Chaos fairy way

Chapter 412 Decisive Battle at Power Palace


A pitch-black shadow of a fist charged at the front of many attacks by the cultivators of Power Palace. The shadow of this fist was nearly twenty feet in diameter, and the thick and long skin lines appeared, as if they were real.It originally had a sound, but it was blocked by a violent energy storm during the violent charge, so that it made a piercing sound of piercing the sky.This is a lore performed by Ye Kong with the secret method combined with the innate supernatural power of "condensing gas and transforming form".


The shadow of a giant palm is more than twenty feet long, shining with a dazzling yellow light, and surrounded by a faint halo. It suddenly condenses out of thin air three feet away from the palm of Wu Yang's right palm, and then rushes towards it head-on. The black fist shadow in the night sky.

"Boom!" [

The giant palm hit the giant fist, and the two exploded with a loud bang. The sound of the collision was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. It was strong, fierce, and violent, and the whole small interface buzzed.Then there was a wave of huge energy ripples from the impact point to all directions, not only crushing the vegetation and boulders on the ground, but also smashing the power of the power palace or the monks in the cultivation world who followed the giant fist or giant palm. All kinds of attacks, such as treasures and magic skills, were scattered abruptly.

Wu Yang and Ye Kong's duel this time is a big move with all their strength, and they both want to hit their opponents severely with one move.At this moment, following the collision of the giant palm and the giant fist and the explosion, the two of them were shaken to the ground and retreated violently, and the clothes all over their bodies were smashed to pieces in an instant.

Wu Yang's cultivation had reached the peak of the Three Tribulations, slightly higher than Ye Kong's, but he had not recovered from his serious injury, so after a hard shake, he retreated more than [-] feet violently before he managed to stabilize his body and was panting heavily.On the other hand, Xuankong retreated more than [-] zhang, but his breath was stable and his fighting spirit was even higher.Although the confrontation between the two was evenly divided, but after a long time, Wu Yang must be in a difficult situation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The wind is stronger than a sharp blade, the raging fire is like a stormy sea, the black sand is like a torrential rain, and there are all kinds of treasures shooting from the sky...

All the cultivators in the realm of self-cultivation or power palace displayed their own lore means in the first attack. These numerous attacks were followed by giant palms or giant fists. Although they were scattered for a while, they still collided together in the end.All of a sudden, the sounds were mixed and densely integrated into one piece, sparks were shining like stars shining in the sky, the momentum was extremely huge, but everything was chaotic.

After the monks on both sides bombarded and attacked each other, a big melee followed.However, Wu Yang and Ye Kong, the two masters of the Three Tribulations, immediately moved the battlefield to a hundred miles away in order to prevent their own monks from being hurt by their big moves, and carried out a peak fight between the two.

Looking at the entire battlefield, the cultivators on one side of the comprehension world are all two kalpas, and the number of masters of the two kalpas is one more than that of Mi Gong. As a result, the injuries were more severe than those of the masters of the second calamity in the Mi Palace; besides the minor injuries, the monks in the Mi Palace also had more than a dozen masters of the first calamity to help;


A huge blood-colored axe, more than ten feet long, with a face even more than one foot wide, with a bloody red aura all over its body, suddenly flashed above the head of a gray-clothed master of comprehension, whistling He slashed down on his head.

"Howling! Howling!"

The two cultivators of Mi Gong who were once robbed were like a startled rainbow, swinging their black spears or big knives, almost at the same time as the bloody giant axe, stabbing at the heart and back of the head of the gray-clothed master from the front and rear at almost the same time.


The master in the gray-clothed comprehension world gave a cold snort, and made an emergency sideways swing to the left, avoiding the attack of the axe and the combined attack of the two cultivators from Mi Gong; at the same time, with a flick of his right hand, two small black arrows shot out The palm shot out, and with two "cracks", it instantly shot through the hearts of the two cultivators in Mi Gong.The two cultivators of Mi Palace died immediately and fell to the ground.

But at this moment, a lean monk of Migong Erjie flashed behind the gray-clothed master of comprehension, and punched the gray master who was too late to dodge.


The gray "" master of comprehension world was hit in the back of the heart, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth as he retreated violently, and his injury became more serious.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A few miles away, a master of self-cultivation and a master of power are fighting desperately with bare hands.They were both tall and thick, and they both wanted to kill each other, but they were on par with each other and fell into a stalemate.But after a while, two power palace masters suddenly appeared and joined the battle group, which changed the situation of the battle and made the masters of the cultivation world gradually lose the wind.

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Xuan Chun and a cultivator of the Second Tribulation in the Cultivation Realm faced off with one palm, and with one palm, the cultivator of the Second Tribulation in the Cultivation Realm was knocked into the air, and hit the ground more than ten meters away with a "bang!", his life was on the line. line.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

The three power masters have been following Xuanchun to assist in the battle. At this moment, they immediately seized the opportunity to throw out their special treasures such as the black scimitar, the flaming red sword, and the ruler judge's pen, and attacked together. To the second-robbed monk in the comprehension world who hit the ground.

When the second calamity monk in the cultivation world was in danger, suddenly a gossip light shield flashed above him, "Dang! Dang! Dang!" It completely blocked the black scimitar, the fiery red sword, and the ruler-length judge's pen. The lore of the device.

Seeing this scene, the three power masters were greatly surprised. Suddenly, a black heavy hammer flashed above them with a sound, and it fell down like a falling planet.There was only a sound of "bang!", before the three power masters took any countermeasures, they were instantly crushed to pieces by the black heavy hammer.


Seeing this, Xuanchun naturally knew that Niu Zhong was the one who killed the three people, and he waved the snake spear in his hand in embarrassment, intending to kill the cultivator of the second calamity in the cultivation world himself.

But at this moment, Niu Zhong appeared next to the second-robbed monk in the cultivation world, calmly looking at Xuan Chun who was stabbing with a snake spear in his hand.

Xuanchun's offensive suddenly stopped, standing nearly ten feet away from Niu Zhong, looking at Niu Zhong who still had blood on the corner of his mouth and his face was a little pale, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said in a slow and cold voice: "Niu Zhong Heavy! The deputy palace lord originally wanted to torture you slowly after beheading the other villains one by one. I didn't expect you to want to die with all my heart.

"Have you finished talking nonsense?" Niu raised his face and glanced at Xuan Chun with disdain.

"Jie Jie! Your defense is perverted, but our Mi Palace has prepared a big gift for you. With this big gift, it is a foregone conclusion that you will return to Xixian today!" Xuan Chun glanced casually. Taking a look at the surrounding monks in the Mi Palace who are holding the winning tickets, instead of being angry at Niu Zhong's disdain, they laughed twice and spoke in a calm manner.


Niu Zhong was too lazy to talk nonsense with Xuanchun, and with a movement of his mind, he immediately mobilized the black heavy hammer hanging high in the air and smashed it at Xuanchun.

"Damn it! It's muddy enough!"

Xuanchun seemed quite annoyed by Niu Zhong's way of fighting without even saying hello, and he hurriedly floated to the right amidst his furious scolding.


The black sledgehammer fell through the air, smashing the ground into a huge crater tens of feet in size, and then flew into the sky.

"Damn thief, I'll let your bones survive right now, and you'll be poisoned for thousands of miles!" Xuan Chun grimaced, shouted coldly, then opened his mouth and hurriedly recited a spell, forming a strange formula with both hands at the same time.At this moment, jets of jet-black gas suddenly poured into the ground from his body through his feet.With the injection of black gas into the ground, wisps of light black gas suddenly appeared on the ground of Shino.These pale black gases intersected in an instant, filling the range of more than ten miles around Xuanchun like light smoke, and it is still spreading outward, and it is getting thicker and thicker. [

Niu Zhong has always been cautious in dealing with things, so naturally he would not be careless at this moment, and immediately activated the "force shield" to expel the surrounding light black gas to a distance of eight feet, and closely watched the development of the situation.

"Jie Jie! This energy shield of yours is for use in a troubled world with ten thousand poisons, attack!" Xuan Chun sneered twice, and as soon as he finished speaking, he violently stretched out the hands of the Jiefa Jue.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

Within a range of more than ten miles, thousands of poisonous vicious snakes suddenly condensed from the light black poisonous gas like a sea of ​​fog.These poisonous vicious snakes are as thick as the mouth of a bowl and several feet long.They wagged their tails and stretched their bodies, opened their mouths and shook their heads, making ghostly howls and wolves, and rushed towards the monks within a range of more than ten miles.



The two masters of the cultivation world happened to be in the light black poisonous mist. Seeing that the situation was not good, they hurriedly used the teleportation technique to leave the place, but their bodies suddenly became numb, and then they fell to the ground with a scream, and the seven orifices flowed out. Die with black blood.

"Ah! Ah..."

Although several power palace monks withstood the poisonous bite of the light black poisonous gas, they were knocked to the ground by numerous poisonous gas snakes, and then they were poisoned at a speed visible to the naked eye and turned into a pitch black pool with a foul smell Taste of corpse water.As for the two masters in the cultivation world who were poisoned and died at this moment, they have long since become a puddle of corpses.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Outside the center of the pale black poisonous mist, thousands of vicious poisonous snakes crazily hit Niu Zhong's "Power Shield" in batches, causing the "Power Shield" to vibrate violently.

At this moment, Niu Zhong's face was dignified. Although he temporarily used the "shield of power" to resist the poisonous bite of the poisonous gas and the impact of the poisonous snake, the "shield of power" was eroded by the poison to the point of "ss! ss! ss!" There was a sound, and the correction of the shield surface was rapidly thinning.And Niu Zhong himself tried his best to mobilize the "Power Shield" to move, trying to rush out of this light black poisonous fog area, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move half a step. The ground melted into yt.

"Haha! How about it? Only the first attack of the poisoned Wanli can consume you to death. Now you know that the strength of our power palace is imagined by your cultivation world method!" Xuan Chun looked at the struggling Niu Zhong, very proud , looked up to the sky and laughed.

Niu Zhong ignored Xuanchun, tilted his head, looked at a place in the void where the poisonous mist was blowing with the wind, and said angrily: "Okay! It's time to do it, I still need to save some strength to deal with it." Power King."

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