Youlan Pavilion, one of the four renjian pavilions in the sky, is an elegant courtyard with a side length of about fifty feet.In the elegant courtyard, a rockery about three feet high is dotted in the courtyard, with jagged rocks and waterfalls; a two-foot-wide clear stream flows around the mountain, and the orchids on both sides of the clear stream are fragrant; Sihe elegant courtyard has six rooms , five bedrooms, and one Art Pavilion.

The Xianyi Pavilion in the east is five feet wide and nine feet long. It has a window and a door on the outside, sapphire heart windows, orchid carvings, which are exquisite; semicircular arches, emerald frames, orb curtains; the hall is divided into two steps, the upper step is higher One foot out of the lower steps, brocade carpets are paved on the ground, and a white jade square table is placed in the center, showing the noble spirit;

Long Fei and the other five were sitting on the ground in front of the white jade table, waiting for the arrival of Youlanxuan Lanxinxuan.

Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Zhang Shanfeng were looking at Han Ziling coldly with annoyance.

"What look! This place is indeed safe. The person who assassinated us in the morning was obviously a woman, and she will definitely not come here. Besides, what's wrong with enjoying the love between men and women? You won't They're all virgins! If so, it's really sad!" Han Ziling turned a blind eye to the annoyance of Long Fei and the other three, and instead teased Long Fei and the other three.

"Damn, who told you this! Staying for one night costs 20 wooden crystals. If you stay for three consecutive days, everyone's wooden crystals will go out to three out of ten. Then the big auction will be overwhelmed. Hmph! Wait until the end of the Quyi show Afterwards, everyone will do their own things, and those who want to be happy and happy will be included in the private account at that time. Big Han, please keep our voice down at night, otherwise, I will definitely hit him with a heavy hammer." Long Fei said angrily.

"When life is unrestrained, one day you have wine and the other day you get drunk. What do you want to do so far? Oh! By the way, our property is basically placed on you and Niu Zhong. Niu Zhong has a high defense, so there is nothing to worry about; But your defense is too poor, I happen to have a formation here that is very suitable for defense, it is extremely powerful, and will definitely keep you safe." Han Ziling's eyes flashed strangely, and he took out a set from the storage bag while talking A total of twelve pink color flags were handed over to Long Fei, and he enthusiastically told Long Fei how to arrange them in a low voice.

Although Long Fei was quite surprised by Han Ziling's great hospitality, he didn't think too much about it when he saw that it was just a formation, and put it in the storage bag casually.

In the following folk art performance, beautiful women are like snakes nestling on their chests, with white and tender arms around their necks, red lips dripping and whispering in their ears, sometimes the beauties sing and dance, sometimes the beauties persuade to drink softly, and there is even the elegant and refined Master Lan Xinxuan Singing and dancing, playing the piano in the month.While everyone was sighing, there was a word of coolness in their hearts.

At the end of the song, people parted, Han Ziling was drunk and fell in love, and left with Lan Xinxuan in his arms.Long Fei and the others declined the company of the four beauties, and they all went back to their rooms for bed.But Zhang Shanfeng was full of resentment, clamoring that it was fine to play around and play, but seeing Long Fei and the three of them going straight into their respective bedrooms, he could only give up in dismay.

After returning to the room, Long Fei immediately laid down the twelve pink formation flags sent by Han Ziling, and lay down on the bed to sleep.In the middle of a sound sleep, I suddenly felt dry mouth and tongue, and my whole body was unbearably hot. I was about to take off my clothes in a haze, when I suddenly felt a warm nephrite flung into my bosom; my mouth opened, and a spirit snake penetrated into it, sweet and saliva; Long Fei was obsessed with it In the midst of it, I suddenly felt yu-burning in the fire, and my whole body was hot; the clothes on my body seemed to be torn randomly...<Dream. "

Long Fei patted his head and rubbed his eyes, and said to himself.When he opened his eyes, he was shocked, the rags in the room were scattered all over the floor, and the floor was covered with silk; looking at the whole body, there were many scratches, and there was a pair of bleeding tooth marks on the left shoulder.I screamed in my heart: My mother!It is true!

Long Fei hurriedly got up and stood in front of the bed, only to see a puddle of blood on the middle of the blanket on the bed.Long Fei was shocked again at this time, thinking: Is there a mistake, there are still virgins here?

Afterwards, Long Fei's spiritual sense quickly poked into the storage bag, everything was there, and he was even more confused.Afterwards, ghostly spirits penetrated into the body to explore.

"Huh! Why is there something extra in the dantian?" Long Fei gasped slightly, and said to himself in surprise.

I saw a light green, crystal clear gem in the shape of a gossip fish suspended above the dantian spiritual sea.

"Ah! Heart-melting fish." Long Fei was startled again, couldn't help blurting out, his head was stunned, and his heart was full of doubts, and then he shouted in his heart: "Heart-melting fish, heart-melting heart, share adversity, live and die together; The girls here are too exaggerated!

"Wanbaolu" strange stone chapter records: Heart-melting fish, a woman with a mysterious yin body born from birth, stored in the dantian, shaped like a blend of yin and yang Pisces, light green, crystal clear.After having intercourse, Pisces separates, and Yang fish enters the male body. From then on, the two are in harmony with each other, share adversity, live and die together.

"Long Fei! Long Fei! You bastard is too much!" Han Ziling's angry curse suddenly came from outside the room.

With a quick movement of consciousness, Long Fei rolled up all the sundries in the room into the storage bag, and quickly changed into his robes.

"Bang!" The door slammed open, and Han Ziling rushed in angrily, and said again: "Last night, I had a good intention to ask a beautiful woman to accompany you; "Picture of Chun*gong" is for your fun. You bastard, you knocked the beautiful woman unconscious, threw her into the stream in the courtyard, and let her sleep in the stream for a night. Just now the girl woke up and troubled me, which made me talk nicely It took a lot of money, and it took a hundred thousand wooden crystals to settle the matter. Did you take the wrong medicine, bastard?"

Long Fei was startled again when he heard the words, and said in surprise: Ah!I fell asleep as soon as I got back to my room last night, why have I ever thrown a beautiful woman?So the person who was in love with me last night must not be the girl from the sky, so who could it be? Why is the array of <*gongtu' useless? After Han Ziling cursed again, he scanned everything in the bedroom in surprise.

"That broken array, what a fart! The pink one is so ugly. As for the compensation, I have already worried about it. The bedding, carpets, etc. in the room are pretty good! I will use them in the future. So I packed them up and took them away." Make up for the unhappiness in your heart." Long Fei suppressed the surprise in his heart, and hurriedly talked nonsense with disapproval.

"You are strong! You are too strong. Hmph! You have to give me 15 wood crystals, [-] compensation, and the other [-] is for disaster relief." Han Ziling looked at Long Fei's boiling water in great annoyance. The rascal, who was not familiar with the heat, yelled angrily, waved his sleeves, turned around and left.

Xianbao Building, located in the east area of ​​Tianjing City, has a height of three floors, and it is the place where the big auction of Tianjing City is held.The building has a total of four auction rooms, one large, three small, and the large auction room is a semicircular auction room with a diameter of hundreds of feet. There is a stepped seat inside, and above the stepped seat is a private room. Dedicated venues; the three small auction venues are dedicated auction venues for the three major class monks in the Concentration Period, Convergence Period, and Tuoyuan Period.The big auction in Sky Crystal City is held every half a month, and the small auction is held immediately after the big auction.That is to say, after participating in the big auction, the monks can also participate in the small special auction immediately.

Two days later, in the early morning, Long Fei and the other five arrived at the entrance of the Tianjing City Grand Auction in a grand manner.When they checked their spiritual sense, they knew that the guards at the gate were all at the stage of concentrating their minds. Everyone was startled and sighed secretly at the strength of Tianjing City.

Seeing Long Fei and five people approaching, the two guards quickly bowed and said: "Seniors, please come in."

Everyone nodded slightly, then walked into the Xianbao building.

Opposite Xianbao Building is a simple two-story tea house. There is a private room on the second floor, and a young woman is staring out of the window.This woman, with a green gauze covering her face and wearing a light blue long skirt, is tall and graceful, her skin is snowy and smooth*tender, her black hair is black and elegant, her black and long eyebrows look like pictures but not pictures, and her resentful eyes are looking straight ahead. Watching the back view left by Long Fei when he entered the Xianbao Building.

"Young master, you have been following that bastard for three days, you should go back and report back." Beside the woman in the blue skirt, a woman in a light yellow dress said softly.

"Ah!" The woman in the blue skirt sighed sadly, her body did not move, she was still staring at the window.

"Young master! Don't be in a daze. Not only did you fail the mission this time, you also lost the fish in the assassination target. Now think about how to get back to life!" The woman in the yellow skirt was anxious, and then sighed: "Alas! Xuan Yin girl, lost the fish Life is fixed, but you can't have results!"

"Go! Go back to retreat." After a long time, the woman in the blue skirt said weakly, although her voice was magnetic and alluring, it was full of sadness.

"Hey! That's the only way to go. It's a good thing that you have the body of Xuanyin, otherwise the Palace Master wouldn't be able to keep you!" The woman in the yellow skirt sighed helplessly.

Afterwards, the two women drifted away from the room.

Xianbao building, hall.

"Seniors, hello! My name is Qian'er, this way please!"

A woman in her twenties with abnormal sexuality, a charming face and extremely hot clothes twisted her body and came towards Long Fei and five people. Her seductive voice disturbed people's heartstrings.

Han Ziling stared straight at Qian'er's pair of half-covered weapons, and quickly opened his neckline to reveal his chest muscles. , Hello! My name is Han Ziling, Han from Han Ziling, son from Han Ziling, Ling from Han Ziling, they are all my younger brothers, if you have anything to tell me!"

As Han Ziling said, he casually pointed to Long Fei and the others with his right hand.

Long Fei exchanged a glance with everyone, his lips moved slightly, and said with his lips: "Han Ziling, this bastard, is actually so respectful of sex and despise friends, he belittles us and elevates himself when he sees a beautiful woman. Brothers, next time I know How to do it!"

Everyone smiled and nodded.At this time, Han Ziling has quickly entangled Qian'er, and the two are chatting passionately.

"Boss, yesterday I saw vanilla in Tianyao Pavilion. The price was [-] wood crystals. I only have [-] wood crystals now. You know that I need this grass to refine a furnace of elixir. Boss, can you Can't you give me some?" Zhang Shanfeng nodded and smiled at Han Ziling.

"Five thousand wooden crystals, little thing, take it!" Han Ziling took out a bag from the storage bag and threw it at Zhang Shanfeng without looking back, his eyes still glanced at Qian'er's big murder weapon from time to time.

"Boss, just now I heard from Xie Fang that there is a kind of elixir in Yunge that can cure my internal injuries, but unfortunately it costs 3 yuan for Mujing, and I'm still 1 yuan short, can you help me?" Long Fei approached Han with a smile on his face. Next to Ziling and the sexy woman.

The corner of Han Ziling's mouth twitched subtly, but he still said generously and boldly: "My brother, what about sponsorship, take it." He casually took out a bag from the storage bag and handed it to Long Fei.

Long Fei nodded and bowed again, thanking him constantly, and immediately stepped aside, letting Han Ziling and Qian'er go first.

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