Chaos fairy way

Chapter 391

The net of electric arc, the silver light is dazzling, and the sound of crackling and crackling is loud when it hits the air.It roars down, looking at it, the eyes cannot be opened, it makes people shudder and despair; listening to it makes people shudder, feel powerless, and lose the will to resist.

Once the catastrophe comes, it is impossible to escape; when the catastrophe falls, it is even more impossible to dodge, because it can move with the monks.

At this moment, Long Fei was standing on top of a boulder, his waist was straight, his head was slightly raised, and the two bad arcs on the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing his self-confidence and arrogance that he would never give in to the catastrophe.

"Crash! Crackle!"

The web of electric arcs plunged down sharply, and when it landed on Long Fei's body, one after another electric arcs instantly submerged him, shocking his body crazily and without gaps, and hitting his soul through the body.


Long Fei raised his hands to the sky, raised his head and shouted loudly, despite the electric arc burning his body and hitting his god, his back was always firm, and he stood proudly in the sky.

After a while, the web of arcs suddenly collapsed, and the arcs gradually dissipated, revealing Long Fei with extremely sharp eyes.He had a tough face, his hair was up at the roots, and his skin was as red as coagulated pig blood. This was obviously caused by the electric shock.

Long Fei's spirit was just about to relax, at this moment in the sky, countless electric arcs suddenly flashed within the thick dark clouds, and immediately formed a giant network of electric arcs with thicker arcs and larger areas under the dark clouds.


Long Fei completely activated the three formations or prohibitions that had been set up before crossing the catastrophe. The three-layer hemisphere and the light yellow energy light shield immediately popped out from the ground, firmly covering Long Fei within it.

Long Fei would not do meaningless things; even less would Long Fei take unnecessary risks.At this moment, Long Fei is purely trying to survive the catastrophe, so facing the stronger and bigger arc net, he can naturally save some effort.


"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

The giant arc net slammed down hard, breaking through three layers of energy masks in an instant, but its power weakened a lot, and the last hit on Long Fei was not as powerful as the first arc net.

Long Fei resisted the weakened arc giant net, and naturally passed the level smoothly.

After the second arc giant net passed, the third arc giant net arrived shortly thereafter, followed by the fourth, fifth... and finally the ninth.Although each of these arc giant nets is more powerful and shocking, but Long Fei possesses three extreme treasures, and there are formations or spells to weaken the attack power of the arc giant nets, so Long Fei passed through them one by one. .However, after Long Fei finally crossed the ninth arc giant net, he looked quite embarrassed. With his afro hairstyle and naked body, he was inevitably teased by Xiao Jin and Xiao Yu.

After the ninth arc giant net descended and even disappeared, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and finally the clear sky before the catastrophe was restored.

Afterwards, Long Fei took a mind fruit, sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to heal his wounds with his eyes closed.

Thousands of miles away, after Niu Zhong resisted the last arc giant net, he also took Lingzhen to recuperate from his injuries.

In the small interface, Long Fei and the other three successfully crossed the tribulation without being disturbed.

During this period of time, the sea of ​​immortals was full of wars and wars, and the masters of the cultivation world were attacked by peerless fierce formations or groups of mysterious black-robed monks, causing heavy casualties and countless mysterious disappearances.Among the missing or war dead, there are many masters of one or two calamities, and even three masters of calamities.Of course, there are also many masters in the cultivation world who died of vendettas and battles for treasures.

Tragedy happened frequently, and the victims were countless. As the news of the tragedies spread to the Immortal Sea Territory, and spread to the entire cultivation world through various means, this naturally aroused discussions among cultivators all over the world, various cultivation forces, and various versions of speculation. There are endless.

"According to reliable sources, most of these tragedies were committed by mysterious black-robed monks. Do these black-robed monks want to monopolize the treasures of the Immortal Sea Territory?"

"I heard that there are traces of the incomparable fierce array that appeared in the tragedy. There are ancient ruins in the immortal sea area, and there is a secret that no one has become immortal for thousands of years. Could this be deliberately arranged by someone?"

"Maybe there is really a mastermind behind the scenes! What is puzzling is that the victimized monks are not from one sect, or several sects, but almost all the comprehension forces in the entire comprehension world. The three major sects of cultivation, the Golden Shark Clan, the Xuangui Clan and other major cultivation forces, as well as many small and medium cultivation forces and casual cultivators, all have disciples who have been attacked, killed, injured or disappeared. Who is the person behind this scene? How dare you make an enemy of the entire cultivation world? It can't be Yinmi Palace who is behind the Tianxin Icefield ancient ruins!"


Guessing is speculation, discussion is discussion, although the Immortal Sea Region has become the burial ground for masters in the Catastrophe Period, monks flocking to the Immortal Sea Region are still continuing.They either want to find out the mastermind behind the scenes and avenge their classmates; or they want to find out the real reason of the whole incident; of course, the most people are for the treasures of ancient ruins and the secret that no one has become immortal for thousands of years.

Although there are many monks flooding into the Immortal Sea, there is still not a single master with more than four calamities.

Some juniors weakly asked themselves the leader of the sect or force, why no master of the Four Tribulations came to the Immortal Sea.When the leader of the team heard the question, he either smiled wryly and shook his head, or sighed, or looked bewildered. None of them could explain why, and none of them knew the real reason.

Although the monks who flooded into the Immortal Sea Territory suffered heavy casualties and countless missing persons, due to the huge number of monks, many lucky and powerful ones broke into the core area of ​​the Immortal Sea Territory, and finally entered the deepest part of the Immortal Sea Territory.But what they saw were not ancient ruins, nor piles of spiritual treasures, spells and skills, nor the secrets of becoming immortals for thousands of years.It is true that the deepest part of the Immortal Sea is an island, but it is an ordinary island with thick black fog and no sun.This small island is only a hundred miles in length and width, and the spiritual sense is unimpeded, and it can detect everything within a hundred miles.

Every monk or a group of monks who reached the edge of this small island, after finding out that there is nothing and no danger in the small island with their spiritual sense, they will almost drift into the small island despite being extremely annoyed. Explore.But as soon as any monk entered the area of ​​the island, his whole body would blur and disappear without a trace.But the scene on the island remained the same, and no one was seen on the island.

Of course, there are also people who are cautious. They let one person enter the island first.But when the first person entered the island and disappeared indistinctly, the other people who were walking around the island would also disappear indistinctly.

Because this matter is very strange, no one can get a glimpse of its real secret in advance, so no one who reaches the depths of the Immortal Sea Territory, no matter whether his cultivation level is the first, second, or third calamity, will not be spared from death.

Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Wu Tianxiong, as well as Xiao Jin and Xiao Yu, they are in a small area, so naturally they don't know about the Immortal Sea Territory.

After Long Fei and Niu Zhong survived the Second Tribulation, it took another day to heal their injuries, and it took another half a day to familiarize themselves with the application of various powers at the Second Tribulation cultivation base, and of course, to understand the talent of the Second Tribulation cultivator The supernatural powers "shrink the ground into an inch" and "follow the wind ear".

"Shrink the ground into an inch", one step at a hundred miles, this is much more useful than the teleportation of thousands of miles in the Tuoyuan period, because it does not consume much energy and can be used for a long time.In addition, this spell is faster and travels farther than Drift.Ordinary monks use the drifting technique, no matter how fast they move in a day, they will never exceed [-] miles, but "shrinking the ground to an inch" can travel more than [-] miles a day.Therefore, the monks of the second robbery, after learning it, can completely say goodbye to the drifting technique.

"Shunfeng ears", once this spell is cast, all sounds within ten thousand miles can be heard.Of course, except for areas blocked by sound-proof arrays or shielding arrays.

Next, Long Fei and Niu Zhong were not in a hurry to enter the mysterious space to destroy the Mi Palace and rescue those mysteriously missing monks.Because before, Long Fei and others had learned through Niu Zhongsou, a land patrol envoy, that there were four masters of the second calamity and six masters of the first calamity in the Mi Palace, and since the leader of the Mi Palace, Mi Wang, is the leader, then his cultivation It is very likely to be more than three kalpas.What's more, this information is only obtained through the search of a not very high-status inspector. It should be difficult for a local inspector to know the real strength of Migong, so it is very likely that the masters above the second calamity in Migong will not to five.For this reason, Long Fei and Niu Zhong decided to first learn some of the spells and skills they practiced during the catastrophe period before entering the mysterious space.In this way, the chances of eliminating all the enemies in the Mi Palace and rescuing the missing monks will be greater.

Three days later, Long Fei successfully studied the fifth chapter of "Yanyu Sword Art" "Turning Qi into Sword" thoroughly, and basically mastered its supporting sword technique "Sword Technique of Condensing Qi and Transforming Sword".In addition, Long Fei practiced the "Destroying the Sky Seal" of "The Three Absolute Seals of Tiangang".However, the fourth level of "Breaking God" in "Yuanhua Magnetic Wave" and the fourth level of "Transfiguration" "Transformation in God", because these two major spells require special spiritual and rare alchemy to assist in their cultivation, they cannot be practiced successfully at this moment. .There is also the "King of the Wind" on the fourth floor of "Wind Shadow Jue", which can only be cultivated successfully by epiphany, so it cannot be cultivated at this time.

As for Niu Zhong, he has already mastered the fifth chapter of "Fentian Shield Method", "Turning Power into a Shield", and roughly mastered its supporting shield method "Wanli Shield Method".In addition, he also successfully practiced the "Destroying the Heaven Seal" in "The Three Absolute Seals of Tiangang".He also learned some of the basic spells and skills of the Seven Star School during the catastrophe period, such as the teleportation technique "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".

"Let's go! The first task is to catch a patrol angel to understand the true strength of the power palace, and then catch the black armored snake to make up for Xiao Jin." At this moment, Long Fei stood in front of everyone, and swung his right hand forward suddenly. Fully ordered to enter the mysterious space.

"Okay!" Xiaoyu stepped into the air and stood in the void. With a swipe of the fleshy little hand towards the void, a gap in space suddenly appeared in the void.

"When did the ugly boss become so good? He offered to help me catch snakes and eat them?" Xiao Jin muttered in bewilderment, and then spread his wings and flew to Xiao Yu's side.

Xiaoyu jumped onto Xiaojin's back.

Afterwards, Xiao Jin rushed into the space gap with Xiao Yu first, and his whole body was embedded into the space gap in an instant.

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