Chaos fairy way

Chapter 410 Decisive Battle at Power Palace

The big hole at the bottom of the lake, the small hole on the left, Yekong and Xuanchun led nearly [-] Mi Gong monks aggressively chasing and killing Niu Zhong, Wu Yang and others, but they did not leave the small hole as easily as King Mi.

The small hole on the left, with the accumulation of silt on the ground, is as narrow as the small hole on the right, like a passage, but its average width is slightly larger than the small hole on the right.

Along the way, the monks of Mi Palace broke through the water and drifted, chasing after the residual aura left by Wu Yang and others, and ran quickly in the small cave passage.During their pursuit, their divine sense and perception were stimulated to the extreme, and they were highly alert to the sneak attack of Niu Zhong and others.However, after running for dozens of miles, they did not encounter any attacks from Niu Zhong, Wu Yang and others.

While the monks in the Night Sky Power Palace were suspicious, the passageway of the small cave suddenly opened up, and it suddenly increased to a diameter of nearly ten miles. This is a big hole within a hole.

The monks in the Mi Palace immediately explored their spiritual thoughts and perceptions, and they knew that the big hole was not the end of the small hole passage.In the deepest part of the big hole, there is another passage opening that leads to a deeper place, and its size is about the same as the small hole passage that enters the big hole. [

"Master Ye, the small hole suddenly opened up to form a big hole, which can be identified at a glance as a natural formation. Just now, I have carefully detected the big hole in front of me several times with my mind and perception, but I did not find any strands of formation energy in it. Wandering is a sign of the enemy lurking. Based on these two points, I think the big hole ahead should be dangerous. In order to destroy the enemy as soon as possible, I suggest that we quickly cross the big hole and enter the exit passage deep in it." Xuan Chun cupped his hands towards the night sky and said with a smile .Although he is also the deputy palace lord, he does not dare to be arrogant in front of the masters of the Three Tribulations.

"The big hole in front is indeed enemy traces and enemy formations, but the exit passage deep in the big hole is a bit weird. Inside it, the white mist merges with the lake water, covering the line of sight, and divine thoughts and perceptions can't penetrate it for detection. Obviously, the exit passage There is a predetermined article. For the sake of caution, you and I will enter the big cave first. On the one hand, we will test whether the big cave is a real enemy formation; Investigate the situation inside." Yekong only slightly nodded at Xuanchun's flattery, maintaining his expression.It seemed to him that Hyun Chun deserved respect for him.

"Hehe! This..." Seeing Yekong's indifferent expression, Xuanchun's smile froze slightly, and then he laughed a little bit self-mockingly dryly. With a flattering smile, he said with some squeaks: "Master Ye, just in case, it's better for us to leave one of us outside the cave. I'm just a little monk of the Second Tribulation, but you You are a master of the Three Tribulations, so why don't you make this person who stays behind feel ashamed?"

Hearing the words, Yekong glanced at Xuanchun's smiling face with low eyebrows, his eyes showed contempt, then he closed his eyes, tilted his head slightly, and twitched the corners of his mouth, and said in a teaching tone: "The leader should take the lead and charge in the front For this point, your elder brother Xuan Fei can do better than you. However, your words are also reasonable, and besides, it will not be of much use if you follow the deputy palace lord into the big cave, so the deputy palace lord will go first Forget it in the big hole."

"Vice Palace Master Ye, you..." Xuan Chun's face turned green and white, and he was quite annoyed in his heart, but he dared not refute.

At this moment, Yekong didn't pay attention to Xuanchun's expression at all, he raised his foot and took a step, a flash, tore apart the lake water, and entered the big hole.

Afterwards, Ye Kong turned his left hand backwards, with a relaxed expression, and drifted away to the exit passage deep in the cave without any haste.

Seeing this scene, Xuanchun's face was no longer painted, but flushed and purple.

"Vice Palace Mistress Ye, that was done with real knives and guns. Like this so-called First Vice Palace Mistress Xuan, his achievements in the first battle and his prowess in the Second World War were all due to his good background and someone who stepped in for him. Elder brother, he became the deputy palace lord."

"That's right! In terms of combat power, he is no match for me; in terms of combat achievements, he is even the bottom of the monks in the Second Tribulation. Such a person is directly appointed as the deputy palace master, which makes people feel dissatisfied!"

"That's right! I'm not convinced."

All the cultivators of the Second Tribulation in Mi Palace pursed their lips, with disdainful expressions, and muttered one after another.

When Xuan Chun heard the words, he turned his head sharply, and his sharp eyes shot at the monks of the Second Tribulation.But the monks of the Second Tribulation turned a blind eye and said what they should say.

"Huh!" Xuan Chun could only snort angrily, turned his head, and used his "clairvoyance" to continue watching the night sky walking in the big hole.

At this moment, the night sky has walked to the side of the exit passage deep in the cave, and is looking at the lake water in the exit passage that is fused with white mist.Then he lifted his right fist, and smashed it straight to the white mist lake in the passage through the lake, and a powerful light black energy suddenly rushed out from his right fist, "Wow!" pierced through the lake in the big cave, Break through the white mist lake and rush to the depths of the exit passage.


A dull roar suddenly came from the depths of the exit passage, and the white mist lake in the passage immediately oscillated for a while, and then the white mist in the white mist lake water gradually diluted and faded, and finally disappeared.At this moment, the lake water in the exit passage is roughly the same as the lake water in the big cave. Although it is more turbid, spiritual thoughts and perceptions can penetrate and enter the depth of the exit passage.

"It's just a formation to conceal and detect!" Ye Kong turned his head and looked at Xuanchun and other monks with a hint of disdain in his eyes. Clearly.


All the cultivators of the second calamity burst into laughter, those cultivators of the first calamity and below were afraid of Xuan Chun and did not dare to laugh, but they couldn't help laughing.Everyone knows that when Ye Kong said this, he was blatantly belittling monks in the cultivation world, but he was insinuating that Xuanchun was as cowardly as a mouse.

Xuan Chun's face was ashen, but there was nothing he could do.

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"Come in! This place should be dangerous."

The sound of the night sky passed through the lake again and reached the ears of the monks of Mi Palace.

Facing the night sky whose prestige and combat power were much higher than him, Xuan Chun could only swallow his anger, and finally forced a smile, led all the monks of the power palace into the big cave, and walked towards the night sky.

In a moment, the cultivators of Mimi Palace drifted to the center of the big hole.


At this moment, the entrance of the big hole behind the monks of Zhongmi Palace collapsed, completely sealing the entrance instantly.

The cultivators of Mi Mi Palace were still in a daze, when suddenly in the depths of the exit passage in front of the night sky, there was only a "shua" sound, and a yellow Yuanli ball the size of a washbasin pierced through the lake and rushed towards the night sky.

"Extremely treacherous, brothers, enter the passage with the deputy palace master."

Ye Kong reacted in an instant, and suddenly became furious, without the slightest panic, he slammed his right fist towards the Yuanli ball that was rushing towards him, and a strong light black energy rushed towards the Yuanli ball like a fierce dragon head-on.


The vigor and evil dragon was indeed powerful, and instantly exploded the Yuanli ball, but after the Yuanli ball exploded, a black ball surrounded by a trace of electric arc was shot out from it.

The black ball was extremely fast at the beginning when it was plundered by the Yuanli ball, and now it moves with explosive power. It is conceivable how fast it moves, it is like a black flash blocking the water of the lake, instantly Within a foot of the night sky, the target pointed directly at the heart of the night sky.

The distance was extremely short, the attack was extremely fast, and the incident happened too suddenly. It would be difficult for ordinary monks of the Second Tribulation to take any countermeasures.But Ye Kong is a master of the Three Tribulations after all, with top-notch combat experience and on-the-spot adaptability, etc.

When the black ball hit Ye Kong's clothes, a black shield rushed out of his heart and hit the black ball head-on.At the same time, a layer of light black body protection element force layer came out through the body and attached to the skin on the surface of the body.

"Bang! Crash!"

The black bead's attack was swift and fierce, and the attack speed was extremely fast. It exploded as soon as it hit the black shield.It was not made of gunpowder, and what exploded was neither flame nor metal shavings, but a huge silver arc.That's right, it is exactly Long Fei's Thunder Orb.

The huge electric arc completely submerged the night sky in an instant, and electric currents rushed all over his body, constantly shocking his body.

These electric currents are more powerful through the lake water, and the clothes of the night sky are electrocuted into powder at once, making the night sky have to be naked.But no matter how strong the electric current is, it can't penetrate the layer of protective energy on Ye Kong's skin.Therefore, although the night sky looked embarrassed, it was unscathed.

"The attack is not bad, it can be used as a top-grade weapon, but what can it do to me?" Ye Kong let the electric arc hit him, but his expression was proud.

But the next moment, he couldn't stand up proudly, and saw that the arc current not only hit him, but also spread to the ground of the big cave, the cave wall and the lake water using water as the conductor. [

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

There were five thunderous explosions in a row, and they suddenly came from the four sides and the center of the big hole. This sound was very similar to the previous Thunder Orb explosion.

Ye Kong turned his head and looked, and the five explosions were actually the same as the explosion of the Thunder Pearl.The five Thunder Orbs had obviously been buried underground in the big cave beforehand, and they were triggered by the arc current of the first Thunder Orb to explode just now.

"Crash! Crash! Crash..."

"Ah! Ah! Ah..."

The big hole was only about ten li long and wide, and five thunder beads exploded from the east, west, north, south, and center of the big hole almost at the same time, and electric arcs used the lake water as the carrier to immediately cover the whole big hole, causing the lake to boil.All the monks of Mi Wang were constantly being burned by electric current and boiled by boiling water, screaming again and again.Nearly [-] masters below the tribulation stage were immediately reduced to ashes by the electric arc if their cultivation base was slightly weaker, and those with a relatively strong cultivation base were finally turned into scorched bones.A master in the Yingjie period has a tough body, strong cultivation base, and the most powerful treasure or esoteric body protection, so facing the combined attack of five top-grade treasures, even though he was completely naked, he was truly naked. , but did not die.However, the master of the first calamity was seriously injured, and the master of the second calamity was slightly injured.


Seeing this situation, the night sky was already mad with anger, and rushed into the exit passage first.Xuan Chun and the others ignored their nakedness, let alone their injuries, and rushed out of the big hole following the night sky.

About twenty miles away from the big cave, there is a cave slightly smaller than the big cave, and the exit passage of the big cave leads to this.It is also the end of the entire small hole passage.

At this moment, Niu Zhong, Wu Yang and the others were standing in this cave, listening to the sound of thunder and lightning from a distance, they all had smiles on their faces.

"Steaming live fish! This is a unique plan. Fellow Daoist Long Fei is truly a peerless talent!" Wu Yang couldn't help admiring.

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