Chaos fairy way

Chapter 404 Decisive Battle at Power Palace

"Okay!" Wu Tianxiong nodded, and then "shrunk the ground into an inch" to the place where the masters of the cultivation world healed their wounds.

"Fellow Daoist Long! Do you want to send people to strengthen the nodes? But it is easy to destroy nodes, but it is very difficult to repair or reinforce them. With our current strength, we may not be able to do it." Wu Yang said solemnly.

"There is no need to reinforce the nodes! Everyone is called here to set up formations and set up traps. Before, we had to hide because of the disparity in strength between the enemy and us, and it was difficult to rescue the missing persons in the cultivation world and annihilate the enemies of the Power Palace. Now , the enemy of the power palace is actively attacking, this is a good opportunity to wipe out the enemy. Listening to the sound of breaking the boundary, the enemy of the power palace wants to break through the node and enter the small interface, and it will be difficult to do it in three or five days; As for the next battle and the traps, I have studied a little bit. It should not be a problem to use these three to five days to set up a few lore-killing formations. If you can get the help of a few lore-killing formations, then you will basically recover, fellow Wu Yang, then With the advantages of the right time, place and people, we should have a better chance of winning in a battle with the enemies of the power palace." The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched, the bad arc immediately appeared, and his expression was quite confident.

"Oh! Really! That's good, that's good."

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Long not only to have amazing combat power, but also to be proficient in formation techniques. We are so lucky to meet you!"

Seeing Long Fei's confident appearance, Wu Yang and several other masters of the Second Tribulation lost all worry and said one after another.Now they seem to respect Long Fei again.Of course, the reason why everyone can trust Long Fei so much is because Long Fei and Niu Gravity Slashing Power Palace's three masters and many first and second masters have been working day and night generously to detoxify and heal the masters of the cultivation world.

Niu Chong stood next to the crowd and hadn't interrupted before. After the admiration of the crowd gradually subsided, he said slowly: "This is indeed a good move, but it is also a dangerous move. Just in case, we will It's better to evacuate those fellow daoists who can't participate in the battle first from the small interface and hide in the mysterious space."

"That's right! In this way, we will have no worries and be able to attack and retreat, and their lives will not be in danger." Wu Yang immediately agreed.

"Okay! That's it. Fellow Daoist Wu Yang, you concentrate on healing your injuries and recovering your strength as soon as possible. I will be responsible for setting up the formation. The other fellow Daoists will follow my unified arrangement and lead the masters to set up the formation." Trap." Long Fei's expression gradually became serious, and while he was speaking, he took out several soul wooden sticks from his waist storage bag with his right hand and placed them on his forehead for a moment, then he flicked his right hand randomly, and the several soul wooden sticks in his hand flew to the chests of the masters respectively Three feet away, he said again: "I have rubbed the layout methods and essentials of several lore-killing formations into these soul wooden sticks. After a while, everyone will follow the instructions on the soul wooden sticks and lead the masters to go to the surrounding nodes." Everywhere, set up these lore-killing formations as soon as possible."

After hearing the words, all the masters stretched out their hands expectantly to grab the soul wooden stick in front of them, put it on their foreheads, and then searched for the information inside it with their spiritual sense.After only a moment, everyone's eyes were full of surprise.

After Niu Zhong checked the contents of the soul wooden stick, he looked at Long Fei and nodded expressionlessly, it was difficult to see his mood at this time.

After a while, Wu Tianxiong finally arrived with seven experts from the cultivation world.

Afterwards, under the guidance of Xiaoyu, Long Fei and others went straight to the location of the node.

After arriving at the location of the node, Long Fei asked all the masters to take out all the materials for setting up formations and traps that they had, and sent Xiao Jin and Wu Tianxiong to get all the materials for the few masters in the cultivation world who could not participate in the battle.Then, Long Fei divided the fourteen masters present into seven groups, and divided all the materials into seven parts, and then divided the troops into seven groups to set up formations and traps around the nodes.

During the deployment, Long Fei and Xiaoyu personally sent several masters who could not participate in the battle out of the small interface, hiding in a very remote and seemingly ordinary valley cave in the mysterious space, and planted several powerful roads at the entrance of the cave. Masking array.After that, Long Fei tried several times to make sure that the shielding formation was perfect, and then he and Xiaoyu returned to the small interface and joined the intensive formation again.


Four days later, with a loud noise like a thunderbolt from the blue, the nodes of the small interface exploded, and a hole more than three feet wide suddenly appeared in the sky.Immediately afterwards, King Mi led many masters of the Mi Palace to enter the small interface from the cave and stood in the void.Behind them were pitch-black metal spaceships that were less than ten times larger than the Feidushuo.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Long Fei and Wu Yang appeared in a flash from a lush forest on the ground about a hundred feet away in front of King Mi, standing in the void.Both of them had smiles on their faces, as if seeing old friends.

"Bold villain! When you see this king, you dare to show yourself. Could it be that you really think that you can fight with this king because of your despicable design and murder of one of my deputy palace lords?" Mi Wang looked gloomy, He didn't do it immediately, but secretly checked the surrounding environment with his divine sense.

"The battle between you and me has not been decided. As for despicableness, who else can compare to you, King Mi, otherwise I will not be your prisoner in turn." Wu Yang looked at the words of King Mi Some got excited.

"Hmph! In the last battle, this king only saw that you were an excellent material for making yin slaves, so he didn't kill you to destroy it. Today, you are not so lucky, you must die. "Wang Mi sneered, looking at Wu Yang with deep disdain in his eyes.

"Hehe! Who will die and who will live? I don't know yet!" Long Fei shook his head and smiled, then tilted his head violently, looked down at King Mi, pointed his right hand towards the ground, and said again: "I found out that you people in Mi Palace don't know who you are!" Is there such a problem of talking big and nonsense when you open your mouth? If you want to fight, just let the horse come over; if you want to run, hurry up and bastard."

"You..." The dignified King Mi had never been so contemptuous and rude, his eyes turned cold, and his murderous aura surged, but after only a moment, he seemed to think of something, and the murderous aura that rushed out slowly subsided into his body again, sneering Said: "Hey! Do you want to provoke my king to go down and break the formation with this little aggressive method? How childish!"

"You don't want to break the formation, do you? Then you can hang out wherever you are cool! I won't accompany you any longer, so I'll leave!" Long Fei waved his right hand to King Mi, and as soon as he finished speaking, he and Wu Yang flashed away. In the woods when I came in.

"Extremely hateful!" The murderous aura in King Mi's body surged again and boiled, and he swung his right hand downwards towards the forest where Long Fei and the two had entered, and ordered sharply: "Children, kill me!"

"Wait! King Mi, this thief is obviously luring us to break the formation. Anyway, we have entered the small interface, we might as well find out the situation in the small interface here, and then break the formation and kill the enemy before it is too late." Mi Wang body The night sky next to him said quickly.

"A group of half-dead people, plus two monks from the Second Tribulation, in such a short period of time, they can't arrange any powerful formations. What's more, we have a few big tricks. They can't do anything It's a big storm." Although Wang Mi looked very angry, his eyes were calm and cold.Then he swung his right hand downwards, and a black heavy hammer flashed out from the palm of his hand. As soon as he entered the air, the sea was nearly ten feet in diameter, and it hit the woods where Long Fei and Long Fei had entered with a "bang!" like a falling meteorite. , and instantly smashed out a deep pit with a diameter of nearly a hundred feet.Afterwards, King Mi said quite proudly: "How? With one hammer blow, everything will be destroyed. Children, kill me! No one will be left behind."


Under the leadership of a group of masters in the Mi Palace, the monks jumped off the spaceships one after another amidst the screams, landed on the ground violently, and then drifted towards the forest where Long Fei and the two had entered.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

As soon as the Migong monks entered the depths of the woods, light yellow energy thorns like bone spurs burst out of the ground suddenly, piercing a Migong monk who had drifted to the ground through the soles of his feet or buttocks.The blood stained the ground red for a moment, and a choking smell of blood permeated the entire forest.

Of course, the casualties were all monks who were below the tribulation stage, and the masters of the tribulation stage naturally avoided the surprise attack of the energy thorn in time.

"Don't touch the ground, Imperial Treasure flies!"

A second robbery master who led the team shouted loudly.

Afterwards, a group of masters rushing to the front raised their fists and stretched their feet, "condensing into form" with giant palms, giant fists, and various energy weapons, bombarding the front of them like a storm. forest.Wherever it passed, any vegetation, stones, etc. were all wiped out, and the ground was cut to the point of three feet.

Dust and mist billowed, energy billowed, all kinds of treasures, all kinds of energy attacks flew all over the sky.All the monks from Mi Palace ran hundreds of miles in one go, destroying the entire forest, but they didn't meet a single monk from the realm of comprehension.

Mi Wang and Xuan Fei, and a slender black-robed monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks have been walking in the void, always standing above the attacking monks in Mi Palace, watching the entire battle.

"Hmph! It's ridiculous to attack so arrogantly with only this formation."

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked monk saw that the formation of Long Fei and others was so vulnerable, he couldn't help showing disdain.

"The formation doesn't reach this far. There are also formation energy fluctuations in the hilly area ten miles north of this forest. It seems that the formation is a bit stronger than this formation." At this moment, King Mi returned to his gloomy face.

Xuanfei glanced at Queen Mi respectfully, and immediately pointed his right hand to the north knowingly, and ordered loudly: "Brothers! The masters of Yingjieqi will lead the way, and the other monks will follow and kill the hilly area to the north!"


The number of monks in the Mi Palace is nearly several hundred, and their morale has been greatly boosted by breaking the formation and destroying the forest before.Now when he heard Xuanfei's order, his fighting spirit was high, and he shouted like thunder to guard all kinds of treasures, and rushed to the hilly area.

Ten miles away, it will arrive naturally in an instant.However, the cultivators of the Mi Palace flew fast all the way close to the vegetation and royal treasures on the ground. After rushing into the hilly area, they did not encounter any attack, nor did they encounter any resistance from the cultivators of the cultivation world.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A quarter of an hour later, when all the Migong monks entered the hinterland of the hilly area, and their expressions relaxed a little, suddenly the surrounding small peaks exploded suddenly, and the stones and earth were shot like pieces of treasures, and the huge explosive force turned into strands. The hurricane followed the stone and soil like a sharp wind blade, and swept towards the monks of the power palace.

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