Chaos fairy way

Chapter 392 Xiaoyu's Mystery

"Brother Wu, the mysterious space is very sinister, are you waiting for us to return in triumph?" Long Fei asked, looking at Wu Tianxiong.

"No! Staying here alone, I have to hold back some bird shit. I think with the physical body of the catastrophe period, coupled with the assistance of the purification pill, it shouldn't be a big problem to resist the insidiousness of the mysterious space. I will go with you! Let's fight together!" Wu Tianxiong waved his huge right fist, looking quite excited.

"Okay! Then I'll go ahead." As soon as Long Fei finished speaking, he took a step with his right foot in the direction of the gap in the void, and a flash of his whole body flashed across the sky, embedded in the gap in the void, and then disappeared. The innate supernatural powers of the masters of the Second Tribulation "shrink the ground into an inch".

"The thing of the second robbery cultivator is really useful, it seems that we need to work harder!" Wu Tianxiong looked at Long Fei's disappearing figure, with a look of envy, and then suddenly thought of something, and turned his head to look at the person next to him Niu Zhong said: "Xiao Jin's cultivation base has not reached the stage of the catastrophe, so it will be fine to enter the mysterious space?"

"It's okay!" Niu Zhong's tone was very sure.

"Oh! That's right! This little guy is at least a fairy beast, and he shouldn't be able to deal with insidiousness. Hehe! Xiaoyu and Xiaojin are so cute, you can't help but care about them." Wu Tianxiong spread his hands with his right hand , exclaimed.

Afterwards, Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong also entered the void gap.

The mysterious space is an underground world. Countless luminous substances cover the top of the space, illuminating the whole space dimly. Of course, this is also related to the strong yin energy in it.

"Handsome little Jin! You are already cool, do you still need to be so exaggerated? Put away the golden light!"

As soon as Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong entered the mysterious space, they heard Long Fei's helpless voice, and raised their eyes to Xiao Jin who was soaring in the sky, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

I saw Xiaojin, its huge body exuded a golden light, and formed a golden halo a foot away from the body, completely squeezing out the yin power (including sinister poison).He soars high in the sky, exuding a noble and sacred aura, which exactly matches the description of immortal beasts in some ancient books.

"What are you putting away? I don't know why it emits such a golden light. It comes out automatically. But it's really cool, hee hee!" Xiao Jin's tone was a little helpless, but his expression was quite smug.

"It's too conspicuous, it's not conducive to our next actions. Since we can't put it away, then please trouble our noble beast into the spirit beast bracelet!" Long Fei raised his right hand and shook the spirit beast bracelet towards Xiao Jin.

"No! I don't!" The little golden eagle tilted its head, its huge golden wings suddenly spread, and its body shot into the distance like a golden rainbow.

"There is no way, it has to be like this." While Long Fei was speaking, the "Thunderbolt Technique" was displayed, and the person disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Xiao Jin, and then he twisted his wrist with his right hand to grab Xiao Jin from the air, and the energy of heaven and earth in the four fields suddenly Rushing towards Xiao Jin, he was imprisoned in the air in an instant, unable to move at all.

"Xiaoyu, save me!" Xiaojin glared at Long Fei, twisted his body and spread his wings and struggled, urgently calling for Xiaoyu on his back to help.

"I can't save you! I can only cut through the void and escape by myself, but I can't take you away. That's why before I brought you into the small interface, I said that I couldn't rescue you because I was afraid of a strong enemy coming." Xiaoyu pouted , with a helpless face, and then kindly persuaded: "Xiao Jin! You should get the spirit beast bracelet! You can easily expose your whereabouts like this, and it will cause the black armored snake to dare not leave the power palace for fear of being caught by us. The base camp will eventually delay the time for you to eat it and be promoted to the tribulation stage. You know, we are all masters of the tribulation stage, and you are the only one who is not!"

Xiaoyu's words were very useful, and Xiaojin gradually stopped struggling after hearing this.

Or children understand children, it is easier to persuade children!

Looking at the stubborn Xiao Jin, Long Fei sighed in his heart, but did not take any further action.Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong shook their heads speechlessly.

"Ugly boss! When I become stronger, I will definitely suppress you, hum! Get rid of these messy energies." Xiaojin looked angrily.

Long Fei had no intention of forcibly putting Xiao Jin into the spirit beast bracelet. Seeing Xiao Jin's aggrieved look, the doting in his heart couldn't help but grow stronger, and he couldn't help spreading his grasping right palm, withdrawing from the restraint of heaven and earth energy on Xiao Jin.At the same time, with a smile on his face, he reached into the purple storage bag with his left hand and took out a large handful of rare and exotic fruits, presented it to Xiao Jin, and said flatteringly: "That, noble beast, boss, I have to deal with Yingang Angel!" Afterwards, I will immediately catch the Black Armored Demon Snake for you to eat. Look! These rare and exotic fruits are for you to enjoy, calm down! Calm down!"

"Huh!" Xiao Jin snorted angrily, and a flash shot into Long Fei's spirit beast bracelet, and of course the rare fruit in Long Fei's left palm also disappeared.

"Slave! Slave!"

At this moment, a group of black-robed monks, 40 to [-] people, suddenly appeared around Long Fei and the others, looking at Long Fei and the others and shouting excitedly.But immediately after, their expressions froze in an instant, because their divine sense could not detect the cultivation of Long Fei and others.

"Ha ha!"

Long Fei smiled faintly, waved his right hand casually, and a distance of one foot in front of the black-robed monks suddenly condensed blue or yellow swords of gas.Then there were two sounds of "咻! Chi!", before all the black-robed monks understood what was going on, they were shot through the heart by the gas sword in front of them and fell to the ground. A small test of "Sword Transformation and Sword Art".

"It's such a powerful swordsmanship, it's impossible to defend against." Wu Tianxiong couldn't help but praised.Although he had reached the stage of robbery, facing thirty or forty black-robed monks whose cultivation bases were mostly at the peak of the Tuoyuan Dacheng, he could not kill them all in an instant.

"I'm really looking forward to Young Master Niu's 'Power Shield'. It is related to whether we can defeat the masters of the Three Tribulations and rescue many missing people." Long Fei smiled slightly, and turned his eyes to Niu Zhong.Although Long Fei and Niu Zhong couldn't tell the kung fu they practiced and the matching sword or shield skills due to the restrictions of the banning spell, they could tell about sword moves or shield moves.

"No problem!" Niu Zhong said calmly, which showed his confidence.

"Why do I not understand what you are saying?" Wu Tianxiong was at a loss.

"I'll know when the time comes." Long Fei pretended to be mysterious, and then looked at Xiaoyu with some confusion in his eyes, and said again: "Xiaoyu, you are not good at attacking, so follow Young Master Niu and cooperate with him !"

"Oh! Alright!" Xiaoyu came to Niu Zhong's side in a flash.

Although Niu Zhong was expressionless, he was looking at Xiaoyu with confusion.

Xiao Jin, as a fairy beast, enters the mysterious space, and his whole body can exude a sacred golden light to resist the power of Yin.Xiaoyu couldn't, which seemed to prove that he might not be a fairy beast.However, there are various indications before that Xiaoyu's identity must be extraordinary, so if he is not a fairy beast, what kind of monster is he?

Afterwards, Long Fei and the others headed towards an extremely huge mountain more than [-] miles away to the west, because Niu Zhong had searched for the land before and found out that the Yin Gang Angel lived there.

The distance of thousands of miles, for Long Fei, can be reached with only one "Thunderbolt Technique" teleport; for Niu Zhong and Wu Tianxiong, it is only two teleports.To the surprise of Long Fei and others, Xiaoyu just swept across, and the figure crossed the distance of thousands of miles in a flash. This is obviously not a teleportation technique.Because when the teleportation technique is cast, energy ripples appear on the soles of the feet, then disappear in a flash, and then reappear in a flash at the destination.So what kind of spell did Xiaoyu cast?Long Fei and others asked Xiaoyu.Xiaoyu also looked at a loss, only knowing that this is the same as the spell of "opening the void", and they are both spells that will come naturally after eating the black armored snake.

The mountain in front is extremely majestic, standing among the peaks like a flock of chickens, its top is quite gentle, with an area of ​​nearly a thousand square kilometers.In the center are black towers, like a forest.

Long Fei and others hid their aura and appeared in a stone forest on the edge of the peak in a flash.

Afterwards, Long Fei wrapped one after another divine thoughts with magnetized elemental force, and spread them radially to all parts of the peak, penetrating through the energy layers of defensive formations, and detected the situation of the entire peak clearly.After Long Fei and Niu Zhong reached the second kalpa cultivation base, their spiritual detection range has reached two thousand miles, and they naturally know everything about this peak that is only more than a thousand square miles.

"There are three masters of one calamity here. They are stationed on the top floor of the black tower with the strongest yin power on the east, south, and north sides of the tower. The yin gang angel is on the east side. From this point of view, the patrol envoy who was searched for God I really don’t know much about the real strength of Mi Palace. From my point of view, I’m in charge of the Yingang Angel, Niu Zhong is in charge of the south facing masters of the tribulation period, Wu Tianxiong and Xiaoyu are in charge of the north facing masters of the robbery period. When acting, be careful not to disturb other people , so as not to overwhelm the enemy and affect the rescue of the missing persons in the future." Long Fei said in a low voice.

"it is good!"

Wu Tianxiong and Xiaoyu agreed, Niu nodded emphatically.

Afterwards, the four of Long Fei divided into three groups, and drifted away towards the three masters of Mi Gong Ying Jie Qi.Drift is not as fast as "shrink the ground into an inch", but because it is slow, it is quite practical for sneaking over obstacles in a small area.The top of the peak is only within a thousand miles, and there are defensive formations one by one, "shrinking the ground to an inch" every step of a hundred miles, and using it here really restricts movement.

Long Fei turned into a gust of wind, possessed the magnetized elemental power and the secret treasure of breaking the formation, and naturally sneaked to the side of the black tower where the Yin Gang Angel was located.Then he went straight to the top hall of the black tower, grabbed the Yingang angel who was reprimanding his subordinates without warning, and sealed him with the divine ban.At the same time, the condensed gas sword instantly killed all the Yin Gang angels present.

Afterwards, Long Fei used a fire-attributed weapon to attack, spewed out balls of flames, and burned all the corpses into ashes, and then waved his right sleeve, blowing away all the ashes with a whirlwind, completely destroying the corpses.

Afterwards, when Long Fei was about to search for the spirit of the Yingang Angel, he suddenly looked slightly startled, and then his whole body burst into green light, and then disappeared in a flash.

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