Chaos fairy way

Chapter 419

"Is it?"

The thin-faced man in black turned around slowly, his tone was flat, without any waves on his face, and he calmly looked at the chunky man in black who was wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Seeing this, the short and fat man in black felt his heart skip a beat. His panicked and sad expression suddenly subsided, and then he forced out a happy smile, and said in a very firm tone: "The lamp of Mi Wang's soul is indeed off. seen it myself."

"Oh, I got it, you step back!" The thin black-robed man's speech rate remained calm, and his expression remained unchanged.

"Yes! This subordinate...retire now." The short and fat man in black froze in joy, then he was confused, and then he was apprehensive, and he walked out of the hall in a flustered pace while talking. [

"Yin King, you seem to have expected the death of Mi King already!"

After the chunky man in black left, a man in green appeared like a ghost in front of King Mi on the left.This man, about thirty years old, has a lean and slender body, cold eyes, dark complexion, loose green hair hanging casually on his shoulders, a scar more than an inch long is like a vicious centipede carved on the protruding cheekbone The left side of his face highlights his cruelty and cruelty

"Hehe!" Hearing this, the thin-faced man in black robe (Yin King) smiled faintly, and seemed not at all surprised by the sudden appearance of the green-haired man and what he said.He tilted his head and took a deep look at the green-haired man, then moved his eyes down, pondered for a while, then raised his head slightly, looked directly at the man in green clothes, and said: "Since you have decided to follow this king, this king will naturally not take you Be an outsider. That’s right, this king had anticipated the death of King Mi a few hours ago, and this king has not reminded King Mi through the secret method of royal family communication. Sigh! Speaking of it, it’s a pity!”

"It's a pity? King Yin! Although King Mi and you are brothers, the two of you have long been in the same situation, and you both want to put each other to death and hurry up. This is known to everyone in Yin Mi Palace. And you are determined to For the Emperor of Yin and Power, family love is just a means to achieve the goal. At this moment, you are sighing with regret, it is not the emperor's doing!"

"For him? Hmph!" Yin Wang narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his wrinkled eyes showed a hint of coldness, then he hummed softly twice, paused, and sighed: "It is not Mi Wang who I feel sorry for." , but Ye Kong, his right-hand man. But your reminder, this king appreciates it."

"It's a pity for the night sky! So the night sky is your internal agent who planted beside King Mi, and he is already dead!" The man in green suddenly showed some surprise.

King Yin nodded and said: "You guessed it right, Ye Kong is the king's internal response, he was killed by the hateful cultivator in the cultivation world. But his death was worth it, and his death was exchanged for the king. An opportunity to make great contributions. And this king will soon avenge him and kill the murderer. Today, the king invited you here because he wants to share this great service with you."

"Seize the house? Great achievement?" The man in green was stunned for a moment, with some doubts.

King Yin said: "Yes, I will give you a chance to make great contributions. It's a long story. Before I sent Ye Kong to lurk beside King Mi, I planted an ancient spell on him. Soul curse. After planting this spell, the king can sense the position of the night sky at any time through the secret method, and this curse coexists with the soul and the body. Therefore, although the soul of the night sky is dead, the king can still find out his body The location, that is to say, the location of the person who snatched the house can be found out at any time. In addition, this spell has a more important effect, that is, if the person who has cast the spell is killed, the caster can also use secret methods to reflect The form restores the scene of being killed at that time. Before you came, I have cast a secret method to restore the scene of Ye Kong being killed. What is exciting is that when Ye Kong was killed, there were three other people besides the person who took the house Present. These three people, two of them are the important suspected mission targets of one of the two major missions of our Yin Power Palace. Now the Yin Power Palace has [-]% certainty that the two of them are our Yin Power Palace that will always be destroyed. target to kill."

"Long Fei and Niu Zhong!" Hearing the words, Lei Li blurted out, his eyes became sharper instantly, and his breathing became heavier.

"That's right! It's them. Lei Li! The two major tasks of setting up the palace, complete one of them, but also Yixue Xuanmiao's hatred of being tainted by Long Fei. This king's following gift is worthy of the first young man in your Yin power palace." The status of a master!" Yin Wang said with a half-smile.

"Secondly meritorious deeds, killing Long Fei is my real goal. If an ant in the cultivation world dares to defile Miaoyi and steal his yang fish, I will surely smash his corpse into thousands of pieces, smash his bones into ashes." Lei Li clenched his fists , the joints creaked, and a thick murderous aura burst out of the body immediately, and then suddenly thought of something, the murderous aura retreated a little, and asked worriedly: "What is Miaoyi's cultivation level now? After she returned to the headquarters last time, She couldn’t get out of seclusion, and the place of seclusion is only known to a few important figures in the Yin Mi Palace, such as the Second Emperor of Yin Mi, so I never found out about her current situation.”

"Before you came, this king had already learned about it with the royal father through the royal family's secret method. Xuan Miaoyi had been promoted to the cultivation base of the Three Tribulations a few days ago. Now, with her peerless physique, her combat power is no longer in your Yin Palace. The first young master is under." Yin Wang said.

"Okay! Okay!" Lei Li gritted his teeth and said two good words, then looked outside the hall, his pupils shrank, and said: "With three kalpas of cultivation, the yin and yang Pisces have little influence on her. I'm going to kill Long Fei now. Lord Yin, please teach me the secret method of sensing the body in the night sky."

King Yin nodded, twisted his right wrist, and a soul wooden stick flashed in his palm.Afterwards, King Yin handed the soul wooden stick to Lei Li, and said with a kindly reminder, "Long Fei and Niu Zhong can kill the masters at the beginning of the Three Tribulations together. Although you have the strength to fight against this king, you still need to be careful." .In addition, the killing hall should already know the whereabouts of Long Fei and Niu Zhong, so this king suggests that you use your phantom technique to make money."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for reminding me! This kind of love is deeply appreciated by this subordinate." Lei Li said respectfully to King Yin, his tone at this moment has changed to that of a subordinate to his superior, and it is no longer the same as before.

Afterwards, Lei Li took the soul stick, and his body turned into a phantom, which faded and disappeared instantly.

After Lei Li left, King Yin withdrew his expression, and said with a stern expression: "Feng, pass on this king's order to start the second step of the plan! Also, the first step of the plan, Mi Palace has been completed, but the whole palace will definitely be destroyed. And we While the Yin Palace completes the second step of the plan, it must not follow the same path as the Mi Palace. Therefore, all ministries must be rigorous in their actions."

"Yes!" A hoarse voice came from the inner hall of the main hall. [

In the western region of the sea, under the sea of ​​immortals, in the mysterious interface, the headquarters of the power palace, black towers stand on the edge of a large lake that spans thousands of miles, and bundles of formation energy threads wind between the black towers and the black towers.

"Elder! Elder! No... okay, no... okay, King Mi... the soul lamp is off."

In the tallest black tower to the west of the Great Lake, a man in black rolled and crawled to the top hall, shouting anxiously at an old man in gray in the hall with a terrified expression.

The old man in gray was about to reprimand the man in black for his recklessness, but when he heard that King Mi's soul lamp had gone out, his face turned ashen. Hurry up, send me an order to open all the big formations in the headquarters, kill all the Yin slaves on the spot, and let the death of the soul king not be publicized."

"Yes! Yes!" The man in black was already the master of the six gods, he only knew how to nod, and then stumbled out of the hall.

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