Chaos fairy way

Chapter 420 Eight Hexagrams Fantasy World

"Elder! Elder! Something is wrong! The Yin slave cell was robbed, and most of the Yin slaves were robbed."

A moment later, another black-robed man broke into the hall with an anxious expression on his face.

"What? Impossible, do you know that you should be beheaded for falsely reporting military information?" the gray-clothed old man scolded.He was shocked again, his heart was so shocked that it almost burst.With the death of King Mi, all the people in Mi Palace will most likely die under the wrath of the Second Emperor Yin Mi.Now that the Yin slaves have all been robbed, this is another capital crime that will make them lose their heads.At this moment, the old man in gray couldn't believe that this matter was true.

The man in black was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground with a bang, and quickly said: "Elder, spare your life! Elder, spare your life! This subordinate is absolutely true. When this subordinate uses the special secret method of this palace to receive the distress letter from the Yin slave cell, our secret hall Several patrol angels were present."

Hearing this, the gray-clothed old man collapsed as if unloaded, his face had lost all color and was frighteningly white.After a long time, he sighed, thought for a while, then gritted his teeth, and said in a persuasive tone, "Only experts with four kalpas and above can break into the headquarters' protective formation. Not all masters with three calamities or above have disappeared, and there are still many lingering in various sects in the cultivation world. The attack on the prison of King Mi and Yinnu this time is a joint sneak attack by these masters of three calamities and above. You reported these situations just now At that time, I was too flustered because I was concerned about the Yin Power Palace, so I didn't say it, yes!"

"No, the one who robbed the prison was a child and a bird with great wings that resembled a golden roc..." The man in black robe didn't know if he was an honest person, or if he was too scared to panic after being scolded by the old man in gray just now. blurted out.

"Nonsense!" The gray-clothed old man immediately drank the black-robed man's words, murderous intent suddenly appeared in his angry eyes, and then took a dark breath to calm down the anger of the black-robed man's brain, and said: "That's right! You Very honest, loyal to Mi Gong. Before you came, someone in the Yin slave cell had informed the elders through secret methods. This time, the person who robbed the Yin slave cell was a Jinpeng Dayi with at least four kalpas and There are many masters of the second and third tribulations in the cultivation world, which is why the vast majority of Yin slaves will be rescued safely..."

"No, Elder. The bird of prey that robbed the cell could see that it should have been promoted to the first kalpa for a short time, and it just resembled Jinpeng's wings. There is no Jinpeng's wings in the cultivation world, but it is recorded in "Yin Power Collection" ..." Before the man in gray finished speaking, the man in black rushed to express himself.It seems that he is really an honest man.


Before the black-robed man could finish his words, his head was blown off by a punch from the gray-clothed man, his brains spattered, and his broken body flew.

"Stupid to death! Then go to hell." The old man in gray was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and then shouted outside the hall: "Come here! Send an order! The headquarters of the Mi Palace is led by a Jinpeng Dayi who has cultivated to four kalpas. The rest of the cultivators from the realm of comprehension during the second or third calamity attacked and could not resist. In order to preserve our strength, this elder ordered all the churches and bases to evacuate this place immediately."

"Yes!" A reply came from outside the hall.

At this moment, more than a hundred small beige energy swords suddenly flashed in the void above the head of the gray-clothed old man, and instantly shot into the Baihui acupoint on the top of the gray-clothed old man's head.The gray-clothed old man had no time to dodge, his eyes froze and his expression froze.

After that, a white shadow flashed in front of the gray-clothed old man, it was Long Fei.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and he stretched out his right hand with a smile on his face, pointing his index finger between the eyebrows of the old man in gray.

After a while, Long Fei's expression was slightly startled, and then there was a look of astonishment behind him, and then a light yellow energy flashed from the index finger and rushed into the eyebrows of the old man in gray.The gray-clothed old man's body froze suddenly, and he fell to the ground with his head up "bang".

Afterwards, Long Fei thoughtfully turned into a gust of wind, blew out of the hall, and galloped towards the northwest direction of the hall.

Just now, Long Fei searched the gods and found out that the Immortal Sea Territory was actually set up by the first generation of the Yinmi Emperor of the Yinmi Palace, the eighth largest formation among the top ten strange formations in ancient times: the Heaven, Earth, Eight Diagrams and Fantasy World Formation.Heaven and Earth Eight Diagrams Fantasy World Formation is the number one fantasy formation in the cultivation world. Once it is arranged, the phantoms of the place are so lifelike that it is difficult to tell whether it is true or false, and it is infinitely changing. The mystery.Previously, Mi Gong successfully captured many monks in the cultivation world alive by using the magic of this formation.Regarding this astonishing secret, only King Mi and the old man in gray in the entire Mi palace knew about it, not even Ye Kong.This is because the old man in gray is the personal old slave of King Mi.

The heaven, earth, gossip, fantasy world formation is distributed in the Immortal Sea Territory, and its eyes are set in the Yin Slave Base underground in the Immortal Sea Territory.The specific location is on a mountain in the northwest direction of the Mi Palace headquarters.The destination that Long Fei is rushing to at this moment is the eye of the array.

Before speaking, Long Fei and others beheaded Queen Mi, and placed the seriously injured Niu Zhong in a hidden place in the small interface to heal his injuries.Afterwards, Long Fei, Wu Yang and others went straight to the Mi Palace headquarters without stopping.Arriving at the Mi Palace headquarters, Long Fei learned that Xiao Jin and Xiao Yu had rescued most of the cultivators in the cultivation world according to the previous plan, so he split up with Wu Yang and attacked the main hall of Mi Palace. Go straight to the treasure house of Power Palace.It was Long Fei's insistence that Wu Yang go to the treasure house, and the purpose was naturally to hope that Wu Yang would get more precious medicines to nourish or restore his origin.

More than [-] miles northwest of Mi Palace headquarters is a basin with a diameter of more than [-] miles.In the basin, there is a flat river, and there is not even a low mountain peak, but there are only weeds and dead trees that show a sense of desolation.

Long Fei turned into a gust of wind and blew to the edge of the basin. Looking at the scene in front of him, he admired the magic of the world of gossip and gossip in his heart. With his right hand, he took out a brown, simple and worn-out circle with Tai Chi gossip on it from the storage bag. Disc utensils.This tool was obtained from King Mi's storage bag. At first, Long Fei didn't know what it was. After searching the old man in gray clothes, he found out that it was the array disk that opened the eyes of the magic world of gossip and gossip.

Then, with the index finger of Long Fei's left hand, he injected a piece of Yuan force into the yin and yang fish eyes of the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram on the array plate.The yin and yang fish eyes suddenly blazed brightly, and black ancient runes burst out from the formation plate, and then gathered into a rune spur and shot into the basin in front.


The Babaili Basin trembled violently, and then a fissure suddenly appeared in the void a foot in front of Long Fei, like a split.Long Fei put away the formation disk, and his figure flashed and disappeared into the crack.

Following a flash in front of his eyes, what Long Fei saw was an extremely majestic peak, the peak was so high that the top could not be seen.

Long Fei teleported directly to the peak.

"Strange! The mountain where the eye of the formation is located is undoubtedly this one, but why didn't I see any equipment for the formation, let alone detect the slightest fluctuation of the energy of the formation?" Long Fei looked around in confusion, and couldn't help mumbling to himself. language.

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