Chaos fairy way

Chapter 399 Jedi Counterattack

Niu Chong's divine mind locked on a black-robed monk who was in full swing, swung the black hammer in his hand, and swung it away with all his might.Niu Chongxiu has reached the second kalpa, and although he can also use spells such as "condensing gas and transforming form" to destroy the enemy, the attack that shows his strength excites him even more.


The black heavy hammer, piercing through the air, unstoppably forcibly passed through the encirclement surrounded by heavy energy attacks such as wall-like fire and wind blades, and smashed the incoming knives, swords and other treasures with a destructive force. A brilliant band of sparks and debris of treasures was drawn in the air, and with a "bang", the head of the black-robed cultivator was smashed, his body was smashed to pieces, and he fell to the ground sharply.


Immediately afterwards, Niu Chong's spiritual thought moved, and the black heavy hammer soared into the sky, and the high-altitude wind was blowing, like a falling star, hitting a black-robed monk with a hooked nose head-on.

The eagle-nosed black-robed monk, whose cultivation had reached the second kalpa, naturally sensed the swift and violent attack of the black heavy hammer in time. Black hammer.

"Ding! Crack!"

The black heavy hammer is the best treasure, and the black spear is only the best among high-end treasures. The two clashed fiercely, and the result was without any suspense.The black heavy hammer smashed the black gun into pieces in an instant, but its falling momentum was slightly blocked.

The eagle-nosed black-robed cultivator took advantage of the extremely short-term blockage, and hurriedly floated sideways, narrowly avoiding the black heavy hammer.However, he was blown disheveled by the powerful wind of the black hammer.

"This thief is too tough. He only wants to trap the enemy, not destroy him."

The eagle-nosed black-robed monk shouted, and at the same time, he drifted sideways, opening the distance from Niu Zhong, but he still surrounded Niu Zhong with other black-robed monks.

Before, they bombarded indiscriminately and could not attack for a long time; just now, Niu Zhong instantly killed a master of the first calamity and forced back a master of the second calamity; heavy confidence.At this moment, when they heard what the hawk-nosed black-robed monk said, they immediately stopped their frenzied attacks, and then adopted a joint attack strategy of attacking from a distance and avoiding from a distance, where the enemy retreats and advances, cooperates with each other in defense, and jointly attacks the enemy.They cooperate with each other very well, and their movements are extremely skillful. Obviously, they have a lot of training in this joint attack technique.

The joint attack technique seems to be tailor-made to deal with the weight of the bull, and immediately put the bull in trouble again.

Niu Zhong is good at defense, relatively poor in attack, and his movement speed can be described as weak. Compared with these black-robed monks with strange movements, he has no advantage.At this time, facing the joint attacks of all the black-robed monks, he was powerless, restrained everywhere, and ran for his life. No matter how fast he chased and beat him, he couldn't kill a black-robed monk.

Niu Zhong, the "Force Shield" needs a lot of Yuan Force to resist the storm-like attack to remain as strong as before, and it takes a lot of Yuan Force and Spiritual Power to consume it when chasing and attacking fiercely, which makes the Yuan in his body Power is rapidly decreasing.Although he contained Shengshen Pill and Yuan Huan Pill in his mouth, it seemed that he could not make ends meet.

Half an hour later, the luster of the "Shield of Power" gradually dimmed and became thinner. These situations naturally fell into the eyes of the black-robed monks who were closely watching Niu Zhong's movements.

"Brothers! His vitality is exhausted! Work harder and break his defense!"

The black-robed monk with the hooked nose yelled the loudest, and he had always held a grudge against him for almost suffering a big loss before.Seeing that Niu Zhong was in danger at this moment, he immediately became excited.


The monks in black robes are by no means ordinary people. They naturally know the law of robbers who want to kill you while you are sick. They suddenly increased their attack power and accelerated their attack frequency while shouting.

As soon as the bull weighed down, the pressure increased sharply, and the consumption of Yuanli had been pouring down like water from the gate, and the entry was far from meeting the needs of exit, which made the "shield of force" thinner and weaker at a rapid rate.

Suddenly, the "Shield of Power" couldn't maintain the opened state, and suddenly retracted, and it was submerged in Niu Zhong's clothes.

"Brothers! His defensive energy curtain has disappeared, and it can no longer be used. Everyone! All of you use your housekeeping skills to destroy him in one go."

At the very beginning, the slender black-robed monk who fell to the ground with Niu Zhong's hammer shouted ecstatically.He was naturally very excited as the great vengeance was imminent.

"Yes, according to what the Deputy Palace Master said yesterday, the thief's physical body is extremely strong, so everyone must not weaken the attack." Another black-robed monk from the second robbery did not forget to remind.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

The rain of guns and arrows, the shadow of swords and swords, and all kinds of treasures flying all over the sky;

The raging fire covered the sky, the wind blades were overwhelming, and all kinds of energy attacks were impenetrable.

Niu Zhong was deep in the ocean of all kinds of attacks, his hands and feet were restrained, and he couldn't move an inch. After a while, his eyes gradually dimmed, and his face turned pale.

"Haha! He's dying."

The slender black-robed monk of the Second Tribulation let out a loud cry of excitement as if he had found a treasure.Then, while attacking, he slowly approached Niu Zhong, as if he wanted to rush to Niu Zhong's side first when Niu was exhausted and died, so as to win the first merit and obtain Niu Zhong's property.


The other black-robed monks shouted and killed like thunder, and attacked like a wave, their speed was faster, their momentum was stronger, and their strength was stronger.They are not fools, they are very smart, they all approach Niu Zhong slowly, their eyes are fixed on the storage bag on Niu Zhong's waist, and of course Niu Zhong's head.

One hundred feet, ninety feet, eighty feet...

Niu Zhong's face was tied so tightly that it couldn't be tighter, and bead-sized beads of sweat kept slipping off his face like white paper. At this moment, he seemed to have nothing to do with the approaching black-robed monks. .

Forty feet, thirty feet, twenty feet...

Niu Zhong's facial muscles were already twitching, but he still clenched his teeth and stood firm.

The moment the monks in black robes entered the five-foot range of Niu Zhong, they were about to unleash the final thunder strike when suddenly Niu Zhong's eyes lit up.

"Not good! Withdraw!"

The hooked-nosed black-robed monk was definitely the strongest among all the black-robed monks. He unexpectedly noticed the slight change in Niu Zhong's eyes, and knowing something was wrong, he hurriedly shouted, and wanted to use "shrink the ground to an inch" to escape.

It's a pity that it was too late, at this moment, a shiny black shield with gossip engraved on it suddenly appeared from Niu Zhong's body, and as soon as it entered the void, the shield's nine sides melted, "Wow!" Cut to all the black-robed monks.

"Crack! Crack! Crack..." There were six sounds in a row, and the five black-robed monks, as well as the slender black-robed monk protected by two shields, were cut vertically into two.

"Dang! Dang!" The hooked-nosed black-robed monk and another black-robed monk of the Second Tribulation found it in time, shot in time, and escaped in time. After resisting the vertical cut of the shield with the treasure in their hands, the whole person disappeared in a blur .

Niu Zhong turned a blind eye to their escape, and the six spiritual thoughts shot out from his eyes, and shot to the waist storage bags of the six black-robed monks who were instantly killed. One wrapped and pulled, and the six A storage bag was removed and pulled into the palm of his right hand.

About twenty miles away, a hook-nosed black-robed monk appeared in a flash, and was about to use teleportation to report to the main hall of the Mi Palace, when suddenly a cyan gas sword flashed around him , There are as many as ten thousand handles.

Horrified, the hooked-nosed black-robed monk waved the black spear in his hand wildly, and shot from his body, trying to break through the siege of the swords and forcefully break through.


Thousands of gas swords exploded at the same time, and countless debris instantly sealed the black-robed monk with the hooked nose like a dumpling.


After the ten thousand gas swords exploded, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine blue swords were revealed immediately, cutting the hooked-nosed black-robed cultivator into pieces in an instant, turning them into bone dregs and flesh moss, staining the surrounding gas sword fragments red.

Immediately afterwards, a young man in white flashed beside the gas sword debris circle, and made a move with his right hand towards a black storage bag in the bone dregs and minced meat.The black storage unexpectedly flew into the palm of the young man in white without a trace of blood.After that, the young man in white disappeared in a flash.

Although all of this is a lot of words, it is actually done in an instant.

Thousands of miles away from Niuzhong, another black-robed monk of the Second Tribulation was running towards the main hall of the Mi Palace using "shrink the ground into an inch".

Suddenly, a young man in white flashed in front of him, forcing him to stop.

"Long Fei!"

After seeing who was coming, the black-robed monk of the Second Tribulation turned pale, and his voice trembled a little. Obviously, he had already known that Long Fei beheaded the number one master of the Second Tribulation in the Mi Palace, Xiruo Elder.

The young man in white is Long Fei.

"Ha ha!"

Long Fei only smiled slightly, didn't talk nonsense with him, and didn't bother to search for him, and directly used the strongest trick "Sword of Heaven and Earth".

Even in the face of Long Fei's blatant attack, the black-robed monk of the Second Tribulation could not resist the seamless combined killing of the ten thousand gas swords and the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine great Yan Qingtian swords.In the end, he was shattered to pieces, and the storage bag was confiscated.

Afterwards, Long Fei exhibited "Running Thunder Technique", the person disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Niu Zhong.

"How is the situation of the three-tribulation master in the cultivation world?" At this moment, Niu Chong asked as soon as Long Fei arrived.

"The situation is not optimistic. Even if there are many rare and wonderful medicines for treatment and nourishment, it will be difficult to recover to the peak state within ten days and half a month." Long Fei smiled wryly.

"Ten days and half a month? Even if it recovers at that time, I'm afraid it won't make much sense. At that time, the enemy's reinforcements will have already arrived." Niu Zhong heard this, his brows furrowed slightly, and then his eyes brightened slightly, and he said again : "What about the other masters of the Second Tribulation?"

"The situation is worse!" Long Fei looked a little helpless, and then seemed to think of something, he couldn't help laughing, and said: "Whatever it is, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, let's go and see our honorable beast Xiaojin. What does a master of the Three Tribulations look like?"

"This kind of idea can only be conceived by Xiao Jin and you." When Niu Zhong heard the word "Xiao Jin", a faint smile appeared on his tightly bound face.

Afterwards, Long Fei and Niu Zhong used the teleportation technique, and teleported towards the direction where the faint thunder sound came from.

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