Chaos fairy way

Chapter 411 Decisive Battle at Power Palace

"Although the enemy of the power palace suffered heavy casualties, the high-end combat power is still there and has not been affected much, so the situation is not optimistic. Everyone will have to fight with their lives in the decisive battle." Niu Chongyan smiled, but his expression was, The heart is even more calm.Compared with others, he has long been accustomed to Long Fei's whimsical ideas and tricks.

Wu Yang was slightly startled when he heard this, and he valued Niu Zhong even more in his heart, and then immediately said: "Friend Niu is right! The enemy has already chased us, we need to leave as soon as possible, so as to prepare for the big battle. Let's go! "

Afterwards, Wu Yang took the lead in a flash, tearing open the lake water, and submerged in the formation surrounded by earth-colored formation flags and covered in white mist in front of everyone.This formation is also a formation of escape.

Niu Zhong and other masters in the cultivation world followed Wu Yang, either leaping or drifting, and entered the escaping formation one after another.

After only a moment, Ye Kong led a group of Mi Gong monks who were in a panic and finally chased to the cave where all the monks in the cultivation world left. [

"Master Ye, the formation in front must be the formation of escaping from the ground. The enemies in the cultivation world should use it to escape. If we want to continue our pursuit, we can only enter this formation, but it is very likely that the enemy will kill us in this formation." This is really a dilemma, so please decide!" Xuanchun said bitterly.Previously, Thunder Pearl's attack had made him realize that his own strength was not enough, so at this moment, he was indeed the same.

Yekong looked at Xuanfei's subdued appearance, his eyes revealed a look of pride, he didn't make things difficult for Xuanchun anymore, and immediately said in a kind tone: "Even though the Dungeon Formation can be called the best in the formation, It exists, but it has three major disadvantages. First, it can only be transmitted in one direction, and once transmitted, it cannot be transmitted back by the same formation; second, the transmission distance is relatively short, and the farthest will not exceed a thousand miles; It only needs to set up an array at the place where it is transmitted, and it needs to deploy a corresponding receiving array at the destination of the transmission. Therefore, once the monk is sent out, he cannot prevent others from using this array by destroying the array. Just now, all the monks in the cultivation world left in a hurry , and no one was left in this cave to destroy the ground escape formation, so the formation should not have been destroyed or tampered with."

"I see. I didn't expect Vice Palace Master Ye not only to have a high level of cultivation, but also to be so proficient in formations. I really admire you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you can give me more advice in the future. The matter of chasing and killing the villains is completely up to you." After Xuan Chun came to a sudden, then he cupped his hands in praise with a face full of respect, his expression was very sincere, it seemed that there was a fake in it.

Yekong took away the sparse gray beard on his chin, and seemed to be very pleased with Xuanchun's flattery, so he couldn't help smiling and said to Xuanchun: "However, then again, there is no manipulation in this formation, but the enemy will certainly Set up an ambush at the teleportation target."

"Then what should we do?" Xuan Chun asked nervously.This time, Xuan Chun's expression was a little exaggerated, which attracted some Mi Gong Erjie monks to curl their lips.

However, Ye Kong looked back as if he hadn't noticed, and still had a complacent look on his face. He waved his right hand like a leader, and said, "Before, the deputy palace master was careless for a while, and the villains took the opportunity to throw out weird black beads and caused a lot of trouble." Our side suffered heavy casualties. This time, the deputy palace lord has enough confidence and means to resist their ambush. This time, they have a three-kalpa master who has not recovered from serious injuries and a group of two-kalpa masters , even if there is a formation to help, there is nothing I can do. At that time, you only need to fight the enemy bravely."

"Yes! That's really great." Xuan Chun bowed his hands again, with an extremely excited expression, but there seemed to be a rather cold look in the depths of his eyes.

"Well! Everyone gathers within ten feet of me, and I will lead everyone into the battle."

While Ye Kong was talking, he waved his right hand, and a jet-black treasured umbrella engraved with white skulls flashed out from his palm, then soared into the sky, rushed to a height of about twenty feet and opened with a "bang", and then suddenly rose to An umbrella surface with a diameter of ten feet.

"Raksha Wufan, get up!"

At this time, Ye Kong slightly clenched his right hand, stretched out his index finger, and pointed towards the treasure umbrella Raksha Wufan, a light black force shot out from his fingertips to the bottom of the treasure umbrella handle.


The Raksha Wufan immediately spun rapidly, making a crying sound, and then a light black light curtain was shot downwards from the edges of the umbrella, instantly protecting the place within ten feet around Xuankong under the umbrella-shaped light curtain. Inside.

Seeing this, Xuanchun and the others either swept vertically or drifted into the umbrella-shaped light curtain.

Afterwards, the pale black origin force shot out by Ye Kong's right index finger suddenly converged, and then formed a qgu seal.Immediately, Raksha Wufan led all the monks of Mi Palace and flew into the white mist in the Dungeon formation with a whoosh.

When Raksha Wufan reappeared with all the monks from the Mi Palace, he was already on a grassland.As soon as it flashed, all kinds of light yellow energy weapons such as knives, swords, axes, etc. suddenly appeared out of thin air in all directions, and they shot together airtightly.

"Pow! Pow! Pow!"

Numerous energy weapons hit the umbrella surface of Raksha Wufan and the light black light curtain like a storm, making a rapid sound like water splashing on canvas.But no matter how fast and dense the energy weapons are, they can't break through the pale black light curtain, let alone destroy the Raksha Wufan.


A black heavy bell, with a diameter of more than ten feet, suddenly fell from the sky, like a star falling, and hit the umbrella tip of Raksha Wufan fiercely.

Raksha Wufan trembled violently after being hit. Although it was still undamaged, the pale black light curtain that guarded the monks of the power palace shook for a while, and cracked like glass with a crack! fine cracks.

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The black heavy hammer soared into the sky, and then fell down sharply, hitting Raksha Wufan fiercely again.


Raksha Wufan once again withstood the blow of the black heavy hammer, but the cracks on the light black energy light curtain suddenly widened and expanded several times, almost collapsing.

"Shua! Clang! Crack!" "Shua! Clang! Crack!"...

A handle of energy weapons passed through the cracks in the light curtain, shot into the light curtain, and then lased towards the monks of the power palace.For this small amount of energy weapons, the monks of the power palace who are masters in the catastrophe period smashed them one by one with just a casual punch.But the faces of the monks of Mimi Palace were not at all relaxed, but solemn.

Because although an energy weapon is only worth a blow from a high-level weapon, the besieging them are densely packed, tens of thousands, and exhausted.With so many energy weapons attacking the sky and covering the earth, it can be regarded as a top-grade weapon attack.Facing such an attack, if a master of the first calamity who is seriously injured resists it, it will be fatal after a long time; while a master of the second calamity who is lightly injured, although it is difficult to be fatal, it is inevitable that the injury will aggravate; not to mention that there are many monks in the cultivation world Hiding in the lore array, they may give them a fatal blow at any time.

At this moment, the light black energy light curtain of Raksha Wufan is in danger and may collapse at any time.Once collapsed, the monks of the power palace must face the crazy shooting of the energy weapons, so what awaits them must be death or serious injury.


The black heavy hammer soared up to the sky again, rushed to a height of hundreds of feet, and fell down quickly.

The situation was extremely dangerous for the monks of Mi Mi Palace, and the expressions of the monks of One or Two Tribulations suddenly became tense, and some dared not show their atmosphere, and their hearts rose with the fall of the black heavy hammer.However, Ye Kong, who was in the center of Zhongmi Palace, squinted his eyes, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly shouted in a QGU language: "Brothers, the Deputy Palace Master has found a flaw in this array, wait a moment The Deputy Palace Master will explode the Raksha Wufan. On the one hand, he will use the force of the explosion to destroy the formation; Thieves, don’t let any of them survive.”

At the same time, thousands of feet away from the place where the cultivators of the Mi Palace were trapped, in a piece of grass that was lush and taller than a person, Niu Zhong mobilized the black hammer with his spiritual thoughts to smash the Raksha Wufan wildly; He Wuyang and others are closely watching every move of the monks in the Mi Palace, so as to perform the final lore.

"Ye Kong's words are not like the language of the Huahuang Continent, nor the language of the Sea Territory. What is he yelling? It can't be a request for surrender!" A master of the second calamity in the cultivation world said with a confused face.

"Surrender is absolutely possible. It should be an order." Wu Yang said thoughtfully.

"Maybe it's some kind of big move, telling your subordinates to seize the opportunity to escape or attack us." Niu Zhong's perception is not as good as that of Wu Yang, a master of the Three Tribulations. With a cold smile, he was startled for a moment, as if he had guessed something, and then quickly said: "Everyone, be ready to cast a killing blow at any time, and use your strongest defense methods, just in case. "

Hearing the words, all the masters in the cultivation world threw out shields, seals and other defensive treasures that they were best at, while holding a handle of the strongest offensive treasure in their right hand, they entered the state of gaining momentum.Niu Zhong propped up his "shield of strength", enveloping all the experts in the cultivation world.


The black heavy hammer hit Raksha Wufan abruptly, and then a gust of energy swept across the surrounding distance.


The sound drowns out all sounds, and seems to shock all creatures in the small interface. [

This is the explosion of Raksha Wufan, a special treasure that can be regarded as a top-grade treasure suddenly exploded.The power was so great that the entire small interface trembled, and a huge energy storm rushed from the center of the explosion to all directions like a stormy sea.

The lore killing array was immediately destroyed by the force of the explosion, several weapons were instantly smashed into powder, and finally turned back into heaven and earth energy and disappeared. The traces of Niu Zhong and others were naturally exposed immediately.


The night sky immediately issued an attack order.


Although Niu Zhong's "Power Shield" withstood the huge explosive force, it collapsed in response. He even let out a muffled yell and spit out a mouthful of blood.


Wu Yang also immediately issued an attack order.

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