Chaos fairy way

Chapter 397 Queen of the Sea?

"He should be from the Palace of the Sea Emperor, maybe a direct descendant of the Sea Emperor." Ye Kong's expression became serious as he spoke.

"The Empress of the Sea?" Mi Wang murmured, his eyes gradually dimmed, and then slowly stood up, squinting his eyes and said: "It is possible! Thousands of years ago, one of the three great skills of the Sea Emperor, "Piercing the Sky" ", the effect of its cast is: walk through the air, capture objects in the air, and freely shuttle between various interfaces in the ultimate cultivation. The child's 'break through the void' spell, although not very powerful and only cuts an area with The Yin slave base is close to the interface, but the method and effect of its use are somewhat similar to the Sea Emperor's "Piercing Through the Sky". "

"Prince Mi, my subordinates have different opinions on this. According to the records in the palace, the emperor of the sea had no heirs and died in the catastrophe in the sea ten thousand years ago. He disappeared completely after that catastrophe, and has never been seen in the world for thousands of years. Everyone in the world agrees that the Haihuang Palace has been destroyed with the fall of the Haihuang. Based on this, the subordinates believe that there are some similarities only by magic spells. It is somewhat arbitrary to conclude that the child is from the Palace of the Sea Emperor and is a descendant of the Sea Emperor," Xuan Fei said.

"Hey! Brother Xuan said, I have thought about it. But let me ask, according to the records in the ancient records of the Palace, the sea emperor's combat power is not inferior to that of the immortal, and he is called the uncrowned immortal. At that time, Jiuying came down from the fairy world , once had a battle with Haihuang, and they were evenly matched in strength. How could a strong man like him be murdered by Jiuying's design as rumored? I guess, Haihuang may have fled after a serious injury, and has never been seen since. It has lost the strength to compete with Jiuying. But it is completely possible to leave descendants." Xuankong laughed lightly and retorted.

"Ten thousand years have passed since the Great Tribulation in the Sea Territory. If the Sea Emperor survived and left behind descendants, why did he not appear for such a long time? Therefore, the Sea Emperor should have been killed at that time."

"In the catastrophe of the sea area, Jiuying slaughtered almost all the sea clansmen who dared to resist. As the guardian of the sea clan, the emperor of the sea is ashamed of all the clansmen of the sea clan, so he has no face to face the clansman. , which is also possible.”

"If the Emperor of the Sea is really cheated, how can he be ashamed of his clan?"


Xuan Fei and Ye Kong were talking, and their thick neck blushed.

Seeing this, King Mi suddenly showed displeasure, swung his right hand down, and shouted loudly: "Okay, shut up for this king."

"Please forgive me, King Mi!"

"Please forgive me, King Mi!"

Xuan Fei and Ye Kong stopped arguing immediately, and hurriedly bowed and handed over each other, pleading guilty.

King Mi glanced at Xuan Fei and Ye Kong, and then said in a slow tone: "That child is from the Palace of the Sea Emperor, it is entirely possible. Although you have read the classics in the palace, you have not read the ones in the Palace of Secrets." "True Secret Record". Before this king came to take over the Yin Numi land, he had the honor of getting permission from his father to see the sea area chapter of "True Secret Record". For the sake of your loyalty to this king, this king The king violated the law and disclosed some information about the Sea Emperor! Thousands of years ago, the Sea Emperor was indeed not dead, but disappeared because of Jiuying. We have not found out the specific details. This is why One of the reasons why my Yin Power Palace has not moved the Sea Clan when they were at their weakest. Of course, after ten thousand years, the Sea Emperor is naturally dead."

"Thank you, King Mi, for your kindness!" Ye Kong was moved, thanked him, paused for a while, and then said proudly: "Sure enough, I have guessed with my subordinates. Then, King Mi, how do you deal with that child?"

"Catch alive! After getting the situation of the Sea Emperor Palace, he will be executed again. If he is really the Queen of the Sea, he will become an important stumbling block to the great things that the father does in the future, and this person cannot be kept." King Mi's face flashed fiercely, and he said heavily. Said.

"Yes! Then the subordinate immediately went to hunt down and kill the two suspected mission targets and capture the child alive." After the night sky gave the order, he immediately exited the hall.

After Wang Mi looked at the night sky and left the hall, he turned his eyes to Xuan Fei and asked with concern: "Xuan Fei! How is the situation of refining that person?"

"The king of power! Since that person's cultivation has reached the peak of the Three Tribulations, and his own power and spiritual power are much higher than those of the masters of the same level, so that the poisonous Yuan Formation cannot completely dissolve the Yuan power and divine power in his body in a short time. As a result, the refining of him had to be delayed. However, at least three days, as many as five days, should be able to dissolve all the origin and spiritual power in his body, and then it will take another three days. Refining him into the strongest yin slave in my power palace." Xuan Fei said confidently.

"Very good! After this is done, this king will reward you with great rewards. Hehe! This person's combat power is on par with this king's. After becoming a Yin slave, his combat power will double again. At that time, he will definitely become a big trump card for me in the power palace." , What a pleasure! King Yin! King Yin! Second brother, I have three joys, why can you compete with me for the throne? Haha!" King Mi said at the end, shaking his hands to the sky, and then looked up to the sky and laughed.

"The two emperors of the yin and power, the power of the gods is unmatched, and they will become immortals after attaining the Tao!"

Xuan Fei understood, and hurriedly adjusted his clothes and bowed down.

"Good! Good! Ai Qing is flat."

Mi Wang raised his hand to signal, it seems that there is a bit of royal demeanor.

Xuan Fei stood up respectfully upon hearing the words, then bowed and cupped his hands and said, "My lord, what is your intention?"

King Mi smiled, and said seriously: "Xuanfei, you are very popular with this king, and he will never forget you when he becomes emperor. However, before becoming emperor, everyone needs to be cautious in words and deeds, so you still call King Mi wonderful."

"Yes! My emperor, oh, no, Prince Mi." Xuan Fei smiled on his face, deliberately acting stupid.

"Hehe! Let's not take this as an example." Mi Wang smiled comfortably, and then seemed to think of something, and then turned serious and said: "Two suspected mission targets, the strength is amazing, my Mi Palace Erjie master is definitely not their opponent, in order to prevent their sneak attack The secret base, you should go back quickly. If the two of them dare to go to the secret base, they will be killed on the spot and no one will be left alive."

"Yes, my subordinates retire!"

After Xuan Fei took the order, he immediately left the hall.

Two days later, in a seemingly ordinary valley in the mysterious space, an extremely burly young man was lying behind a huge rock on the western peak of the valley, secretly observing an ordinary cave entrance in the north of the valley.

"Fat number two! Are you okay? I can't hold on any longer." A childish voice suddenly came from the spirit beast bracelet on the young man's left wrist.

"Wait a while! They didn't arrive at the place so quickly. By the way, you are not allowed to be called the fat second? I have called you a few times." The young man's face was tightly tied, but his tone was a little impatient.

The young man is naturally very heavy, and the voice in the spirit beast bracelet does not need to be guessed to know that Xiao Jin said it.The hole in the valley below is an entrance to the secret base of Mi Palace.

"Is it wrong to call the fat second child? Long Fei is the ugly boss. You are fat. What do you call the fat second child? Really. Hurry up! This beast really can't hold on anymore." Xiao Jin said. , the tone was pleading.

Niu Zhong knew that talking about it would be nonsense, so after taking a look at the spirit beast bracelet, he kept silent.After waiting for a while, his expression changed slightly, and he took out a sea sound conch from the storage bag on his waist, checked the information inside with his spiritual sense, then held it with his right hand, and a black heavy hammer flashed in his hand .

The black heavy hammer was at the bottom of the lake in the ancient ruins of Tianxin Icefield, and it was the deputy master of the killing hall.At that time, when everyone in the Hall of Killing saw the Deputy Hall Master of the Hall of Killing using a heavy hammer, their expressions became tense and frightened.Niu Zhong and Long Fei speculated afterwards that this hammer must have some special meaning for the Yin Power Palace.Two days ago, Long Fei saw with his own eyes that King Mi used a huge black heavy hammer to smash all the Dayan Qingtian swords with one hammer.That huge black heavy hammer is very similar to Niu Zhong's black heavy hammer.Therefore, Long Fei and Niu Zhong speculate that the two hammers may have some kind of connection, and then speculate that the power palace may be a branch of the Yin power palace.Therefore, as soon as Niu Zhong made a move today, he used a black heavy hammer to verify his and Long Fei's speculation.

"Xiaojin! Prepare to show off the power of the beast."

As soon as Niu Zhong finished speaking, he swung the black hammer violently towards the entrance of the valley.

"Hehe! No problem, they must love this beast to death." Xiao Jin replied triumphantly with a smirk.


The black heavy hammer rose rapidly against the wind during the plunder, and it rose to a diameter of ten feet in one fell swoop.It was like a huge extraterrestrial meteorite, whizzing across the sky, and with a loud "bang!", it slammed hard on the upper edge of the cave entrance.


The entrance of the cave collapsed immediately, rocks flew up, dust and mist billowed, and the ground of the entire valley trembled.After a blow from the black heavy hammer, a cloud of dust flew out, hanging high in the sky.

The cave is the entrance of the mysterious base, and there is no large defense array, which surprised Niu Zhong, but he understood the reason in a flash, that is, no defense is better than defense, because without defense, the enemy will not suspect that this is a secret base entrance.Niu Zhong and Long Fei found this place only after obtaining the real situation through Search God.If you don't look for it, it's hard to find it.

"That daring lunatic, how dare you destroy the entrance of the ninth branch of the tenth hall of my power palace!" A black-robed monk at the peak of the Yuan Dynasty Dacheng peak rushed out of the collapsed hole, sweeping out dust and mist, and shouted loudly.

"Okay, don't hide it, this is Mi Gong's secret base, I'm here to smash the field." Niu Zhong swept into the air, stood in the air, and said loudly.

"Jie Jie! Smash the field? Little Erjie cultivator dares to speak wild words! You really want to die." A slender black-robed monk flashed in the air above the entrance of the cave, sneering authentically.


Niu Zhong didn't talk nonsense with him, and with a movement of his divine sense, the black heavy hammer hanging high above the cave was aimed at the head of the slender black-robed monk, and it was unstoppable.

The slender black-robed monk's cultivation has also reached the second kalpa. At this moment, Niu Zhong came alone and dared to fight without saying a word, so he was caught off guard.However, after all, he was a master of the Second Tribulation, and in a hurry, he swung his right hand towards the sky.A black round shield flashed out from the palm of his hand, soaring into the sky, its diameter suddenly increased by more than ten feet, sealing off the attack angle of the black heavy hammer.

"Clang! Crack! Bang!"

Three loud bangs sounded one after another, with extremely short intervals.

The black heavy hammer smashed the black round shield instantly, and knocked the slender black-robed monk to the ground.

"It's really Yin Hammer, you're absolutely right. Ask Long Fei to come out! The Deputy Palace Master will kill you together today." Xuan Fei appeared in the sky above the valley in a blink of an eye, and his expression was not angry but happy to meet with you. Niu Zhong looked at each other across the valley, but he didn't even look at the slender black-robed monk who was thrown down below.

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