Seeing that both Long Fei and Zhang Shanfeng had succeeded in blackmailing, Niu Chong hurriedly chased behind Han Ziling, and said honestly, "Brother, I am not very good at attacking, and I urgently need a mid-level attack weapon, but the cheapest mid-level attack weapon A high-level attack weapon needs 20 wood crystals, and I only have 10 yuan now, boss, just give me 10 yuan!"

Long Fei and the others stared at Niu Zhong dumbfounded when they heard the words, a deep smile burst into their hearts, but they could only bear it back, their eyes clearly showed great admiration for Niu Zhong.Xie Fang even subtly gave Niu Zhong a thumbs up, moved his mouth, and said with his lips: "Enough ruthless, you really don't make any noise, you are a blockbuster!"

At this time, Han Ziling's mouth no longer twitched, but his body staggered, he turned his head around, clenched his teeth, smiled with force, and said, "Don't go too far!"

"Miss Qian'er!" Long Fei didn't bother to talk to him, so he yelled.

"What's the matter?" Qian'er turned around and asked.

Taking advantage of Qian'er's turn of the head, Han Ziling hurriedly nodded fiercely, and said with his lips: "It's hard enough, but, Niu Zhong, Mu Jing has to pay it back."

Niu Zhong said with a blank expression on his lips: "Repay [-], [-] for cooperation fee, otherwise it will be down." Then he looked at Qian'er.

"Deal!" Han Ziling gritted his teeth and said.

Everything was completed in an instant, and when Qian'er turned her head around, their deal had already been concluded.

Long Fei was just right, and smiled flatteringly: "Miss Qian'er, my elder brother just asked me to ask if you are free tonight? He wants to treat you to dinner."

"Hehe! Is that so? Okay!" Qian'er smiled, coupled with her sexy buttocks writhing as she walked, it was extremely touching.

Seeing Qian'er's quick answer, Han Ziling felt relieved, and said softly, "Of course, it would be my good fortune to share dinner with Miss Qian'er!"

Han Ziling and Qian'er chatted flirtatiously in front.Behind them, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and Zhang Shanfeng gained a lot and laughed non-stop.Although Xie Fang had a strong smile, he didn't dare to expose Han Ziling's scar.

After a while, Qian'er brought everyone to a private room, which was a two-foot-wide room with a one-foot-wide window facing the auction stage.After a while, those who came and waited offered Beidou Xianmai special Qingling tea, as well as various dried fruits.

After the waiter left, Qian'er took out five soul wooden sticks from the storage bag, handed them to Long Fei and the others one by one, and said softly: "Seniors, the big auction will be held half an hour later. Wooden sign, everyone can learn about the relevant information of the important auction item first!"

The soul wooden sign contains information about important auction items.A day ago, Xie Fang told Long Fei and other three newcomers some common sense about the auction house.Among them were the soul wooden sign and the seating problem in the auction house.The entire auction house is divided into three types of seats, namely small stepped seats, large stepped seats, and private seats, and monks above the integration stage can sit in the private seats.There is also a very strange tool in the large auction house, called the treasure of knowledge, which can detect the strength of a person's cultivation base.This is also the reason why the guards at the entrance and Qian'er are only at the Concentration Stage, but when they see Long Fei and the others, they receive them according to the etiquette of the Consciousness Stage monks.

Long Fei took the soul wooden stick, probed in with his spiritual sense, and knew the situation of this important auction item.Among them, the Akasaka Sword, Long Fei was a little moved.There is also a golden marten, Long Fei has some guesses, but he is not sure.

After everyone checked the soul sticks, Long Fei and Niu Zhong began to meditate and practice. Long Fei and Niu Zhong would enter the cultivation state whenever they had free time; Bragging wildly; Zhang Shanfeng, with the temperament of a playboy, was in a daze for a while, and then wandered alone; Xie Fang was reading a book of alchemy while drinking tea.

Half an hour later, the auction will be held on time.

Zhang Shanfeng also returned to the private room in time, and said with a smile: "Everyone, if someone comes across what they want later, please tell me, I can help you move your mouth, and ensure that you can get what you want at the most suitable price." stuff. I'm an expert on it."

Everyone knew that Zhang Shanfeng was playful again, so he took the initiative to ask for help in shooting things.Everyone was silent and looked at the auction platform without squinting.At this time, two people came out from the backstage of the auction stage. One was an old man. This person was very old, but his eyes were shining with Jing, and he could tell that his cultivation level was extremely high; the other was a young girl in a green skirt. Qian'er is so hot that it is tempting to make mistakes, but she is very delicate.

"This person's name is Yu Wanli, the number one expert in the integration period of Sky Crystal City. He was originally a casual cultivator and has now joined the Heavenly Gang."

On the stage, Yu Wanli cupped his hands and said loudly, "Everyone, you are welcome to participate in this Sky Crystal City Auction. Many of you are old friends, so I won't talk nonsense."

Then, Yu Wanli made a move with his right hand, and two big men brought a long treasure wrapped in silk from the backstage and put it in the middle of the auction table.The girl in the green skirt gently untied the silk belt, and slowly revealed a long black spear, with a cold light shining from the tip of the spear.

Yu Wanli went on to say: "The first item to be auctioned in this auction is a mid-level treasure weapon, the Heavenly Transformation Spear. This spear is extremely sharp, and it can increase its strength when fully deployed. It is an excellent weapon for melee combat. The starting price is 20 yuan. For a piece of wood crystal, the price will increase by 1 yuan each time, so let’s start bidding.”

"21 million!"

"22 million!"

"25 million!"

The monks in the terrace seat below were clapping one after another, but there was no one in the private room to clap.Long Fei and the others naturally don't know how to take pictures anymore. They are no longer interested in this kind of mid-level treasures. They still have some left over mid-level treasures!

The auction items are being auctioned one by one.At this time, the girl in the green skirt was holding a box in her hand, and gently opened it, only to see a purple dragon-shaped grass inside.Yu Wanli introduced: "Purple Dragon Grass, in the shape of a thousand-year-old Jackie Chan, is the main medicine for refining the second-grade healing elixir Shengji Pill. The starting price is 100 wood crystals, and the price will increase by [-] yuan each time. The auction begins."

"three thousand one"

"Three thousand two hundred"

Xie Fang stared at Zilongcao, obviously very interested, and was about to open his mouth to shoot, when his mouth was suddenly covered by a big hand, and in a blink of an eye, it turned out to be Zhang Shanfeng.

Zhang Shanfeng covered Xie Fang's mouth, and quickly said: "I'll come, I'll come, didn't I just say that? Let me help you take pictures."

Then, Zhang Shanfeng cleared his throat, and shouted imposingly: "1 yuan Mujing!"

The sound of bidding in the entire auction house suddenly disappeared, obviously suppressed by Zhang Shanfeng's rich and powerful momentum, not to mention that he directly added nearly 7000 yuan to Mu Jing's quotation.

"[-] for the first time, [-] for the second time, there are still people who will increase the price." Yu Wanli paused, seeing no one bid, and said helplessly: "[-] for the third time, a deal."

Xie Fang knew very well that it was a good deal to get Zilongcao at the price of 1 yuan for wood crystals, so he smiled and nodded to Zhang Shanfeng to express his gratitude.After a while, a waiter brought purple dragon grass, and Xie Fang took out a bag containing 1 yuan of wood crystals and put it on the disc held by the waiter.

"How? The performance is good!" Zhang Shanfeng exclaimed triumphantly.

Everyone showed appreciative smiles, and the next auction was naturally handled by Zhang Shanfeng alone, and the others just had to say: "I want this." That's it.

Dozens of auction items such as treasures, elixirs, and materials were all auctioned away.In the private room, Xie Fang took some pictures of medicinal materials, Han Ziling took pictures of a set of formations, Zhang Shanfeng took some pictures of refining materials, but neither Long Fei nor Niu Zhong took pictures.

At this time, on the auction stage, a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi brought a half-foot-sized cage and placed it in the middle of the auction stage.A golden-yellow mink the size of a fist was scurrying about in the cage.

"Little golden mink, a second-level monster, cute and cute, it is the best pet for your girlfriend or wife. The starting price is [-], and the price will increase by [-] each time." Yu Wanli said a little depressed.I thought to myself: Tangtang Xianbao Building actually photographed useless pets, what are the people in the reception department doing for food.

"A useless Tier [-] monster costs [-] yuan, and the seller's head was smashed."

"Is the Xianbao Building going to close down?"

"[-] to buy a pet, it's sick!"

As soon as Yu Wanli finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion below,

In the private room, Long Fei smiled and looked at Niu Zhong, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said to Zhang Shanfeng: "I want this mink."

"Do you also want this kind of golden mink?" Zhang Shanfeng asked in confusion.

"Golden mink? Hehe! You just take the picture, and you will know the reason later." Long Fei laughed.

"Okay, no problem. I haven't participated in the competition for a while, and I'm getting bored! Since you are willing to pay me to play, why not do it? Hehe!" Zhang Shanfeng said with a smile.

Yu Wanli saw that everyone was talking about it, but no one took the picture, so he coughed a few times in embarrassment, his mouth moved slightly, obviously negotiating with the backstage vendor Transsion.After a while, Yu Wanli said with a bit of embarrassment: "Seller, let everyone make a price to see, and if it is suitable, we will make a deal."

"One hundred wood crystals." Zhang Shanfeng shouted.

Everyone burst into laughter, thinking that this guy is too capable, such a beautiful little mink, even if it is not a monster, it is not only the price.

"One thousand wooden crystals!"

There are bids for the ladder seat.Everyone stopped laughing and felt that the price was more reasonable.

"Two thousand wooden crystals!" A female voice came from an elegant room.

"Three thousand wooden crystals!"

"four thousand!"

Someone started to start, and the scene immediately became lively.Zhang Shanfeng didn't bid at this time, and waited quietly, maybe because he felt that the mink could not be bought at such a low price, so he looked at Long Fei, who nodded.

"He's nainai, even if he wants to buy a mink cheaper to pick up girls, he insists on making me bankrupt, [-] wooden crystals." Zhang Shanfeng shouted.

"Just in case!" Yajian didn't like his way of taking pictures of women, and continued to take pictures.

"Thirty thousand! Even if I pawn the underwear, I will get it. Fight with me." Zhang Shanfeng shouted angrily.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you, what a lunatic." Yajian said a little angrily at the woman.It may be that it is not worth buying a small mink for [-] yuan, or it may be that Zhang Shanfeng's nonsense words overwhelmed him.

"This man is really crazy!"

"Take the wrong medicine!"

"It must be a bastard!"

Cynics abound throughout the auction house.In the private room, Xiaoqian couldn't stop laughing while watching Zhang Shanfeng's exaggerated performance.Long Fei and the others were also full of praise for Zhang Shanfeng's acting skills, and they didn't believe that Zhang Shanfeng was a child of the royal family.

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