Chaos fairy way

Chapter 398 Resists 3 Tribulations

"You talk too much!"

Niu Zhong had no expression on his face, and his tone was indifferent. When he held his right hand, the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams Shield flashed in his hand.

"Since you want to die early, it's fine, the deputy palace lord will help you."

Hearing this, Xuan Fei's gaze suddenly became sharper, black murderous aura rushed out of his body, but his right fist casually hit Niu Zhong across the air.


A pitch-black energy fist shadow whizzed out from Xuan Fei's right hand in an instant, carrying a wave of black air like a tide, rushing towards Niu Zhong violently.

"Well done, I just want to try how strong the attack of the three masters is!"

Niu Zhong looked at the menacing energy fist shadow, his eyes shone with excitement, and he shook the Tai Chi gossip shield suddenly with his right hand, and the gossip light shield flashed out, leaving an arc shadow in the sky, rushing towards the energy fist shadow head-on .


The energy fist shadow was extremely ferocious, and it hit the gossip light shield with force and force, and the sound was like thunder, shaking the whole space to buzz.

The gossip light shield only resisted for a breath of time, and then broke with a crisp sound of "Crack!", and the heavy energy disappeared into the sky and the earth.

Although the Energy Fist Shadow's attack was slightly hindered and its attack power weakened a lot, it still rushed towards Niu Zhong.

Niu Zhong was not surprised that the gossip light shield was broken, he turned sideways abruptly, and swung the Tai Chi gossip shield with his right hand to the sky, sealing off the attack angle of the energy fist shadow.



Although the power of the energy fist shadow has weakened a lot, its strength is still fierce, and it smashed Niu Zhonglian and his shield to the ground abruptly.However, it also exploded immediately, turning into mist-like black energy and finally fading away.

Although Niu Zhong was in a dire situation, he actually withstood a heavy blow from the master of the Three Tribulations, and he was not injured, only chest tightness and shortness of breath.

The gap between the third calamity and the second calamity was actually crossed, and the curse that the second calamity could not resist the blow of a master of the third calamity was broken. This is extremely sensational, and such achievements are enough to be recorded in the history of cultivation.

"Ah! This is contrary to common sense."

"Is he a second robbery?"

At this moment, the entrance to the secret base in the valley has been roughly repaired by many black-robed monks from Mi Palace. Many black-robed monks from Mi Palace are standing around the entrance of the cave, watching the battle between Niu Zhong and Xuan Fei.

"With the cultivation base of the second calamity, I was able to resist the attack of [-]% of the original power of the deputy palace lord. It is worthy of being a suspected mission target. It is not wrong to kill the palace for many years without success. However, this is more determined by the deputy palace lord. Your determination." Xuan Fei was startled slightly, but it was fleeting, and then he said without haste.Judging from the situation, it seems that he wants to wait for Long Fei to come, and then catch them all in one go.

"You talk so much nonsense, I don't even have the patience to try the real combat power of the Three Tribulations." Niu Zhong stepped into the sky, still standing in the void with Xuanfei separated by a valley.

"Hey! It seems that you have to suffer a little bit. Long Fei, who has an amazing breath-holding technique, will really show himself. Alright, my palace lord will cut your arm first."

Xuan Fei sneered, and then his pupils shrank, and he clasped his palms together, and a group of pale black, transparent energy beads suddenly floated in the palms.What is amazing is that there is actually a small black sword in the energy bead spinning rapidly in the center of the energy bead.

The energy beads glowed with black light, and a faint black mist lingered on its surface. Its poison eroded the surrounding air to hiss, which showed the strength of its poison.That's not enough, it's even more scalp-numbing, what hangs in his throat is the little black sword.During the rotation of this sword, the energy of heaven and earth in the four fields is also slightly circulated, which is too weird.

"Mingyin Pearl, Qingmi Sword, go!"

Xuan Fei swung his hands and pushed, and the Ming Yin Pearl in both palms rushed straight towards Niu Zhong without a sound, seemingly without any danger, and seemed to pass by naturally.

"Xiao Jin, do it."

How could Niu Zhong be confused by this illusion? With a loud shout, he threw the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams shield forward violently with his right hand, and suddenly transformed into nine real shield shadows, overlapping evenly in a line, and roared towards the Mingyin Pearl. This is the final effect of "Nine Shadows Aegis", the nine shields appear together.In the past two days, Niu Zhong, taking advantage of Long Fei's healing, finally cultivated the "Nine Shadows Aegis" to great success.


As soon as the Mingyin Bead hit the first shield of the nine shields, it exploded suddenly, shattering eight sides of the nine-face shadow shield in an instant, leaving only the main body of the Taiji Eight Diagrams Shield, which was knocked backwards and shot towards Niu Zhong.


Although the Mingyin Bead exploded, the Qingmi Sword within it rotated faster and fired more swiftly due to the explosion.With just a flash, it shot within ten meters of Niu Zhong, aiming at Niu Zhong's left hind arm.This is too sudden, bigger than weird, ordinary monks can't avoid it, let alone resist it.



Is Niu Zhong an ordinary monk? His "Power Shield" suddenly unfolded, and a light black energy shield bounced out of his body. At the critical moment when the Qing Mi sword had already shot to his clothes, he threw the Qing Mi sword Forced to fly.However, the pale black energy shield suddenly collapsed when it was ejected from the body with a diameter of half a foot.

The "shield of strength" has been cultivated to a great degree, and one can use ten thousand forces to form a shield, which is unbreakable at the same level.During the period of catastrophe, one to nine catastrophes are equivalent to a large level.At this moment, although Niu Zhong has not yet cultivated the "Power Shield" to perfection, it is still possible to condense an energy shield with the power of the Yin Power of the mysterious space.In the end, it did. Relying on the same root and origin of Xuanfei's power, and Niu Zhong's own ability to barely resist a blow from a master of the Three Tribulations, the "Shield of Power" successfully withstood Xuanfei's full blow.

"I'm angry too! The deputy palace lord will see how many attacks you can withstand."

Xuan Fei became angry from embarrassment, and made a move with his right hand towards the Qing Mi sword flying in the air, and the Qing Mi sword sank into his right palm in a flash.Then, Xuan Fei clasped his palms together again and opened them suddenly, but he also recited a mysterious incantation.

I saw that a darker darker than the previous one, with thicker black air surrounding it, and a darker darker one, which eroded the air and made the air sound louder, suddenly floated between Xuan Fei's palms.And the Qingmi Sword is deep inside the Mingyin Pearl, and its speed is several times faster than before. It is impossible to see its true appearance through the Mingyin Pearl, only a conical shadow is in the center of the Mingyin Pearl.

"Hee hee! Don't be in a hurry to harm others, take care of yourself first." Just as Xuan Fei was about to push the Ming Yin Pearl towards Niu Zhong, a golden shadow flashed from Niu Zhong's left wrist bracelet and shot into the sky , and then the speed slowed down, revealing its true appearance, it was Xiao Jin.

"Golden Roc with big wings!"

Xuan Fei was startled suddenly, and the movement to push the Ming Yin Pearl towards Niu Zhong stopped suddenly.

"Good! Good! I didn't expect my lord, Mi Wang, to be happy at the door. If I can capture the fairy beast Jinpeng with great wings as a Yin slave, is there any place below the fairy world that I can't walk sideways in time? Haha! Little guy, it's really time for you to appear .”

Xuan Fei's anger dissipated in an instant, and a deep joy suddenly appeared on his face, and the yin power beads between his palms disappeared into the palm of his right hand as he spoke.Then he grasped his right palm, and an old and faded black cloth bag flashed in his hand.Afterwards, Xuan Fei snapped his right hand, and the black cloth bag let out a "Hoo!" and rushed towards Xiao Jin.

"If you don't listen to the words of the beasts, you will suffer in front of your eyes. Heavenly spirits, earthly spirits, the great beasts will help you turn into dust."

Xiao Jin blinked his golden eyes, looking like a magic wand, just when the black cloth bag was about to fly over his head, those huge golden wings burst into golden light and shook six times rapidly, and then Xiao Jin A blur of the whole figure disappeared.

"Want to run? It's not that easy. You listen to the order and all besiege Niu Zhong. Even if you can't kill him, you must trap him and kill him when the deputy palace master returns."

Xuan Fei hastily gave the order, but before he could finish his sentence, the person suddenly disappeared strangely, obviously using some kind of secret method to hunt down Xiao Jin.

"Although the deputy palace lord has left temporarily, you still cannot escape!"

"I didn't expect that I would get such a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and the deeds I have made are even more insane, haha!"

Near the entrance of the mysterious base, as soon as several masters of the tribulation period heard Xuan Fei's order, a flash of excitement appeared around Niu Zhong, trapping Niu Zhong tightly in the air.These are high-response, there are three masters of the second calamity and six masters of the first calamity, including the slender master of the second calamity who was smashed to the ground by Niu Zhong's hammer.

"Hmph! I haven't thought about leaving this place yet."

Niu Zhong sneered, turning a blind eye to the siege of the masters of the power palace, and looked around the masters of the power palace with disdain.

"Arrogance! Brothers, don't worry about bullying the few with the more, let's all do it together, show the strongest stunt, and kill this thief instantly!"

"Yes! The quick battle and the quick decision will be credited to everyone."


Nine power palace Yingjieqi masters shouted, throwing their strongest treasures one after another, showing their unique skills of pressing the bottom of the box, and attacking Niu Zhong together.

The treasures are like rain, the energy is like a tide, and the endless attacks are overwhelming, overwhelming and killing Niu Chong.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

"Crash! Crash!"

Niu Zhong's "Power Shield" bounced out of his body, and a light black energy mask instantly covered Niu Zhong's surroundings with a diameter of three feet, resisting all kinds of treasures and all kinds of energy attacks.

As soon as a knife, sword, sand and other treasures hit the "shield of power", they were bounced back strongly.When energy attacks such as fire, poisonous corrosion, and wind blade slash fell on the "force shield", not only did they fail to break the "force shield", but most of them were integrated into the "force shield" and became "force shields". A great supplement to the Shield. Faced with energy attacks, the "Power Shield" is more unbreakable the more it is attacked. Although the "shield of power" trembled continuously and gradually fell to the ground, it was not damaged at all and became more solid.

"Don't use fire, poison, wind and other energies to attack, use treasures to attack together." The slender black-robed monk was the first to discover the abnormality of the "Power Shield", and shouted quickly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sounds of numerous attacks finally turned into the sound of metal hitting the energy shield.The nine masters of the power palace Yingjie period all stopped their energy attacks, and threw their treasures one after another, hitting the "shield of force" frantically.

However, although the attack is fierce and the attack power is strong, but in the face of the indestructible "power shield" of the same level, how can these masters of one or two kalpas do anything?

Niu Chong stood proudly in the void, allowing the nine masters of the Tribulation Period to attack the "Shield of Power" with all their might.

Half an hour later, Xuan Fei hadn't returned yet, but he seemed to hear the sound of thunder coming from the sky, but he was not sure.At this time, a trace of a smile suddenly appeared in Niu Zhong's eyes, and he took out the Haiyin conch to check the information inside.Then, he grasped his right palm, and a black heavy hammer flashed in his hand.

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