Chaos fairy way

Chapter 403 Attack of Power King

"I'm lying to you! You can fake the pain, but can you fake the bleeding from the seven orifices? Why don't you try it?"

Long Fei wiped the blood stains on the corners of his eyes that affected his vision with his right hand, and said angrily.

"That...hehe!" Niu Zhong suddenly realized that he had lost his composure, and couldn't help laughing dryly.He wasn't really annoyed, but he was too worried and anxious when he saw his good brother Long Fei in pain, so he temporarily lost his innate nature of not showing emotions.However, Niu Zhong is notoriously boring after all. After a while, his face became tightly tied again, and then he asked in confusion: "You couldn't shoot the Netherworld Orb when you cast 'One Strike to Break the Sky' at first. , and then it was able to shoot out, but now my Bagua light shield can’t come out, what’s going on here?”

"Hehe! It's really a blessing when misfortune lies, and misfortune is what blessing depends on. This time, I was able to survive this catastrophe, thanks to this black bead!" Long Fei smiled wryly, stretched out his right hand, revealing the sword pattern and black bead on his right wrist, Then he said: "The trip to the holy eye sea area, in the main hall of the holy eye temple, the curse power of this black bead forcibly entered the body, and the pain caused was not a hundred times stronger than that of the blood poison curse just now. At that time, it was almost It killed me. Unexpectedly, this time, the blood poison curse forcibly entered my body, and when I was about to be unable to resist the blood poison curse, it turned out that this black bead suddenly produced a strong suction force, which instantly sucked the blood into my body. The poisonous curse was forcibly sucked into it, so that I escaped unharmed."

"Oh! Really? It seems that this black bead must have an extraordinary origin. This black bead can absorb the blood poison curse. I heard you say that there are thousands of curses hidden in it, including the curse that can make all the creatures in the Holy Eye Sea A peerless curse that cannot produce males but can only produce females. However, its aura, material, characteristics, etc. are completely different from the top treasures in the cultivation world, so it may be a very special kind of yiyang from the collar on Xiaoyu's neck. Treasure. I guess it should be more mysterious and powerful than the collar on Xiaoyu's neck. But what is it? Is its existence a disaster or a blessing? It is really impossible to know!" Niu Zhong frowned slightly Wrinkled, with a worried look on his face.

"Hehe! It's still the same sentence, it's a blessing or a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided; if it's a disaster, resist his mother. Anyway, there are many things that I don't understand on my body! Besides, this black bead can clearly be seen to be affected by the sword pattern. Suppression, and the sword pattern can give me that kind of skill, after all, it won't be bad." Long Fei smiled proudly, his expression extremely free and easy.

"It's true, compared to the sword pattern and your resurrection after death, other things really don't matter, ha ha!" Hearing this, Niu Zhong's worry disappeared instantly, and he couldn't help but open his heart, and then smiled.

"Okay, pack up the booty, and find a place to take a bath quickly, my whole body is itchy."

Long Fei scratched his back with his right hand, and then made a move towards the Nether Yin Bead flying in the air in the distance.

The Ming Yin Pearl suddenly shrank to the size of a thumb, and shot into Long Fei's purple storage bag in a flash.The Qingmi Sword in the Deep Yin Pearl was also obtained by Long Fei.

"You can recognize the owner of the blood of the Mingyin Pearl?" Niu Zhong asked with some surprise.

"I have not recognized the owner of the Mingyin Pearl with blood. Since the black bead on my right wrist absorbed the blood poison curse in the Mingyin Pearl, the Mingyin Pearl has been completely under my control like a treasure after a blood drop. This is why I couldn't get out of the Ming Yin Pearl at first, but I was able to get out when I killed Xuan Fei." Long Fei spread his hands, and he was also baffled by this question.

Afterwards, Long Fei put the black storage bag that Xuan Fei dropped on the ground after his death into his bag, and then teleported away with Niu Zhong to the meeting place agreed with Xiaoyu.

Three days later, in the small interface, on a hillside, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, Wu Tianxiong, a middle-aged monk with a thin face, and several masters of the Second Tribulation were sitting around discussing the next move.The middle-aged monk was the master of the Three Tribulations rescued by Long Fei. He came from the Hall of Martial Immortals, his name was Wu Yang, and he was also an uncle of Wu Tianxiong.

During the battle at Mi Palace's secret base, Long Fei and the others rescued a total of fifteen masters of the Second Tribulation in the cultivation world.Not only are their primordial spirits and physical bodies deeply poisonous, but they are also sealed by a peculiar imprint of divine sense in the power palace.When Long Fei rescued them, he had to cast spells to force them into the small interface.

During the past three days, Long Fei and Niu Zhong worked day and night, expending a lot of energy and many precious medicines, using the power of "Magnetization Yuanbo" to break through the mind-breaking effect of "Magnetization Yuanbo" to unlock the strange gods that sealed the souls and bodies of the masters. Recite the imprint, and finally resolve the insidiousness in their bodies.However, they have been sealed for too long, and they have suffered too much poisonous erosion, so that although the poison and seal have been released, the wounds on their bodies need a long time to recuperate before they can recover.For some individuals, I am afraid that they will never be able to return to their original state for the rest of their lives.At this moment, with the help of Long Fei's many spiritual treasures, they are trying their best to heal their injuries.

As for Wu Yang, the master of the Three Tribulations, although his soul and physical body were severely damaged by the mysterious formation of the power palace, and his whole body's power and spiritual power were almost exhausted, he has not yet been made a Yin slave. For master robbers, it is quite easy to recover.However, within ten days and half a month, it is impossible to fully recover to the peak state.

Today, Wu Yang finally stabilized the injury in his body, so at Long Fei's suggestion, they gathered together to discuss the matter of rescuing the missing persons in the comprehension world and annihilating all the enemies in the power palace.

"In the past three days, although the seals and insidiousness of the masters have been released, it is absolutely impossible to restore their peak combat power in a short time. Although the enemies in the power palace fought at the secret base, they lost one master of the third calamity and four masters of the second calamity. And more than a dozen masters of the first calamity, but there are still two masters of the third calamity, more than ten masters of the second calamity, and more than 20 masters of the first calamity. Therefore, the strength of the enemy and ourselves is still very different, and now the enemies of Mi Palace have suffered a heavy loss. We will raise our vigilance and strictly guard against the main hall of the Mi Palace. Based on these, it is almost possible for us to successfully attack the main hall of the Mi Palace and rescue the missing persons in the cultivation world. As for annihilating the enemies of the Mi Palace, it will be even more impossible. I am afraid that by then If we fail to annihilate the enemy, our entire army will be wiped out instead." A second calamity master with slightly dark skin and a protruding forehead said helplessly.

"Yes! It makes sense, but we can find a way to go to the cultivation world to ask for reinforcements. Only when reinforcements arrive from the cultivation world, it will be easy to annihilate all the enemies in Mi Palace." Wu Tianxiong said in a buzzing voice.

"It is indeed the safest way to ask for reinforcements, but it is really difficult to do, even more difficult than a sneak attack on the main hall of the Mi Palace. Before, Long Daoyou and Niu Chongyou said that although they searched for several Mi Palace masters, none of them The masters of the power palace know how to get out of the mysterious space and reach the world of comprehension. The masters of the power palace who have been searched for gods only know that whenever they go to the fairy sea area of ​​the cultivation world, the king of power will send special envoys in advance to inform the patrol angels to lead the people to a certain place to wait .Then the special envoy will take the token to activate the peerless formation in the mysterious space, go to the agreed place to open the formation, and send the patrolling angels to go out together. In this case, if we want to go out, we can only deal with King Mi. But with With our current strength, how can we handle King Mi?" Wu Yang glanced at Wu Tianxiong, he knew this nephew and nephew who was the number one young expert in the Western Regions, and he knew that he had a lot of nerves, so he responded to what Wu Tianxiong said. The thoughtless method of asking for reinforcements was not directly denied.

"Now, we can only wait patiently. On the one hand, we wait for the masters to recover from their injuries as soon as possible, and then it is still possible to use some strategies to rescue the missing in the cultivation world; on the other hand, we wait for the help of the major forces in the cultivation world. With so many masters disappearing or dying tragically in Haiyu, it is impossible for the four major sects of cultivation in the Huahuang Continent, the four major royal families of the Hai clan, and the three major sects of cultivation in Haiyu to investigate this matter. So reinforcements will come sooner or later matter." Long Fei spat out the foxtail in his mouth, stood up, and made the final decision.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound like heavy objects hitting the wall from all directions.With the sound of "Bang! Bang!", the entire small interface seemed to be trembling slightly.

"What's the matter? There are no powerful monsters in the small interface, and all the masters are in the process of deep healing. Why is there such a sound for no reason?"

"It's not the sound of hitting the ground, otherwise the ground would tremble."

"Go, go and see!"

Niu Zhong, Wu Tianxiong, Wu Yang and several Second Tribulation masters stood up in confusion, Wu Tianxiong and several Second Tribulation masters said one after another.

"Let's go to different places to find out what's going on?" As Long Fei spoke, he wanted to use "Running Thunder Technique" to teleport to the north.

At this moment, a crack burst open in the void above everyone's heads, and Xiao Jin rushed into the small interface carrying Xiao Yu.

"Ugly Boss! Ugly Boss! Not good, not good, the bad guys in Mi Palace have found a weak node in a mysterious space and small interface. King Mi is concentrating all the masters to attack the node madly, trying to break through the node and enter Small interface."

"Yes! Yes! We happened to meet when we went to the mysterious space to check the news. If it weren't for the speed of this beast, which is the world's best, King Mi would have caught us both."

Xiao Jin and Xiao Yu scrambled to say.

"What should we do? If we are really attacked by the enemies of Mi Palace, we will definitely be in danger!" A second robbery master looked at Long Fei and said worriedly.

At this moment, all the masters, including Wu Yang, the master of the Three Tribulations, all cast their generals on Long Fei.The peak master of the second calamity in Zhanmi Palace, and a master of the third calamity and more than a dozen masters of the first and second calamity in the first battle of the secret base, plus Long Fei and Niu Chong fought their lives to save all the masters in the past three days.All the masters have made Long Fei and Niu Zhong the leaders invisibly.And Niu Zhong usually doesn't like to talk, and always keeps his face tied, so Long Fei naturally became the real leader of everyone.

"Xiaoyu! Can you find the corresponding node position in the small interface according to the node position that King Mi stormed in the mysterious space?" Long Fei didn't care about the eyes of the masters, but looked at Xiao Jin's back at this moment. Xiaoyu, who drifted to the ground, asked thoughtfully.

"Yes!" Xiaoyu nodded, her tone was very sure.

"Okay! This is a crisis, but also a good opportunity. Brother Tianxiong, go and call all the active fellow Taoists." Not only was Long Fei not worried about King Mi's cross-border attack, but his eyes were filled with excitement.

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