Between the sky and the earth, a strong wind suddenly blew, and the grass and trees on the ground fell to the ground.At the same time, in the sky, black blossoms suddenly flashed, and more and more appeared.After only a moment, the sky was covered by dark clouds, but the dark clouds were still thickening and gaining weight.After a little while, the dark cloud was like a thick, pitch-black pot cover firmly covering the ground within a range of more than a thousand miles.

At this moment, Long Fei was moving with the dark clouds, his head was always covered with dark clouds, his expression was light and calm, and he had the confidence to face the second calamity lightly.


The sound of thunder suddenly resounded, and lightning bolts as thick as arms flashed, swimming among the dark clouds like silver snakes.

Longfei's physical body and primordial spirit walked in the air, stepped into the sea of ​​dark clouds, chased the lightning to catch the electric snake, and induced the current to quench the spirit and refine the body. However, the current at this time was just a warm-up for Longfei, not even a foundation .


The first jiedian finally appeared, flashing towards Long Fei in the dark clouds.

Long Fei strode forward.

Did not hear the sound of "cracking", only heard the sound of "cracking" loudly, Jie Dian collided with Long Fei, causing Long Fei's body to tremble and back again and again, the electric current completely submerged Long Fei, but did not He heard the slightest scream of Long Fei.

A batch of hijackings ended, and a batch of hijackings came in a moment.

"Ha ha!"

Long Fei's primordial spirit and physical body looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. The "Thunderbolt Technique" was developed rapidly, and he frantically ran away from the thunder, walking one by one, colliding with batch after batch of lightning strikes, in order to get more The electric current quenches the body and soul.

After the first robbing electricity, the second robbing electricity came again, one pulling after another, the interval between each other was much shorter than the first robbing, and the power was much greater, but the dragon flew away and the thunder followed the lightning as before, causing The electric quenching of the gods and body training is still going on, time seems to pass super fast, and the six-pound calamity electricity seems to pass in a while.

Thousands of miles away, Niu Zhong is much lazy.His primordial spirit is separated from his physical body, and the distance between them is less than one foot. The Taiji Chongyuan Shield has reached a diameter of one hundred feet and is close to the top of the primordial spirit and the physical body.He turned out to use the metal conductivity of the Tai Chi heavy element shield to attract electricity and lightning to temper his body and refine his spirit. This move made up for his lack of physical skills compared to Long Fei, and the effect was better than Long Fei's relying on the "Thunderbolt Technique" Ben Lei Zhu Dian is not inferior.

"These two are really perverted, not human! It's outrageous to go through two catastrophes in a row, but it's too shocking to treat the catastrophe like a child's play."

Wu Tianxiong teleported out of the range of Long Fei or Niu Zhongdu Jie, and cursed depressedly, but he really admired Long Fei and Niu Zhong in his heart.

"The two of them are not human beings, a boring cow and a lazy dragon."

Xiao Jin spread his wings and soared between Long Fei and Niu Zhong. At this moment, he was hovering near the range of Long Fei's electric robbery, and whispered to Xiao Yu mysteriously.

"Crack! Crash!"

The seventh robbing electric shock drove away the black cloud like an iron wall, and hit the Taiji Chongyuan shield fiercely.

At the moment when Jiedian was about to hit Yuanshen and the physical body through the Taiji Heavy Yuan Shield, Niu Zhong combined the two into one in time to resist Jiedian with a complete body.At this moment, his physical body and primordial spirit have reached the strength of a master of the Second Tribulation, and the effect of the electric current of the Second Tribulation Electricity on tempering the mind and body is already limited for him, so it is not worthwhile for him to use the electric current to quench the body and refine the mind.


The seventh electric shock struck Niu Zhong's body, and the attack was so powerful that Niu Zhong groaned and fell over ten feet before he stabilized his body and stood still standing on the ground.

At this moment, Long Fei was hitting the seventh electric robbery with his complete body. Although his body was hit by the electric robbery, he wrestled in the sky for a long distance, and he screamed once or twice in pain, but the momentum of his impact on the electric robbery was still intact. Less than a cent, and the fighting spirit is even higher.

Batch after batch of lightning flashes, and each batch is more numerous and more powerful, but they are hit head-on by Long Fei one by one.A quarter of an hour later, the seventh pull of Jiedian finally passed, but the eighth pull of Jiedian made a strong appearance only half an hour later, striking Long Fei almost to the ground without prelude.

Long Fei quickly adjusted his body condition, stepped into the dark clouds one step at a time, and faced the second batch of robbery...

The eighth Bajie electric shock made Long Fei look quite embarrassed, but Long Fei never fell to the ground, and survived.

The heavens and the earth ushered in a short period of peace, but the dark clouds did not stop, moving slowly, brewing the next strongest cataclysm, the ninth catastrophe.

A quarter of an hour later, the dark sky boiled suddenly, the black clouds rolled, and the wind roared. The arcs as thick as countless Daoda water tanks suddenly rushed out of the dark clouds, forming a huge power grid suspended in the sky under the dark clouds.Immediately afterwards, the entire power grid plummeted towards Longfei, and for a moment the entire sky was filled with silver light, and the sound of thunder drowned out everything else.

Long Fei looked up at the power grid that exuded the aura of destroying the world and exuded the energy fluctuations of the sky, his face suddenly became solemn, a flash of light teleported to the ground, and the three extreme treasures instantly protected the sea of ​​thoughts, brain and heart veins.He had no choice but to stand ready and fight against such a catastrophe.

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