Chaos fairy way

Chapter 402

Mingyin Bead can break the "Shield of Power", and Qingmi Sword can pierce the Shield of Bagua Light. The combination of the two is extraordinary.

Long Fei saw the Dark Yin Orb looting head-on, for the sake of caution, he didn't dare to fight it head-on, the golden light it turned into urgently jumped horizontally, moving a hundred feet horizontally, wanting to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

But the Mingyin Pearl moved with the beating of the golden light, and still hit the golden light head-on.

The time is only one or two moments, and the situation is very critical.

The Mingyin Orb can blow up the "Shield of Power" and shake the perverted cow to vomit blood. Faced with such power, even if Long Fei's body is as strong as the top-grade treasure, the Crescent Moon Demon Blade, he will definitely be seriously injured, and even more so. What's more, there is also the top-grade treasure Qing Mi Sword in the Yin Mi Orb.


When Long Fei watched the Mingyin Pearl about to collide with him, a gossip light shield flashed between him and the Mingyin Pearl while screaming.The gossip light shield was naturally re-inspired by Niu Zhong, and it moved with Niu Zhong's thoughts until the shield arrived.

But in the next moment, the explosion of the Mingyin Pearl was not heard.

"Not good!" Long Fei, who was transformed into a golden light, immediately sensed that something was wrong, and immediately used the golden light to jump horizontally again, trying to escape, but it was too late.

At this moment, when the Mingyin Pearl and the golden light were about to collide, the Mingyin Pearl suddenly exploded, reaching a diameter of ten feet in an instant, enveloping the gossip light shield and the golden light within it.

Although the golden light suddenly jumped horizontally and moved more than a thousand feet horizontally, the Mingyin Pearl moved with its movement, so that the golden light was always inside the Mingyin Pearl.The golden light then slowed down, revealing Long Fei's real body.


At this moment, the Eight Diagrams Light Shield was forcibly brought over by the Dark Yin Orb. It screamed, and immediately transformed into a nine-sided Eight Diagrams Light and Shadow Shield. They all spun rapidly and "screamed" and cut firmly in all directions, trying to forcibly cut through the Dark Yin Orb. .

"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

The sound was like a ghost crying, although the nine-faced eight-diagram light and shadow shield was fast, fierce, and strong, but when it cut to the edge of the dark yin pearl, it couldn't take a step forward.

"Jie Jie! The master of the Three Tribulations' control over the energy of the heaven and the earth is by no means comparable to that of the little cultivator of the Second Tribulation. Alright! Long Fei, you can go on the road first! The Blood Curse!"

Xuan Fei grinned grimly, pointing his right index finger towards the Mingyin Bead, the dark and transparent Mingyin Bead was suddenly covered with bright red streaks of blood.These bloodshots vary in thickness, some are as thick as a finger, and some are as thin as a hair. They criss-cross the entire Nether Yin Pearl like blood vessels, giving people a strange feeling.

Immediately afterwards, these blood threads vibrated almost at the same time, protruding their pointed ends one by one, and then shot towards Long Fei like red snakes.

Long Fei went deep inside the Dark Yin Pearl, and quickly cast "Wind Shadow Art", turning himself into a gust of wind, trying to avoid the bloodshot attack.

But the distance is too close, there are too many bloodshots, and the bloodshots come from all directions and from the upper and lower sides.No matter how good Long Fei's body skills were, no matter how fast his movement speed was, it would not help, he was still hit by many bloodshots.

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

The sound continued, bloodshots shot at Long Fei one after another.But Long Fei's body was as strong as a crescent moon magic blade, so he was not afraid of the bloodshot shooting, he was only pierced by the bloodshot clothes, but not injured at all.

The bloodshot's attack power was not as strong as imagined, Long Fei was just about to breathe a sigh of relief in surprise, when he was suddenly surprised to find that the bloodshots shot at him not to hurt him, but to stick to him.

As soon as these bloodshots hit the body, they adhered firmly to the skin, covering the whole body like hair in a short while.


Long Fei suddenly clenched his fists with all his strength, and the vitality in his body suddenly rushed out of his body, trying to forcibly wash away all the blood threads from his skin.However, these blood threads seemed to grow on the skin originally, no matter how much the force of Yuan Li rushed out of the body, they still stuck to the skin without breaking away.

"It's useless! Once the dark yin blood sticks to the flesh, it becomes the same body as the flesh and cannot be separated. Jie Jie! You just wait to be tortured to death!" Xuan Fei said coldly, with a proud face.

Hearing this, Long Fei was startled, and a magnetized Yuanli sword came out of his right hand, and he slashed at the bloodshot all over his body with the sword.But these blood threads fluttered with Long Fei's hands.No matter how powerful Long Fei's slashing power was, he couldn't hit them.


After only a moment, Long Fei felt extreme pain all over his body, as if countless poisonous insects were crazily biting.I saw that the blood streaks suddenly swelled up like blood vessels, and there was a blood-like red substance flowing inside them.The flow direction of these red substances is exactly in Long Fei's body, it's like an infusion.The pain in Long Fei's skin was due to these red substances.

"Long Fei!"

When Niu Zhong saw this, his expression suddenly became tense, and he clenched his right hand while screaming, a black heavy hammer flashed in his palm, and then he threw it violently at Xuan Fei.

As soon as the black hammer entered the air, it rose ten feet in diameter against the wind, and smashed towards Xuanfei violently.

"Your defense is good, but your attack is really not good. Don't worry, the deputy palace lord will not kill you for the time being, but let you watch your brother slowly tortured to death. Only in this way can I relieve the hatred in my heart .”

Xuanfei didn't even look at the black hammer, he clenched his right hand, and struck the black hammer in the air. A black energy fist shadow rushed out from his right fist, "Bang!" With a loud sound, the black heavy hammer flew away.However, the shadow of the black energy fist also disappeared.


At this moment, Long Fei was so painful that he knelt on one foot at the bottom of the Mingyin Pearl, his hands were pulling his hair fiercely, blue veins popped up all over his body, and his whole body was trembling unceasingly.At this moment, not only his skin was bitten by ten thousand insects, but his whole body was in severe pain inside and out like ten thousand insects bitten.

Looking at the bloodshots densely covering Longfei's body, all the red substance in the bloodshots had been completely injected into Longfei's body.At this time, Long Fei's skin was as bright red as blood clots, and blood had begun to ooze from the seven orifices.

"Long Fei! Long Fei..."

Niu Zhong was so anxious that he frantically mobilized the black heavy hammer to smash Xuan Fei angrily, and at the same time used "shrink the ground into an inch" to rush to Long Fei to rescue him.

But no matter how fierce and fast the black heavy hammer attacked, Xuan Fei would easily smash it away with one punch after another.

Facing Niu Zhong's "shrinking the ground into an inch" approaching every time, Ming Yinzhu suddenly bounced rapidly and avoided in time.

"Haha! Come on!"

Xuan Fei looked up to the sky and laughed, extremely proud.

At this moment, suddenly a gas sword, as many as ten thousand, flashed around Xuanfei at the same time, trapping him firmly in it.

"What? Deep in my dark yin bead, and eroded by the dark yin curse, I can still launch an attack." Xuanfei was startled, but when he found that Long Fei was still in the dark yin bead from the corner of his eyes, Suddenly regaining his complacency, he sneered and said again: "Hey! Being in a dangerous situation, taking advantage of the fact that the deputy palace lord was happy for a while and slightly relaxed the control of the Mingyin Orb, he immediately seized the opportunity to launch an attack. Even the deputy palace lord has to admire you as a fighting genius. But the better you are, the sooner you will die. Just in case, the deputy palace lord should send you back to the west as soon as possible!"

As soon as Xuanfei finished speaking, he pointed his right index finger towards the Mingyin Pearl again, and saw the Qingmi sword at the center of the Mingyin Pearl sharply screamed and shot towards the Baihui acupoint on the top of Long Fei's head.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, the gas swords around Xuanfei exploded at the same time, and the sword fragments imprisoned Xuanfei in it.


Niu had a tacit understanding of gravity, and immediately mobilized the black hammer to smash it at Xuan Fei.

"It's really a dream to trap the deputy palace master with such a trivial skill."

A monstrous black evil energy suddenly burst out of Xuanfei's body, "Boom!" the encircling circle formed by the gas sword shards exploded, and then he swung his right fist again, and with one punch, the black heavy hammer that came rushing towards him was blown away. Knocked into the air, and then rushed out.

At this moment, in the Mingyin Pearl, although Long Fei was in great pain, but his reason was still there. He used the "Thunderbolt Technique" urgently, and he disappeared in a flash, miraculously avoiding the sharp blow of the Qing Mi sword.But when he reappeared, he was still inside the Mingyin Pearl and couldn't teleport out.

"There is such a magical teleportation technique, but you can only avoid it this time."

Xuanfei suddenly opened his right fist, then shook the Mingyin Bead violently, and then extended his index finger out to hit the Mingyin Bead hard.

The Mingyin bead suddenly shrank to a diameter of three zhang as it was grasped, and the Qingmi sword at the center of the bead shrieked and shot towards the back of Long Fei's head.

At this moment, Xuan Fei suddenly found another [-] gas swords flashing around him, and as soon as they flashed, "Bang! Bang! Bang!" All of them exploded in an instant.

"It can still attack like this? Why is there a sword in the sword?"

Xuan Fei exclaimed again and again, at this moment there is no time to see if the Qing Mi sword hit Long Fei.


The evil spirit in Xuanfei's body rushed out of his body again, abruptly bursting out of the circle surrounded by sword shards, and rushed out violently.But at this moment, Xuan Fei was already drenched in blood. Except for the head, other parts of his body were covered with holes and blood was flowing.These were obviously done by Long Fei's Dayan Qingtian sword that was hidden in the gas sword.

"Boom!" Another explosion sounded, and Xuanfei's head suddenly exploded, fragments splashed, and blood mist filled the air.

"Hateful villain! You actually destroyed my body. The sword exploded, the pearl exploded, and we all died together." A pale black primordial spirit rushed out from the Baihui acupoint of Xuanfei's only remaining head, suspended in the air, and glared at Ming Long Fei inside the Yin Pearl, sternly pointed his index finger towards the Ming Yin Pearl.

But neither the sword nor the bead exploded, the only thing that changed was Long Fei inside the bead.

I saw Long Fei's body transformed into a golden light, and with a sound of "Wow!", he shot at Xuanfei Primordial Spirit.

"How could this be? You are not affected by the curse."

Xuanfei Yuanshen looked horrified, he had already been severely injured, and at this moment he never expected that Long Fei could rush out of the Mingyin Orb, so he couldn't dodge it at all.


In an instant, the golden light shot through Xuan Fei Yuanshen's eyebrows.Immediately after, Xuanfei's primordial spirit exploded into strands of black soul strands by the remaining sword energy from the wound with a "Boom!".

"You scoundrel! Even I was deceived. How come you are not corrupted by the curse?"

Niu Zhong Gaoxuan's heart finally settled down, he took a step towards Long Fei's side, and asked with some annoyance.

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